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Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 28th, 2006, 12:24:30 PM
Since his promotion he couldn't help but think he didn't deserve it quite yet. He was too young, he was too uncertain about himself, he blamed himself for the death of his master, he could hardly get along with the acolytes... reasons coursed through his mind as his sore body lead him into the mess hall. He sat down slowly, having recieved a wound on his lower back during his personal training. Leaning against the back of the chair, the server brought him his usual meal of nerf steak and water.

Tonight he had to meet with Naira Cross about her training session, another growing acolyte in the handful that were left of the Sith. Speaking of growing acolytes, Tarsis was close to promotion and he had that to consider and bring before the Elders.

He cut into the steak at last, pulling a lean piece.

Baralai and soon Tarsis, the two acolytes that have been promoted to Knight under his short rule. Should he not be proud? He was, in a slight sense. But more so he wished things were the way they were before Southstar's death. So much he wished for that.

He tore another peice of meat from teh steak, chewing it rapidly and swallowing, turning to the water and then to the meat.

But so much Southstar reminded him to focus not on what he wished for, but what was reality. Reality was that they were powerful, the Sith Order that is, but they were shadows of what Palpatine had achieved. Silently he cursed himself and the Order for failing to become anything significant in this galaxy. Could it get any worse?

He stood up as his meal was finsihed and pushed the plate away, finishing the water standing up in one gulp. He slammed the cup down on the table. It wobbled a bit and fell over, then to the floor.

Strange, he felt slightly inebriated, like he had a few ales. A strong headache hit his brain like a cruiser. Overtraining he told himself, he'd done it before and this was like it in some ways but... different.

His vision clouded to black, his muscles fell weak as he collapsed to one side, knocking a table over. The worst case scenario entered his mind, he had been poisoned.

Naira Cross
May 1st, 2006, 10:15:46 PM
After doing a little bit of telepathy training in one of the rooms, Naira had walked back to her room to relax before meeting Jorshal to discuss her next training and probably gets some food. Unfortunately she had relaxed too much and had actually fallen asleep. Waking up, she realized what time it was, and cursed at herself.

She frantically got out of bed and began to search for her shoes and something to keep her hair out of her eyes. With one shoe on Naira hopped out the door and began to make her way towards the mess hall. In all actuality she wasn’t too terrible late, but how would it look if she did arrive late? That would just mean harder training later on. Finally putting on her other shoe and putting her hair up, Naira neared the entrance to the mess hall.

Before she got there though, she felt something strange. A disturbance is the force. Something was wrong and it told her to hurry inside. Rushing through the doors, Naira stopped short as she saw Jorshal’s body hunched to one side and a table knocked over on the ground. Something was definitely wrong. Moving over closer towards him, Naira could feel his force signature, but it was slightly weaker.

She stopped, as if in a state of shock. Why couldn’t some one more capable find him. I can handle cuts, slashes and wide variety of other battle wounds like there’s no tomorrow, but when that’s not the case, I don’t know what to do. Go get help.

Suddenly, Naira sprang to life and ran towards the doors flinging them open as she ran out in search of some one who could help. Her head shot from right to left, as she looked in the open rooms trying to find anybody. Finally she ran in to two adepts.

“Quick I need your help. In the mess hall is Master Jorshal. Something’s wrong with him.”

“Well what do you want us to do?”

“Take him to the med lab you idiots. I’m going to try and find some one else who might know what they’re doing.”

May 6th, 2006, 12:49:22 PM


Letting out an exhausted sigh, Tarsis deactivated and rested his two-handed vibro sword on top of his right shoulder. Relaxing a bit as he looked down at the pile of wood he had amassed from his morning training, Tarsis just smiled. Looking to his left over at the pile of logs he had cut earlier that week, Tarsis picked two up with the Force and floated them over next to him. Positioning one in front of him and the other behind him, Tarsis began spinning them around his body at a very high speed.

The objective of his training as of right now, was simply him just getting back in the swing of things. It had been a while since the big man had used his sword, let alone his armor. Although he couldn’t put it all on, Tarsis was able to wear its lower half as well as a small portion of its torso. He was still too banged up from his encounter with Jorshal to fully use his armor as well as his left arm, so he has been training himself to use his two-handed sword, with one hand while at the same time, increasing his speed with his right arm without assistance from the Force. Hence the logs and the high speeds.

Concentrating on his targets, Tarsis focused and let out a loud roar as he swung and missed. The miss wasn’t his own fault; it was due to the fact of the disturbance in the Force.

The Sith are under attack…

Master Yurza… Tarsis thought to himself as he slightly nudged his left arm in its sling. Placed his sword back on his right shoulder, Tarsis blasted away the logs floating around him with a Force push and then started making his way towards the Citadel. He didn’t have a clue what was going on, whether this was a test or the real thing, but he was going to find out.


Thankfully he wasn’t too far away, being just outside the Citadel in the Training area, Tarsis made his way there with ease but the feeling that something was defiantly wrong kept growing and growing the closer he got. He could feel death, fear, and anger…things that weren’t too uncommon here on Korriban but this time it was different. This time, the fear was for ones own self, the anger was directed at others for not being stronger, and the death belonged to friends of fellow Sith who had once trained in this massive structure. This was no Test. The death was real as well as all the other things Tarsis was feeling.

This became very obvious as he entered the Citadel…

A fallen Acolyte here, a head there; it was like a bad murder scene you see on the HoloNet. He knew some but others he had never seen. New bloods… he thought in refrence to people that had just been accepted into the Order. Either way, it was a sad sight to see. They had tried so hard to fend off whoever it was attacking them, but failed.

Clanking down the hall in what armor he had on, its servos and gears moving in and out of position as he did, Tarsis continued to see such scenes until he came across Naria, who was running down the hallway towards him. Darting into a sprint, Tarsis met her half way. “Naria! What’s going on!? Where are the Masters?”

Naira Cross
May 10th, 2006, 04:26:45 PM
“Naira! What’s going on? Where are the Masters?” It was Tarsis who came running up the hall to meet her in the middle.

“I don’t know! Master Jorshal is or was in the mess hall hunched over and unconscious, now he’s on the way to the med lab. I heard a message saying the Sith are under attack from Master Yurza not too long ago so he’s around here somewhere. Where everyone else is I have no idea… besides the one’s who are dead.”

Saying this Naira motioned towards one of the dead bodies on the ground. Looking back up at Tarsis, she said with just a hint of anger in her voice, “What’s happening? We need to find people so someone can tell us exactly what’s going on.”

Jorshal Vuntana
May 11th, 2006, 03:42:50 PM
Black faded to the white ceiling and bright lights. Where was he? The med lab, he recalled feeling disoriented, even blacking out, but how exactly had he gotten there? No matter, he strained to sit up but found more than usual resistance. His muscles had weakened and as he slowly moved upright he realized how much his sense of balance was askew. Had he been laying down for that long? Could he have been out for days, months, even years? No, he could see a stain from his dinner on his clothing. He wasn't a medic but he asumed standard procedure was to change the patients outfit to something akin to hospital garments.

Poison was his next guess. A weak one, assuming it had been to kill him. He motioned to stand up and as much as his body didn't want to let him, he managed, even without the Force. Slowly the Force awareness crept into his mind and slowly he realized his poisoning was only a small part of a larger attack.

