Karl Valten
May 11th, 2006, 09:32:07 PM
I've been talking a bit with Jorshal about this and my Inquisition minions (no offense) are on top of things, but I would like to here everyone's opinions and suggestions.
So basic recap, with Khendon's coup coming up and the state of the Empire as is, Karl feels that the INQ needs more power and personel. A big resource drain on the moment is hunting down adepts. Karl's already secured a few alliances and treaties and now he wants to ease tensions with the Sith.
This is by no means a friendly treaty, but more of a non-aggression pact. I think the the INQ and Sith have it in against each other too much for that at the moment. The treaty I'm thinking is the INQ gives the Sith amnesty and freedom to travel within the Empire free of harassment. The bonus for the INQ is that we don't need to spend as much man power traking and huntin the Sith and can use those resources for the coup.
I'm betting that certain individuals will also have other demands of us and some (*cough* Baralai) downright hate us. So how does everyone think this should proceed?
So basic recap, with Khendon's coup coming up and the state of the Empire as is, Karl feels that the INQ needs more power and personel. A big resource drain on the moment is hunting down adepts. Karl's already secured a few alliances and treaties and now he wants to ease tensions with the Sith.
This is by no means a friendly treaty, but more of a non-aggression pact. I think the the INQ and Sith have it in against each other too much for that at the moment. The treaty I'm thinking is the INQ gives the Sith amnesty and freedom to travel within the Empire free of harassment. The bonus for the INQ is that we don't need to spend as much man power traking and huntin the Sith and can use those resources for the coup.
I'm betting that certain individuals will also have other demands of us and some (*cough* Baralai) downright hate us. So how does everyone think this should proceed?