View Full Version : PN Roll Call!

Victor Crestmere
May 25th, 2006, 07:40:03 PM
It's that time again. Sound off like you've got a pair!

Bren'lar Scothis
May 25th, 2006, 07:43:08 PM
Master-Sergeant Bren’lar Scothis, locked and loaded!

Y'lor Jerrard
May 25th, 2006, 07:44:27 PM
Lieutenant 1st Class Ylor Jerrard, present and accounted for.

Khendon Sevon
May 25th, 2006, 07:47:59 PM
Emperor Khendon Sevon...

Oh. Right.

Sorry, got caught up in the moment.

And I still need to stage my takeover.

Karl Valten
May 25th, 2006, 10:03:34 PM
Acting High Inquisitor Karl Valten, presiding.

Naomi Lang
May 25th, 2006, 10:05:23 PM
Lieutenant 2nd Class Naomi Lang, ready to rumble.

Victor Crestmere
May 27th, 2006, 11:22:20 AM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Emperor Khendon Sevon...

Oh. Right.

Sorry, got caught up in the moment.

And I still need to stage my takeover.

Take overs are good ^_^

Anyways, the reason I started this thread was so that I could see who was still around because I've been cooking up a mission for us. It's a very simple mission and I'm pretty sure, if it was needed, we could tie it into your take over Khendon >_<


So yeah, the mission... Anyone here seen the movie Munich? Well, if you haven’t, the whole plot behind the movie is that Iraqi terrorist have taken Israeli Olympic stars hostage threatening to kill them if 200 hundred of their terrorist buddies are not released from Israeli prisons. Well things go sour and all the hostages are killed. This provokes the Munich government to take action and they do. They create a five man hit team with the soul purpose of taking out 11 targets who just so happen to be the main organizers of Black September (the name of the terrorist group.)

So yeah, my idea is something similar except for the fact that we already have the five man team XP. I was thinking we could intercept rebel intelligence and figure out that they were planning a bombing or something like that, maybe an assassination, who knows. Anyways, PN would take this info and put it to use, organizing a plan to stop the bombing/assassination/ whatever.

It's a simple mission, just something to put us on the boards again. Any ideas, questions, comments, feel free to post them. I would love to shoot them down, lol jk. It's good feed back, so post any you might have.

Karl Valten
May 30th, 2006, 06:59:52 PM
I like it, but my online time will be limited soon. Have you talked to any rebels yet, or are we going to NPC this?

P.S. No I haven't seen the movie:D

Victor Crestmere
May 31st, 2006, 12:37:28 AM
I actually havent thought about that Karl... hmmmm, um, lol. Well, I guess we could have actual players. It would make things interesting, but if we did that then we'd have more people to worry about as far as keeping up and posting goes. If we kept it simply Npc's then we can progress at our own speed. I'm game for either one, but I'ma leave this one up to you.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 1st, 2006, 04:41:48 PM
Heeeeeello? *echos* Any home?

Danni Reyok
Jun 1st, 2006, 06:54:48 PM
Yeah, I'll get my pain-in-the-neck brother to answer you...:D

Victor Crestmere
Jun 1st, 2006, 10:01:53 PM
Lol, I appriciate it Danni XP

Karl Valten
Jun 2nd, 2006, 06:09:37 AM
AGGHHHHHH what, who,......oh come on I was taking a nap. I think that the rebels are the least active group at the moment. I'd go for NPCing it, but it'd be more fun to beat up on 'real' people.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 2nd, 2006, 10:21:25 AM
I could play a reb. I have my Constantine account.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 2nd, 2006, 02:52:47 PM
*Pats Valten on the back* Sorry dude. You can go back to sleep when we're done XP

I appreciate you stepping up to the plate to take one for the team Khendon, but I think we'll need more then one Rebel to fill the spot. So I must agree Valten, real people would be great to beat up on but for the sake of just getting us on the boards again, I say we stick to NPC's.

Now that that's all out of the way, on to the last bit of business, a poor helpless planet to do all this on. I suggest Coreilla. Now I know we’re not allowed there but that’s what makes it sound so sweet and appealing and we could possibly get things with the Sith rolling unless Valten’s got something else planned? Coreilla also sounds planet a group of rebels would hide out on because they think we cant go there, but little do they know, we don’t exist. We’re Nightmares. We go where we please >D

Lol, anyways... I want to really get our name out there again so I want us to go all out. I mean full tactical Nightmare suits, demolitions, executions, sniping, the full monty. So if anyone has any ideas they would like to contribute, please post them.

