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Dimitri Vojslav
Apr 14th, 2006, 01:47:08 PM
Name: Dimitri Vojslav

Born: 1581; Embrace: 1618

Clan: Tzimisce

Generation: 7th

Appearance: Dimitri is a very tall man. Despite his wiry frame he is physically strong. His hair is jet black and his facial features are smooth, almost androgynous.

Personality: Dimitri has a short temper when dealing with serious matters. His nature is brutal yet his demeanor is welcoming and pleasant. Although he is a remnant of the Old World, Dimitri has adapted surprisingly well to the changes throughout the years.


First born in 1495, Dimitri was the son of a nobleman in Moscow who was a member of the Boyar. However before the childs first birthday he was stolen by a Tzimisce vampire and killed by an Elder in a mystical ritual involving a woman named Ursa Nagaya. A mark was placed upon the woman, binding her family's bloodline to that of Dimitri and the Tzimisce clan. Years later, Ivan the Terrible married his eigth wife - Maria, granddaughter of Ursa. The ritual performed in 1495 came full circle when in 1581 Maria gave birth to a reincarnated Dimitri, now Dimitri Ivanovich. The Tzimisce clan had achieved their goal of linking themselves to the Russian royal bloodline.

In 1591, on his tenth birthday, Dimitri was left for dead in the ancient town of Uglich after Boris Godunov slit his throat. However, Uglich was also the location of a Tzimisce manse. He was found and taken to the same Elder who had performed the ritual - Kabak Vojslav. Kabak was faced with with the decision of Embracing Dimitri. However the attack had not been forseen and the clan had not planned to Embrace Dimitri at such a young age. Kabak attempt to heal Dimitri of his mortal wound. However he did not succeed. Unable to think clearly, Kabak left Dimitri alone on a stone surface to die. When he returned several hours later, Kabak discovered Dimitri alive. The young boy was huddled in the corner of the room. At first Kabak thought the boy was terrified. Yet when the Tzimisce Elder approached, a wall of fire appeared between the two. Kabak could hardly believe it. The boy was aware. He was aware of where he was and the power he had. He had Awakened.

Over the next few nights the Elders of the Tzimisce clan in Russia meditated on the recent events surrounding Dimitri. They agreed that the trigger that had Awakened the boy was the attack in Uglich. It was Dimitri's will to live and the burning hatred for his would-be murderer that kept him alive in the crypts of the manse. The process was no doubt enhanced by the blood running through Dimitri's veins. Though not vampiric, Dimitri's blood was certainly bolstered with Tzimisce power as a result of the ritual performed almost a century earlier. An unexpected benefit. Not only was Dimitri of the Rurikovich mortal bloodline and, in some way, the Tzimisce bloodline, but he also harboured the power of a mortal mage. This was an incredible opportunity for the Tzimisce clan. It was true that certain Tzimisce vampires were known as koldun or sorcerors, gifted with the knowledge of thaumaturgy (blood magic). But Dimitri was exceptional even amongst the koldun for he was still mortal. The Elders wondered if they could Embrace Dimitri without him losing his power in the transformation into one of the kindred. After much deliberation and arguing they came to a decision. They felt that the only way for Dimitri to be Embraced and retain his power was to wait. Dimitri was to study and practice the use of magic until such a time as he firmly believed in his powers. They would be so real and concrete in his mind and spirit that they would survive the Embrace, in theory. And so began the education of Dimitri.

Since the knowledge of mortal magicks was all but impossible to aquire, most of Dimitri's knowledge came from the koldun. Though the koldun's magic was mainly centred around the Path of Blood, there were one or two sorcerors who were able to at least open Dimitri's mind to the other paths. It was not long before Dimitrim had surpassed his tutors and was teaching himself. At the age of twenty he had discovered a natural aptitude for Creo Ignem (the control of flame) and Rego Tempestas (the Weather Path). By the age of thirty-five his power was incredible and he was considered a Sage amongst his peers in the clan. On his thirty-seventh birthday he was Embraced by Kabak Vojslav, also taking the name of his sire as his own.

The nights following Dimitri's Embrace were filled with dissappointment. It appeared that the prodigy's power had died with him. As was expected though, he was a competent user of the koldun's Blood Magic which had been unlocked through his Embrace. Yet he was angry at himself for not having the strength of will to retain his awesome powers even in death. He locked himself away in the crypts to study and practice, just as he had done so when he was alive. The other members of the clan rarely saw him except when he needed to feed. He dedicated his every waking moment to finding the secret to his power once again.

One night, in 1631, after coming so close to rediscovering his powers, Dimitri built up a furious temper and screamed until his throat ached. Outside, the night air grew cold. The pain only made him angrier. He lashed out, throwing books and candles and chairs everywhere. The sound of rain vibrated through the manse. He reached for a candle to burn the books around him. Thunder roared outside. As he picked up the candle the flame billowed and grew quickly until it engulfed Dimitri entirely. A bolt of lightning struck the spire atop the manse haven. In an instant the flames engulfing Dimitri extinguished. Dimitri smiled for the first time in his unlife.

Dimitri became a prominent kindred amongst the Tzimisce in Uglich and Moscow. Though rarely leaving the safety of the manse in Uglich, Dimitri demonstrated great power during the operations his brood participated in. One such event was a raid on a Tremere Chantry in Salerno, Italy in 1870. The Chantry itself was caught unaware. The majority of the Tremere there had not yet risen - the Tzimisce attacked some time before dusk thanks to Dimitri's sorcery. His command of the weather allowed him to effectively block out the suns harmful rays by creating a thick blanket of cloud. The results were devastating. Though greatly weakened by the remnants of the day, the sleeping Tremere were no match for their adversaries. The entire Chantry was reduced to rubble in hours.

Fifteen years later the tremere retaliated. The mage-clan had discovered the location of the Tzimisce haven in Uglich. Koldun fought Tremere as the other Tzimisce tried to escape. At the forefront of the defence was Dimitri, who tried fending off the Tremere by standing outside the main gates. Though a powerful koldun, he was no match for the Tremere's greater numbers. As the Tremere pushed inside the haven, Dimitri was engulfed in flames by a Tremere fireball. Left to burn to death, he watched as the mages broke throyugh their defenses and proceeded inside. He took this chance to escape. Still aflame, Dimitri propelled himself through the air like a shooting star. He flew so fast that the flames died away in minutes.

Dimitri landed outside the Church of St. Demetrius on the Blood. After his death, rumour reached the Royal Family of his murder and in time a church was built upon the ground on which it was believed he died. It seemed the Tzimisce clan weakness of being territorial linked him still to his mortal lineage. In the cellar, he removed the floorboards and passed through the earth into a previously prepared chamber. Healing the burns he had suffered cost him precious blood. Severely weakened, Dimitri passed into torpor whilst he slept.