View Full Version : Dominatus Imperium [completed]
Razielle Alastor
May 17th, 2006, 01:19:33 PM
(cont. from here..) (
Returning to her rooms that night, Razielle calmly let the servants carry out their duties as if nothing were amiss. If what she suspected were true, it was entirely possible that her activties were being watched, by anyone, everyone. She would need to take great care.
She sat at the elegant vanity and suffered the long minutes that her lady's maid combed out her long hair. She began to formulate a plan. With each stroke of the comb, her tension grew. She had to tell Salem. Now. It could not be left for tomorrow.
A cozy fire was lit, along with several scented tapers, filling the room with warmth, a light floral scent and a soft glow. Frustrated that she was expected not to lift a finger she allowed the maid to assist her in dressing for bed in a short silk gown that reached only to her thighs. Feigning a small yawn, Razielle climbed into her bed.
"Will that be all then, Your Highness?" The maid, seemed unsure of her duties. Another sign that did not set well with her.
"Yes, Thank you."
As the maid moved to take her leave, Razielle halted her with a word. "Wait. I have one more request." Reaching to her bedside table, Razielle penned a small note.
We have catching up to do that cannot wait until a more appropriate hour.
Yours, R
She sealed it with a drop of red wax from the candle and pressed her signet ring into it effectively sealing it shut.
"Hand deliver this to Mr. Ave personally. I expect to hear from him on the morrow that it was recieved with all expediency and no delay. Do you understand?"
"Yes Miss. I shall take it straight away. Good night."
As soon as the door was shut, Razielle leapt from the bed and paced. She now only had to wait.
Salem Ave
May 17th, 2006, 01:32:46 PM
The maid approached the door she so dreaded knocking on. Nervously, she passed the letter from one hand to the other – freezing all of a sudden, as the thought of potentially damaging or creasing the envelope made her wince. She steeled herself and with a few silent words and a deep breath, stepped up to the solid wooden door and knocked three times.
Promptly, the door opened. The maid stifled a gasp. Mr. Ave stood shirtless, patting himself with a towel, his torso (so much more defined than she had imagined it) sleek with sweat. The thought that she had interrupted something private was horrifying. The truth of the matter was that Salem had simply been training, exercising.
Salem took the letter from her hands, apologized for his appearance and excused her. The maid could not have left in more of a hurry. While she scurried back to whatever corner of the royal palace she called her home, he read the letter and moments later both it and the envelope it came in were little more than ashes. Slowly, meticulously, he continued to dry himself, then dress himself in a starched white shirt and crimson tie. Over this he wore a charcoal suit. Though it was late in the evening, it was still necessary for him to present an appearance fitting of a man of his stature.
He exited his suite and made his way towards that of the visiting Princess, receiving curt nods of greeting from the night watch guards as he walked. He felt hot still, the colour not yet absent from his cheeks. On at last arriving at Razielle's chamber, he rapped gently on the door.
Razielle Alastor
May 17th, 2006, 01:42:16 PM
Whatever Razielle was expecting, it was not a knock on the door. She wouldn't have been half as surprised for Salem to have popped out from behind the wardrobe or out from a secret entrance built into the lit fire place. She padded barefoot across the room and opened the door. Popping her head out to make sure no one was in the hall, she stepped back allowing him entrance to her room. It would be far better for an unsuspecting servant to assume that the Princess was up to a clandestine meeting than to suspect the truth.
Closing the door, a bit breathless she leaned against it and regarded the man before her. If he was shocked to see the Queen's ward wearing a scrap of silk and nothing else, he didn't remark on it. She was going to have to restrain her more base tendencies, there was much to discuss. Pleasantries of the more depraved sort would have to wait, a little while at least.
"We have a problem..."
Salem Ave
May 17th, 2006, 02:01:05 PM
“I'll be the judge of that,” he replied with a cold smirk. A brief, cursory glance was cast around the interior of the Razielle's chambers. Mentally he noted certain features, here and there. It was much more luxurious than the space with which he had been provided, of course. Fitting. Returning his attention to the flustered Princess, his eyes met hers expectantly. Speak.
Razielle Alastor
May 17th, 2006, 03:47:39 PM
At length Razielle explained how she had put to the test how easy it would be to leave the palace walls unobserved. She described everything she had seen in detail, what area's were severely lacking in security and guards and how easy it had been to creep back in. She came to the point and described word for word the conversation she had overheard between General DeSang and the mystery woman, his Master. She described the reverant tones with which he had spoken to her. She also gave Salem a description of the woman and how she had at once become meek and attempted to fade into the woodwork when Razielle approached, which had further aroused her intrigue.