An attack there? He was as insulted as he was afraid. Was it Imperials, had the inquisition finally decided to make their move, the full weight of the Galactic Empire behind them? No, what few spies they had within the empire told them a coup de'tat was near, dare they attempt something so dangerous? Jedi, rebels even, the possibilities flooded his mind. All he could tell was the force was large and dangerous. Yurza and Zereth were probably fighting now, he needed to regain some of his strength. He would fight and defeat or he would fight and die.

The white door opened and behind it was a large and menacing creature, armed to the teeth. He silently hoped that he had not been disarmed before he went to the medical lab, he wasn't and the red lightsaber blade activated in the face of the enemy. His wrist twirled with great difficulty as the blade came down towards the head of the creature only to be met by an apparently dense blade, capable of stopping a lightsaber.

Words could not express his surprise and dread. As seconds passed by these creatures appeared more and more capable of going toe to toe with the Sith. Immediatly he backed away across the table he had earlier been laying on. As much as he hated to admit it, he was hardly in a position to fight, now his plan changed to escape.

Hara Kiri
May 11th, 2006, 04:04:02 PM
OOC: An overlap from post 5, The Invasion Begins (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40422)

She rounded the corner in full sprint, a close encounter with one of the Force Hunters all to fresh in her mind. She was not a fighter, she never wanted to be a fighter and everything that surrounded her was fighting in the one place she had learned to accept as safe.

Looking back behind her as she turned, she collided with Naira and collapsed to the ground. Hardly cognescant of what had happened she scrambled to get to her feet and away from what she had run into. Then she realized who it was.

"I'm- I'm sorry. There's-" She could hardly account for why she was apologizing as she studdered to explain what had happened until she blurted, "I need help!"

Naira Cross
May 11th, 2006, 07:58:13 PM
No sooner had she finished saying that they needed to find other people, Hara came running towards her at full speed. Naira barely had time to see who it was before she was knocked to the ground. Back on her feet, Naira listened as Hara began to apologize and then say that she needed help.

“What happened? Where do we need to go?” She began to follow Hara and head towards the direction form which Hara had first come, when she realized that it was only her and Hara. Stopping to wait for Tarsis, she turned and looked to see why he wasn’t following.

“Aren’t you coming?”

May 11th, 2006, 09:39:29 PM
Tarsis had connected himself to the Force just before Hara had bumped into Naira. He was searching...searching for survivors, the dead, the intruders, Yurza, Zereth, and Master Jorshal. Yurza has encountered the enemy as well as Zereth, but for each of the enemies that had fallen already, twice as many Acolytes and Knights alike had done the same. So much death in such a short amount of time...

"Aren't you coming?"

Asked Naira as she came to stop further down the hallway.

"No. You two go and help Master Yurza. Find as many of us as you can and take them with you. Once you've helped him secure that area, come and find me. I'm going to help Master Jorshal. It seems that he's run into a bit of trouble and is having a difficult time dealing with it." He said this with a small smile stretching across his face as he turned his back towards Naira and Hara. “If we're going to survive this, then we're going to need everybody ready and able to fight this Invasion. You two, be on your guard." And with that he broke into a jog, the sound of his power suit clanking against the cold, bloody floor, echoing in his absence.


After traveling down two levels and making his way towards the med lab, Tarsis finally arrived on same level as the med lab and surveyed the area. Two dead Acolytes, one dead… creature. Tarsis thought to himself as he squatted down next to the beast. It was armed to the T; complete with a sword, armor, and power gauntlets. What race this creature was apart of was beyond Tarsis, the only thing he knew was that these things were a huge threat and judging from the numerous Force signatures he was getting, there were a lot more of them.


Tarsis had picked up his signature once again and by the looks of it, he was getting rather tired. Breaking into a full blown run, Tarsis rounded corner after corner until finally his vision fill with crimson light as Jorshal was battling it out with one of those creatures. Sparks emanated from the beast’s blade as it miss Jorshal, and hit the wall; leaving a dreadful image of what would have been Jorshal’s head.

Not wasting another second, Tarsis leapt into action. Activating his vibrosword and shoving it through the foul beast’s gut he kicked the back of it’s knees, forcing it to the ground. Tarsis, not wanting to let the roaring creature have a chance to counter attack as it appeared to still have a good amount of fight left in it, wrapped his hands around it’s helmed head and gave a violent twist…


Looking up and over at Jorshal as he pulled his now deactivated sword from the beast, with a spurt of blood splashing across his chest, Tarsis laid his sword against the wall and sat down, nursing his left arm. “Looks like I don’t need that sling anymore…” He said with a sigh of pain removing the torn material. “Are you ok Master Vuntana?”

Jorshal Vuntana
May 12th, 2006, 01:18:07 PM
A stained glass window broke as Jorshal ran through it and over the side of the palace, behind him the Force Hunter stared until it realized Jorshal was swinging from something. The rope was attached to a hook, which was wrapped tightly around a stone ornament decorating the window frame.

It looked beneath the ledge as Jorshal swung in through the window below and tumbling into a defensive stance. As predicted the creature landed on the floor near the ledge, none to smart. Years of training told him to Force push, but much of his power in the Force was being used to keep his body in working order, nulling the effect of the poison. He dangerously charged the creature, lightsaber tucked back in preperation for a strong offensive attack, no regard for either of his exposed flanks. The creature swung its blade at his overexposed left side. Pumping the Force into his legs, he strived for speed and dived to the floor, red blade slashing parallel to the ground as it collided with the creature's right side tibia and fibula.

With skin and armor resistant to the blade of a lightsaber the bones cracked and the skin tore, but the creature stood with a leg striving to maintain balance. The contraposed momentums of the creature's blade and Jorshal's blow gave him the opportunity he needed, and open palm strike to the right pelvis twirled the creature and sent him sailing over the ledge.


As the darkside slowly faded from his body, an influx of pain filled its space. His mind told him to keep moving, his body said he couldn't. He rested for a moment on the ground, the tiny pinpricks of broken glass insignificant to the roaring pain in his head. He wasn't going make it. Not if he could feel the effects of the poison in his mind, brain damage was almost irreperable and impossible with any resource the Sith Order could obtain.

Damn it.

He slowly pulled himself to his feet, coughing with each stress on his muscles, dry heaving as his body attempted in vain to purge the poison. Where had he been heading? He wasn't sure, but he began to walk anyway down the hallway. The best place was the Crypt, where heroes of the Sith were buried. Not that he intended on dying down there, no he would go out in a blaze of glory, poison or not. But the Crypt lead to some of the most sensitive information the Order had, the Sith Protocols.

The Order would fall, the Palace would crumble, each Sith would scatter throughout the galaxy finding a place to hide or a place to stage a last offensive. The Sith Protocols contained information on the weaknesses and strengths of every Sith, Jedi, infiltrator, politician, officer... down to the very janitors that scrubbed his toilet. It recorded Sith assests, spies... everything needed to wipe out the Order in its entirity. Whoever was attacking had done their homework, they knew how to fight the Sith, they knew how to break in, they had poisoned him for Force's sake. If they didn't already have it, they were coming for it, if he did one smart thing before his death it was this. It was time to move.

Jorshal Vuntana
May 13th, 2006, 12:41:42 PM
He looked up at the dark sky, somewhere up there was a baseship from which all of these creatures came from. He wondered if there was going to be more to come. Bombers, perhaps? He wasn't sure who was attacking them, but should an air war break out the Sith were likely to be unprepared. They had ground defenses, but no fighters to fight back with.

He dropped his head fromt he sky to the ground a few stories beneath him. He'd been scaling down the building on the outside to avoid confrontation with any of those creatures, something he wasn't completely sure he could handle at the moment. He grabbed a stone ledge and slowly maneuvered to hang himself from it by his hands. He let go and found himself another story closer to the ground.

Could he jump with the Force breaking his fall and make it? No time to debate it. He jumped and rolled as he hit the ground in the garden behind the palace. Lady Vader's gardens were a little pet project of hers from the days in which she spent at the Palace, having been gone on personal missions the gardens were maintained in the same fashion she had done herself, always featuring the most exotic and dangerous plants. Jorshal knew the gardens very well, he had come into them as a child to get away from the other members. He touched his lightsaber hilt, ready for anything, there was no time for memories.

Two monstrous creatures landed on either side of him, a shower of glass rained upon him. They'd been tracking him inside.

He backrolled into the brush as the monsters swiped above where his body used to be. He snaked through the brush, fully aware that he barely survived an encounter with one, two were out of his league. Darts whizzed by his head, narrowly missing his body, one passing by right where his head would be in a moments time. He watched as a liquid drained from the dart and into the ground. He snagged the darts, his brain overflowing with an idea. But now he didn't have time, he had to run.

He stood up out of the brush and pushed his legs as fast as they could go, not much faster than an unaided sprint. He knew exactly where to head, this was the Sith gardens after all, he had an ally here, hopefully.


The Force hunters, Drumark and Mathurk, were in hot pursuit, growling and howling as they gave chase. The head of Sith Master Vuntana would please their maker greatly. It would please their mistress greatly. It would be the cause of their promotion to a rank higher than Jurak, their leader beneath Alexia, himself. Both knew they could not fail.

Mathurk barked an order to Drumark in a crude battle language, though they both spoke Basic. "[Take the top of the tree, make sure we're not being lead to a trap.]"

With uncanny speed Drumark, took to the branches of a massive, leafless tree, climbing untill he could see Jorshal Vuntana painfully running through a bed of shrubs. In the distance, half a mile, he could see an massive opening in the ground. They were both warned about a network of caves beneath the Palace, very complex, very dangerous.

He said over the comm, "Mathurk, He's heading for the cave. It's his only chance."

Mathurk responded, "Continue pursuit from above, I'll flank him."

Flank him? Drumark mused. So you get the kill while I play distraction? He looked over to the left where Mathurk was heading, ducking under the cover of tall grass now. A 'jungle sarlacc' (though it was simply a carnivore plant having earned its name from the much more popular and well known Sarlacc) thrashed its vines then laid still in wait for its prey. Fool. You're a victim to your own ambition. I will take the victory and Mistress Sturkov's favor.


Jorshal looked behind him, both Force Hunters had changed positions. One was out of sight, likely covering his flank, which one was unknown, while the other drew attention from the tall trees, leaping from branch to branch, tree to tree.

He couldn't see the cave ahead, but he knew it was close. The Force Hunters were not stupid, he'd learned that, overconfident in their power definitely. Perhaps they were flanking him from both sides, maybe there had been three and he miscounted. Maybe they illusion technology. He purged such speculation from his mind and focused on the task at hand. No proof, no reason to worry, right? The cave was up ahead, if he could make it there he was safe.

Two more darts came at him with stunning precision. He activated the lightsaber and boiled the darts in the heat of the blade, tiny drops of liquid metal burning against his clothing though to his skin.

He began to cough violently again, now was not the time. He cursed the poison in his veins as his body convulsed into dry heaves again. He could practically taste the safety of the caves, not now damn it.


Had one of the darts struck true? No, the dart's poison was much more effective than a flu virus. They could drop an Ackley in seconds, a Sith in less than a minute. Whatever was happening, Vuntana was at his weakest right now and it was time to take his victory. Three tree's lay in the path ahead, each a point in his course down to the ground level.

To hell with you Mathurk. Enjoy the flowers."


Mathurk glanced to the trees in which he could see Drumark now decending through like a primate hopped on spice. The hell... That theif is going for my kill. When Zanon created them, he did not create all Force Hunters equal. Drumark was a lesser creature: shorter, less strong, he was born with a withered hand, though Zanon grew a new one for him. Drumark should yield, it was only fair.

He cut his flanking route short and came in low against the hypothisized position of Master Vuntana. As much as he wanted to punish Drumark, he would report the crime to Alexia or Zanon, they would handle it as they rewarded him for taking down the Sith Master.


Jorshal noticed the creature coming in behind him, a strong leap would place him in front of Jorshal's path and open Jorshal up to a killing blow. Not going to happen. He was a Sith Master, damn it! Poison or not, he was going to make it to those damned caves. He forced his lungs to function again as he called upon the darkside to aid him. The anger, the insult of anyone with the testicular fortitude to think they could attack Korriban, thinkthey could attack the ancient home of the Sith, dare think they could attack Jorshal Vuntana's very house...

He could feel the very fibers of his leg muscles tearing as he burst through the flower beds and fields towards the caves which would prove to be his salvation. Both Force hunters had hooked up now and were doing their best to maintain speed in the wake of Jorshal's escape. At last, a massive dark hole rose in his vision as he topped a short hill that formed a crater around the mouth of the cave.


"Fool!" Drumark said as they ran after Jorshal. "You said you were to flank him! Now he has gotten away, Alexia will not be pleased." Not to mention his early cut off saved him from the Jungle Sarlacc.

"You were going for my kill. You know it goes against our code of prestige." Mathurk retorted as he saw Jorshal speed away.

"I would not dare break out code, your lack of trust has cost us the head of the Sith Master! I doubt Mistress Sturkov will spare your life!"

"It's not over yet. We can still catch him in the caves, we're equipped for that kind of enviroment... He is weakened by some external force, the advantage is ours. Victory is not out of our reach yet."

Mathurk and Drumark stopped as they broke through the tall grass to find Jorshal Vuntana, winded and tired, standing at the top of the a short hill looking down with a smile. Both Hunters knew something was wrong, if he was going to hide in the caves he should have taken to them by now.

A large red Hssiss dark side dragon rose on its wings behind the Sith Master. Jorshal looked at them and gritted his teeth. "Do you not think we are without allies. How dare you attack us where we are at our strongest."

Shenraun (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=149), Lady Vader's personal dark side dragon that dwelled in the gardens rose into the air. The day will be ours. It said through the Force and with a great wind, it decended down the crater mound towards the Force Hunters.

Now he could make his escape, Jorshal ran downt he hill and into the dark cave, hoping and praying to the Force that he would be able to navigate it and find the crypt before anyone else did.

Jorshal Vuntana
May 14th, 2006, 08:59:43 AM
Not since he had been a child had he dared to navigate the caves beneath the palace. As a child he believed himself fearless, not that he was afraid these days but rather... more sensical. Dark Side spirits roamed Korriban and though they were essentially harmless, a confrontation with one after you'd been lost in the caves for two days was rather traumatic.

Jorshal climbed to what he believed was a rock and looked intot he vast cave, barely illuminated by reflection on the walls from the entrance. The cave broke into two distinct tunnels, about a dozen smaller shafts and holes dotting the cavern he was in. He took note of where he was relative to the palace, he noted his childhood experiences and his lessons that made him an adult. The Force still eminated from a body after it had died, bacteria digesting the flesh and even a little spark from the lightsaber buried with the body; he had in mind his now deceased master Southstar. His body would lead Jorshal to where he needed to be, which told him the right tunnel. Childhood experience told him that nothing, especially on Korriban, was what it seemed. He took the left.

