View Full Version : Fleet Combat Training

Jun 13th, 2006, 04:15:23 PM
The planet of Ghorman seemed to be peacefull from the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Osrick stood, hands gripped together behind his back, looking out into space. Only a portion of the Imperial Fleet surrounded the planet. Two Star Destroyers, equiped with the maximum amount of tie fighters and Storm Troopers at the ready, and an Interdictor Cruiser that was positioned a distance away from the planet. Osrick had comanded the captain of the cruiser to activate all four Gravity-Well Projectors.

The sound of footsteps could be heard closely, coming up to stop right behind the tall man. Osrick pivoted his body so he was facing Captain Odges. The man's face was in a blank look, and the commander knew that something was wrong.


"What is it captain"

"A rebel fleet has just enterd the system"

The Interdictor Cruiser had already come in handy. Osrick moved over to view the opposing fleet that had just entered the Ghorman system. A mon calamari cruiser and a corellian corvette were spotted. After a few moments though Osrick could make out the rest of the fleet. Hundreds of Rebel fighters were approaching the star destroyers.

"Launch the Immediate fighters captain. And I want all of the Stormtroopers inside of the hangar bay on the planet. No excuses."

The captain walked away and Osrick turned his head to once again focus his attention to the battle at hand.

Jun 14th, 2006, 08:36:48 AM
A web of Tie fighters and Rebel X-wings were scattered all around him. Imperial Tie pilots were very skilled in their profession, Osrick had no doubt that they can get the job done. Osrick looked back, and walked over to where the captain was standing.

"How many fighters have we lost captain?"

"Only five sir, we are still in good shape"

Osrick made his way back over to the window just in time to see two lambda shuttles depart from the Imperial Star Destroyer's hangar bay. The vessel landed in the docking bay of the planet. The stoorm troopers filed out of the starship. A holocron kicked on a few meters away from them. It was a man, bluish face and red eyes. They immediately recognized the comander. The leader, Tk-658, walked over to the holoprojector.

"We have landed and are patrolling the place sir."

"Good, I dont want anything to enter into that docking bay without my say so. Understand."

"Yes sir."

With that the image of the Commander faded. Osrick walked back over to the captain.

"Contact the other Star Destroyer captain. Tell them to send down thier stoorm troopers."

"Yes sir."

Teleran Balades
Jun 15th, 2006, 05:50:14 PM
Captain Alaric Cade patiently sat his command chair, his eyes fixated on the holodisplay of the battle. An aura of tense determination filled the circular bridge. The Mon Athamar and her lone escort really had no chance against a pair of star destroyers, but the crew only needed to hold the Imperial behemoths off long enough to reinforce the troops planetside. Hopefully they’d be able to last until the next wave of Alliance ships arrived.

Green and red blips representing fighters twirled around the tactical display in a lethal dance while the Large holo-images of the destroyers drew ever closer to the rebel cruiser.

“Sir, the destroyers are launching shuttles.” Alaric final had something to smile about, this situation was still hopeless, but at least he’d be able to hurt the Imps.

“Have two squadrons break off of the destroyers, kill those fraking stormies.” The message was relayed and two dozen fighters altered their course, engines carrying them at full throttle towards the defenseless shuttles.

“Helm rotate us 20 degrees port and bring us to three-three-zero mark six. Keep the corvette in our shield cover; we’ll need her once we get in closer.” The massive ship rolled and drifted into a position that would bring her directly under the lead destroyer while minimizing her profile.

The gunners on both Alliance and Imperial rebel ships waited, adrenaline flowing, as the range meter slowly declined.

Jun 15th, 2006, 08:58:28 PM
Commander Osrick watched as a number of the enemy fighters broke away from the battle at hand. Osrick watched as they targeted the Imperial transport shuttles making their way towards the surface of the planet.

"Sir, the rebel fighters are targeting the Shuttles."

"We have more than enough troopers on the ground. It is a suseptable loss Captain. Rotate the ship 40 degrees starbord. Bring us to four three mark 8. Target the Cruiser. I want those shields down now."

"Yes Sir"

A flurry of firepower started from both of the star destroyer. As the large Imperial vessel was pivoting on its axis, two fighters, a rebel X-Wing and an Imperial Tie Fighter flew past the command bridge. The engines screaming for speed as they flew through space.

