View Full Version : Begginings of a Book (Closed)

Baralai Lotus
Apr 17th, 2006, 11:21:26 PM
Baralai stepped eagerly into the empty Sith Library, looking around at its many shelves and vast numbers of books. He took a seat at one of the tables in the center of the room and pulled out a leather bound book. On the front was a picture of Ouroboros, wrapped around a vial. He flipped through several of the pages in the book, all blank. He pulled a pin from his pocket and opened the book to the first page.

"So this is it. . .my lifes work. Everything I can find, all right here. Going to be placed among these shelves to be read for hundreds of years to come. I will pour my very mind onto these pages, and I will leave my legacy within this binding."

He placed the pen to the paper and slowly began to write in the empty notebook, rolling the pen back and forth on the page, silently. Not being disturbed by anything or anyone. He cared for nothing more right now other than his book.


Whoever has found this book, whether actively seeking it or seeming to just come upon it, know this. Within these pages are the findings of a God. A man who dared to venture forth and test the will of everything in the Universe. I have left my very soul and mind within these pages, and I know that you will use them to further my research and attain a status of elevated man yourself.

Regardless, I find it necessary to give my own words of warning here. I have dedicated my whole life to the furthering of science, its motives and anything correlated with it. I have spent my whole life seeking knowledge and its foundation. I believe that with enough knowledge, with enough of it at your fingertips, you can become anything you have ever imagined. Within this book are my findings on Sith Alchemy, a science which has the ability to alter life itself.

Within this book are the techniques used to create and alter life as to whatever the user may desire. I have used it to my greatest advantage. Taking control of it through the Force and using it to alter and change everything around me. Due to Sith Alchemy, I have even changed several subjects into new beings entirely. I am furthering a science that has been dead for thousands of years. I felt it was time that God was brought back from his tomb.

Iniside this book, you will find the deepest torrents of my mind, the very being that goes into my creations. You will see creatures you never thought could have existed, and in your hands you will hold the records of God. I have placed everything I can into this leather bound book, and I pray that since you have found it or it has found you, you will use it to its full potential. Know this, those who do not use what life has given them are sinners in the eyes of God, and one day, God will return to smite those who have sinned.

Knowing this, knowing what will happen when you begin to read the first few pages of the first chapter, know that you must not stop. This book contains some of the greatest secrets of life and death. Knowing that you have the power of God in your fingertips, what will you do with it? I suppose I should know the answer to such a question, but unfortunately, I have no idea who you are, but I know this. You have found this book because you desire to posses knowledge.

Knowledge is the power that will break or make this universe. Without knowledge, there is nothing. The Universe is your labaratory, and this tool that has been laid in your hands is one of the greatest things you could ever be given. Do not dispense of it, and do not disregard it. Hold steady this book and read it from margin to margin, page to page, cover to cover. Do not disregard the power or existance of God. I have laid everything for you within this book.

God will return to reap the unsown seeds. The only thing you have to do, is reap the knowledge from this book. Then it is up to you whether you will be one of the reapers or one of the reaped. The decision is all in your hands.