View Full Version : A weapon is only as strong as the mind. (Ezra)

Baralai Lotus
Apr 13th, 2006, 11:35:36 PM
Baralai stood in the meditation room where he and Ezra had been waiting before. He sat silently on a rock, puffing on a cigarette. Ezra had ten more minutes to get here before he was late, and if he was late. . .well, Baralai wouldn't give him his present.

And what a beauty the present was, in all of its glory. Such a wonderful little toy. He had hoped that Ezra would enjoy it. It would be the start of his march into the ranks of the Sith. He had learned many of the basics of the Force, and Baralai had the intention of teaching him several more. Whether he realized it or not, he still had a good bit of information left to learn.

He ran a hand through his hair and exhaled smoke from his lungs. His eye darted over the room, watching the fake grass billow with the artificial wind. It was all just make believe, but God Baralai loved it. He loved having this fake room for himself. He pulled out his holo-pad and placed his pen to it, writing silently.

It seems subject 194D failed to take well to the experimental DNA. Is it impossible to create the creatures I've read about? I'm using the correct components, the correct structures of DNA, and yet my experiments are yielding nothing. Why can I not create that creature? The creature whose skin could deflect saber blades and was resitant to the Force. One of the ultimate goals of Sith Alchemy. I know that if I can create just one, it will greatly advance the Order. What am I missing? Regardless, I'm down another subject.

Also, it seems my understand of the Force Phenomenan is coming to a closure. It seems that when a smaller organism is affected by Sith Alchemy, it loses its connection to the Force, thereby killing it off. However, the larger the subject and the stronger its will, the longer it lives. Small creatures such as lizards and mice die off quickly, but those who have the will to live, who still have a conscience can rebuild their connection to the Force. I need a human subject to operate on. I'm beggining to run out of options however. It seems that. . .I may be the only subject. But, if it is needed to be done for the sake of God-hood, then I shall do it. If God had to sacrifice seven days to create the Universe, then I will sacrifice my right hand if need be.

He looked up again at the doorway, waiting for Ezra to come running through it. He only had two minutes left, he had best hurry.

Ezra Na'chtion
Apr 14th, 2006, 01:04:18 PM
Ezra came running through the halls of the building on his way to the Meditation room. He was going to be late again. For a kid with such a good grasp on time he somehow always managed to be late anyways. He had been reading a very interesting book and, well, time stops being a concern when you’re reading something interesting. He read all day long now. He had very little room in his room anymore with all the books he had piled up on the floor, some of the piles nearly reached the ceiling. The librarian was not very happy with Ezra but Ezra didn't care. He still continued to check out ten books at a time even if he had checked out ten the day before. The library was becoming sparse with so many books gone. Ezra had also started investing into his own private library and had collected several books from off planet that the Sith Library did not possess, such as private journals and diaries of dead Scientists. How he managed to track down and acquire the books he never told anyone. That was his little secret.

He slowed down to a walk as he entered the Meditation room and checked his chrono. What luck! He was actually on time today, "Good day master," He said as he walked over to where Baralai was sitting, "What shall we be doing today?" Eager, as always; to Ezra there was no greater joy then learning something new.

Baralai Lotus
Apr 14th, 2006, 04:48:49 PM
Baralai looked at Ezra and a smile crossed over his face. Baralai trusted Ezra, he had done well in his lessons. He stood from the rock and turned over to Ezra, grabbing the long staff from the ground. It was a long staff with two buttons placed toward the middle, and two ports that it seemed something would eject from.

He rolled the staff around in his hands softly. "I have a gift for you Ezra. Your new weapon." He pushed the red button softly, and a curved blade emerged from the side of the top connector. A scythe blade, blue in color, shot forth from inside the blade, and a small point emerged from the bottom of the staff. It was a scythe, a lightsaber scythe.