Teleran Balades
Jun 15th, 2006, 10:50:58 PM
“They’re not sending any support to their shuttles” stuttered a junior officer watch the tactical display. Indeed, not a single red blip broke off the respond to the X-wings. Alaric glared at the lead destroyer; no alliance commander would damn his soldiers like that. Of course stormies are expendable, just pawns in your game

Emerald pinpricks suddenly appeared along the destroyer’s prow and Alaric’s eye’s widened. “Shields full forward now and brace for impact!” The pinpricks turned into meter wide turbolaser blasts and slammed into the Mon Athamar. The massive vessel shuddered as the shields struggled to hold up against the volley. But as soon as it began, it was over; the splashes of fire dissipated and the shields held. A brief calm settle as the Imperial batteries recycled.

“Shunt energy reserves into shields.” The captain was grateful once again for the Mon Calamari designers, the back-up shield projectors added a much needed layer of protection against the larger destroyers.

“Get those fighters to pour some torpedoes into that destroyer’s dorsal side. Keep her shields honest.” With attacks to both the ventral and dorsal sides, the destroyers wouldn’t be able to focus her shields in a single arc.

Alaric stood in defiance at the destroyer. Bring it on

“Fire at will”

Jun 16th, 2006, 12:03:25 AM
The two starships fired all of thier weapons at one another, as if they were in ancient times and two sea bearing ships were in combat. Osrick could see that the rebel fighters broke away from their attack vector and had a new target. The star destroyer rocked for a second from the impact of the torpedo's fireing at it.

"I want those rebel fighters destroyed now captain."

"Yes sir"

Osrick walked over to the comunications pannel and flipped a switch. On the other Star destroyer, a light flickered to life, and the radio made a crackling sound as Commander Osrick's voice was heard through the loud speaker.

"Target the engines of the mon calamari cruiser. Disable the ship as soon as possible."

Osrick let go of the button that he had been pressing alowing comunications between the two Imperial vessels. Osrick would now demonstrate why the Imperial forces would overcome any obstacle.

Teleran Balades
Jun 18th, 2006, 09:19:52 AM
(ooc: Please forgive any spelling or grammar errors. I`m using a swiss keyboard so the keys are mixed around and the spell checker is in German.)

The Mon Athamar slowly plowed on through the storm of turbolaser and ion cannon blasts, the energy nearly turning her battered shields opaque. She rocked as several shots pushed through the protective barrier before the generators could compensate. A handfull a TIEs bombers slipped past the Mon Cal’s defenses as well, their concussion missiles ripping into heavy durasteel armor.

The Imperial craft suffered similar damage as concentrated torpedo barrages overwhelmed sections of her shields. Tell-tales arcs of blue lightning creasing the hull marked where a stray ion bolt impacted the hull.

“Captain, our shields are failing!” Alaric to motioned the comm officer. “Lieutenant tell our corvette to strafe the bridge, see if that can buy us more some time.”

Even as the Corvette left the safety of the [I]Athamar[/]’s shields, the second Imperial destroyer finally drew line of sight across her sister ship’s massive bulk. In a hail of focused green energy, the rebel cruiser’s shields failed completely. Armored plating vaporized and plumes of fire shot out into space where inner bulkheads where breached. Dozens of crew members were sucked out into the freezing void.

Captain Cade, knocked down from the attack, struggled to his feet. He was met by the groans of others fighting to get to their stations. “Damage report.”

A coughing engineer waved away the smoke from a sparking console. “Back-up generators have stablized our shields and all hull breaches have been locked down. We did lose the decks eight and nine turbolasers.” The sullistans’s fingers flew across the console, her lip-folds quivered as she found the extent of the damage. “Our port-wing reactor core has been ruptured. I’m guessing we have about two minutes before the energy reserves are drained.”

Alaric grimaced. “Keep them running as long as you can.”

Jun 19th, 2006, 01:12:28 PM
Osrick could see that the Rebel Capital ship faulter as the shields were disabled from damage. Within moments he could see the reserves that the Rebels had not planned to use fire to life as a last resort. Osrick knew that the Cruiser was desperate to stay in the battle. A large explosion in the Commander's perifail vision notified him that the lambda shuttles that were carying the last of the storm troopers to the planets surface explode with a burst of flame.

"Sir our shields are about to be depleated."

"Focus all energy to the deflector shieds captain."

"Yes sir."

Osrick walked once more over to the speaker system that allowed comunication between the two Imperial Starships. Once again pressing the small blue button, the speakers crackeled to life once more.

"Captain, Once the Cruiser is destroyed, I want the corvette taken hostage. No excuses Captain."

Teleran Balades
Jul 7th, 2006, 03:51:36 PM
Alaric kept a death grip on the edge of his command chair, trying to keep on hs feet as the Athamar shook from the relentless broadsides from the destroyer. All around him sparks rained from various equipment, glow panels shattered, control consoles fizzled as their resistors overloaded, ceiling plates clattered to the ground exposing overhead wiring.

