View Full Version : Everyone please read:

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 21st, 2006, 04:04:41 PM
Timeline (Thread Directory) (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40653)

Please read this thread, and submit your threads for the timeline. The more participation we have the more complete it will become.

Noticeably lacking: Imperial threads, and TSO threads.

This means you! Hop to it!

Jecht Tar
Jun 21st, 2006, 06:22:38 PM
Sorry, but I see no way for us at TSO to actually fit our threads into the timeline. I don't even know where to start. Plus I find it confusing enough that the KA's interactions are put down under the SITH tag, I mean, how are you suppose to tell the difference between the actual Sith and the general darksiders?

The sith are just too independent of the rest of the board to really be included in anything. We're practically our own roleplaying board, self sustained and rarely in need of outside influence.

Lamar Starworth
Jun 21st, 2006, 06:38:12 PM
Doesn't mean that members of the Sith Order can not get involved in other RPs beyond their own forum.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2006, 06:41:01 PM
First, some of the KA are Sith actually.

Second, is it really that hard to try? The timeline is to help all people who post here to see what is going on. TSO does post on this board and for those that want to be part of TSO, having threads documented in the timeline can prove useful for current and new posters. The sub-forums are part of the overall board remember :)

This place can be confusing for some at first glance and a hub of board activity that you can scroll down makes it easier.

Also, when I get a chance, will figure out where to put some of the new Black Sun threads :x

Kyle Krogen
Jun 21st, 2006, 06:48:18 PM
Well, I would feel better if there was a way to seperate TSO from the KA, because new or uninformed members may look at the timeline and think that the two groups are one group and things would get very confusing. The real problem with putting TSO threads into the storyline is that I really have no idea where in the timeline our threads are taking place. We never acknowledge the outside world, The Battle of Endor, or really anything else. We're so self centered that there is really no way of knowing when things takes place. Also I'd have to find which threads are important enough to be included in the timeline, because not all threads are important enough; such as training threads and pety conversations between characters. I also feel that it's up to the people taking part in the the threads to add them to the storyline, not the group's moderators. So if a thread takes place between Tarsis and Jorshal then it'd be either of their duty to add them to the Storyline, because they might not want them in the storyline.

It's all a very confusing thing. I'll have to figure something out...

Lamar Starworth
Jun 21st, 2006, 06:53:21 PM
Until I started placing my own threads in the timeline I didn't even think about the time and place to tell the truth. After you start throwing the more recent threads in there, or earliest ones you'll get a hang of where everything should fit. It's like placing the outline on a puzzle.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:16:31 PM
I think we're looking at main plot driving threads that drive our board story forward.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:18:55 PM
The timeline is a BIG relief for me, because for several months I thought I was just too far behind things to have any hope of returning.

It allows me to relax and do the stuff I want to do without feeling like I have to compete with other people's online shedules. :)

Kyle Krogen
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:19:22 PM
Okay, but I still want something that seperates the Sith from the KA, otherwise I think it's just far too confusing.

Adia Issoris
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:22:12 PM
It says Sith/Darkside. You can say what it is in the thread description. How is this confusing?

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:22:21 PM
select 'other' :mneh

Kyle Krogen
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:26:50 PM
It is confusing because they both have the same [SITH] header, that's what. Call me a cry babby or sissy pants or whatever it is that passes off as an insult these days, but I would just feel better if the TSO and KA threads were seperated and not catagorized under the same header, because it makes them look like one group and as if they were allied or aligned together or whatever. In truth the Sith would be quicker to stamp out the KA then join them.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:30:21 PM
I think you're really overcomplicating something that was meant to be simple.

You don't hear me fretting over Black Sun not having it's own topic tag, do you? :)

Kyle Krogen
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:48:23 PM
This argument is obviously not going to get me anywhere, because nothing has changed since it started. I think TSO will just stay out of the affairs of the Storyline, mostly just because of all our threads I only found two that are actually important enough to be on the storyline and I want to avoid this confusion that only seems evident to me.


Adia Issoris
Jun 21st, 2006, 07:52:45 PM
So add those two?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 21st, 2006, 09:43:14 PM
Out of curiosity, why doesn't TSO participate more in the Roleplaying forums? Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough, but I've not yet seen a TSO thread where members (of TSO) join in with the other RPers here. We've got the Empire RPing with the Rebellion, what's to stop TSO from going after a few Jedi?

It would certainly make things fun, and give people more variety in their threads :)

Ira Yahff
Jun 21st, 2006, 09:54:58 PM
I was also wondering.

I've reached out on occasions and only have gained one reply out of the two or three threads I've created in interest in interacting with the faction.

Although the situation over at The Sith Order is clearly exclusive, I would be interested in seeing and indulging on RP with the Sith Order outside of Korriban if it was ever realistically possible.

However, I dont think it is very realistic to expect them to go beyond Korriban, which I think is the problem. In this era they are worst than the Jedi because they have been hunted a lot longer than Jedi have. Over the past few centuries they have been exterminated on sight. Well...despite good ol' Palpatine and Vader. :)

Mandy with an I
Jun 21st, 2006, 10:30:53 PM
Originally posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy
Out of curiosity, why doesn't TSO participate more in the Roleplaying forums? Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough, but I've not yet seen a TSO thread where members (of TSO) join in with the other RPers here. We've got the Empire RPing with the Rebellion, what's to stop TSO from going after a few Jedi?

It would certainly make things fun, and give people more variety in their threads :)

"Naalol Or Bust" is the only TSO/Other Group thread I can think of in the RPing forum, and it <del>died a horrible death</del> commited suicide.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 22nd, 2006, 01:19:27 AM
I was considering changing the [JEDI] and [SITH] tags to [LGHT] and [DARK]. Would that make it easier for you to wrap your mind around adding TSO threads to the timeline?

The tags are not meant to specify groups, only the type of story you're going to read.

Also, to say that you don't want to use the same tag as other darksiders are using is a little ... er... weird. TSO does not have a monopoly on the use of the word 'sith.' In fact, there are darksiders in the Empire as well.

Ivan Fortinbras III
Jun 22nd, 2006, 02:43:13 AM
Lol, first off people, breath. Secondly, step back and take a better loot at the picture here. Everyone and their brother has a Jedi, a rebel, or an Imperial character. There are so few of us that actually rp as true Sith. That makes it harder for us, as such a small group, to do anything of real importance. Sure, we could npc a large number of Sithies, but where is the fun in that?

Our threads mainly focus on ourselves, whether it be a training thread or a small off planet mission that has no involvement with any other characters except for the ones we make up. I would have no problem submitting my threads to the timeline and I'm sure Kyle has no problem either, but we just don't, as of right now, have anything except maybe two or three threads, which are not even finished yet, that would really contribute to the timeline. Once the threads are complete, I will submit them to the Timeline myself along with a few Imperial ones.

>_< Everyone happy? (This is Tarsis by the way)

Ashe Sieris
Jun 22nd, 2006, 03:06:33 AM
I just returned to the SWForums.net RP scene about a week or so ago and in that one week, that one thread that I RPed with Ashe, I had two TSO characters in it. I doubt this one RP is important in the Timeline but I am posting the link to it anyways so you guys will get the idea that some TSO members actualy do venture on the outside of Korriban.


So it isnt the group as a whole that is at fault for not venturing out into the RP section, it is individual members. If you guys want to be part of the storyline then go and make yourselves part of it. If you read through that thread, near the end, the TSO members that find my char, find information on some of the jedi. It could be NPC jedi or, if any of the jedi are willing to participate in this RP, they could submit their names and character's location to be tracked by the sith. Just an idea for an RP to get some of the TSO members out here in the open with the rest of us.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 22nd, 2006, 06:28:09 AM
LOL when I singled TSO out I did not do it maliciously. Tracking threads or storylines isn't of vital importance.

You do not HAVE to submit threads and it will not be required for anyone to do so.

However it came to my attention that many people simply had not even seen the Timeline thread yet and had no idea it was there. I only meant to draw attention to it. To be submitted threads do not have to be completed.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2006, 08:31:16 AM
Sorry if anyone thought I also meant mandatory or singling out TSO... LD did mention the Imps btw :)

I was just trying to understand why TSO didn't want to participate in the Timeline thread since they are a part of the board ^^

I would have no problem submitting my threads to the timeline and I'm sure Kyle has no problem either, but we just don't, as of right now, have anything except maybe two or three threads, which are not even finished yet, that would really contribute to the timeline. Once the threads are complete, I will submit them to the Timeline myself along with a few Imperial ones.

that's fine but also some of threads in the timeline thread aren't complete and are a work in progress too!

Ivan Fortinbras III
Jun 27th, 2006, 09:04:12 PM
It's all good folks ^_^

Blade Bacquin
Jun 27th, 2006, 09:40:46 PM
If you want some sith Based threads not TSO related just Blade Ice related. Not sure exactly they fit in the timeline.

But here they are in the order of there Happening

5 BE

Starts 5 BE
Ends 1 month AE
(So which ever one you want put it at is alright by me.)

4 Months AE

Two Unfinished threads that fit in Blades part of the timeline.