He looked at the weapon with a certain, envy. Baralai had really impressed himself with this one. He had done a good job with this little piece of work. Baralai stepped back a good few feet from Ezra, and spun the scythe several times. In one massive swing, he threw the scythe out and pressed the small silver button on the rod. The head of the scythe swung out, detaching from the rest of the staff, connected to it by a chain. The scythe head swung in a broad swatch, coming mere inches from Ezras face. As Baralai released the button, the head of the scythe recoiled back into the weapon. It now appeared just as a regular scythe.

Baralai deactivated it and stepped up to Ezra, holding it out for him. "It's a creation of mine. I believe it will help you in any battle you may come across. Remember Ezra, though knowledge is strength, it is helpful to be skilled in physical combat. Keep that in mind, you never know who may strike you." Baralai placed his hand inside his coat and gave the hilt of his whip a squeeze. He brought his hand back out and looked at Ezra, appearing interested in the boys reaction.

"So what do you think of it?"

Ezra Na'chtion
Apr 14th, 2006, 05:09:57 PM
Ezra had thrown himself to the floor when the blade had come whizzing towards him. He rolled over a few times and got back on his feet, now at a safer distance. He watched as the blade retreated back to its handle and seemed once again as just a normal scythe, "An edge," He said as he walked back of the Baralai, "An edge that no one would know you had until it is too late. Very ingenious, Master; I did not know you were a skilled weapon maker as well as a brilliant scientist. What a marvel you have created. I once read a book in which someone had speculated about creating such as device as a... as a... Light Scythe, but they had never figured out how to make it work. Is there nothing you cannot do?" He asked right before the blade was handed off to him. Ezra had expected it to be heavy but it was light, very light. It was like holding a stick in his hand yet it was much bigger and far deadlier then a mere stick. He deactivated the blade and tested the handle alone in his hands. He had always abhorred the use of blasters. They were too unwieldy, inaccurate, and always possessed the possibility of exploding in your hand. But this was a work of art. Metal and energy combined into a deadly staff and blade. Although it was a bit unwieldy for Ezra do to his size, as he grew it would become much easier to control. He could already invasion himself sparring against Zereth Lancer with this weapon his hand. He had no doubt that when that day came he would defeat Zereth, or at least give him a good seeing too before losing.

He pressed the button and watched the blade snap to life. It was a ghostly blue, almost teal. It had a kind of hypnotizing effect that kept Ezra from pulling his eyes away from it, "Its...Beautiful," He stammered before slashing it through the air a bit. The blade looked it was cutting the air as it moved. As if it was so sharp that it could cut the very air molecules. You could image that you saw an air streak following behind it.

Baralai Lotus
Apr 14th, 2006, 05:27:01 PM
Baralai watched as Ezra played with his new toy. Much like a child would in his situation.

"I have mechanical skill Ezra. You should've seen my early creation Victor. He was a work of art. You would've enjoyed getting a chance to study his mechanics. Really not all that difficult to make after you construct something like him."

Baralai leapt back, pulling his whip from inside his coat and cracking it on the ground. The silver blade coursed along the chain, giving a soft glow to the area. Baralai stood, his whip glowing in the room. He was going to enjoy this. It was time to teach Ezra how to fight.

"Come at me with everything you have Ezra. Picture me as your enemy. Use every technique you know of. Take hold of the Force and use it, and use your new weapon. It's time that you saw the power of the Sith."

Baralai's eye focused on Ezra, watching Ezra closely and preparing himself for whatever move he would throw at him.

"Now then Ezra, strike at me. Make it your goal to strike a God."

Ezra Na'chtion
Apr 14th, 2006, 09:35:19 PM
Ezra did not even hesitate. No sooner had the words left Baralai's mouth then Ezra was charging forward. He held the scythe like someone who had seen someone hold a weapon and was trying to imitate that. He brought the blade down and swiped at Baralai's legs with it. If not for the weapon's light weight he would have thrown himself off balance with the bad swing. The long handle gave Ezra's quite a bit of reach, but he was up against a whip and a scythe is simply the wrong weapon anyways.