View Full Version : Sith/Empire proposed story

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 5th, 2006, 12:21:35 AM
We've talked about it before, the Sith and Imperial project. I want to finalize the deal so that when our Invasion thread is over we'll give the signal and everyone will know what to do.

Here's our offer:

TSO works for the Inq., orders and all, for a limited amount of time. The Sith Order is going to be severely weakened after this Invasion, should the Imperials park a few Star Destroyers outside Korriban and make us 'an offer we can't refuse.' We'll hunt Jedi, sing and dance, we'll even contribute to the Coup (nothing quite like Sith having your back). For TSO, this story gives us a little something to be angsty about, fight the man and all that. For the Empire, powerful becomes and understatement.

But, I stress, this is for a limited time only.

Is this completely agreeable to you folks in charge of the Empire? If so, lets go into story details. If not, what need be changed?

Karl Valten
Jul 5th, 2006, 05:43:14 AM
Sweet, we can finally get the ball rolling. I'd change a few things up. Minor things mostly. The Inq will be fractured during the coup, they don't have a very good relationship with the Office of the Executor and not all the Inquisitors will want to side with him. So you'll could end up fighting Inq forces if you wish.

Karl would also probably keep things under wraps since force-users are still shunned and hated. If people found out the sith were working with him, he'd lose support fast. I don't see him involving the Imperial Navy at all with this, so he'll probably send Inq warships (modified Navy ships, no destroyers. A dreadnought or heavy cruiser would be the largerst vessel, possibly the Purifier)

How is the Inq going to find out that Korriban is the place to go? We could tie this in with what you want to do with Hara.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 5th, 2006, 06:31:29 AM
I have made a mistake, following our beating the Sith are regrouping on Corellia, not Korriban. Should you prefer to milk this information out of Hara Kiri, I'll be cool with that (she's enroute to Corellia when the thread takes place).

As far as masking the Sith during their stint with the Inq. I'd say it shouldn't be a big deal, the Sith have a miniscule public profile, a soul outside of select Jedi and the like shouldn't recognize anyone. You could introduce us as new hunters or whatever you choose, the propaganda is in your hands.

As far as fighting Inq. guys, I don't have any real objections though I don't want to end up spending too much time telling that story; I'm thinking a short, single thread as part of the coup storyline.

Regarding the coup: What is the projected real-time for this event to happen? We're looking at August for the end of the invasion threads at TSO.

Karl Valten
Jul 5th, 2006, 06:39:27 AM
I have no definite idea. Khendon's on vacation in Greece right now and won't be back until mid-july. I have the Inq prepared for the coup in a series of threads with various charactes already. All I need to do is cement the alliance with Khendon. I don't know what Khendon has planned yet. He hasn't said much.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 5th, 2006, 11:37:29 PM
So we're waiting on the return of Khendon then.

I have an IC timeline in my mind of events happening, here's what I believe is to happen.

*Sith regroup on Corellia, deal made with the Empire.
*Coup, Sith clean the up 'loyalists' to the old regime in surprise guest appearance
*Sith Order fills in for the Inq, Jedi hunting ensues, ect ect.

Any objections before we move on to finer details?

Karl Valten
Jul 8th, 2006, 11:27:08 AM
Not from me

Lamar Starworth
Jul 8th, 2006, 12:47:51 PM
Maybe the Jedi Hunting could be coupled with the influx of Jedi meeting together in the future because of the plotline being created about the Force-Sensitive young'ns being tested on.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 8th, 2006, 11:55:19 PM
Tested on or tested for Force sensitivity? I thought it was the latter, but I might be out of touch.

What does the inq alreadey know about Force sensitivity? I mean, is there something big that the Sith could contribute?

Ridwan Vars
Jul 9th, 2006, 12:30:02 PM
I believe they are being tested on, because of Force Sensitivity. In case of the Inq, I'm not very sure. From my knowledge, the Inq have a great deal of knowledge about the Force and probably decent grasp of it's heritage.

Sith wouldn't be a far cry from realistic knowledge by the Inq, especially since the Empire was controlled by one. However, Karl would know about the contribution the Sith could make within the Empire.