Karl Valten
Jun 2nd, 2006, 09:57:15 PM
The sith are currently doing their invasion of Korriban, thing and will be scattered once that's done. Jacen will be our blood hound and sniff them out, we'll then try to get them back together a la our helping hand. I bet at least Jorshal would go back to Correlia. We might be able to run into him.

What were you thinking for this terrorist/rebel group?

P.S. I call Naomi or Bren'lar. (I'll email you the password for Naomi's account should you ever need to use her.)

Victor Crestmere
Jun 3rd, 2006, 12:58:09 AM
Yeah, I kind of forgot about the Invasion stuff XP. Ok, we'll skip that part for now and worry about it later. As far as the Rebel's are concerned, I was thinking that they, due to certain Intel that they acquire, stage a bombing on some Imperial garrison maybe or, if we choose to use Correila for the lucky planet, say the Governor's Mansion? Anyways, PN would get word of this seeing how we’re infinitely cool and can do that and begins planning a counter operation and to make a long story short, goes in, take names, kicks butt and chews bubblegum. It's all very simple when you think about it really, lol.

I know, that was a very vague out look on what I've got planned, but I'm going try and finalize my ideas and hopefully I can get it all posted before the weekend is over with. I’m going to check on some possible planets as well as Imperial building and what not that the rebel’s could attack, but for right now, what I have above is the basic idea of it all.

P.S: I've also sent you the passwords for Bren'lar and Y'lor Valten incase you should ever have to use them XP. BTW, what ever happened to Tear?

Karl Valten
Jun 3rd, 2006, 06:23:53 PM
I don't know what's up with Tear, all PMs and Emails have gotten no replies and his Yahoo Messenger SN has been dead for even longer.

He pretty much disappeared without leaving a message (at least not one that I know of). Sort of like Jarek....

Consider him AWOL for now.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 5th, 2006, 06:27:45 PM
Ok, I've picked a planet for our little attack to take place on; Bespin, Cloud City to be more precise. INQ Intel picks up a few burst transmissions by Rebel forces located on the planet. In a few of those transmissions we get bits and pieces of what sounds like plans for a bombing taking place on maybe Coruscant.

Now, with Coruscant being the INQ's place of residency, I figure this would perk a few ears and move us into gear. What's the target you ask? That's one of the objectives of the mission; to find out what they're targeting and for what purposes.

Now here is where I've run into a snag. I don't know of any important structures that would be worth while to blow up. I was thinking of the Imperial Palace, but due to the current time line we're in, I'm unsure if it’s still around. So if anyone has any ideas for this part, please feel free to chime in at anytime XP.

I chose Bespin because I think it would not only add more things for us to do, such as have the INQ fly in on our own personal ship, but I also thought, thinking back to The Empire Strikes Back, that it would make for a great place to have a gun fight. Plenty of tight corners, places to hide, and it’s a very populated planet, making it harder for us to actually track down the bad guys.

So yeah, except for that little bit concerning Coruscant, that’s about it. If any of this sounds to far fetched or doesn’t really make sense, just let me know and I’ll fix it up.

Tiberius Anar
Jun 6th, 2006, 04:41:36 AM
Structures on Coruscant (a mixture of structures in my head and from elsewhere) that would make highly visible targets:

Imperial Palace

The Chancellery (connected to palace)

The Courts of Justice

Imperial Ministry of the Interior (justice and law enforcement)

Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs (inter-sector co-ordination)

The High Command

Commission for the Preservation of the New Order: COMPNOR (a party related body with paramilitary forces and strong ties to the government)

Central Office (HQ of the New Order Party, inc. The Central Council which controls the Party machine.)

Ministry of Propaganda

Imperial Datacast (the official, government supported Empire wide broadcaster- think British Broadcasting Corporation but evil.)

Offices of any of the arms manufacturers (Kaut Drive, Sinear Fleet Systems) who supply the Imperial Armed Forces.