As he leapt from rock to rock, trying to save time as best he could a howl erupted through the cavern, Shenraun had finished the Force Hunters off. He was lucky, half poisoned he had managed to survive this far, far enough to secure Sith records and after that he would join his fellow Sith in the battle. Silently he hoped he would make it through all of this, he couldn't bring himself to admit that he was afraid of dying, though he thought he very much was. The mutilated body of his master came to mind, the horrible death he endured at the height of his life... No, Jorshal was only beginning to make the best of his life. He couldn't go now, not like Southstar.

It was dark now, paranoia and his imagination playing tricks on him. A cool breeze swept by his neck, a Dark Side spirit? Not likely, a gust driven through the tunnels by Shenraun's powerful wings was the answer. His eyes moved from one corner of the tunnel to the other, deep blackness was all they could capture. He sparked a flame through pyrokinesis, not his most proficient Force skill, but he knew it enough to get by. With a small ball of flame leading the way, he leapt from rock to rock the crypt growing closer each passing second.


A damned dragon. The Sith kept a damn dragon in their garden, he knew that, he had been briefed. It was Mathurk's fault, that barely competant excuse for a warrior. The kill was rightfully his, though Drumark did intend to steal it, Mathurk should have been aware of the Dragon and should have lead the precautionary steps. He didn't and now he was lunch, a rightfully deserved fate. Now it truely was Drumark's turn, not Jurak, their leader, nor Mathurk could stand in his way. The head of the Sith Master was his.

He crouched between two jagged rocks, watching as Jorshal chose his tunnel. The Force Hunters were incredibly well equipped for stealth, navigating the cave wile drawing the attention of neither that massive dragon nor Jorshal himself was going to be tricky regardless, but not impossible. He clutched a rugged peice of the cavern wall in his powerful hand as he took to the walls following Jorshal with the best of his bodily senses.


Damn it, he was being followed. Jorshal stood up as he exited a tunnel that caused him to crouch down. It took him a while to notice it, his Force senses were down and his body was tired and weak. He hoped to the Force that it was only one Force Hunter, that Shenraun had taken out at least one before the other got away. Could he ambush the hunter where the tunnel he just exited ended? Perhaps, but then he would have to killon the first blow, not something he believed himself capable of in this state.


He knows. Thought Drumark as he tucked his large body into the tunnel that Jorshal had entered nearly a minute ago. He was likely ambushing him at the end, or was that his mind playing tricks on him. He decided to take precautions anyway, his blade held firmly in his hand. It was very much capable of deflecting a lightsaber, it was perhaps his best defense against a Sith.

The prize of killing the Sith Master... he could practically it. His whole created life, he had been deemed the lesser of all the Force Hunters. He was shorter, created with a deformed hand though replaced, he was quicker than the others but it was always overlooked as he had the shortest stamina. Drumark never asked for kindness from either Mistress Sturkov, Dr. Zanon, Jurak or even any of the other Force Hunters. He just wanted a fair shot for his own glory, a chance to prove he was as good as anyone else.

He pushed on his powerful legs and sprang fromt he tunnel, a few feet from where Jorshal had just exited, he landed in a defensive stance, ready for that red blade. Nothing. He wished that dragon hadn't clawed his face, hadn't destroyed the face plate which held his infrared vision. His bodily senses would have to do, he had to trust himself if he wanted to catch this prey. Jorshal wasn't around him, not at all. He was sure the Sith knew Drumark was following him, but had he dared to make a run for it? He got the impression that something had got to the Sith before the Force Hunters had, some sort of poison or disease. Vuntana did not fight near as well as any of the other Sith, nor as well as what he expected a master to be capable of. He threw his ponderings away as he stalked down the cave wall, following the faint scent of the Sith Master.


It felt like his guts were being ripped apart. The dry heaves had started again, his body trying to hard to rid itself of whatever poison he had become infected with. The hold on the darkside was wavering, in a time of pain he had simply been able to call upon it and it would wash away the pain enabling him to fight on. This time... This time was different. His mind switched from fantasies of a victorious Sith Order, having repelled an attack on their home now pursuing their enemies across the galaxy to the reality that he probably wouldn't make it. he doubled his strength, blocking out the pain with his own will.

The homing beacon he made of Southstar's body told him he was close. There was a very narrow tunnel that connected the caves to the crypt, following the underground lake. He would confront the Force Hunter at the lake.


The tunnels got brighter as he followed Jorshal's scent into a cavern larger than he had even seen before. Fires burned along the walls of the cavern revealing a calm lake. The cavern looked as if it had once been a ceremonial, The Sith had been doing their thing there for centuries, it didn't entirely surprise him.

"Interesting spot you've chosen for your last stand, Master Vuntana." He said clutching his blade as he walked along the narrow pathway to the island in the lake where Jorshal stood.

"For a warrior, you talk to much." He replied. He had taken the moment to push the pain to the back of his mind, the Force helping him for what could be the last time. Telekinesis, telepathy... all those Force powers he had become accustomed to were out the window. This fight he would do so as a man, relying only on his combat training.

Both warrior's took the initiative, each striving for that first strike that would set the tone for the fight. In the reflection of the blade, each could see a red reflection of his opponent, the Force user and the Force Hunter.

Jorshal strived for speed, most aliens were faster than humans. He had to at least match the Hunter but as moments revealed, Shenraun had taken his toll on the Force Hunter. A massive scar stretched across the chest of the Hunter. The upper body muscles were suffering, blood seeping out with each upper body move Jorshal forced Drumark to make.

He needed the offensive. Vuntana was poisoned, it slowed him considerably. But the Dragon had taken its toll on him. He kicked at Jorshal's abdomen, forcing the blade tie up they held over their heads to break. Now was his chance. He parried the red blade, holding it to the side as he struck Jorshal in the face with his fist, bones cracking easily.

He reeled from the hit, falling backwards and over to the side into the lake. The physical strength the Force Hunters carried was not what matched their size. Their muscles were tighter and more capable. He held his breath as he swam through the cold water, praying that his body wouldn't give out.

Surfacing, he could not see the Force Hunter nor any remnants of him. Before he could catch a breath, he was dragged beneath the water, the Hunter's claws digging into his upper leg, blood seeping into the water.

The water slowed his movement, but a kick to the scarred face of the Hunter opened the wound and caused him to finally let go of Jorshal's leg. He swam to the surface, immediatly pulling himself onto the island and out of the Hunter's reach. He was far from done, so was the Hunter but at least now he was out of the water where he was weakest. He stood up, taking the best defensive stance he could on an injured leg and lugs gasping between coughs for air. One mistake, one common mistake was about to set him free from the pursuit of the Force Hunters. He stood with his lightsaber in his hand every muscle prepared for the final attack. He channeled his hatred for these creatures and their makers.

How dare they.

Hatred consumed him though he waited for the enemy to show his face. Anger filled his muscles and mind as he blotted out everyhting and waited for the last move the Force Hunter would make. The final move and mistake that he was sure would give him the victory. Hatred and anger, the way of the darkside became him.

