View Full Version : United 93

Apr 26th, 2006, 11:29:37 PM
Saw it tonight...


But overwhelming.....

Figrin D'an
Apr 26th, 2006, 11:46:39 PM
I guess the premier in New York was a pretty wrought with emotion for the audience, since a lot of the families of the Flight 93 passengers were in attendance.

I expect this to do well at the box office, I can imagine a lot of people feeling the need to see it, although given the subject matter, I'm guessing there may not be a lot of repeat business. Lots of "one and done" viewings.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 26th, 2006, 11:53:39 PM
I would imagine it willprobably make me bawl (the trailer alone was tear inducing), but I think that I'll see it anyway. :cry

Apr 27th, 2006, 07:56:03 AM
I didn't cry during the film, but I don't think I breathed at all in the last 15 minutes. After it went to black I remember exhaling really shakily.

In the foyer of the Samuel Goldwyn Building(actually the Academy Building, but the SG Theatre) the audience stood around and talked, about the film and about that day(and about if we'd have been courageous enough to fight back like a few of them did or just scream and cry like others). While my friend went to the bathroom I called my Mom. That's when I broke down and sobbed. Then I called my ex girlfriend and my brother. It made me wanna touch base with the people most important to me.

I don't think I'll see a better film this year.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 27th, 2006, 05:38:47 PM
I am not sure if I want to see it. I lived through it and just not sure I want to sit in a theater to see it. Maybe on DVD or something but in theater I just don't think so. I am curious will it get it any Oscar consideration? I know it is so hard for a movie to get any released this early. The last movie to win was SOTL before May 1st.

Apr 28th, 2006, 03:10:24 PM
I think it's a lock for an editing nomination. Greengrass is probably a good bet as well.

I try not to pimp my own stuff, but I was kinda proud of this review for whatever reason.


Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2006, 07:15:18 PM
That is a well written review there. I agree with you about the editing nomination, I think that seems likely considering what I have read.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2006, 07:32:14 PM
Terrific review!

It makes me tear up just reading the review though. I think I'm going to see a happy movie tonight ^_^;

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2006, 07:34:01 PM
The movie about the spelling bee looks better than RV, if you see something new.

Apr 28th, 2006, 07:42:42 PM
Hell I wanna see Akeelah and the Bee! Probably a rental type film, but it looks quite good.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2006, 07:56:02 PM
Yeah it does look like a good movie, probably a rental for me too.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2006, 09:04:52 PM
I want to see Ice Age 2. :p The hubby is sleeping though, I think he's getting sick, so we probably won't see anything tonight. ^_^;

Apr 29th, 2006, 08:08:46 PM
I truly hope more of you expereince this. It has shaken me to the core. United 93 hasn't been far from my mind since Wednesday night.