View Full Version : Giacomo Rossi

Giacomo Rossi
Apr 22nd, 2006, 03:20:28 PM
<center><img src=http://swf-agglomeration.net/sigs/rasputin1.jpg></center>

Name: Giacomo Rossi, a.k.a. "Gregori Rasputin"

Species: Vampire, 8th generation

Allegiance: Clan Lesombra; The Sabbat

Physical Appearance:

History: Involved in a lengthy personal plot to control the Russian royal family, Giacomo was betrayed by his sire who used the catalyst of Gregori Rasputin to start his own revolution which launched him to the seat of Cardinal and killed Rasputin and the royal family in the process.

Personality: At times more Malkavian than Lesombra, Giacomo was regarded with fearful awe by many of his fellow Sabbat until his untimely demise.

Perception: He is thought to be dead.

Additional Information: Giacomo lies underwater in torpor in an unknown river in Russia.

Gifts: in order of strength, greatest to least

top image from <a href=http://reddstudios.tripod.com/drawing.html>Redd Studios</a>