Jul 5th, 2006, 05:48:53 PM
Kai Anaesazi sat silently in the small pyramid shaped mediation room, his breathing controlled and soft while sweat poured down his well toned body. The force moved through as a conduit and his mind was at peace. Then suddenly his skin grew very cold, his breath stolen from him. The padawan's body convulged as the dark energy surged through him, he tried to force his eyes open but they would not. He grabbed his head, his mind torn by screams and plies of mercy. Then Kai was thrown against the floor and his eyes opened and the dark cold left him. Kai laid there breathing hard trying to understand what force just swept over him.
He stumbled into the main courtyard holding his head still reeling from what had just happened to him. The courtyard was full of young jedi practicioners doing their morning exercises.
(setting: Jedi Temple on Ossus 2 months after the Chiss-Killik incident)
He stumbled into the main courtyard holding his head still reeling from what had just happened to him. The courtyard was full of young jedi practicioners doing their morning exercises.
(setting: Jedi Temple on Ossus 2 months after the Chiss-Killik incident)