The captain managed to get a look at the holo-display, only 20 seconds until the two ships passed. The rebels would get maybe a few minutes rest as the Star Destroyers looped their massive bulks around for another pass.

Glaring at the Imperial vessel, Cade thumbed the comm. "Frak these nerf-herders. Cease fire, Red squadron, blast a hole in their shields. guns, I want a concentrated barrage as soon as their defenses drop. Ion cannons, hit her engines as we pass."

He was fed up with this, the Imperials may have the upper hand, but he would make sure their commander would remeber this for a long time.

Lieutenant Lorros jerked back the throttle and slammed his foot down on the rudder pedal, gritting his teeth as the inetial compensators threatened to fail. His X-wing wheeled around nintey degrees, bringing the TIE that had been threatening him into his cross-hairs. The Imp pilot was able to get off a pair of shots that spattered off the X-wing's shields before Lorros pulled the trigger. A quartet of scarlet bolts lanced, out blasting straight through the TIE's cockpit; the engines detonated turning the eyeball into a miniature supernova.

"You heard the Captain boys and girls, anyone still alive form up on my." Lorros's call was answer by the 6 other living members of red squadron. As one, the fighter's arced over the corvette as it's double turbolaser cannons spat plasma into the shields protecting the Destroyer's bridge. The six X-wings rounded the small capitol ships hull and lined up with the Imp command ship.

Lorros linkedhis torpedoes and waited for the target lock. "Fire on my mark." Sweat drip down his temples as laser blasts danced around him, he heard the scream of one of his pilots as a stray turbolaser incinerated her fighter. The recticle flashed red.

"Mark!" Ten torpedoes streaked out, the combined force of the explosion would certainly be enough to knock down the Imp shields long enough for the Athamar's guns to wreak havok on her undefended flank. Lorros grinned, hell, maybe the corvette would even take out the bridge, if not one of the shield generators.

The lieutenant switched to laser and bank to engage the fighters once more. His path carried him straight into a stream of heavy laser fire.

Jul 11th, 2006, 09:22:34 AM
Osrick knew that he was in trouble. As the torpedo's streaked across the vastness of space, racing towards his ship, Commander Osrick turned towards his forward comand.

"Focus all power to the forward deflector shield. Prepare to fire the emergency boosters."

"Yes Sir."

Osrick walked over to the holo cam field. Inside the Imperial squadron leader's fighter, a small image of the Commander came to life.

"Captain, I want you to execute the manuver we discussed."

"Yes sir."

With that the image of the Chiss Commander faded away. The Tie Fighter leader flipped a switch and was able to once again communicate with his squadron.

"Ok guys. It is time to pull off the formation we practiced. Wing one, I want you to fire on my mark, and Wing two, fire five seconds after him, and Wing three fire five seconds after him."

After the captain gave the string of coordinates to the three wings, he repeated that to all of his men. Fire volleyed forth from the Tie Fighters. As the rebel fighters pivoted on thier axis to avoid the first blast of fire, they were intercepted by the second wave of fire. This was a good manuver to take rebel fighters out fast.

The torpedo's hit the star destroyer and the deflector shield sizzled a bit before shutting off. Osrick looked over at his forward command and gave the order, the emergency boosters had kicked on but for how long they would last he was not sure.

Teleran Balades
Jul 31st, 2006, 10:13:31 PM
(I apologize for the late reply, I had time last week. I have no reasonable excuse for holding you up)

The captain stared hard at the tactical display as he breathlessly awaited the results of the torpedo salvo. A shimmer rippled across the hull from the shields straining against the explosions before they winked out of existance. All of a sudden the huge vessel lurched away from Athamar. Alarcis eye's widened seeing the last warheads only causing superficial damage.

"Frell, what happened."

"They used the emergency thrusters, sir."

A hate-filled glare slowly melted into a malicious laugh. Alaric ignored the startled looks of his shipmmates, he kept on. One nervous officer spoke up. "Sir?" Clearing his eyes, the captain walked over to tac-display controls. Alaric muffled another burst of laughter.

"The boosted away from us, a ship that size isn't supposed to move that fast. "

The hologram rotated to show the opposite side of the destroyer that had just dodged out of the way. It showed the huge vessel drifting directly towards her sister ship.

"They won't be able correct thier course fast enough to avoid a collision unless they pull another stunt like that. If the don't hit each other it'll take 'em forever to straighten out the mess and loop around.

One could feel the spirits lifting among the alliance personnel as the opposing vessels drifted past each other. The Athamar limped along with gouts of flame shouting out from dozens of rents on her port side. Ahead of them lay the world of Gorman with the destroyers in a peculiar situation behind them. Even with there engines in critical condition, inertia would carry the rebel ship closer.