View Full Version : Its Always More Fun with a Friend (Mikey)

Wil Mienstrire
May 21st, 2006, 07:00:57 PM
The shuttle landed inside the docking bay and Wil stood from the long trip. He yawned and stretched; the leather of his jacket crinkling behind him. It'd been a little while. He'd taken a slight vacation from Korriban while the hired contractors had been building his residence beneath the surface. Dani was around here somewhere, he'd just momentarily lost track of her. It wasn't hard to find her though, he could smell the pretty by now; the ugliness of reality seemed to bend around her bodacious beauty. But he supposed he should go ahead and sign himself back in with the crusties. He'd gotten wind that Daddy Doomsider Sudoku had dropped the krew of most heinous doomsiders and that the crusties, aka TSO, were putting up with the 'miscreants' are some kind of principle. Probably something to do with Sudoku's rockin' powers of influence and charisma. His humbly decorated abode was waiting to boot.

Platinum white hair to his shoulders, the black straps of his leather jacket went across his bare chest,and the studded vambraces and powered gloves glinting metallically, while his off color eyes absorbed the area around him. It was like revisiting a grave, a homely grave to some, he thought.

He told the attendant that approached the dropping ramp to grab their bags and take it to the Mienstrire mansion, turning back to face the open corridor, he yelled,

"Hey Lady, we've made touchdown, head back to my place. I gotta make sure the sithers know I'm back in town, m'kay?"

He knew she heard him so he didn't bother waiting for an answer. Somewhere along the lines of that subtle connection they, he and Dani, had, he could tell she'd made some humorous retort beyond his hearing. He stepped off the ramp and made a quick turn down the largest door he could see. Between the mausoleum like look and the large signs giving directions, Wil was pretty sure he could make his way to Front help desk of Sith Services Inc.

He shoved his hands into his pockets as he slowly tried to refamiliarize himself with the ruin-ish facility. So maybe it had been a while. Quick questions fluttered through his oh so bright mind, such as, what had happened to the krew, Sudoku's reasons being, and where was everyone now?

"This could seriously blow nerf, man..."

Shilandra Rae
Jun 25th, 2006, 06:19:23 PM
"Well there's a disgusting concept." A voice mewled from behind him. Shil leaned against a wall, head partially cocked as she watched the newly landed dork. She strolled over with a warped smile and purred to him.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Shilandra. Who are you?" She'd play with him for a bit, Zereth was out and about, busy as usual so she'd have to find SOME way to pass the time. Driving this little boy insane could be just the thing.

Wil Mienstrire
Jun 25th, 2006, 07:45:45 PM
Wil turned and caught a glimpse of the wickedly intent babe before him. His eyes went everywhere they shouldn't and then took a double take just for pleasure's sake. Dani, of course was way hotter but Wil would never refuse his instincts, as they are an essential tool to utilizing the Doomside. And his instincts cried for a lot of things right now,

"I don't think..."

Least to say his capability of speaking was a little less in the wake of the moment.

"I mean!"

Wil's face scrunched up in a look of disapproval.

"You're telling me that you don't know who I am?! Obviously I went on vacation for too long. I am Darth Exquisitus, Master of the Doomside and all things devious!"

Wil leaned back slightly, standing up straighter as the the leather of his gloves crinkled together. An intimidating presence augmented by the Doomside, something Sudoku had used to wrap himself in mystery all too often. Wil filed it under probably the only real thing he had learned to use the Doomside for other than getting random bits of code in the back of his head on what might be happening next.