View Full Version : Danni and Karl's Swiss adventure

Karl Valten
Jun 21st, 2006, 01:30:16 AM
So anywho, we decided to start a log of our vactation.

Friday 16: 4 hour bus ride to Chicago that kind of sucked and a long wait to get on the plane. For some reason every flight wanted to leave at the same time so we got off the ground an hour and a half late. Free video games and a showing of The Pink Panther made it worth it.

Saturday 17: Arrive at Zurich at about noon local time and had a good 3-4 hour train ride to Zweisimmen where our grandfather picked us up an drove us to his house in St. Stephan. The rest of the day was spent catching up with the relatives there and killing time so we could get to sleep a decent local time and start getting over jet lag.

Sunday 18: Slept until the 6 am train woke me up and laid in bed until 7. Went to a church service in the mountains where grandpa was in the choir, then went for a hike. Got stuck in the 4 pm rain/hail storm and took cover in a barn. Smelled terrible. Got back and played a lot of pingpong.

Monday 20: Finally over with jet lag, woken up by the freaking cows in the upper valley. Today we went on an extended hike in through the valley to the town Lenk and took the train back where our great-aunt met us. Finished off the day similar to Sunday.

Tuesday 21: Woke up very early (stupid cows) and took an early train to Zermatt at the base of the Matterhorn. Went up to Stöckhorn and Gornergrad and did some hiking for a great view of the mountains and glaciers. Back in Zermatt we went gift shoping for people back home. Got back to St. Stephan at about 11 pm.

Lamar Starworth
Jun 23rd, 2006, 12:29:53 AM
What a summer you guys are having. Meanwhile, I'm stuck not only in the States...but my home state. No big trips this summer it seems for me.


Hope you guys are having a nice time over there. :)

Jun 26th, 2006, 05:49:42 PM
dont feel bad lamar, im stuck in my home too. Nothing planned. Have a good time karl

Karl Valten
Jul 5th, 2006, 05:48:04 AM
We're back, been for over 24 hours. We'll updated this in time. Now to get sleep then post in all the threads I need to.O_o

Estelle Russard
Jul 6th, 2006, 06:40:24 PM
wb :wave

Jul 7th, 2006, 09:33:45 AM
Originally posted by Estelle Russard
wb :wave

ya wb:D