Now, rid of the burden of what she had observed, a deadly calm overcame Razielle. She sat on the edge of her bed and waited patiently for Salem's reaction.
Dalamar DeSang
May 18th, 2006, 01:06:29 AM
Dalamar was troubled. He stood facing the large fireplace over the mantle was the family crest. There linage went back far as humans counted the passing of time.
His instincts had served him well over the course of his long life. Outwardly the woman seemed to be what she said "Lost" But the way her eye's shifted to Lileana and then back to him. Also there was a hint of nervousness. Had she overheard? If so? What to do about it?
I have had many teachers but few that are remembered as fondly as the Dark Lady. For a human she was quite tenacious and cunning. She was outside the box so to speak and dealt with situations with a clever kind of genius that Dalamar found refreshing.
Still the woman would bear watching just to be sure. The last thing Devious wanted at this hour was any loose ends or unknowns. He called the guard. He gave them there orders. The young lady was to be watched. Report to me anything unusual don't let your prescence be known. The usual way as DeSang saw it. With that done he turned his thoughts to the Queen and her safety.
Salem Ave
May 18th, 2006, 04:35:57 AM
The description Razielle gave fitted perfectly that of a woman Salem had met some time earlier, whilst wandering through Iziz. She had claimed to be visiting family, but her answers to his casual questions were evasive and anxious. He recalled meaning to look into the governments records on her... what had her name been? He couldn't recall. Regardless, the matter had slipped his mind. It seemed, however, that he had been correct in his suspicions that she had some tie to the Jedi – or at least to the Force. Certainly that seemed the only explanation for Dalamar's attitude towards her.
“Tell me... what would you propose we do about this... problem?”
Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2006, 05:34:14 AM
Lifting her legs up onto the fluffy feather mattress, she indulged in a lengthy stretch, arching her spine off the bed. Righting herself to her knee's, Razielle gave a smile, which could only have been described as carnivorous in intent.
Nothing, Master. Nothing at all..
"Let them have their intrigues. Let them show their hand first. They have no idea what games we play. If we are patient, they will make the first move and in so doing reveal everything on their own. But I will admit, the situation bears watching. I think I'll befriend the General, if that pleases you, my Master."
Salem Ave
May 18th, 2006, 05:57:42 AM
“Yes, we must watch the General closely.”
The Arkanian paced across the room, as he weighed the thoughts in his mind. Salem had no intention of confronting Dalamar about his extra curricular activities. Instead, he would allow paranoia and suspicion to fester in his mind. They would all watch him, carefully, and they would come to learn what dark deeds he and his 'Master' had planned.
Ave turned his white eyes to the Princess, as she knelt on her bed, waiting like a pet eager for reward. He walked slowly towards her and leant his weight against the four-poster bed.
“You needn't worry, though... act as you normally would. We are under no risk.”
Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2006, 06:35:09 AM
"As you wish.."
All trace of worry was gone from her face. She trusted Salem with the blind devotion and adoration that an acolyte has for her God. If he told her not to worry, she would no longer concern herself with the pair, except to observe them.
For two long years she had waited for the opportunity to show Salem exactly how she felt about him. Now she had him, here, inches away from her very bed and she couldn't seem to make a move at all. The tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her lips suddenly gone dry. She had a million questions to ask, none of them seemed appropriate at the moment. Her gaze dropped from his eyes, to his lips.
Lifting her eyes back up, she the destroyer of worlds, blushed. "When shall you continue my training, Master..?"
Salem Ave
May 18th, 2006, 06:45:05 AM
It had almost two years since Salem had given Razielle any instruction in the use of the Force, yet still she remained loyal. Her commitment was commendable, and one which he would not soon forget. “Soon.”
Soon, he had said. Soon he intended to have his students learn together, to test themselves against one another, but neither were ready yet. He turned away from her, glancing out into the dark night sky. “Do you grow impatient?”
Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2006, 06:56:27 AM
"Impatient? Never..."
Sliding out of the bed with feline grace, Razielle padded over to the window and opened it. The breezy night air rushed into to cool her suddenly heated skin. The fire was clearly too much. Silhouetted by moonlight she returned to Salem's side. Standing on tip toe she whispered close to his ear. "Eager.."
"The restaints enforced upon me by my station have sharpened my desires to a razor edge. I am ready."
Salem Ave
May 18th, 2006, 07:16:26 AM
He could see her out of the corner of his eye, looking up at him. He did not move.
“Have you been practising the techniques I explained to you?”