Drumark saw the bank of the island lead on a gradient out of the water and up to the plateau. Words could not describe the hatred and anger he felt for the Sith. That single Sith was putting up much more of a fight than he ever expected. He was poisoned, fatigued, he'd crept through the cave, he'd survived a fall from the Palace window. But Drumark had endured more. A created warroirs life at the hands of a scientist. A cruel, unfair upbringing amonst those he dared refer to as brothers. The Invasion of the Sith Order was claiming those who were weakest of the Force Hunters. He was strong. He would survive as the most fit for victory.

He built his speed in the water, reptile characteristics taking over. In his anger and fury, blood washing over his eyes. Hhe charged through the water towards the bank, the transition from water to land movement was flawless, a clear tribute to the brilliant genetic engineering that was the Force Hunter. The speed increased as Drumark's legs touched the bank, propelling it through the water and out. It's first step on dry land lifted the beast into the air, his powerful arm holding the blade stretched back anticipating the killing blow that would strike down the Sith master Jorshal Vuntana, now at his weakest state.

Fury and anger filled the beast's body, only victory could satisfy it. Hatred for his enemy, the Sith Master, flowed through his veins.

Drumark's last sight was that of a bloodied and beaten Sith master striking in desperation at his body.

The lightsaber seared through the flesh and the Force Hunter landed on the ground in two pieces. For being one who hunts the Force, Drumark knew very little about it. One's anger is a Sith's greatest ally, but for everyone else it was blinding.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 7th, 2006, 09:14:20 PM
This should be it. He thought to himself as he pressed a hand against the cold stone wall. Through the stone was the cell that housed the Sith Protocols. He reached for his lightsaber, hoping that he wasn't too late, he had been through enough already to come up empty handed.

He ignited the red blade into the stone and slowly began to cut a makeshift passage way. The Force light extinguished itself, his only light now was that of his weapon and the white hot stone that was melting away. He was so tired now, even in his peak condition the run in with the two Force Hunters would have been taxing. In the poisoned state he was in now, he could barely muster up the strength to breathe.

The stone with glowing edges collapsed inward revealing a tunnel of wires viewed through a porthole of glowing white edges. He shielded himself as best as possible with the Force and stepped through the hole, careful not to touch any of the edges. Regardless of his caution, his bloodied sleeve erupted into flames as he passed through. There was no use for a complete oversheild now, he directed it to the burning clothing. Dying down to a bright orange and then nothing, the flames burned the oxygen within the field and left his sleeve blackened.

He stared through the technological jungle until he found the solid durasteel door that lead to steps which would take him farther up to the main console. Curse whoever built this area, they left no room to maneuver through the cell whatsoever. Picking cobwebs out of his face and blinking the dust out of his eyes, Jorshal passed through the stone corridor, home to the wirey maze.

He looked back at his entrance hole, more Force Hunters would try to follow the footsteps of the two that had pursued him. They'd make it if they could bypass Shenraun and navigate the network of tunnels and caverns in the earth of Korriban. The open hole was no matter to him, if anyone came they would find nothing. He had every intent to wipe the protocols clean.

The lock of the door melted away like the stone before it and Jorshal pushed his way through to the stairway. The lights recognized the presence of an individual in their room and reveled the console to him. There it stood, untouched. Whether or not it had been tampered with inside, he had yet to find out.

A plethora of information passed before his eyes as he scanned each file for any evidence at all that they had been accessed. None showed itself. The date in which they had last been accessed was very old, he had only been an apprentice then, but he achieved Master in quick time. Who might have been here then?


"You have no evidence." Jorshal yelled at the dark figure across the room, through the window the landscape of Korriban glowed, giving his Master that sinister look that worked so well with the Sith. "Even if you simply searched her mind, such evidence shouldn't be so readily accessible. It was planted there to make us turn on our own."

"Who are you trying to convince?" The dark figure said, still not looking away from the window.

"I don't believe it for a second." Jorshal began to pace the room. "What happened at the Mountain? When you took her up there, what did you see? There's no evidence, planted or otherwise." He believed he know what this was really about. "You're jealous. She has more potential than you ever did." He accused. "Now you're trying to take her out of the picture before she can out do you/i]."

Finally the Master turned around, Southstar glared at him with angry eyes. "I won't stand here and let you falsely accuse me of such lunacy!"

"Falsely accusing you?" Jorshal said, meeting his anger. "You're the one who stands on unjust ground... You fear her."

Without even raising his hand, the Force gripped Jorshal's body and crushed it against the stone wall. He tried to resist, but telekinesis was never his strong spot. "You [i]know I speak the truth. She's been tampering with files, she lurks around a night looking for our weakspots and now she's found it. What happened at the Mountain is that she was exposed as a spy in her weakened state."

The Force grip released him and he slid to the ground trying to regain the wind knocked out of him. Jorshal had been romantically linked with Rayna Eclipse, the supposed traitor. He honestly loved her, it was the closest relationship he had since his mother. He had finally someone to confide in, someone relax the dark life at the Palace on Korriban. Here was his own Master denying it all, telling him it was a farce.

"Tomorrow we must go to confront her and put a stop to the danger she has put this Order in. You will see it for yourself when she confronts us." Southstar reasoned.

Jorshal swallowed and took another deep breath. "To hell with you and to hell with your Order."


He walked out the door, unaware that it would be the last time he would see his master alive. Rayna Eclipse was the traitor, she was dealt with accordingly. To this day she sat deep within the Dollhouse, a drooling invalid part of Southstar's home for those he deemed unfit for death. Jorshal had only admitted one person, Rayna, her mind cleansed thoughly and her brain operated on to insure she would never live as anything more than a slug again.

Southstar was right, Rayna had been tampering with the secrets of the Order. He never knew the significance of this concole until he had been admitted to the Elders, Southstar never explained fully to him what secrets he was talkling about, apparently he never told Lady Vader or any of the other Elders about this discovery before his death either. Damn it, how could he never have pieced it all together. Who knew who else had access to the Protocol's information now.

"No." He whispered as he realized the Protocols were being accessed by remote. Whoever their attacker was, they had this information at their fingertips. He initiated the procedure to wipe it all clean and sever the tie with the remote. This whole situation was much graver than he believed.

All of his body told him to rest, to sleep a little and ragain the strength. His mind told him make it back to the other Elders, he cursed himself for not having the capability to utilize telepathy. Placing a hand on the door he releaived his body of its own weight and searched for anyone nearby to convey the message. Tarsis was close, Force Hunters were everywhere, then there was someone he didn't recognize.

Tarsis was his best bet. He'd try to reach him first. Instead of contacting Tarsis telepathically, he saved his energy and pushed through to the long corridor that would take him to the stairway and back to the heart of the Palace.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 9th, 2006, 09:58:18 PM
He rounded the corner, feeling Tarsis' presence grow stronger as approached. However, there was one presence that he dreaded and it made itself known as soon as he saw it. Why hadn't he sensed it before he turned the corner? Was he growing that weak?

The Force Hunter bared its teeth at the sight of Jorshal and without hesitation it leapt into the attack, the blade it carried aiming for Jorshal's heart.

Jorshal met the blade with his own, but was easily overpowered. The Hunter's speed was beginning to become overwhelming and in combination with its strength and strategy, Jorshal feared he would soon be done. He made a weak call for help through the Force to anyone who might come.