(this one was never finished hoping to reopen it though)
4 Months AE

9 Months AE
(currently in the making)

One thread that never got off the ground that was supose to take place with Blade trying to figure out where All the other sith had gone (tso mainly).

(never real happened but if it would have 5 months AE)

use what ever feel is valuable don't use it if it isn't.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 28th, 2006, 07:04:21 PM
Once you figure out where they fit in the timeline we can add them for you.:)

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 29th, 2006, 12:30:10 AM
Personally, I like the timeline idea and I think it helps to unify the board.

BUT, TSO is its own creature. We deal with a large amount of people and half the struggle is getting TSO to operate in unison and operating with the rest of the boards is something I don't believe is feasible at this point. As one of the mods at TSO I believe in developing the group like one might develop a character. Like creating a stable and interesting character, this takes time. I will offer to do this: Organize a TSO timeline for our members and catalogue the little things so that picking out the major currents is easier.

As for interacting with the other boards, I'd like to say that fractured is an understatement when discussing the Jedi. I would love to see TSO and the Jedi finally square off, but its difficult to do so. My Jedi, Rayna Eclipse, has had numerous run ins with TSO and this character I'm posting with (though its easy when you have control over both chars). I have every intention of linking Rayna with Kyle's group on Naboo and from there, with the small organization that exists I feel a Jedi/Sith interaction can take place.

Also, we had something with the Empire but the man we did a lot of talking to has been long missing and nothing came of it. Some talk with the Imps has lead to a potential story line, but I'll admit I'm not too familiar with it and this hinders progression. After our Invasion threads are through, I believe we will be in a position to make another story happen.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 29th, 2006, 06:50:35 AM
Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
BUT, TSO is its own creature. We deal with a large amount of people and half the struggle is getting TSO to operate in unison and operating with the rest of the boards is something I don't believe is feasible at this point.

No offense, but this sounds more like an excuse than a reason.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 29th, 2006, 07:03:40 AM
I don't understand. What is it that you're looking for then? Threads founded by TSO left open to all? Not one board functions with as many people as we do. And as I said earlier, we're working on putting something together with the Imps. Should anyone request a thread with TSO, I'm sure someone would be happy to do so. You asked for a timeline, I said I'll put one together. No offense, but I don't understand what it really is everyone is asking for.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 29th, 2006, 07:22:58 AM
Sorry, that came off harsher than I meant it to. It just seems like you guys want to lock yourselves away from the rest of the board. If I'm wrong, I apologize.

I just don't see the reason why you would need your own timeline for one. Just add your stuff where you think it best fits. It's not that hard. ;)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 29th, 2006, 07:31:37 AM
Originally posted by Darius Templar (Tarsis)
Lol, first off people, breath. Secondly, step back and take a better loot at the picture here. Everyone and their brother has a Jedi, a rebel, or an Imperial character. There are so few of us that actually rp as true Sith. That makes it harder for us, as such a small group, to do anything of real importance. Sure, we could npc a large number of Sithies, but where is the fun in that?

Originally posted by Jorshal Vuntana
BUT, TSO is its own creature. We deal with a large amount of people and half the struggle is getting TSO to operate in unison and operating with the rest of the boards is something I don't believe is feasible at this point.

I'm not trying to incite anything, but who's quote is correct? One of you says you're huge, the other says you're not.

I think though, that my main issue lies with the fact that TSO, or at least the way you are portraying it, Jorshal, is of the opinion that it is better than every other group on Fans - even Fans itself. I find that a bit arrogant, as we are all what make up Fans. If I am wrong, then please forgive me, it's just that the way you are wording yourself is giving off those airs of superiority over the rest of us.Ever since LV left the RP scene, I've always seen you as something of the 'head mod' over at TSO, Jorshal. So when I read something like that, it's a bit disconcerting.

I don't understand. What is it that you're looking for then? Threads founded by TSO left open to all?

Heavens, not at all. I was just asking a question about participation because I was curious; nothing intended by it at all. Sorry for the misunderstanding ^_^;

Not one board functions with as many people as we do.

I believe that it seems this way only because a majority of the members of the Enclave use their subforums for mainly bios and planning. Most if not all of their RPs are done in RPing, so they would seem very spread out in relation to TSO.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2006, 01:00:18 PM
Originally posted by Jecht Tar
Sorry, but I see no way for us at TSO to actually fit our threads into the timeline. I don't even know where to start. Plus I find it confusing enough that the KA's interactions are put down under the SITH tag, I mean, how are you suppose to tell the difference between the actual Sith and the general darksiders?

