View Full Version : Alexei Tvarivich

Alexei Tvarivich
Apr 11th, 2006, 03:46:06 PM
Name: Alexei Tvarivich

Species: Garou, Lupus Philodox

Allegiance: Royal Family of Garou Russia, The Silver Fangs Tribe

Physical Appearance:
Tall, muscular, broad shouldered and handsome in that strange rugged way, standing a head taller then most mortals with medium length brown hair, blue eyes, and a blank face. A nasty scar sits over the top of his nose, similar scars can be found on his torso.

As the only surviving offspring of the current Russian Silver Fangs Queen; D’jin is the heir to the Russian Garou Throne. There is a lot of anger towards the situation as every Garou king before had been born a Ahboun (Under the Full Moon) while D’jin was born a Philodox (Under the Half Moon). Many of the Garou Elders are completely against the crowning of a Philodox while others think a change would do the Clan good.

Quiet and calm. He radiates strength and determination, to the degree that it frightens most mortals away. He seldom shows emotion and is constantly raging a mental war within himself. D’jin has been fighting against his built in Silver Fang ideals, such as looking down on all the other tribes and branding them as inferior, but also such trivial things as resisting the urge to strike down Garou who disrespect the Silver Fangs.

Additional Information:
D’jin is extremely uncomfortable in just about anything mortal, whether it be cities, cars, furniture, and even clothing. He prefers the life of a wolf then the life as a man. While being Homid does have its uses, he prefers to stay in his Lupus form.

Although his name is really Mikhail, His mother gave him the nickname “D’jin” The reason for such a name is unknown, but it stuck and D’jin prefers to use it, especially when traveling outside of Russia.

Coming Soon!