He parried another swipe from the Force Hunter and retreated back a step as he felt the growing presence of Tarsis in the Force. Distract. Jorshal collapsed to one knee and held his hand out, the Force Hunter smiling as it belived it was going to get the kill. The attack was too obvious as the Force Hunter, for all their strengths, were still susceptible to the blinding quality of hubris.

Jorshal ducked beneath the blade's slashing arc and before he could see the sparks burst fromt the blade's connection with the wall, a vibrosword thrust out the belly of the Hunter, inches away from Jorshal's head. Jorshal grinned intot he eyes of the Hunter as it realized its mistake and seconds later payed for it.

"Looks like I don't need this sling anymore." Tarsis said as he tore the fabric from his arm and discarded it to the ground. "You ok Master Vuntana?"

"I'm just darling." He snarled as he shakily stood up. "Listen up. Whoever is attacking us has access to the Sith Protocols. Make sure that reaches Yurza or Zereth. They'll know what I'm talking about."

He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt. "There's someone here, someone I think who might be behind the attack. I'm going to find out for sure and put an end to them. Tell Yurza and Zereth the Palace is in their hands. The Order is in their hands..." His mind drifted into thought, was he being too much of a defeatist? No, there was a chance he could knock out this foreign person he sensed in the Force, but it was best to send worst case scenario instructions anyway.

"Now get going."

Jun 13th, 2006, 12:10:48 PM
"You're welcome" was all Tarsis said as he finished unwrapping his arm. Extending it outwards and then bending it back in, Tarsis winced a little but the pain was soon gone. Adrenalin had that effect on people. Standing up, Tarsis grabbed the hilt of his vibro sword and rested its massive blade on top of his right shoulder.

"I'm just darling."

Tarsis grinned and then stepped out into the hallway to make sure that there were no more of those Hunters around and then stepped back in once he was satisfied. In the mean time, Jorshal had been ranting on about 'Protocols" and how the Order was now in the hands of Yurza and Zereth. It was quiet annoying to hear someone with such power babble on about such meaningless things. "Are you done?" Tarsis said once Jorshal had completely finished. "Now, I don't know anything about these protocols that you're barking about, but I'm sure Yurza and Zereth are already three steps ahead of you. You're sick, not dying, so shut up about the Order being in their hands. You're stronger than that." He said in reply. "Don't act so weak."

Tarsis paused for a moment to let what he had just said sink in. He wasn't just saying these things to make Jorshal feel better, it was the truth. The Order would not have chose him to lead them if they did not all believe what Tarsis had just told him. "The intruder you’re speaking about, tell me about them. You are in no condition to fight this person by yourself and as much as I would rather see you fall after the stunt you pulled up on the Mountain, I'll go with you to see that that doesn't happen." He hated to admit it, but the Order did need him to survive. He was a powerful and talented Sith; one whose strengths and capabilities were not easy to replace. "I swore myself to this Order and those in it when I was brought in and I shall uphold my end of the bargain. Master Vuntana, my blade and my power, are yours to command."

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 18th, 2006, 10:19:29 PM
"Well I commanded you to return to the others." He said fiercly, hiding no anger in his voice.

He turned away from Tarsis, who had yet to budge. There wasn't time to debate things, Tarsis could be of great use to him in the pursuit of the attacker, but on the other hand the others needed to know what Jorshal had discovered. No, together they could eliminate the attacker and at least Tarsis would make it back, it wasn't of immediate neccessity that the others know.

"Guard my back and follow me without question." He said quietly, his back to Tarsis. "Our target is nearby, I can feel them..." He trailed off and did not mention the sense of anger, perhaps hatred towards the Sith that this person carried. Could it really be another darksider?

Taking only a moment to let his mind expand, he was able to close in on the general location of the target. "The Elder's Vision." He said and looked up. "It's only a few floors up. They're waiting for us."

The lift could take them right outside the Elder's Vision, as far as he could tell, their target was planning no surprise, they wished for a confrontation. Slowly he realized that this person was calling to him through the Force. Calling him into a trap maybe, they would take the stairs.

The stairwell was designed like a winding serpent up a stone column, the theory was it would be easy to stage a surprise attack should the palace be invaded. But the Palace was designed so long ago, the Order held many more loyal servants then it did now. The same setup that was designed to aid the Sith could be used against them. Thankfully, as Jorshal reached the floor of the Elder's Vision, none of the Force Hunters had tried. They were distracted, he sensed, some prey had enticed their tongues. Thoughts of the other Sith in danger approached his mind, he turned them away in full confidence that they would make it.

"This is it." he said, pushing all thought from his mind. "The Elder's vision is divided into three parts. A gathering room. A council room for the Elders. And the rear chamber which leads to a balcony. The council room is cluttered with stone ornaments and plenty of places to hide, two balconies on each side over look the table held up by columns. The gathering room very plain, but it contains the stairwells to the balconies in the council room. A large wooden door seperates the two. The rear chamber contains a semi-circle colonade, continuous of the one in the council room. The room is vacated completely, but it keeps the same height as the other rooms, there are stone spires that hang from ceiling, many stone ormaments like the in the council room."

They were both staring at the large wooden door that lead to the gathering room. He indulged into a quick memory of the skirmish they had atop the mountain. "I tell you this because the enviroment is your weapon. I sense that any advantage we have over this intruder the better."

He reached out throught he Force, the intruder was there waiting in cold silence through the Force. He could not identify him, whoever it was masked themselves in the Force with great skill. He sent a wave of fear towards the intruder, feeling through the Force as it was casually rebuked.

"I'll take the lead, when I open a whole in the defenses you exploit it." He charged himself with the darkside, using his anger as fuel to wash away the effects of the poison that coursed in his veins. He was weak, he knew this, but he would fight until the intruders left this planet. Death is only the price of immortal glory.

Jun 20th, 2006, 10:40:06 AM
Tarsis followed closely behind Jorshal, making sure to not only keep his guard up just incase any other Force Hunters wanted to make an appearance, but to also keep tabs on Jorshal's health. He was doing rather well considering the circumstances, but if you paid attention enough, you could see that it was beginning to take its toll.

Once they had reached the Elder's Vision room, Jorshal stopped and began telling Tarsis about what was inside the room and what he could expect. "I tell you this because the environment is your weapon. I sense that any advantage we have over this intruder the better" Tarsis could only nod in agreement. Being that Tarsis had only been in the Elder's Vision room once, during Jorshal’s promotion ceremony oddly enough, he really had no clue what to expect. Jorshal's little bit of information would serve him more then he knew.

Concentrating on what was inside the room Tarsis could feel a strong Force signature within. It wasn't a Force Hunter, that was for sure, but whoever or whatever was in that room, was doing a good job at masking itself through the Force. Seeing how easily the intruder rebuked Jorshal’s wave of fear did nothing to help the big man ease his mind, but Tarsis quickly purged any ill thought from his mind. In order to be at his best he would have to go into this with a clear and steady mind.

"I'll take the lead, when I open a whole in the defense you exploit it."

Tarsis only nodded. He was preparing himself, just as Jorshal was, for whatever was going to happen. Calling the Force to do his will, Tarsis could feel its power course through his veins. It was as refreshing as a cool summer rain. Feeling charged as his muscles bulged and tensed, Tarsis closed both hands around the hilt of his sword, his knuckles turning white as he gripped it and re-gripped it again. With his vibro-sword on and out in front of him, in a well balanced stance, good for offence or defense, Tarsis was as ready as he would ever be. Placing his right shoulder against the door, Tarsis turned and looked at Jorshal. When he was ready, Tarsis would force the door open, allowing Jorshal to advance inward while Tarsis followed in his stead. Alll he was waiting on now was a sign from Jorshal saying that he was ready to go.

