View Full Version : He- Hello?
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:36:01 PM
So its obvious things are starting to die down around here yet again and I know I haven't been helping. I've been so bogged down with papers and the like as I am sure most of you all have irl committments as well. Now onto business...
Who's here and still rping?
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:37:29 PM
Well I'm here. Though I'm not exactly cure who else is. I've been thinking that maybe we could try and get a group RP going again if enough people are still here.
Ezra Khaine
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:40:03 PM
Zereth Lancer/Ezra Na'chtion are still here :)
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:42:10 PM
........sorry I can't resist. I never see you on AIM so...*poke poke*
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:43:56 PM
yeah, I forgot to mention I've also got Hara Kiri here too along with Apollus Alexei, though he is part of the Krew (for what it counts).
I think a group RP is very much neccessary, even if its just the core members, I know Zereth has been setting something up. I'm debating whether or not going ahead with it so soon is a good idea
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:47:20 PM
It really depends on how big it is I guess. I think right now we just need to get in there and show that we still exsist and then maybe if a few more show up we can get something bigger.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 05:52:11 PM
Agreed. I'm beginning to get the feeling that the whole structure of the Order needs some tweaking. Something to accomodate those who pop in every now and then (for various irl reasons) while having a core set of characters operating the Order constantly.
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 06:05:38 PM
Yes, but I'm drawing a blank on what those structures could be.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 06:10:46 PM
Yeah, me too. But something needs to change, the whole TSO looks liek its dead, yet again. Food for thought I guess.
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 06:12:35 PM
Hmm...I got some time. I'll try and come up with a few ideas tonight and post them up here tomorrow.
Mandy with an I
Apr 8th, 2006, 07:07:37 PM
Any Krew members who wants to can remain in/at TSO, but most of them have dropped off the face of the earth.
I know Kyashi is staying off-world because he's been semi-shelved (rps by request, I guess you could say).
As for restructuring TSO - you to have the few people who DO post with some regularity be more in charge; setting up something major for people to post to and want to post to. And to nag people more :p lol.
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 07:43:02 PM
Yes...this nagging concept sounds like there's something to it. We could also hold thier pies hostage MWHAHAHA!! :P
Seriously though if the Krew could get together and be part of something that would be great. The very least it would do would be to get more people posting and then maybe more would join in after being active.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:43:21 PM
On second thought, what I think we all need is something in common. Sure all TSO characters have the darkside but I can't say we've ever had much on the side of common goals or even a code to share.
Yurza Magus
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:45:36 PM
Hmm....maybe if we could convince a Jedi or two, take a family hunting trip? Or it doesn't even have to be a Jedi. Something like TSO did before the reset with Sith pretending to be Jedi/NR or something of that nature? Or a good old assassination?
Ceddra Tavqus
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:48:31 PM
Apollus and Skye are still at TSO, AFAIK, so message Skye and ask her if she wants to stay. I don't know of any other Krew characters who actively post here.
The Krew has basically been "dead" for months now; I have one "Krew" thread, and it's dead too. I'm done nagging people to post to something if they don't /won't want to post. I have no new ideas for the group -which sucks, I liked Kyashi and liked rping as him - but I'm not going to put in loads of work on something I'm not having fun with.
(Which is why I only have this account as a SW character, and 3 WoD characters.)
Zereth Lancer
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:48:52 PM
Yes, that is very true. There is no glue between the members of TSO, other then a shared desire to control the darkside. Perhaps the Sith should go conquesting and take over planets and wage war and all that. Yes, there are really not enough of us but thats where deception, secuction and the like come into play. If you really think about it the galaxy could be full of secret sith supporters. Armies of non-force users could be raised. This is just an idea. We really need unity.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:52:36 PM
I personally think there needs to be some sort of philosophical foundation for the Sith Order. What seperates us from the Jedi and other darksiders?
Zereth Lancer
Apr 8th, 2006, 08:55:41 PM
Well, naturally the sith are almost a complete opposite to the Jedi, and other darksiders tend to be crazy little men who kill everyone they meet. TSO deffinently has well controlled members who don't just lash out and kill people at random. Although none of that is really true about Zereth; who has assimilated many Jedi techniques into his arsenal.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 9th, 2006, 12:03:27 AM
As far as Sith philosophy goes Jorshal never really had much, its been revenge revenge revenge for him. Though Southstar had a little going, I'm thinking of playing a little off of that.
Southstar's who idea was that Force users were meant to inheret the galaxy as deemed by the Force. The darkside was the true path as it was a true expression of the user, restraint was a creation of man, it wasn't natural. Therefore the Jedi were unnatural and did not practice the Force as it was meant to be and either should be converted or sent back to the Force.
Apr 9th, 2006, 01:30:15 AM
well i'd be more actively posting...if there was something for me to post to. So, any of you came up with something yet? i'm not yet familiar with the new way things are run around SWfans so not sure who has what in terms of power and posessions within the different factions. Plus i see very little of familiar faces hehe so it makes rping even harder with having no one around that knows Malice.
Say, are those sith vampires still around? like Warlord Dalamar or some other one of them?
Yurza Magus
Apr 9th, 2006, 09:02:59 AM
I'm sensing a lot of liking towards the ideas of conquering. I'll look into some of the other factions and see what they have as far as holdings and post them up and then I'll see what planets are free and then we can decide if that is the way we want to take the Sith.
But FYI, my personal opinion about this is very positive. Though I've never really played up to it, Yurza drive has been to recreate the galaxy the way it was when the Emporer had control over it. It was the Sith's return to power and in all honesty I think that is the way that it should be played. The basic conecept being as Jorsh put it. Force users are superior and we should inherent the galaxy.
