View Full Version : Alliance of Darkness (Ambrose)
Zereth Lancer
Jun 25th, 2006, 08:06:09 PM
Zereth Lancer's ship, the Star of Oblivion, had landed within the Sith Order's docking bay days ago. The Sith Lord himself had dispeared to his room and not a peep of him had been seen since. What he was doing was unknown to anyone but Zereth, and even he had little idea what he was to do. He was plagued with the neverending guilt of betraying Ashe's trust as he had done, and secretly he blamed Ambrose for the whole event. For the idea had been Ambrose's and Zereth had merely been caught up in the events and carried along to a destructive end. Now all he could do was sit in his room and fret about it.
Eventually he managed to pull himself together and once more pull on the attitude of the sith. He sent a message to Ambrose's room, requesting the sith's presence in Zereth chambers. They had an attack to plan and Jedi to eliminate. The datacard found in Ashe's room contained information on several jedi, such as names, physical appearances, and last mentioned location. Whoever had given the information to Ashe had been a fool indeed for putting such vital information on an unincripted datacard. They will pay for their foolishness with their lives.
Zereth considered going after them himself, but the datacard was wiht Ambrose and Zereth would not bring himself to stealing something from a fellow sith. The very idea caused bile to churn in his stomach. On his way back from Coruscant he had downloaded a long list of available Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and similar scum of the galaxy. Zereth and Ambrose needed a skilled hacker to get inside the Imperial Database and use the information stored within to find the location of the jedi renegades. Previous Locations meant nothing, but physical appearances and names could be searched for and hopefully found.
Now all they needed to do was find a hacker and plan their attack.
Ambrose Braeden
Jun 28th, 2006, 12:08:22 AM
Moonlight filtered into the room from the far left window of the luxurious room. There were many things that resided within the Vampire's chambers. Many of them looked as if they were as old as time. A lot of the antiques were cracked and withered from time, but the older and more significant an item, the more it interested the Sith. But the most important item that was in the room was a long wooden box that was very important to the Sith. A click was heard, and a few lights flashed from atop the data control pad on the sarcofigus in the middle of the room. A low hiss was heard as the air shocks activated and the lid lifted off of the base. Ambrsoe sat up and looked around with an evil grin etched upon his visage. As he gathered himself, aquireing his clothes and tunic and most importantly his arcaich lightsaber that he had made so long ago.
A knock was heard outside of the large oaken door. The carvings upon the door were useless to anyone who did not know the Vampiric language. Walking over to the doors, Ambrsoe flicked his wrist and the door opened. No creak was heard from the hinges as the door silently revealed who requested his permission. An elderly man stood in the doorway to the room.
"Master Zareth requests your permision in his chambers sir."
"Thank you."
With that the man walked away. Ambrose took one final look around before emerging into the grand hallway. Passing by paintings and tapestries that interested him, he finally came to the doorway that he had intended to. Zareth's chambers were not far from his own. With ease, Ambrose opened the gigantic door that led into the Sith Knight's room. Ambrose stood in the threashhold of the place.
"You requested my presence..."
Zereth Lancer
Jun 28th, 2006, 09:57:12 PM
Zereth ignored Ambrose for the moment as a few entries on the datapad in front of him. The list he had acquired was incredibly long and each entry held possessed the mercenaries name, a list of expertise, and a brief conclusion of all their acts throughout their carries. Many name sparked his curiousity, but only one held it for a long time. Whether or not they would use such a mercenary would to be discussed here and now between him and his fellow sith, "Yes, I did request your presence. Please sit down," Zereth said as he took a seat on one of the two couches that graced the center of his luxurious living room. The room had no carpet but was instead the floor was covered by hard wood with fur carpets thrown over it in various places. On the walls hung tapestries of rich colors depicting battles, mountain scenery, and ever dragons. Strange calligraphy was scawled across each tapestry. It was an old and ancient langauge known to only a handful of historians. Various weapons also hung from the walls; swords, axes, spears, maces, nunchucks, and many others. Each was a trophy to Zereth, the weapons of people he had defeated throughout his long life.
"I've called you here to discuss the hunt for the jedi described on Ashe's disc. More then anything I wish to make sure that you are still up to the task and willing to partake in the hunt. If not then I will continue on my own without you, but if you do wish to come along then you will find yourself welcomed on this journey."
Ambrose Braeden
Jun 28th, 2006, 10:30:45 PM
"I've called you here to discuss the hunt for the jedi described on Ashe's disc. More then anything I wish to make sure that you are still up to the task and willing to partake in the hunt. If not then I will continue on my own without you, but if you do wish to come along then you will find yourself welcomed on this journey."
As he sat on the plush leather couch, Ambrose listened to the words that Zareth said. He stood to his full height and walked over to a small table, and poured himself a small glass of wine. Returning back to the couch and taking a sip, he placed the goblet upon the archaic looking table. The Sith turned his gaze upon Zareth.
"I have wanted to hunt down the Jedi for centuries. To finally be rid of their kind will be a great moment in our cause. After they are all killed, we will finally have piece in the galaxy."
