View Full Version : An idea...

Lamar Starworth
Jul 4th, 2006, 07:20:28 PM
I dont know if it's definate that it will happened, but with the presence of Khendon atop the throne I would think that my concept would be in order.

Personally, I was hoping to use my character as he grows still within the Empire, despite his clear affilation with the Jedi ways. However, that is a troubling situation, but I feel I have come up with an idea with the help of a little reading around. Maybe he could take up a position as a new department or organization within the Empire as a Knight of sorts.

Imperial Knight, homage to Star Wars Legacy, which would be replacement of the Royal Guards. Since the Emperor was the offical head before, and the Royal Guards were his personal guardians, maybe Imperial Knights would be the new face.

I know that Khendon had already taken an apprentice of sorts with Gran (sp?), so why not an expansion in sorts upon that

Lamar Starworth
Jul 14th, 2006, 06:44:06 PM
Well, since 17 people have checked it out, I was wondering if it was okay to bump it for some further input.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 14th, 2006, 07:44:05 PM
I believe that apprenticeship was before the reset. Wasn't it? If not, I don't have anything else to add. :)

Lamar Starworth
Jul 14th, 2006, 09:33:03 PM
Not from my knowledge. But if that is so, I wanna be your apprentice Khendon! YAAAAAY

**kisses Khendon's toes** don't pick Vega over me! :)

Khendon Sevon
Jul 15th, 2006, 05:43:17 AM
My former apprentice had to take a RL break from RPing. So, it's as if it never happened until he returns.

Vega is my current apprentice. Of course, there's still extensive RPing to be done there.

Uh. You're too old to learn the ways of the Force... yeah.

Go find yourself an Obi 1.


Seriously, though, if you want to have some Force powers, it'll cost you $20.

No, seriously this time:

Not everyone can be my apprentice. I'm currently only going to have one, as per Sith tradition.

I'd suggest staying away from the Force user route for now and really working on your stormy skills. I'm also going to suggest you start trying to become a General.

Lamar Starworth
Jul 15th, 2006, 10:37:17 AM
There are no battles to manufacture for me to become a General. I mean, with the coup coming up, and the attack on Chancellor Anar it could stall some things.

Also, there are not many direct conflicts between the Rebellion and Stormtrooper's right now. All the Rebellion consist of are Rebel Agents and Pilots.

Me, being the only stormtrooper available. I'm a man with a gun, with no one to shoot. What's a soldier without a battle?