Heroes Sqaure- statues of martyrs to the cause (including a new one of the Emperor under construction)

Victory Plaza- vast space used for rallies. Centre piece is a group statue depicting Victory crowning Order, who stands upon the vanguished Choas.

Karl Valten
Jun 6th, 2006, 08:43:32 AM
Imperial MInistry of Intelligence

Weather Satilites

Power distribution centers

Water distribution centers

Inquisitoriate Headquarters (How they'd find out where this builing is, I have no clue. But it'd be a fun one, no? ):D

Tiberius Anar
Jun 6th, 2006, 09:34:10 AM
See I don't think there would be a Ministry of Imperial Intelligence- ImpIntel is an agency like the CIA or FBI. Actually I think it is military agency. There should be a civillian agency as part of Interior and another one as part of Internal Affairs. It makes the whole thing very Nazi/Soviet Union structured- lots of overlap and mini-empires within the Empire.

Basically they would have to choose between symbolic and efficient target. The former will make a powerful statement (e.g. destroying a massive statue of the Emperor) but probably not affect the running of anything, the latter would alter people's lives (e.g. attack water supply and people's lives get harder) probably harming them in some way.

Park Kraken
Jun 6th, 2006, 11:11:07 AM
I would like to volunteer to take part in this thread, as my military commando soldier.

Karl Valten
Jun 6th, 2006, 04:32:46 PM
I think Vic was going with a solely PN group, but we could be able to work you in.

In any case I do have a thread idea that will finaly get you and Lamar into a thread. Let me write up a synopsis and post in a different thread.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 8th, 2006, 11:18:30 AM
I agree with Anar, attacking something like the statue of the Emperor would make a great statement but wouldn't cause any real damage, but if you were to take out, say, the water system you could ruin the very foundations of Coruscant.

Also, I don't think PN would go charging off to some distant planet just to stop some rebels from blowing up a statue. That's more a squad of Stormtroopers then anything.

But yeah, depending on how well this thread goes, I don't see why Kraken couldn't bring in his soldier character. This is what I have in mind: PN is dispatched to Bespin and roots out the source of evil. Once we've done that, we take the leader, put him through a Helghast torture scene, and find out that there is a group already on Coruscant getting ready as they speak to blow up the water system. PN doesn't have enough time to make it back and stop the group, so they make a call to HQ and have them dispatch a team of soldiers to take care of the problem. So in the long run, this could become an INQ/Imperial(?) strike against the rebel scum XP

What do you guys think?

Karl Valten
Jun 8th, 2006, 01:31:41 PM
WooT. I saw we do it.

Danni Reyok
Jun 8th, 2006, 01:53:21 PM
I think he means 'say'. :p

Park Kraken
Jun 8th, 2006, 09:53:30 PM
This sounds like a good idea. I have an idea of what I'll be using as filler to help develop my character from the start of the thread until when I will be called into action.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 8th, 2006, 11:54:13 PM
Alrighty. Sounds good Kraken.

Now that everyone is happy, I believe we can get to starting this lil party. I've got to work tomorrow from 8am to 4pm so my morning and afternoon are a little shot. I'll try and get something up and posted by tomorrow evening sometime and if not tomorrow, then the day after.

...Actually, Karl, who were you going to rp for this? Valten? Naomi? Y'lor? And Danni, are you getting in on this as well? I needs to know that before I start anything.

Danni Reyok
Jun 9th, 2006, 08:10:28 AM
It only depends if you need me, sir. If so, than I will gladly join. If not, than I willingly sit out on this one. :D

I know that more people can be a problem in a thread. (posting wise)

Karl Valten
Jun 9th, 2006, 09:43:18 AM
Valten won't be directly involved. I'll take Naomi.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 10th, 2006, 06:27:38 AM
Alrighty then, I'll take the rest of the crew I guess XP and Danni, you're just as much a part of this team as me or Valten so feel free to join in.

But due to the fact that my mom and family have come into town and surprised me, my time has been cut a little bit. It probably won't be until later tonight or tomorrow sometime that I'll be able to post. Sorry for the wait, but it'll be worth it.

Victor Crestmere
Jun 18th, 2006, 01:16:21 AM
Sorry for the long wait but here it is...

Another Day In The Office (Project Nightmare) (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40676)

I know I'm not Helghast, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways.