View Full Version : Pruning

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 5th, 2006, 11:59:22 PM
I've been thinking that we have way too many forums here and perhaps we need to clean up. Not that anything is official or in motion, but these are just my ideas.

1) We're going to relocate to Corellia after the Invasion forces us out, I believe. If we're going to pull this Empire thing off, we need a capitol less remote. We've already got dibs on Corellia from the Empire and through the reset courtesy of Lady Vader. Might as well use it.

2) I think the structure of these forums keeps the rest of swFans from knowing what we're up to or even that we're there. I'd like to propose that we eliminate the Training Grounds and move all training to the Star Wars Forum. Ideally, I'd like to get a little TSO tag or something out of the admin... I wanted to run it by you all before we even try to tackle the admin.

3) What in a black hole is our OOC forum? Is it the Sepulchre or Customs Outpost? Maybe its the Astroid Spaceport. Could it be the Catacomb? Which one is the one just for TSO members and which one can all rpers access? Should there be a difference? I'm very much in favor of having a single OOC forum, outside of the Elder's Vision of course.

4) The Citedel works. It's our rp home for threads exclusive to the TSO storyline.

5) Where did the Saiatah High Roller come from, and what's it do? Should we keep it, if simply for fun and games?

6) And I'm cool with the Sith Library I guess.

I've PMed LV about what needs to be done in order to change the forum names, hopefully nothing too huge. So lets see some thoughts or ideas.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 6th, 2006, 12:39:12 PM
Personally I think we should keep The Sepulchre, the Citidel, and the Library. My reasons being that I think we'll probobly be popping back here on Korriban to kill more Hunters and retrieve anything we might need, plus I have plans for a few threads that would take place within the Citidel forum. We might want to rename the Sepulchre, but in the end it should remain as a place for Council meetings, Important OOC information, and of course the hidden forums. All the other forums would be fine to treak and such.

But what I'm really wondering is if we're going to be allied with the Empire then perhaps we could get a place in the Imperial forum for us and our interactions between the Sith and Empire. As for Corellian Forums, well, we really need to know what our situation on Corellia is going to be; where will we be staying? Are we in hiding? And other questions like that. *shrug*

Well, he's a draft outline for the revamped TSO:
Green = Good/Keep - Red = Bad/Remove(d) - Blue = New/Idea - Yellow = Unsure/Don't know


The Sepulchre OOC annoucements, Eldar Meetings, and Hidden forums. Basically a RP discussion area
-Sith Catacomb The catacombs was, before, a Sith only discussion area, but with the new board format I'm not sure if our members get access to both the Catacombs and the Eldar's Vision or one or the other.
--Eldar's Vision Same thing as for the catacombs. Either all sith get access to this area or just the moderators- Which would be lame because that would be only me, Jorshal, and Yurza- and LV. I guess maybe that's not a bad thing, persay...

The Citadel Anywhere within the Temple
-Training Vault This is really not needed anymore, since we won't be training on Korriban anymore, or not for awhile. We could either archive it and remove the sub-forum or just leave it be and not use it

The Sith Library No point in getting rid of it


Customs Outpost We can do a few things with this. It's already located on Corellia but only serves as a place for accepting applications. What I think is with our new situation that we should keep this, continue accepting applications, but actually RP out people coming to the Sith to join them or the Sith going to to recruit them- no more of the silly "I make an application, its accepted, and now I'm suddenly within the walls of TSO." We might want to think about renaming it, but in essense it can remain the same as it is, only adding a small IC meaning to it.

The Lair Name sucks, I know, but it's just to illustrate the essence of the thing. We will need a base of operations forum. Basically our "Citidel" forum of our Corellia base. It will just handle everything, casual, that goes on within our base on Corellia. Simple enough, right?

Training Area I know you said using the general RPing area for training, but wouldn't it just be easier if we had a forum for it?

-Off World- We should remove this category all together...

Saiatah High Roller This artifact hasn't been use in years and wasn't even used very much when I first joined nearly four years ago. Get rid of it, we don't need it or use it. If someone wants to hold on to it then they can have it moved to somewhere else, say the Cloud City forum.


Asteroid Spaceport Needs a name change to something to do with Corellia, but other then that this OOC forum is great for anyone outside of TSO that has any questions and for random nonsense.

The Ladies Loung I never got why it was kept in our forum in the first place, especially since the forum is really hosted on Meras and not SWF. My guess is LV was the original creator and she liked advertising it here. The Ladies Lounge itself is pretty much inactive and only Ladies are alowed in so... let's get rid of it. Technically we do no damage by deleting it since it's just a redirection to the real forum on Meras. Is LV has a problem then she can always bring it back with a a swish of her pussycat tail.