Jun 22nd, 2006, 05:25:49 PM
Sarin watched as the door crept open, the hand of Jorshal Vuntana pushing it open. Sarin knew Jorshal would not recognize the outfit, it was one exclusive to the Jedi Order of Aequitas, a small and strict order located in the deep core planetary system of Yoric. Watching closely, another walked behind Jorshal, a physically hulking creature.

The red blade of Master Vuntana's lightsaber erupted from the hilt, breaking the silence that stood between the enemies. In return, Sarin ignited the hilt that lay firmly in his hand. Against the stone walls, the light from each blade had already engaged though each combatant stood still.

"Feeling sick are we, Master Vuntana?" Said a rather feminine voice lightly spiced with a growing anger.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jun 22nd, 2006, 05:57:23 PM
He narrowed his eyes, he could barely recognize the voice. It could have belonged to someone he once knew, but it sounded so bitter, even jaded. It couldn't be, he resolved that issue so long ago. He reached out with the Force only to find the person's Force signature lash back like thorny vines.

"You shouldn't have come here." He said, anger clearly rising in his voice. "You'll pay." Were his last words as he allowed the darkside to fill his body and catapult him into, what he feared may be his last, battle.

The figure in black met his blade but took full advantage of Jorshal's weakened state, forcing the duel to retreat towards the door Jorshal and his apprentice had entered through. Room to breathe was what Sarin was looking for, extreme close combat was apparently not a strong point for him.

Jorshal leapt in the air as the green blade paralleled the floor in a slash as he returned his own horizontal strike over the dark head of Sarin gaining the momentum needed, Jorshal landed on his feet and crouched low, for the ankle high slash of great force. In the dueling columns of spiraling light, neither combatant met their mark.

Sarin had not forgotten about Tarsis, lying in wait for the right move, as the dark figure would not allow Jorshal to turn the fight and Sarin's weak side open to him. There was no need to communicate with Tarsis directly, lightsaber dueling was a language of its own. Sarin could not be forced into exposing himself, especially by an already weakened Jorshal, the obvious answer was to trade places.

Jorshal and Sarin met blades rapidly, neither striving for the killing blow but rather to understand each other's approach, though the more Jorshal fought the more the sneaking suspicion that he already knew this style grew. They met high, Jorshal on the defense with his blade horizontal and Sarin's hacking down at him. It was the moment he needed to bring Tarsis in on the offense.

OOC: The battle is your hands for the next post, feel free dictate Jorshal's movement's short of extreme injury or death :)

Jul 18th, 2006, 03:57:00 PM
OOC: Sorry it's taken so long. I hope you can work off this.

Engaging one another in fierce battle, colors of red and blue lit up the room, birthing shimmering hues of purple as Tarsis stood off to the side in front of the double doors, waiting for his opportune moment to strike. Even though he was in a much weakened state, Jorshal was managing quiet well for himself. Between the Hunters and Sarin, one would never know Jorhsal was on the brink of physical and mental exhaustion, but if you paid close attention, you could see, every now and then, him wince as some unknown pain coursed through his battered body.

While the fight endured, Tarsis had been wondering how on earth he was going to help? The only weapon he had on him was his vibrosword and that was completely worthless against Sarin’s lightsaber. Looking around the room as their fight continued, Tarsis was noting his surroundings: a chair here, a table there. Not much really, but it was something.

By the time Tarsis had figured out was he was going to do, Jorshal and Sarin were locked high both struggling to gain a footing over the other. Drawing in the darkside, Tarsis lifted a far off chair and hurled it towards Sarin. Dodging to the right, unlocking his and Jorshal’s blade, Sarin dipped out of the way of the chair just in time. Swishing his blade out to his side and twirling it around on his wrist, Sarin returned his saber to a defensive position. Doing the same, minus the fancy twirling, Tarsis drew out his sword and activated it. It would do no good against a lightsaber, but it was better than nothing. Besides, Tarsis had a few more tricks up his sleeve…

Jorshal Vuntana
Jul 26th, 2006, 12:12:08 AM
A Force blast planted itself in his chest and kocked him off his feet and into the door. Through his hazy vision he could see the door creak open as Sarin turned attention to Tarsis. He motioned to his feet, stopping only to spit the blood that had filled his mouth. Sarin stood unharmed, the black figure seemed invincible.

Hadn't Tarsis a lightsaber? He racked his mind, how could he have been so foolish to lead the acolyte into combat without the weapon of a Sith? Especially when he knew the opponent to be armed with a lightsaber. Jorshal had no choice, disarm Sarin or Tarsis wouldn't make it through. Seperating a lightsaber from its user, however, was not an easy task. Strategy later, Tarsis needed aid.

With a fierce cry he charged towards Sarin. His lightsaber, however, was deactivated and with good reason. He flung the hilt towards Tarsis, using a telekinetic shove to prevent Sarin from reaching it. Tarsis knew combat as well as Jorshal, he was not a stranger to a lightsaber, he would know enough to parry Sarin's attack. As the acolyte and Sarin engaged lightsaber for lightsaber, Jorshal began to implement his plan to disarm Sarin and hopefully win the fight.

Aug 6th, 2006, 08:41:32 PM
It all happened, in what seemed like, one quick motion: Tarsis caught Jorshal's lightsaber, ignited it, and clashed with Sarin's. Going up high to block Sarin's downward swing, Tarsis lifted his saber up and then to the side so that Sarin's vertical blade caught his horizontal blade, making it easier for Tarsis to counter. Acting fast so as to not give Sarin a chance to strike again, Tarsis push Sarin's blade out to the right and moved in, connecting with a force driven head butt.

Staggering backwards with a steady stream of blood running down from his forehead, Sarin shook his head and quickly reestablished his guard. He had clearly under estimated the Acolytes combat capabilities, but that was a mistake he would not make again. Extending his palm, Sarin sent a concussive force blast straight towards Tarsis. When the current struck its target, it had enough power behind it to make it seem as though Tarsis had been hit by a dura steel wall. Flying backwards, he collided with several chairs as well as a few tables. For a brief moment, everything went black as his head finally hit the floor, but Tarsis knew that this was not the time to leave himself open and forced himself up. He had been hit with a Force blast before, but never one that strong. Standing a bit dazed and confused, Tarsis realized that Sarin was charging him and brought up the best defensive position he could think of at that time.

Once again, shadows filled the walls as actors would a stage; their brilliant dance telling the story of their battle. Red and blue would connect, birthing hews of purple for brief moments which were snuffed out the moment their sabers broke their sinister bonds. Tarsis, having just sustained a rather nasty blow to the head, was having a very hard time keeping up with the valiant and determined warrior in front of him. His knowledge of combat was no where near that of Sarin’s, but he’d be damned if he was going to allow that to determine the end results of this fight.

Parrying Sarin’s forward thrust, Tarsis dodged once again to his right only this time to be met by the fist of Sarin’s left hand. It wasn’t a strong blow, having only been utilized to break the connection of their sabers, Sarin moved in with another attack. Being back on the defensive, Tarsis was blocking, both high and low, while at the same time trying to figure out how he was going to end this assault. Just then, he saw out of the corner of his eye, Jorshal moving in. Drawing in the darkside, Tarsis grabbed whatever was beside him, which was half of chair and an average sized piece of rock, and hurled them towards his pursuer. Striking true, the distraction worked and opened up a hole just long enough for Jorshal to slip in.