Before they had parted way those years ago, Salem had instructed Razielle on how to attune herself to the Force. Likewise he had detailed the specifics of focusing ones anger, of harnessing the power which it could produce when augmented with the Force. If she had continued these meditations, these sessions of focus, it would now be almost second nature to her. When they did begin training proper, it would eliminate some tedious first steps.
Razielle Alastor
May 18th, 2006, 07:25:20 AM
Closing her eyes, Razielle let the darkness and rage that was ever present within her, surround her like a cold blanket. In her minds eye she saw it, swirling around her in a dense fog from her ankles, up her legs, around her torso and down her arms. It was ever present, but kept in check. Letting go of her restraint for a moment, she knew Salem would feel the difference in her.
"Oh yes.. I remember my lessons, very well."
Abrubtly, she drew reign over the darkness and was herself again. The coldness around her subsided and no one would ever sense anything was amiss.
Dalamar DeSang
May 19th, 2006, 12:22:11 AM
It seemed that scarcely had he give the order than not one but two guards had returned.
Dalamar turned from the blazing fire to give his men his full attention. "Speak." was all he said.
The youngest guard spoke first. "Sir, It is Salem sir. You told me to watch him. Well nothing has been out of the ordinary and to tell you the truth I was getting quite bored with his daily activities." He coughed to clear his throat and Dalamar could see he was a littel nervous. "Continue."
"Yes, well anyway I was bored like I said until tonight. One of the chamber maids came to his door tonight. Nervously handed him something. Well he seemed to leave pretty quickly after that."
Dalamar bowed his head in thought "And where did he go?"
"Sir, he uh he went to see the Queens ward. I don't mean to insinuate anything but from the quick glimpse I saw of her atire she was not dressed for a formal meeting if you know what I mean."
"Hmm I do. Thank you lieutant you may go back to your duties."
Dalamar watched the young guard leave. "And you Jess what do you have to report. "Well more of the same sir, No sooner had we started to watch the young ladies quarters than Master Salem had appeared. Like the young man said she was dressed quite seductively."
"Thank you Jess, let me know if there is anything more that develops."
Devious shut and bolted the doors. He activated the com that he had given his Master. "Lileana there may be some danger to you. I will inform you when I know more. Be careful around Salem and apparently the Queen's new prodigy also. If you need any further assistance a room at the palace or access to the royal libary to help you along you have only to say so. Please send me a reply when you get this message." Dalamar needed to say no more Lil would understand.
What was Salem up to. Was this some simple affair. No that was just to easy. Salem was up to something. It seemed it was time for a more direct confrontation.
Salem Ave
May 19th, 2006, 01:51:32 PM
How she had grown, even in his absence. He had no words of praise for her, though he did smile, evidently pleased. Looking up, Salem caught a glimpse of himself and the Princess in her vanity mirror, stood so close together, he could feel the heat of her body. A thought struck him. “We must be mindful that while we are watching the General, he is undoubtedly watching us... now more than ever. We must consider carefully the image which we wish to show to the world.”
Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2006, 01:55:57 PM
The tension building in her had her ready to snap like a stringed instrument violently played. She didn't move an inch. Looking up from beneath a veil of darkened eyelashes, Razielle smiled. "What image would you like for me to portray, Master...?"
Salem Ave
May 19th, 2006, 02:00:36 PM
Salem's eyes remained on his reflected image, with Razielle all but draped over it. “What image do you believe would be the most appropriate, the most believable, to the court? I spend so much time with the Queen because we have important matters to discuss, yet I have no such need that would warrant my creeping into the quarters of the visiting Princess in the twilight hours.”
Razielle Alastor
May 19th, 2006, 02:16:56 PM
He was a cruel, cruel man. It only made her adore him more. Instead of simply stating the obvious, or arriving at a safe conclusion for them both, it seemed her Master, her dark demon, was going to force the words from her. She was to be his toy, then? His marionette tied up in strings, played by his hands, or broken by them?
It was all fine with her. She made her choice two years ago, knowing that it meant playing by his rules. She had no problem with it. If it meant humbling herself, she would do it.
"If we are seen together, it could mean ruination for us. Our true motives must not be discovered. There is no legitimate reason for the Queen's advisor to spend so much time in the company of her ward. Unless..."
She broke the distance in the span of a heartbeat, sliding her hands inside Salem's suit jacket and up his chest, still warm from his earlier exertions. Her hands entwined around his neck as she once again stood on tip toe, dropping her voice to a scratchy purr.
"in her grief at the loss of her family, the ward was led straight into the comforting arms of the Queen's noble advisor. She, in her forlorn and regretable sorrow, would of course be forgiven for the scandalous affair. After all, who could blame the poor child for seeking comfort in the form of a lover..?"
Even closer still, her lips grazing Salem's earlobe now.