Well, that's my take on the whole thing. Feel free to use the "Edit Post" mod power to get my list and edit and repost it with any changes you people think of. Oh, and feel free to compliment or criticize my list :)

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 10th, 2006, 02:11:55 PM
I like what you've come up with, could we edit your post to keep as an outline of what we need set up?

As for the Elder's Vision, let's keep it for a while at least. It's good for mod, you and me, hash outs.

The custom outpost, also keep it. As for apps, I would like to keep it yet make a provision saying if you want to rp out your entrance do so and no app is neccessary. I'd like to keep TSO open to those who really have little RP experience and keep it open to noobs, despite the problems they make. Once upon a time we all were noobs and our posts sucked but we grew better over time and with guidance. I don't want to eliminate that option for people to come.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 10th, 2006, 04:41:54 PM
Yes, you can edit my post and change around anything you want, or repost it in a new post with your changes (The latter would be better)

Yes, I completely agree with all the points in your post.

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 20th, 2006, 05:56:35 PM
I've just realized I never got a reply as how to change forum names from LV...

On top of that I have no idea where my mod control panel is and whether or not I have access to the mod forum anymore. Still, so lost.

And Zereth, is there a link to the bomb thread I could follow cause I still can't find it.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 21st, 2006, 11:30:33 AM
Link: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14955

I don't think we have a MOD CP anymore. I think are powers have been pretty much dumbed down to only being able to modify posts- edit/delete/move and that kind of stuff. I don't think we can change names or anything like that. Once we've got it all figured out we'll have to contact an Admin and ask him/her to make the changes for us.

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 28th, 2006, 03:40:12 PM
Aight, sounds good. We just gotta come up with the final list of forums then and pass it on.

I just finished a class for the semester so now I'm down to 12 credit hours, I'd like to be making more appearances around here soon. So I've got that to look forward to.

Also, I ended my Sarin thread with Tarsis. We're enroute to Corellia now for the regroup. How's "the Invasion Begins"? I think we should do a regrouping thread once the forums are changed in the similiar format as the whos still here method, but done in IC.


EDIT: I just looked at the bomb thread, as far as the general Sith storyline goes, I'm waiting on your reply to Jorshal's questions.

Zereth Lancer
Sep 28th, 2006, 04:01:29 PM
"The Invasion Begins" thread is finished. We just need to regroup and we're ready to go. And yes, I agree. We should wait until the forum reconstructure to regroup so that we can RP within the Corellia area we will be adding. Also, we should probobly create an Archive forum in which to store the threads from the areas we will be removing. We could, for the time being, have an Admin had a forum to the Corellia designation area of the TSO forum for us to RP in for now. Just something simple like "Coronet City", because I have a feeling that'd be the best place for our new base of operation.

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 29th, 2006, 08:43:01 PM
Ok I was just thinking of the IC reason why we could have this new base on Corellia and I'm not sure what area to direct it in. Should we make it public and announce that since the Sith are working with the Empire we get this shiny new temple? Or should we build it somewhere relatively secret, like underground or something, and just keep our presence on Corellia mostly a secret?

I think I'm in favor of making it obvious as we will be building an Empire from this centerpoint. There's the governor's palace in Coronet we could use... Really, this is just to we can figure out the premise of our regrouping. Based on the above outloud thinking, we could regroup at the governor's palace (to his surprise) and do the 'who's here' thing.

Could "The Lair" translate as this Palace? We could name it something obvious like "The Fortress of Coronet/Corellia" maybe "The Palace"

As for a training area on Corellia, I'd still favor training on the SW rp board with an opening demarkation that it takes place on Corellia or even off if it's a training mission.

Let's merge the Custom's Outpost with the Astroid Spaceport.

Anyway, let me know what you think of these ideas, if you make sense of them, its unorganized I know. We need something to present to the mods soon I think.

Zereth Lancer
Oct 2nd, 2006, 02:28:10 PM
I have in my roleplaying as Zereth mentioned "safehouses" and similar locations on Corellia that the sith have and maintain, one of these is a private hangar bay that Zereth always uses to dock his ships whenever he's on Corellia (As seen in the thread were Zereth upducts the those two members of the Krew). But the Palace might work too, and would surprised the hell out of the Governor. Perhaps the Sith have a secret underground complex located underneath the palace, a sort of safehouse or emergency back-up base whatcha-ma-call-it.

Yes, I now think I'd be best to keep the Training threads in the roleplaying area.

Would you be merging those two areas to create a single OOC or IC area?

