View Full Version : Most Wanted - Gerbo lang

Rathe Maris
Jun 24th, 2006, 03:09:39 AM
Name: Gerbo Lang
Species: Human (half Echani, Half Mandolorian)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180
Age: 30


It's pretty bad when you grow the middle child and runt of the litter in a familey that is outcast by both there societies. Is true Mandolorians hate the echani and the echani think Mandolorians a mis guided sense of Honor. Yet still they are both honorable ethnic groups and that honor is what brought my parents together. Certain wars always seem to bring odd couples together. I had four brothers and four sisters in my odd family.

My sister all looked alike which was common for Echani children even half breeds like they where. My bothers also followed a similair fate out of the four pairs of two looked Identical. Me i was the odd ball the outcast in an outcast Family. So when I grew age and finally grew tired of my older brothers beating I left them all behind on that rat dump of a backwater planet. I don't know there fate when the empire came nor do I care my family is lost to me.

So this is where my real story begins on Duros. It wasn't much of a planet since it was infested with dishonorable alien species worst of all where the Duro's themselves to stuck on the pride of the ship build greatness. It was here being a low end wrestler for some small time production that I made a small name for myself.

Yet when you start drinking to much and raising a high gambling debt that small fame you collect ends abruptly. It was then my true professions started. You see I owed this guy named fargo allot of money and he was sort of incharge of small black sun dealings on the planet Duros. Now the black sun was having a hard time gaining a foot hold on Duros do to the Duro Crime family that pretty much owned the place. This where my true talent would come in.

Fargo instead of killing me off right wich I felt would have atleast been honorable due to the fact I owed him allot. Yet instead he indentured me a slave more so then a servant. He made me appart of his organization to buy back my freedom and what I owed him. It started off simple enough thu even if I thought death would have been more honorable then slavery.

I started off as a small time smuggler and Information dealer. You see with the small fame I did get on Duros I could at least influence some of there populace to give me what I wanted to know. For those that wouldn't tell well they ussually ended up taking a nice deep in a bacta tank after I was thru with them. So you could say I had a natural talent for getting what I wanted out of people.

I would like to say my story ends there yet that was only the begin. Thru working for Fargo if you can call never getting paid work I learned the ropes and a little bit on how the Blacksun works. Heck I even met some scum there that I would still call friends today if most of them where not dead already. I find you can meet more trustworthy and Honorable people in the crimeworld more then you can anywhere else.

The came the big Deal, Fargo offered me one big fat chance to wipe my debt clean and to have full time paid position under him. I didn't even think and took the job. Not thinking gets you in allot more trouble then it's worth thu. You see my job was to off some Duro named Chip for short. He was thought to be one of the top cabinet members of the Duro crime family. The offing him part was the easy the part I didn't expect came a day later when the local Duro watched busted into my apartment and arrested me for the Murder of one of the biggest ship Building companies on Duros. Also add onto that fact he was the brother of OW outcast Jr. Promonent Politcal figure and Business. Add also onto that fact He was an Uncle of the leader of the Duros Crime family OW outcast the 3rd.

Duro courts aren't slow in procescution I was tried and sentenced in two days. Them Duro's sure don't waste especial with outside species. My sentence was Public Death a very rare thing in Duro society it only happened when promonent figures where killed. I was to be feed to what they called the sea worms in the Duros sea. Now I still wounder to this day what these worms do to a person because it is there highest form of exicution. I don't know what happens because I was saved from that fate if saved is the right word for leaving one mans slavery and entering anothers.

You see OW outcast the 3rd had his crime family bust me out on the day of my exicution. I was brought before the Duro himself although I was less then impressed by the midget duro that resembled a child. Now I owed this man what some would call a life debt due to my half echani blood. I could have stricken that from my own personal code only being half echani yet I never did cause I never expect it would come into play. It's funny how the past comes back to bite you in the rear.

He accepted my debt but unlike Fargo he was willing to pay me for my services. Also I learned the reason he saved me was cause it seemed his Uncle chip was brokering a deal with the Blacksun but in the end double crossed both the Duros crime family and The Blacksun warrenting his death on bothsides. But for now my job was simple any information I gave to Blacksun I was to give to the Duros crime family as well. Anything of importance I learned from the Blacksun the Duros crime family would know it. It was a dangerous game I played walk a very thin line almost breaking my own honor code.

It wasn't long thu and my old pal Fargo was dead along with some people I actually respected and the Black sun going to crap real quick. Then the Imperials came and bad went to worse real quick. Then OW came to me asking me to smugle him off world cause his crime family had been busted by the imps. he also wanted me to get in contact with what ever contacts from the black sun I still had that where alive. At the time I didn't know why.

One day after have talk to a person a semi knew on a backwords planet on the outer rim OW turned tome with his new plan. He knew the Black sun was inshambles after there leader died yet he believed there had to be someone new at the top. Some one had to be trying to pull the pieces back together. thru a few Informants we finally got a name that might help us find out who that person was the name we got I didn't like Sorsha.

Now I barely know the woman only saw her ona few off world excertions with Fargo. I never ever really talked with her but she was one of those people you see and automatically dislike for some reason. Word thru the grape vine was she slept her way to her position what ever position that was I really had no clue. I knew she was up there thu. I also heard about her cruelty boarded on very little honor. I hated her with out even having to know her. Yet I still took OW to her probably a bad choice on my part.

It seemed when we finally met with the cruel woman she was the one at the top witch but a very bad taste in my mouth.OW did something I didn't expect thu he asked for a job it seemed he wanted back in the game. Even if it meant groveling at his former enemies feet. He got the job as for me I work for OW no one else so sorsha may have control over OW but she has no control over me. You see me and OW brokered a deal I owe him a life debt but it doesn't make me a slave and I have the right to say no to any deal or order he gives. But as the downside to that I must always remain in service and check in ever day at his office just so he knows where to find thru out the day.

My Honor code.

1.War isthe time for a man to stand up and make a name for himself or die trying but still one must stand up.

2. The weak, elderly, and children are bystandards and by no means warant a death other then a natrual one unless they get in the way.

3. All other wars are to be given respect until you face them on a field of battle and they are defeated.

4. Rapeing and pillaging are for thugs and low minded people thru winning a war your just reward shall be given.

5. Any man who saves and spares your life is to be served until his or your death. This servitude can only be given to one at a time.

6. Any man who challenges you should be given the chance to fight you on Neutral ground. The terms of battle should be his as long as the are fair and just.

7. If the man should drop you during the challenge consider him your better. If should drop him, he should consider you his better.

8. if he is to continue disrespecting you after you have won your challenge his death is warrented.

9. You may challenge any who you think may better your standing if they are defeated. Never challenge those that are weaker then you it is there spot to challenge you.

10. Earn your wealth thru deads and Hard work. Fight your way to the top and a god amongest men you shall become as your reward.

(the code goes on from there but they mostly pretain to daily retiuls that must be preform to keep ones mind and body insynce.)