Zereth Lancer
Jun 30th, 2006, 09:54:01 PM
"Good, then let us begin the first step of our hunt here and now- today. We need someone to hack into the Imperial database and locate the jedi by their appearances and information. I've taken the liberty of taking a list of available mercenaries. I have been reading through this and I think I've found just the candidate for the job. The name he, or rather it, goes by is Ragnarok. It's a combat droid that owns a ship, a old battered skipray blastboat, and an entire command crew for it. By all means it's more then qualified for the job, being a droid gives it a natural adeptness when it comes to tackling technical problems. Plus it has had a long history of successful jobs, all done with excellent quality. I believe this droid could be our ticket into an Imperial Database. Now all we need to do is select which planet to strike. Many of the important planets possess an Imperial Database of some sort or another. Some are not as updated as the one located on Coruscant, but we have little chance of accessing the one on Coruscant. I believe that Naboo possesses a database, perhaps out of date, but it should hopefuly hold the information we require.
"How does this plan sound to you?"
Ambrose Braeden
Jun 30th, 2006, 10:02:01 PM
Ambrose thought for a moment about the different planets that the Jedi might have fled to. Although he wasnt certain about it, he had a few ideas. He took one last swig of the wine before setting the goblet down on the ornately carved table that rested in front of him. Standing to his full height, the Sith paced back and forth, his mind racing.
"I think that will be a good choice for an informant to track these exiled Jedi down. The planets that he might consider are the desolate ones, the planets that are not inhabited by many. Like Hoth, or even Yavin IV. Im sure the jedi would hide there, not many people to discover them there. What do you think?"
Zereth Lancer
Jun 30th, 2006, 10:11:05 PM
Zereth tapped his chin with a slender finger, "Yes, the Jedi have shown a love for inhospitable planets, but then again; many of them may have taken a similar stance as Ashe did and live in the city planets instead of isolation. We can only hope. If we can hack into a Database, such as the one of Naboo, we will have access to Imperial files for every identified and recorded inhabitant in imperial space. Sure people can slip through the system, but we might find one or two jedi this way. If not then we can put a bounty with the information we have and hope someone manages to stumble upon the jedi."
Ambrose Braeden
Jul 1st, 2006, 12:00:07 PM
"Yes, the Jedi have shown a love for inhospitable planets, but then again; many of them may have taken a similar stance as Ashe did and live in the city planets instead of isolation. We can only hope. If we can hack into a Database, such as the one of Naboo, we will have access to Imperial files for every identified and recorded inhabitant in imperial space. Sure people can slip through the system, but we might find one or two jedi this way. If not then we can put a bounty with the information we have and hope someone manages to stumble upon the jedi."
He was right. Ashe had lived on corscant so inhabited planets were not totaly out of the question. Ambrose walked over to stand across from his comrad in arms. As Zareth sat behind his desk, the Datapad casting light upon his face. The name that he had mentioned was not one that he had heard before. But then again, a history tells alot about a person, or a droid. Ambrose placed his hands behind his back, clasping them together.
"I have not had the pleasure of utilizing this bounty hunter myself, but his record seems credible. I know that the Imperial Database will have some information, but I think that we will utilize the droids hunting skills more than anything."
The Vampire had a crooked grig etched upon his face as he spoke his final words.
Zereth Lancer
Jul 1st, 2006, 10:38:01 PM
Zereth shrug his shoulders, despite the fact that the gesture went unnoticed by Ambrose. The vampire was lost in his own thoughts, looking to the future and whatever it was that drew his dark little heart. Zereth could have pricked his mind, but the very act would be unhonorable and disloyal. He would have to be content with what was visible on the vampire's outside, "Are you saying that you would rather this bounty hunter tracked down and killed the jedi himself instead of letting the droid find them and the two of us kill them?"
Ambrose Braeden
Jul 2nd, 2006, 12:33:56 AM
Ambrose looked up and locked eyes with his fellow Sith. They held each other's gaze for a minute before the Vampire spoke.
"No. I want nothing more than to end the life of the Jedi. Im just saying that I dont think that we will be able to locate many of them with the Imperial Database. So the doird will hunt down most of the Jedi for us and give us their destinations."
Zereth Lancer
Jul 2nd, 2006, 05:55:42 PM
Zereth nodded his head, "Then we are in agreement. I shall contact this Droid and provide it was adequate payment. The sooner we can get that step taken care of the sooner we can move on to destroying our enemy, the Jedi. Now, please excuse me. I will have to travel to a mid-class planet in order to place the call to the Bounty Hunter. We have no means of interplanetary communications here on Korriban, for the sole reason that we do not wish to be tracked," An explanation of his reasons was not needed, but somehow Zereth felt it was desired.
He got up from his seat and heaed for the door, stopping just before it to pull his red cloak off the coat stand, slip it on, and remove the various weapons from the table beside him and slip them all into place, "I will be back in a few days," He said before finally slipping out the door and disapearing into the hallway beyond.
The Star of Oblivion was fired up, preped for launch, and then last seen soaring through the atmosphere of Korriban. It disapeared into hyperspace as soon as it was free of the planet's gravity and sped off in the direction of Corellia.
The Jedi's destruction was at hand.
Ambrose Braeden
Jul 2nd, 2006, 07:13:21 PM
As Zareth walked out of the room, Ambrose walked to a window. Looking down, he could see the moonlight casting shadows all across the land. The Sith finally walked out of the room and vanished down the hall. He would wait for Zareth's return, but for now he would be patient. The time was almost at hand for the Jedi to finally be extinct.
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