EDIT: Ok so it looks like most of teh planet are in the Imperial Rule and the only ones not are oon the out edges of the Galaxy. So now the question is. If we want to take this conquering thing to the next level and not just talk about it?
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 9th, 2006, 12:26:34 PM
So regardless of what we end up doing to drive TSO, we still need to think about how to accomodate those who aren't roleplaying on a daily basis. Should we consider them to be associates, Sith who are free to undertake their personal plans while having the backing of the Sith Order? We could be available for training when possible and if they've got ome downtime they can partake in certain missions.
Yurza Magus
Apr 9th, 2006, 12:43:14 PM
Something like that would be actually perfect.
Victor Crestmere
Apr 10th, 2006, 08:53:14 AM
I usually post quite frequently but here as of late, like some of us, I too have had several RL issues that I’ve had to take care of. I’ve also had to move again so internet access for me is a little hard to come by.
I try to get on at least three times a week to check on things and do some posting, but I’ve managed to get myself stretched too thin as far as posting comes. I have several threads I’m in with my assortment of characters, but I’m cutting back on some which will give me more time with Tarsis and my two other key characters.
As far as story goes, what happened with that thing you were talking about Jorshal, with the assassination attempt on you and what not? That was the reason I short winded my last post with you so that we could possibly get close to ending it and move on story wise. I’m game for whatever we decide to do but don’t think I’m not around. I love posting here and I love being a Sith >=) (who doesn’t) so anything we decide to do, count me in.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 10th, 2006, 10:46:33 AM
It's still a go I think, it going to run prior to any plans we're making now but we're waiting on Zereth as he was the chief architect. Give me a holler on Aim or something and I'll give you the run down.
Baralai Lotus
Apr 10th, 2006, 04:30:16 PM
I like the way everything is going. We tried changing the structure, but it didn't quite work out the way we wanted it too. What if the Order were to split?
For instance, if the Order split into two following two different philosophies? Those who wished to control the darkside and all of its power, and those who wished to wield it in order to conquer? I mean, surely there were Sith who just spent their lives studying and mastering the Darkside. They weren't all like Palpatine and Vader, who also were both very different.
Regardless, just thought I would throw that out there.
Apr 11th, 2006, 03:56:02 PM
Personally, I dont think the Order has enough people to effectively make your idea work Baralai. Don't get me wrong, I think it could be interesting to see how things would turn out and to see how each person would take to it, but for something like that I see it happening on a much larger scale IE more people.
What I think we need to do, and I believe this is already in the works, is get our foot back in the door. Not necessarily the way it was with the Emperor and Vader, but defiantly let it be known that the Sith are not dead unlike the Jedi. We need a well thought out story line and we also need people to keep that story line rolling. I know things in RL tend to get in the way, I know that from first hand experience, but that doesnt mean we ('we' being used as a general term) should just drop off the face of the earth. Give some kind of notice or something, ya know? I know I cant say much because I have done this a few times, but like Yurza when he had to drop out for those few months, he gave a notice, updates on how things were going, and then returned and jumped right back into the game.
I will be more then happy to give any help as far as story line construction goes and whatever else might be asked of me. Ive got all my serious stuff worked out and so Ive got a lot more free time on my hands now. The only difference right now for me is internet access. Im trying to get on at least three times a week and more if I can. If I can be of any help IC or OOC then feel free to PM me or IM me: AstroXombie78 is my AIM sn. Feel free to IM me anytime.
Naira Cross
Apr 11th, 2006, 06:16:11 PM
I'm still here and love rping here, as does everyone else. I'm up for anything that might be thrown in to action.
Zereth Lancer
Apr 14th, 2006, 05:41:42 PM
Jorshal, your PM box is full. So I'll stick my message in here instead
"We only have 4 Elders right now and I think Five would be a better number. So, I think We should raise Baralai up to be an elder. What do you think?"
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 16th, 2006, 08:24:43 PM
I'm in favor of it, but let's mesh it in with the coming storyline. I've had a word or two with Baralai about it, that pretty much being that with Zereth on the hunt for our attacker and Jor out of the fight, it would be a good time to move him up officially. But yeah, I have no opposition to it.
Naira Cross
Apr 21st, 2006, 03:29:02 PM
So has anyone decided on anything? Or is it still just ideas?
Yurza Magus
Apr 21st, 2006, 03:34:27 PM
It has been decided on what will happen. Right now we are just waiting on the beginning thread to be started and then we will be good to go.
Ayanami Rai
Apr 22nd, 2006, 12:02:11 AM
Well I don't know anyone nowadays, and none of you probably know me, I'm Old school! Things have changed quite a bit I would say.
Naira Cross
Apr 22nd, 2006, 12:17:53 AM
Alrighty, sounds like a plan.
Jorshal Vuntana
Apr 22nd, 2006, 12:18:52 AM
Yeah i would agree, I've been here since 2002 and I don't recognize the name...
Don't take that the wrong way, but I think you get my point. So what brings this visit?
Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2006, 05:56:42 AM
Originally posted by Ayanami Rai
Well I don't know anyone nowadays, and none of you probably know me, I'm Old school! Things have changed quite a bit I would say.
Holy crap. Now there is the definition of old school. I doubt any of the present members of TSO would remember you, no, but I do :)
Ayanami was a Sith Lordess (maybe Master?) back at The Sith Empire when I first joined SWFans.
Lady Vader
Apr 22nd, 2006, 11:44:47 PM
Ayanami Rai
Did we just step back in time? o_O
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