View Full Version : Invasion question (Zereth and All)
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 29th, 2006, 02:56:37 PM
Are we free to perhaps NPC the Force Hunters in seperate invasion threads?
Zereth, I know they're your brainchildren, so I thought I'd ask at least out of courtesy.
And I strongly encourage other active rpers at TSO to take part in the Invasion sooner rather than later.
If you've got a question, post here or PM me.
Apr 30th, 2006, 05:32:31 PM
No questions here, just concerns. For me, internet access is no where near what I use to have, hence the lack of me posting here recently. Im only going to be able to get on maybe, three times a week. Now, I'm not saying that isn't ample time to get some posting in, I'm just letting everyone know that if you don't see me post for a few days, that's why.
I really want to participate in this story arc so I'm going to try and get online as much as possible.
So yeah, that's about it. Just thought I'd let you guys know my situation XP
Yurza Magus
May 1st, 2006, 11:31:55 AM
Ok. Sounds good. Hey umm..Zereth...well actually I'll write you a pm about it Jorshal. But I'm trying to work something out with him about this.
Zereth Lancer
May 30th, 2006, 08:10:34 PM
Yes, you are all welcome to NPC as any and all of the Force Hunters, on the grounds that you refraim from killing them all off, which would be a near impossible task because of the large amount of the little devils.
Other then that I have to say you guys have done a lot in my absence *Pats everyone on the back*
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