View Full Version : Faustus (NPC)

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2006, 06:00:21 AM

Name: Faustus

Species: Vampire, 6th generation

Allegiance: Clan Tzimisce

Physical Appearance: Short yet broad, Faustus is a well-built figure of a man... or monster, rather. His physical form has been heavily altered by Vissicitude. His flesh is hardened and scale-like in texture; his ears are large and almost bat-like; from his jaw and shoulder blades protrude unusual, tapered points; his mouth is feral and his eyes gleam yellow. No longer possessing humanoid hands, he instead has three claws on each, two heavier than the other and the last acting as a thumb.

History: Estimated to have been born roughly in the year 195, during the troubled reign of Emperor Septimius Severus, Faustus came of age in a time of turmoil for the Roman Empire. Once old enough to do so, he became a soldier in the militia, like all men in possession of a strong character and equally strong body. Through time he rose through the ranks, quickly becoming a 1st Cohorot – one of the army's elite soldiers – and soon after gaining the title of Centurion. Though the leadership of the Empire would change many times, like any good Centurion Faustus remained loyal and diligent in his duties, the sole purpose of his life.

At the dawn of the 3rd century, however, the army entered a state of crisis and conflict. The civil wars which had always plagued the Empire escalated to previously unknown degrees of violence. Under the Emperor Augustus there had been no defined criteria for the succession of emperors, and as a consequence a number of 'Soldier Emperors' – no fewer than 25 – assumed power through the Empire's provinces. Among these was Faustus, followed by a Century of men. In time, these Soldier Emperors began to fall, either murdered or killed in battle. Though Faustus followed in their footsteps, and was one of the last to do so, his fate was to be vastly different.

His flawless rule and commendable endeavours had earned him the attention of a dread fiend that called itself a vampire. The monster, far more terrifying than any legion of soldiers, took Faustus from his camp and his life, turning him into a thing not unlike itself. It buried him in a deep grave and watched with morbid glee as he clawed himself free, bursting from the earth womb into his new life. In 243, he was reborn as a vampire of clan Tzimisce.

At first, he could not abide his new state. All that he had known had been taken from him, torn away by the grotesque hands of the fiend as it plunged him into darkness. It horrified him in its monstrosity. It told him how he must drink the blood of man and beast and while he fought the need to do so, the hunger at last consumed him. He did as instructed and soon found feeding to be second nature. Soon the fiend took him to be among others like it, each more hellish than the last. It told him how all over the world there were others like it, distant cousins, not all of whom it approved of. The process of indoctrination was a slow one, but with the blood of the Tzimisce in his veins, it was only so long before Faustus began to become a monster in himself.



Additional Information: Currently buried in torpor in Istanbul, Turkey.