Jun 14th, 2006, 08:23:02 PM
I have a pair characters, two brothers. Once (until I disappeared 6 months ago) they were the owners of a small but reasonably successful custom droid shop. But now, thanks to a few jobs that didn't go well and one brother's substantial gambling debts (and my own neglect), they've lost their shop and are now on the streets.
The Brothers
Kyp, the younger brother, is an expert at reading people and their intentions and ruthlessly exploits the ability to further his own and, previously, the company’s goals. Those that spend too much time around him may come away with a slightly uncomfortable greasy feeling. He's good at what he does, though. As a wise man once said "He could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman wearing white gloves." With the shop gone, he's become a small-time conman; his favorite target being conning widows out of their money. He's also the one with the gambling problem.
Anton, the elder, is social recluse, whose only contact with the outside world was usually limited to his brother and the company’s primary parts acquirer, the jawa T’teek. Anton is a force sensitive mechanical genius, able to take apart and reassemble droids with his eyes closed. He is a tireless tinkerer and is always building and modifying another in a series of “pet” droids. Even with the shop gone, he still has a small pack droids that are never far away. Whenever he’s in the presence of his brother, he generally concedes any and all arguments, which they get into often. However, he knows he needs his brother as much as his brother needs him, so he puts up with it. With the shop gone, he's taken to picking up odd jobs as a handyman.
Originally, I had a rather complex plotline drawn up concerning them, someone in an organized crime group who wants his money, and angry customer, a bounty hunter and a droid with an important missing component. Amusing hijinks would have ensued including mistaken identities and unlikely teamups.
However, I think I may have to scale things back. The thing is, I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea for a storyline that won't fall apart after two weeks. So I put the offer out. Anyone have a character that would like to jump in? At the very least, I would think the brothers would be wanting to get off the planet and lay low somewhere else for a while.
The Brothers
Kyp, the younger brother, is an expert at reading people and their intentions and ruthlessly exploits the ability to further his own and, previously, the company’s goals. Those that spend too much time around him may come away with a slightly uncomfortable greasy feeling. He's good at what he does, though. As a wise man once said "He could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman wearing white gloves." With the shop gone, he's become a small-time conman; his favorite target being conning widows out of their money. He's also the one with the gambling problem.
Anton, the elder, is social recluse, whose only contact with the outside world was usually limited to his brother and the company’s primary parts acquirer, the jawa T’teek. Anton is a force sensitive mechanical genius, able to take apart and reassemble droids with his eyes closed. He is a tireless tinkerer and is always building and modifying another in a series of “pet” droids. Even with the shop gone, he still has a small pack droids that are never far away. Whenever he’s in the presence of his brother, he generally concedes any and all arguments, which they get into often. However, he knows he needs his brother as much as his brother needs him, so he puts up with it. With the shop gone, he's taken to picking up odd jobs as a handyman.
Originally, I had a rather complex plotline drawn up concerning them, someone in an organized crime group who wants his money, and angry customer, a bounty hunter and a droid with an important missing component. Amusing hijinks would have ensued including mistaken identities and unlikely teamups.
However, I think I may have to scale things back. The thing is, I'm having a hard time coming up with an idea for a storyline that won't fall apart after two weeks. So I put the offer out. Anyone have a character that would like to jump in? At the very least, I would think the brothers would be wanting to get off the planet and lay low somewhere else for a while.