"The Queen's advisor could not possibly be blamed either. After all, it was not as if he were molesting the Queen herself, right? Only the orphaned girl with no family and the wealth of an entire planet behind her. It would in fact be quite a commendable move on his part. Along with mending the poor girl's broken heart, he assumes even more power and wealth , by association..."
General Devious
May 21st, 2006, 12:59:34 PM
Sting did not keep the General waiting he was prompt as usual. He came in thru the secret entrance that Devious had created just for such meetings. Sting entered putting fist to chest. "Is it time Dal?"
Irreverent as ever the General noted. "No Sting, The situation is not entirely clear as of yet. The Queen's Ward may still live. But keep the plans, poison and equipment ready the need for there further existence may soon come to an end."
Sting saluted and left with as much grace as he came. The General left the room and headed toward the streets. It was time to take a more personal interest in the current affairs.
Legion's legend was stirring the masses. Somehow they knew of the connection between them. They had associated him with some kind of hero that would deliver them from what they considered the Queen's control.
Thru Devious connections he had heard the Legion had killed an outpost of the Queens guards in a most twisted and sadistic manner. The people that wished to rebel did not know what kind of monster they where dealing with...
Salem Ave
May 22nd, 2006, 03:52:13 PM
Scandalous affair. Would it be perceived as such? Would the people of Iziz see compassion or corruption in the pair? Salem had studied their culture, their society, for many years know. If he knew anything at all, it was the way that his city worked. In all likelihood, they would cause more of a stir in the royal court than on the streets. The affairs of the royal family, while interesting, were not hugely important to the populous. So long as they kept the planet in order and the economy stable, they didn't mind if some courtier or other was locking lips with a foreign princess.
“Very well. We will let them think of us as such. It will provide an excellent cover and alibi for all manner of things.”
Razielle Alastor
May 23rd, 2006, 09:17:25 AM
Inwardly, she was slightly deflated at the all business, no nonsense attitude that Salem was taking toward her seduction, if that was indeed what it was. Her rouse however a foolproof plan. It would give them all the reason they needed to whisper to each other, to spend time alone togther and to be caught places, like outside the palace gates, unchaperoned. It would ensure they were looked upon as lovers, nothing more. For the moment, it was still the farthest from the truth. Razielle fully intended to change that. It would just not do, her very best flirtations going in one ear and out the other. There was after all only so much a girl, even a Princess turned to the Dark side, could take.
"As you wish, Master"
Business concluded, Razielle detached herself from Salem's person and moved away leaving nothing but a cold breeze where her formerly warm flesh had been. She moved to the foot of her bed, to the massive trunk that had been brought in and placed there. Kneeling she opened it and began to sift through the contents.
"If we are going to keep up appearances, it would probably do for you to remain here until morning. Aha!"
She finally had thrown all the feminine frippery out of the trunk, reached the bottom, and what she had been seeking. The bottom board was in truth on a hinge, once the concealed lock was sprung, it lifted to reveal a stash of quite impressive weaponry. She lifted out several wicked looking blades.
Salem Ave
May 23rd, 2006, 11:05:40 AM
To say that Salem was surprised would have been a lie. He looked at the cache of previously hidden weapons with a typical smirk. The trunk was not unlike Razielle herself – beneath all of the frills and finery, there was something sharp and deadly. Taking one of the offered blades, he tested its weight and balance. It was obviously made for someone smaller than himself, but it was a fine piece none the less. “You want to spend the night practising swordplay?” he inquired, somewhat incredulous, as he drew the tip of the blade upwards, levelling it towards the Princesses throat.
Razielle Alastor
May 23rd, 2006, 11:26:18 AM
Razielle just blinked. Several times infact, before joining the game. "Not at all.. I had more strenuous activities in mind, but the room got decidedly... chilly. Nothing like a bit of sport to heat things up, if my Master so desires?"
Without waiting for a response, a second blade glinted in the room's firery glow. This one was brought, seemingly out of thin air by Razielle's hand and swung with precision, not to knock away Salem's blade, but to mirror the image, her blade not rested at his throat as well. It was a stand off of sorts.
Salem Ave
May 23rd, 2006, 11:59:09 AM
Though it might have seemed as if Salem was oblivious to Razielle's less than noble intentions towards her Master, he was not. It wasn't the first time that he had taught a student who had come to see him as something more than a mere tutor. Such infatuations could work both to the benefit and to the detriment of the Master-Apprentice relationship. Only time would tell which was true in this case.
“Oh yes. I'm sure the palace staff would be perfectly comfortable finding us locked in combat with one another,” he replied, not yet lowering his blade.
