View Full Version : A 'black' operation.
Tiberius Anar
Apr 8th, 2006, 02:19:35 PM
I have had a thought. Could Anar employ some Inquistorate assets for a little propaganda work?
Anar's going to decide that the people need to be reminded why they need the New Order. To do this he will arrange for a rebel cell to cause carnage on a few worlds, demonstrating the threat posed to the civillian population. The premise will be that there are rebel groups that are less principled than the Rebel Alliance and willing to harm civillians to make their point. The Inquisitors would be involved either posing as some of these 'rouge' rebels or making sure that some real rouges manage to cause devastation in a few places. Or possibly a combination of both. Thoughts?
Karl Valten
Apr 8th, 2006, 02:26:51 PM
Holy crap, are you psychic or something, I was just writing up a PM to Lion for a similar idea. I was planning staging a rebellion or causing some sort of ruckus on a planet and having the INQ come in and test how well it is able to operate in large-scale confilict.
Tiberius Anar
Apr 9th, 2006, 04:54:21 AM
Well I have many talents...
Let me be clear, before you start running around making 'hut-hut' noises. I'm talking about Anar arranging it so that many Imperial citizens would die so that the point would be made that without the New Order life would be pretty horrendous.
Part of why the New Order was so enthusiastically embraced in the first place was that the Clone Wars were VERY destructive. The Senators and the people they represented embraced the New Order because a strong government was seen to be the only way in which to secure against another slaughter-fest. It's so that that the propagandists can say, "Look what these people do. They say they are fighting for your freedom, but how can you be free if they kill you? Do you want this to happen to you? No. Then support the Empire. We will protect you from these dangerous anarchists and murderers."
To do this Anar would use the Inquisitorate in one of two ways:
1. Disguise a bunch of Inquisitors as non-aligned rebels and have them stage a bloody attack on a civillian population centre.
2. Arrange it so that a non-aligned rebel group succeeded in mounting such an attack a la "Shadows of the Empire" in which data on Death Star II was allowed to fall into Rebel hands so that they would attack it, falling into a trap.
Telan Desaria
Apr 9th, 2006, 10:05:15 AM
Hello Tiberius - it has been too long.
Perhaps attacking a military target with obvious civilian ramifications? Like a refitted Star Destroyer under construction in some Core yard that is set ablaze and crashes down into orbit slamming into a city and wiping out a few million loyal citizens with a broadcast by the group claiming responsibility saying the 'same fate awaits all Imperials who do not convert/repent/etc....'
What do you think?
Khendon Sevon
Apr 9th, 2006, 12:14:16 PM
I think the idea is to make it a blatant attack on civilians.
Besides, a star destroyer dropping from orbit might easily enough have blame re-routed to the Empire. It's a symbol of the Empire, it had an Imperial crew, etc.
Park Kraken
Apr 9th, 2006, 01:43:27 PM
Something like a hidden holocamm recording an alley where some people dressed in Rebel soldier uniforms round up a bunch of civilians and execute them in a firing line, or a Rebel suicide bomber yelling "DIE IMPERIAL SCUM" detonating himself in a crowded market.
Or perhaps just something as simple as pirates coming in and looting a bunch of people's homes, kidnapping their wives for sex slaves, and killing the men who would resist.
Tiberius Anar
Apr 9th, 2006, 02:42:46 PM
Sevon has got it in one. A blatant attack on civillians.
The Rebels in the films and, for the most part, in the EU and on these boards are fairly decent chaps. Their targets are military- barracks, shipyards, naval bases, the Death Stars- and the loss of life entailed is mostly military and is collatoral to the destruction of hardware. The intention of the raid on Death Star II was to destroy the station- the loss of life was simply the unfortunate side effect of achieving this objective. Furthermore it can be rationalised as follows:
They were military personnel, fighting on the side of tyranny. Risk is part of their business.
They didn't have to sign up for it.
etc etc etc
BUT that is the Alliance. Not ALL rebels are part of the Alliance. Not all rebels are so scrupulous (whether part of the Alliance or not.) There are bound to be those who feel that killing Imperial civillians is justified- he that is not with me is against me. So we find a group that has no qualms about killing civillians and either frame them for an attack that we carry out OR set it up so that they can mount an attack. This will provide the propagandists with fodder to depict the rebels (and we won't make a public distinction between different rebel groups) as blood thirsty murderers out to kill you in your bed or in the market square.
Tarkin was wrong. He thought fear of the government, fear of his superweapon would be enough to keep the people in line. The people don't need to fear the government, they need to fear the alternative. Chaos. Anarchy. That is what we are talking about here. Anar wants to offer the people a simple choice between the New Order and something else. They need to fear that something else in order to love the New Order. Not for what it does for them, but for what it prevents from happening to them.
Victor Crestmere
Apr 9th, 2006, 07:03:46 PM
I’ve been trying to work something out for us here in the INQ for some time but with recent developments in my career as a firefighter, I really haven’t had the time. Which reminds me, Valten, I’ve got some ideas I want to toss your way for future missions and what not.
Here’s what I have to say about what’s being talked about now:
The INQ has a few ways that we could go about this as far as the Rebels go: One is simply, like you said, play dress up and kill us some civi's. Two, give some false Intel to a captured rebel spy and let them take it back to their boss or whatever and then go from there. It could be done IC or by a NPC.
Just an idea. I believe I’ve got the general idea of what you guys are talking about but correct me if I’m wrong or if I’m going in the wrong direction. I can elaborate more on my idea if you'd like, just let me know. But other than that, I like the idea.
Tiberius Anar
Apr 10th, 2006, 03:26:53 AM
Everyone seems to have understood it. Now I just want to know: anyone want to volunteer to do this with me?
Victor Crestmere
Apr 10th, 2006, 08:40:02 AM
I believe the INQ and PN would be up for the task. Valten?
Karl Valten
Apr 10th, 2006, 01:00:48 PM
Ja, I like the sound of it, I don't know how reliable I can be for posting though, I have AP tests for high school (Phisics, U.S. History, Statistics) and a final for 4th semester german in college (yay youth options) in the next few weeks.
Just PM me about your ideas Vic, I'd like to hear them.
Telan Desaria
May 2nd, 2006, 10:36:01 AM
I'm in
Tiberius Anar
Jul 31st, 2006, 02:52:31 AM
Right, I really ought to do something about this had I not? I think 4 months is long enough to wait.
Park Kraken
Jul 31st, 2006, 09:26:28 AM
I'm out, my writing talent has completley dried up in the past month.
Tiberius Anar
Aug 1st, 2006, 02:37:09 PM
There I have done something about it.
Sorry to hear you have hit a dry spot, Kraken. I am sure you'll recover.
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