The sith are just too independent of the rest of the board to really be included in anything. We're practically our own roleplaying board, self sustained and rarely in need of outside influence.

I'd just like to clarify that the Sith at TSO aren't the only actual Sith at the board. For instance, my character Salem Ave considers himself to be a Sith Lord, and I know for a fact that he isn't the only character like that.

We deal with a large amount of people and half the struggle is getting TSO to operate in unison and operating with the rest of the boards is something I don't believe is feasible at this point.

From what I can see, TSO doesn't have a huge member base - given that there are a number of people there who have multiple accounts as part of the group. That being said, I'd say if it's becoming a problem to integrate the group with the rest of the community, try and hold back on recruitment for the time being, at least until you get TSO to a point where it's no longer seperated from the rest of the universe, because of being - for lack of a better phrase - wrapped up in itself.

Blade Bacquin
Jun 29th, 2006, 01:23:50 PM
There you go LD on where Blade fits in the timeline.

Jun 29th, 2006, 01:25:02 PM
Hold back on recruitment? Obviously you didn't lurk about the TSO forum before saying that. We havn't had a new recruit in months. And as Jorshal said, we are attempting to get into the grand arena through an alliance with the Imperials. Many of you may be unaware, but TSO is currently beseiged by Alexia Sturkov and her army. They are being slaughtered. A few will escape and form an alliance of sorts with the Imperials, more specifically with the Inquisition. So don't worry. TSO is trying to get out of it's shell. It's just difficult for us because we've been so self-interactive for so long. We've been trying for years to get out more, but our attempts have always failed.

But I must say that I feel like your all discriminating against us at TSO. All I hear is the majority of you pointing fingures and pointing out all our faults. Some of you offered ideas, but the majority of your posts is just telling us over and over again how secluded we've become or arguing with our statement. I do believe that we at the Mods and roleplayers of TSO and we are the ones who know it best, not you. Those of you who had TSO members had stopped using those characters and disapeared, or dropped out and joined another group. So why don't you leave TSO matters to TSO and get your noses out of my eye.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 29th, 2006, 01:28:12 PM
Those of you who had TSO members had stopped using those characters and disapeared, or dropped out and joined another group. So why don't you leave TSO matters to TSO and get your noses out of my eye.

and it was how you answered LD at the beginning of this thread rather haughtily that really started this :\ I'm not trying to point fingers but when things started off bad to begin with as TSO is all inclusive without explaning things like you just did, it ended up seeing as an attack when all we want is to have TSO be out more with the rest of the board.

I think most of the people in this thread debating need to take a step back and chill before posting again.

Blade Bacquin
Jun 29th, 2006, 02:08:22 PM
BTW This thread is in the wrong place from where I posted it. Not sure but it could be one of the threads from the little misshap where the threads got messed around.


It Belongs in the Saiatah High Roller at TSO not in the open forum. I just found it again a few days ago again. Do to the fact it wasn't getting any posts I just missed until then.

Miranda Tarkin
Jun 29th, 2006, 02:32:07 PM
Blade - I also reposted your list of links in the proper thread to be edited in at a later time

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2006, 10:16:35 PM
Thanks Bladey! :hug 'little mishap' ^_^; yes we can call it that. There are still many threads still out of place, but they're being moved back a little at a time. Some are hard because I can't be sure where they all originated from.


About TSO: This is not ever intentioned to be a thread to debate TSO's involvement on the boards as a whole. Nor is it one intended to debate who the 'true' Sith are, because frankly, you can all be Sith if you want to be. That's the beauty of SWF.

I simply wanted to draw attention to the Timeline thread and solicit involvement from people who might not have seen it yet.

That being said, comments were made on the part of moderators from the TSO board that, frankly, were a little out of line. Other people brought up some good points, people responded, etc... and now everyone's getting all testy!

Chill. Take a step back. I think we all can agree that the board suffers when there is no participation between members. Groups suffer when they have no 'face time' in front of new members. How can people join, for instance, TSO if member participation is only with other TSO members on the TSO board?

The board is of course the group's to do with what they please. And it is fine if members of a board don't really roleplay off of it. The Kuklos Ataxia board is similiar in that regard.

But I think drawing attention to it and saying "woe is us" and then telling people who roleplay Sith that only members of a certain group are the 'true' Sith is out of line. I do not wish to see this descend into an argument. I believe that no one really said anything intentionally to hurt the group or the members of TSO.

SO: the 'TSO debate' is hereby kicked out of this thread. I am also closing this thread. If people want to continue to talk about anything, do it in a civilized manner and in a new thread with an appropriate title. Timeline discussion can be done in a new thread as well. <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40761>link</a>