Razielle Alastor
May 23rd, 2006, 12:17:49 PM
Razielle was the first to lower her blade, dropping it to her side with a showey bit of a swish. Seeing that at the minute, Salem had no intention of doing the same, she arched her neck back, further offering him her throat. If he wanted, he could end it all now.
"Can you think of a better way for them to find us then, Master?"
Salem Ave
May 23rd, 2006, 01:48:44 PM
With a flourish, Salem mimicked Razielle's movements, thus lowering his blade. “I don't intend for them to find us at all. If they do come to your chambers, they will find you sound asleep...” He then turned the sword, offering the hilt out to it's owner. “We continue your training tomorrow night. You had better make use of what hours are still left of this evening to get some rest.”
Dalamar DeSang
May 23rd, 2006, 02:08:14 PM
Devious decided before having them killed it would be best to take a hand in it personally. Who knows maybe they where innocent after all. Even though everything in him screamed to kill them and figure it out later. The Queen was worth more that a thousand Salem's and Wards from whatever land they had come from.
He headed towards Razielle's quarters a few straight question might fix this before anyone had to die. Dalamar had seen enough killing. Not that he was above doing what was needed.
He was going to make this an official visit so he dressed accordingly. His blade's mounted on his back in the shape of an x his black glistening armor shined in the candlelit halls. His cloak flowed around him like pulling the night after him. His pale skin and white hair was a sharp contrast to his dark armor. Walking the hall it was empty. Maybe the guards had been wrong. He saw nothing stirring. He arrived at Razielle's brass bound door. He decided to listen for a moment to see what he could hear....
Razielle Alastor
May 23rd, 2006, 04:21:43 PM
"You had better make use of what hours are still left of this evening to get some rest.”
Accepting her weapon back, Razielle slid both back into the chest, tossing the frilly contents back in upon them. She silently shut the lid and nodded in sullen understanding. She was being dismissed. She didn't like it, but she didn't dare argue with him, much as she would have liked to. Besides, she had his word that she would see him again tomorrow night. Another smile.
Walking behind Salem to the door, she meant only to lock it behind him as he left. "As you wish..." The words "my Master" never fell from her lips.
Don't open it. Someone was there. But it was far too late to halt Salem, she somehow didn't think she could have. Better discovered in their carefully thought out plan than surrounded by the true mystery.
"my darling."
As the door swung open, Razielle moved, without pause in front of Salem and locked her lips to his closing her eyes. She still had no idea who was in the dimly lit corridor, but whoever it was, they were getting a hell of a show. Either she was a damned fine actress or she was truly in earnest. A cleared throat seemingly startled her away from Salem. Conscious of the fact that she was wearing nothing more than a slip of silk, and was presently plastered to the Queen's Advisor, she blushed and scooted behind Salem as a shy young girl would have.
"Oh my..." She buried her face into his back, but not before seeing the very man the performance was really for. General DeSang.
Salem Ave
May 24th, 2006, 03:59:32 AM
There was a moments stillness, in which the three stood in perfect silence. Salem's eyes remained fixed on Dalamar, as he arched one thin eyebrow. The man was clad head to toe in what looked like battle armour, yet here he was skulking the corridors of the palace, apparently attempting to eavesdrop on the Princess. “General... is there something troubling you?”
General Devious
May 24th, 2006, 07:22:32 AM
“General... is there something troubling you?” Apparently Salem took him for a fool. He knew enough of the man to know that he would never love Razielle. Use her maybe. Still whether she was accomplice or merely Ward of the Queen was still yet to be determined.
She on the other hand seemed geniunly taken back by his prescence. Well he never did think that many women had any sense. Dalamar smiled not bothering to hide his razor sharp incissors. "Not at all Salem, I am just walking the halls and giving everyone who matters notice. Legion has hit planetfall. The dead bodies of the couriers where smeared across one guard post just to let me know that he has arrived. Security will triple for your protection. Any further rendevous will have to be limited I'm afraid in the name of security. It is only a temporary matter I assure you." Dalamar nodded to them both.
One slip and maybe none was all he needed from Salem. The Advisor was to careful his hands dabbled into to many things that shadowed the throne. The Seeking of power he could understand. But to the detriment of the Queen he served?
Beside's that Devious just did not like the man. His instincts knew KNEW that something was wrong. If it would not hurt the very Queen he just mentioned. Salem would have ceased to exist already. Dalamar was Law now and he had to be sure. no more daggers in the night. No more poison drinks or darts... Law. One bit of evidence was all he needed. Then he would be tried by Dalamar himself. A former Death Dealer. He was use to be judge, jury and executioner and it would be Law.
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