View Full Version : Most Wanted - OW Outcast

O.W. Outcast
Jun 24th, 2006, 12:07:11 AM
Name: OW Outcast the 3rd
Species: Duro
Height: 3'5
Age: 40


Former crimelord of Duros. Son of an promonent business man and diplotmate of Duro, OW outcast Jr. .

Very few people know what exactly the real OW outcast looks like. As far as most people know he looks like your average Duro 7 feet tall goldish eyes. The reason for most people not knowing what OW really looks like is due to OW having been the head of the major Duros Crime syndicate. He had many enemies once Including the Black sun itself who wanted him dead for trying to shut them out of Duros. Most of the time he had his cousins pose at him for his meeting using his name and Identy to through off anyone wishing to due him harm.

In reality OW is a midget Duro only standing 3 foot 5 inches. He also suffers from a rare Duro deise that makes him resemble a child not the adult that he is. Another reason he hide his identy from people no one would take a man that looked like a child seriously.

OW is a master thief with a business mind to boot hence why he rose pretty quickly thru the ranks of the Duro crime syndicate and later took control.

Yet ever thing that Rises must fall and so OW did. As the Empire took control of the Planet Duros and began enslaving his people know best for the ship building. It was at this point one of his enemies took advantage of a situation. As Imperials came to shut down his orginazation after months of hunting it down. His enemy slipped in with them barging into a warehouse where OW and several promonent members of his organization where hiding out.

The assasin took his shot droping who he thought was OW but was infact OW cousin Cliff. OW narrowly exscaped the Imperial raid by posing as a street orchan child who just happened to be on the seen by mistake just looking for a place to sleep for the night.

From there he went to collect some old debts owed to him. One of those Debts owed to him was by a Half Mandolorian half echani man named Gerdo lang. Gerbo lang although truelly the lowest of low in the words of Scum had one heck of a sense of Honor. It was a cross between both Mandolorian and Echani codes of honor. It was because of this Honor code he owed OW the equivelent of a life debt.

Gerbo was an Informant and low end smuggler for The Black Sun before it started to splinter. OW convinced Gerbo to get in contact with his former contacts in the Black sun. It was thru those contacts they got one name Sorsha. A name Gerbo Knew and hated. Yet at OW request lead him to her perhaps she could get him in touch with some of the leadership of the black sun.

In that Meeting OW got hired as a new sub-luetent of Sorsha. His position and deals are still undefined at the moment.

Although much isn't know about the small Duro there are a few facts out there about him.

1. He has a thing for Human and Twilik women not his own race.

2. He likes fine cigars and whiskey.

3. He isn't about the money or power rather he likes the thrill of not getting caught.

4. Perhaps the most funny thing about this crime duro he has an unending appetite for sandwiches (SW equivelent of Turcky and Ham sandwiches)

5. also loves playing games with people and tricks on them. Due to his great sense of Humar.