View Full Version : Rod Stafford

Rod Stafford
Apr 11th, 2006, 04:56:57 PM
Name: Rod Stafford
Real/Mage Name: Orion
Age: 19
Tradition: Order of Hermes

Rod is a tall young man. He is broad and healthy and has an olive complexion. His hair is brown and disheveled. He does not easily fit in with your average crowd; he speaks with eloquence and his words are archaic. Rod has no sense of fashion and dresses so poorly he could be mistaken for a street bum.

Rod was born in 1187 in Leicester, England. His parents named him René Galanis; his mother was French and his father was Greek. His father was a mage from the Order of Hermes and intended for his son to follow in his footsteps. When René was only nine years old, his mother was charged as a Christian spy and fled the country. His father, broken-hearted, took him to Athens to begin his tutelage in the ways of magic while he went off in search of his wife.

For four years, he studied under his father's mentor, a man called Corydon. On his twelfth birthday, Corydon led him to the top of Mount Olympus to be named. There, he met the Archmage of Corydon's house and was given the name Orion. The Archmage, gifted with foresight, whispered to him and warned him that trying times where ahead of him. He and Corydon were told to prepare for war.

A year later, his father returns under mysterious circumstances. His father looks weak and ill. After three days rest, he and his son leave Greece and travel to France. He continues his studies in secret under House Flambeau. He is trained in the wizardry of war while the Christians preach against magic and the occult in Paris.

In 1204, the First Massasa War is declared on House Tremere. The mages have enemies all around them, both vampire and human.

During a raid on a vampire haven the following year, René discovers his mother, he rescues her from the Tremere and brings her home to his father. She betrays them both to the Church and to the Tremere and during a desperate fight, his father is killed. René and the two surviving mages flee to the north. They stow away on a merchant ship to England and in the night, find themselves ambushed by a Tremere trap. They fight the vampires and the ship catches fire and sinks.

René is found washed up on the shores of Dover by a young nobleman called Henry Stafford. He takes him to his estate south of London and has him cared for until he is no longer sick. When asked who he is, René feigns amnesia, and is offered a job as a stable boy until he regains his memory. The other stable boys call him Rodent which in time is affectionatly abbreivated to Rod.

Three months pass and under his new alias, Rod planned to begin his search for any traces of the Order of Hermes in England. The Stafford family gave him leave to find what he was looking for and he decided to set out the day after his eighteenth birthday.

He awoke in the night. The horses were out of their stables and running wild in fields of fire. The Stafford mannor was ablaze. There were cries and clashes of swords. One of the stable boys ran by and told him that they were under attack from demons. He stood and started running after the boy. There was a creaking above him, then a mighty crack, and the roof of the stables fell on top of him.

When he woke up, he found himself on the floor of a crummy student flat in Liverpool. The air wreaked of lavender and pot. Empty beer bottles were scattered around the sofa. Porn was on the TV and a used condom was on the carpet next to him. A naked girl from the Cult of Ecstacy stared down at him, her cigarette hung limp between her fingers. The others whispered with excitement. It was 2005, eight hundred years later.