Grabbing onto both of Sarin’s wrist, Jorshal fought for control, but in his weakened state, was clearly having a difficult time in doing so. Deactivating his saber and clipping it to his belt, Tarsis moved in quickly to lend his Master a hand in detaining their attacker…

Jorshal Vuntana
Aug 6th, 2006, 11:06:50 PM
It was is if a concussion bomb had been placed at the nexus of the three combatants. Jorshal wasn't sure of who used the telekinetic blast, though he assumed it be Sarin regardless. He had the most to gain.

The creamy texture of blood touched his tongue and the pain of his own concussion stung within.

Tarsis was in the corner and Sarin, behind a trail of splinters, was in the next room. The poweful Force blast had burst the lock the wooden door using Sarin as a means. Good, maybe it would give the SIth a little more edge on the skilled attacker.

Barely seconds flashed by before the two Sith were on their feet again, Jorshal passed his instructions. "Take to the balconies, I'll search the floor. I suspect he's hiding."

Jorshal wanted to say more, but he needed his attention to focus on the council room; all senses warned of a trap. Tarsis was needed more than ever now, needed to help the Master, needed to act like a Knight. It was two on one in a game of hide and seek, despite being a sick and tired Master accompanied by an acolyte, they had the edge at last. Sarin must be hurting, Jorshal reasoned, why hide when an outright attack had proved to be so effective before? You hide because you are weak.


Bloodied but far from beaten, Sarin stood lifeless in the shadows. The Force blast had backfired, it was too much power and not enough direction. The skill of which the Force was wielded in these hands was diminished as the raw Force had begun to trickle in.

Tarsis walked by the balcony, using every sense to find the black clothed figure, Jorshal too was carefully looking on. The Force had seemingly proven to favor no one in this contest, as the Sith could barely sense Sarin, Sarin could barely sense them. It was a shield of Sarin's own design: Genetically designed Ysalamiri's blood, injected into Sarin's own veins and adopted by the body so that it would live and be effective. Sensing each other was but a minor use of the Force, forsaking it did not mean the Force had forsaken Sarin. No, the Force still favored Sarin's cause, it guided and protected, it would lead to victory.

Sarin would wait. Tarsis and Jorshal still could not find the figure within the heavily decorated council room. Perhaps the reason they could not find him lie in the reason behind why they did not want to find him. Sarin wanted to taste fear within the Sith, the sensation graced him for only a moment. Perhaps their own tactics of fear had worked agaisnt them. Perhaps it was only an illusion within Sarin's mind. The moment had only to present itself now through the Force. Sarin could wait.

At last Jorshal was in place, taking the high ground atop the council's table. He was suspicious of Sarin's position, Jorshal studied it for seemingly a long time trying to decipher the image of shadows and highlights. Tarsis returned into view, walking, searching.

Then men were aligned, Sarin in the shadows, Tarsis directly across from the blackened figure and on the balcony, Jorshal between the two studying a pattern he did not yet know to be his enemy. The moment was now. Sarin dropped the illusion created of both technology and the Force and leapt at Jorshal with such an intensity to push him through one of the supporting pillars of the balcony until both combatants were beneath it, out of Tarsis' sight.

Now Tarsis could make no sure move to save his master of kill his enemy, his ally, sight of the battle, was obstructed by a slab of stone. Sarin had but only a moment in which Jorshal belonged to him, slow from the poison and surprised from the attack. He would die in this moment.

Sep 10th, 2006, 01:40:43 PM
In that brief moment when Sarin charged Jorshal, Tarsis felt a very desperate, a very hopeless call through the Force. Either Jorshal had completely given up and was calling to Tarsis for help or Sarin was giving his everything into killing him. Focusing on the situation at hand, everything seemed to slow down. The slab in front of Tarsis was at least three feet thick and who knows how much debris was on the other side. The only thing going for Tarsis was the fact that he could still fill Jorshal's Force signature, but he could also feel Sarin's; which meant they were both still alive.

Acting with out thought, Tarsis reached for the lightsaber Jorshal had lent him, activated it, and through it; aiming at what he assumed to be Sarin's signature. In order to throw a lightsaber and have it stay on, the person throwing it must keep the Force focused on the hilt of the saber during the saber's flight. If not, the saber will deactivate and whatever you were attempting to do will fail. So, not wanting to fail as he finished recalling his studies, Tarsis made sure that he kept the Force around his hilt.

Once the saber left his hands, everything seemed to speed back up. The blades soft hum seemed to echo throughout the room as it passed by a few tables and then passed through the giant slab of stone before him. There was something of a muttered yelp as Tarsis saw the red light of his blade extinguish and then both signatures began to fade, one faster than the other. Tarsis just stood there for a moment. Had he hit both of them? Had Jorshal's own saber struck him as well as Sarin? Tarsis kind of snapped back to reality and began moving stone after stone with the Force. Pieces flew from one side of the room to the other until finally he unearthed a body. It was Sarin with hilt of Tarsis’ saber sticking out of his back. The heat from Sarin’s armor melted around the tip of the saber, keeping it locked in place. He was obviously dead. Still hyped up on the Force, Tarsis grabbed Sarin by the back of the neck and tossed his limp body aside. Underneath him was Jorshal holding his left shoulder. Extending a hand towards Jorshal, Tarsis lifted him up out of the fallen rubble. Even though Jorshal was poisoned, bleeding, and wounded, Tarsis would still not help his Master beyond was necessary. Thus was the way of the Sith.

Once Jorshal had sat down by one of the destroyed tables, Tarsis walked over to Sarin’s lifeless body and reaching down, activated Jorshal’s saber which in turn, heated up Sarin’s armor so that he could extract the hilt of the saber. Before returning to Jorshal, Tarsis reached down and unhooked Sarin’s saber from his belt and attached it to his own. It was his trophy. This was the first Jedi he had ever killed. He had killed before of course, but never someone like a Jedi. A sense of accomplishment and of renewed loyalty to the Order was now sweeping over Tarsis. Upon returning to Jorshal, Tarsis handed him his saber back and said, “I hope you’ll do better next time because I won’t always be there for you, Master. What’s next?”

Jorshal Vuntana
Sep 20th, 2006, 05:53:07 PM
Something was amiss. Jorshal could feel it in his bones. He stared at the collapsed body of Sarin from his position on the ground. Towards the moment they both broke through the door he had picked something up from this attacker through the Force. Something familiar.

"Unmask her." He commanded. Should his dying breath approach, he had to know one thing.

Despite quizzical looks at his master's assumption this was a she, Tarsis did as he was told. The black mask was at last taken off put only sand poured out.

"Sand?" Jorshal questioned as the whole figure deflated. Immediately following came the question of where the true Sarin was. Was this really a diversion? Why had the true Sarin not attacked.

"What is next is our escape. Sarin appears to be in hiding, now is our moment." Jorshal stood up and nearly fell over, was his leg really broken? He grabbed Tarsis by the arm and held himself up.

"There's something akin to an escape pod in here. It will take us to the hiding place of a personal vessel and off planet. If the others have any... sense... They'll have done... the same." Not dead yet. Just sleep, it was all he needed. "Let's go."