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 2nd, 2006, 05:09:55 PM
OOC really, my impression has been that applications, shoudl their entrance not be rped out, were OOC things. And it might makes sense to have the OOC goofiness in there too with topic tags and all.

Zereth Lancer
Oct 2nd, 2006, 09:50:11 PM
Yes, you are right. It would be best if we our new applicants continued to fill out the application, but I still want them to have to RP IC-wise them joining TSO, no more 'My application was accepted so then I'm therefore instantly within the walls of the Temple', which has happened quite a few times.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 5th, 2006, 05:46:37 PM
I hear what you mean, I think most rpers with experience will want to rp their characters entrance anyway.

I'm gonna pm LD about forum name changes and ect. as I have no idea how to do such a thing. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Lady Vader
Oct 5th, 2006, 09:49:04 PM
I like how you guys have taken the wheel and steared the great ship of TSO about.

Any changes you wish to make are fine by me, so long as it keeps the TSO spirit intact.

And, yes, I do agree the forum needs a wee bit of a pruning. (BTW, the OOC forum was the Asteroid Spaceport. :) )

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 9th, 2006, 08:20:38 AM
Glad to have your endorsement LV. I expect the spirit will stay intact.

Anyway, I got a reply about forum changes. We need to drain all forums to be deleted of threads and place them in some sort of archive. I suppose we could merge them with another forum maybe.

We also need image changes as the buttons on our main image are useless now. PLus with the move should we change a few of the images anyway?

Zereth Lancer
Oct 9th, 2006, 05:16:33 PM
I think we should just make an Archive forum that sits at the buttom of our forum list. We can dump all the threads that need archiving into there. I don't think any of the images for the areas we are keeping will need changing. We will need new images for our new areas. I could try my hand at it, but I think we should ask Jen since she, I believe, was the one who created our current set, and I'd like something that went with the style we have already.

Jorshal Vuntana
Oct 29th, 2006, 06:38:13 PM
Ok, given my experience with group threads I'm going to say let's start the regroup on Corellia. I've got the Hara Kiri post done but not posted, I took a few liberities but nothing earth shattering regarding your characters. That story is ready to run parallel to the regroup. I figure while the regroup thread takes forever we can worry about graphics changes then. Did you talk to Jen at all?

Anyway, would you like the honor of starting another daunting thread?

Zereth Lancer
Oct 29th, 2006, 07:34:28 PM
Yes, I guess I could start it. But what about Hara Kiri? Should I have Alexia turn her over to the Empire now? Or should we wait on that? And no, I have not talked with Jen. I thought you were going to :)

Jorshal Vuntana
Nov 3rd, 2006, 01:46:10 PM
By took some liberities, I meant I assumed most of the transaction happened and took up where Hara Kiri is turned over to the Empire after a few security transactions. It isn't neccessary that you post in the thread, but you could if you like. :)

Also, I think I might have someone who would be interested coming up with a few graphics. He doesn't have a character in TSO... yet. But he's just now getting into the whole fans roleplaying thing now.

Zereth Lancer
Nov 15th, 2006, 09:28:27 PM
Sounds good.

Lady Vader
Nov 18th, 2006, 07:11:08 PM
I think we should just make an Archive forum that sits at the buttom of our forum list. We can dump all the threads that need archiving into there.

Actually, that's a good plan. Make a TSO Archive forum or something along those lines to move old threads (like from the Saiatah High Roller, and stuff like that) to it. You can keep the forum open so that ppl can reference the threads, but no posting should be allowed in there for anyone who doesn't have mod access. Just to keep things tidey. Besides, if it's a archive thread, there's no reason to post in it. *shrug*

Just my 2 creds as I pass on through. :)

Zereth Lancer
Dec 9th, 2006, 11:47:40 PM
Yes, LV, that is exactly what I meant. Glad to see I made some sense :)

Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 12th, 2007, 09:55:25 PM
So I started moving threads from soon to be deleted forums to the Library, which I believe can act as our archive for a while.

Also, I had an idea for some graphics for the main banner. Could we use some sort of rotating banner with one of the faces of the mainstay characters and something like The Sith Order: Korriban. I think it would be a good idea.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 12th, 2007, 10:25:25 PM
Ok, so I moved all the threads necessary and sent in a note to LD for the deletion of these forums and the creation of a new forum "The Lair" in the Corellia section. I suppose if we ever come up with a better name, it can be changed easily.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 13th, 2007, 01:38:07 PM
The Lair is a good name, Jorshal. You done good. As for the banner idea, I can see what I can do. I'll probobly just make a few of the most mainstream characters, and then move out further from there as other characters get more active or new characters join up. I'm going to go see if I can get an Admin to move the Corellia Crimson Tides thread into the Lair. Toodles!