View Full Version : Naysheta, the lonely Jedi

Apr 12th, 2006, 03:36:20 PM
Full name: Naysheta Lopsie
Age: 24
Species: Human
Rank: Padawan
Affiliation: Jedi
Master: Torn Dlo (Missing)
Hair/Eyes: Dirty blonde/Green
Weight/Height: 115/5'7
Force Specialization: Telekinetics
Other strong skills: Lightsabre Combat and Physical boosting
Lightsabre Style: Form III
Primary Weapon(s): Lightsabre-purple blade
Home: Various planets
Home Planet: Dantoonie
Personal Ship(s): N/A

Physical Description:
Woman with average height and a lean build that has decieved most that have been unfortunate enough to run into her.

A clear headed individual that has an uncanny ability to remain cool in teh worst of situations. Always optimistic. Very easy to get along with and loves to smile.

Family: Unknown

History: Naysheta was born on the planet of Dantooine just before the Clone Wars settled down. She was found by the Jedi and recognized as a Jedi potential. She was taken to Coruscant and there she began her training as a youngling. Her only reason for escaping the Temple as Anakin Skywalker killed the others was because of a Kel Dorian Jedi Knight by the name of Torn Dlo. It was he that rescued her and raised her as his own. Over the years, the pair lived mostly on planets that were very sparsely populated. It was here that he continued Naysheta's training.

During her training, the young woman showed unusually strong talents with the telekinetic powers common to the Jedi. She was also trained in Form V of lightsaber combat earlier in her life. When she was older however, she turned to practicing Form III, even after Torn let her know how much he hated it. To him it was a sign of weakness, but Naysheta found this form to flow more to her liking as she tended to try and keep from harming people.

Shortly before the Battle of Endor, the two were seperated on the planet of Corellia, during an Imperial raid for Force users. Naysheta was able to get off the planet and to the one that had been designated as thier safety net. Torn however, failed to show up. After three months of wait, Naysheta decided to venture out into the galaxy to try and locate her Master.