View Full Version : RE - Pitstop

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2006, 03:30:30 PM
Okies... we have three days till we get to Coruscant gang. What sorta things shall we discuss on the shuttle ^^

Also, when we get to Coruscant, Lianna will be impersonating Miranda to go see her mother. Finally! We need some drama to include there.. suggestions?!

Ridwan Vars
Jun 28th, 2006, 02:51:03 PM
Discussion: Lianna's past. Ridwan would certainly be interested in how he could possibly bump into another Jedi after all this searching.

Drama: Hmmm...Well I'm not certain. Maybe a possible assassination, which would be really left field, but very possible. Or someone who has a political grudge against Miranda and putting it into play against Lianna during her visit to Imperial City (Coruscant).

Maybe even people that are trying to attack the Tarkin's fortune through Miranda, but since Lianna is there it can nearly foil the plan.