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Mar 16th, 2006, 04:19:10 PM
Sansa - human - no rank but she's in London.
Miranda Tarkin
Mar 16th, 2006, 04:43:56 PM
Michele Hawkins - Human - No Rank - Chicago
EDIT- changed name of character
Trilby Benedetta
Mar 16th, 2006, 04:55:22 PM
Erzsebet - Tzimisce- Sabbat - Budapest, Hungary
Morgan Evanar
Mar 16th, 2006, 09:41:56 PM
Martin Le Roux - Toreador - Cammy - Chicago
Katarina Gordislava
Mar 18th, 2006, 07:02:02 PM
Katarina Gordislava - Lesombra - Sabbat - Moscow, Russia
Mar 19th, 2006, 01:16:41 AM
Most likely, Jonas Bellinger, Garou, Lupus Ragabash of the Bone Gnawer tribe. He hails from the slums of Chicago.
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 19th, 2006, 04:11:59 AM
Originally posted by Katarina Gordislava
Katarina Gordislava - Garou (homid) - Theurge - Moscow
For the moment, at least.
You need a tribe ( :)
Katarina Gordislava
Mar 19th, 2006, 12:14:29 PM
oh right. Thanks.
I'm going with Glass Walker, but I reserve the right to change it before I make an IC post. :)
Katarina Gordislava
Mar 21st, 2006, 07:46:19 PM
I changed, and am now Sabbat.
Mar 22nd, 2006, 04:49:31 AM
Sierra - Vampire (Gangrel) - Camarilla - Chicago, US
Mar 22nd, 2006, 09:28:24 PM
Wow. I'm the only Garou.
*Is original*
Fiona Devlin
Mar 23rd, 2006, 09:23:00 AM
I'm doing something a little different, but having played and gm'd Immortals in table top campaigns & larps, they do fit in well with the WoD setting
Immortal Rules for the World of Darkness -
(additional information from the watcher chronicles cd-rom)
Excerpted from the Watcher Guidebook, Chapter 2
pages 22-23. If you haven’t received a copy of the
Guidebook from your Area Supervisor, then contact
them immediatley. You cannot go out into the field
as a Watcher without memorizing the Official
Guidebook and passing the Basic Qualifying
What we know about Immortality and The Game is
based upon thousands of years of observation and
Chronicling. While me may never know all the Rules
of the Game, here is what we know or can
Where do Immortals come from?
We do not know where Immortals come from or
what determines who is Immortal. What we do know
* Immortals carry the seed of their Immortality
within them through their mortal life.
* Immortals don’t discover their Immortality or
manifest any symptoms of it, like their rapid healing
ability, until after their First Death.
* There is nothing one Immortal can do to confer
Immortality to a mortal, no matter how badly they
want to.
* At he time of their First Death, Immortals cease
aging. If an Immortal is 35 at the time of his First
Death, he will appear to be 35 forever. Likewise, if
an Immortal is 10 or 70 at the time of his First
Death, he will appear 10 or 70 forever.
* It appears that, under certain circumstances, it is
possible for an Immortal to recognize a latent
Immortal who has not yet experienced their First
What are Immortals like?
Like mortals, Immortals come in all shapes and sizes,
good and evil. But they do have a number of traits in
* Immortals can only be killed by beheading.
* Immortals are not superhuman. They do not
possess super strength, hearing, vision, or similar
superhero abilities.
* They get hungry, thirsty, and tired just like
mortals. They need sleep and they feel pain.
* They can catch colds—they just can’t die from
* They appear to die, at least temporarily, from any
injury that would kill a human.
* They do, however, have remarkable healing ability.
* Immortals can sense each other’s presence.
However, apparently they can’t differentiate one
Immortal from another this way.
* Immortals are apparently sterile. There is no record
of an Immortal male or female conceiving a child,
either before their First Death or after.
* Seasoned Immortals often become mentors to new
Immortals. Through this mentoring relationship, new
Immortals usually learn how to fight and the Rules of
the Game.
What are the Rules of Immortal Combat?
Immortal combat is governed by seemingly
unbreakable rules:
* There is no fighting on Holy Ground. This rule
seems to be immutable. It also appears to apply to
harming mortals. Although we don’t know the exact
definition of Holy Ground, it seems to include
religious structures like churches or temples as well
as sacred places like Indian burial grounds.
* No two on one. Even the vilest Immortals will not
engage battle in a team.
* No interference once a battle is joined. While
Immortals have been known to interfere or even take
over a challenge before combat is engaged or after
combat is ended, no Immortal can directly interfere in
a combat already in progress.
What is the Quickening?
Here’s all we know about Quickenings:
* The victor of an Immortal battle recieves their
opponent’s power through a mystical process known
as The Quickening
* It is unclear to the Watchers what exactly transfers
during a Quickening. Some conjecture it is strength or
knowledge or life experience, but quite frankly we
just don’t know.
* Witnessing a Quickening is similar to watching a
major electrical storm—windows explode, lights short
circuit. It is almost as if the victorious Immortal is in
the center of a lightening storm. For your safety, the
Watchers recommend witnessing a Quickening
from no closer than 50 yards.
* It is not possible for a mortal Watcher to become
Immortal by witnessing a Quickening. There is also
no danger to unborn children should the mother
witness a Quickening.
* If a mortal beheads an Immortal with no other
Immortal present, the Immortal will die but there is
no observable Quickening. As far as the Watchers
know, that Immortal’s powere is lost forever. It is
presumed that if an Immortal is beheaded by a mortal
and another Immortal is present, then a Quickening
will occur and go to the nearest Immortal.
* when Immortals are beheaded by inanimate
objects--guillotines, boat propellers, locomotives, or
in some type of accident--the Quickening appears to
go to the nearest Immortal. The Watchers do not
know if there are range limitations to this effect. If
there is no Immortal present during such an event,
then the Quickening is lost.
* An Immortal cannot refuse a Quickening, even if
that immortal doesn’t wish to receive it for any
Still working out my character, and if anyone has any Highlander specific questions, please pm me.
Fiona Devlin
Mar 23rd, 2006, 09:46:42 AM
Fiona Devlin - Immortal - Chicago
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 23rd, 2006, 11:20:55 AM
Milligan is one of my chars, so I have no problem you using Keira there.
Michele Hawkins
Mar 23rd, 2006, 06:23:51 PM
Not sure if we're going to jump into your thread bandage... we might start a new thread to be open for others to jump in ^^
actually - we are gonna post there :D
Ezra Khaine
Mar 23rd, 2006, 08:41:57 PM
Ezra Khaine - Vampire (Lasombra) - Sabbat - Location unknown
Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2006, 04:39:56 PM
AFAIK California is the "Anarch Free State". Majority is Anarch controlled, with the occasional Sabat incursion wiped off pretty quickly.
Miami is Sabat, I think. Atlanta and most of the East Coast is Cammy, but contested AFAIK. Mexico City is Sabat.
Mar 26th, 2006, 02:01:12 AM
Asztrik - Garou (Glasswalker) Homid Ragabash - N/A - North America
Kyle Krogen
Mar 29th, 2006, 05:11:37 PM
D'jin Tvarivich - Garou (Silver Fang) Lupus Philodox - N/A - Russia*
*Information likely to change...
Mar 31st, 2006, 07:22:36 AM
Crowley - Corax corvid - N/A - North America
Nara McKenna
Mar 31st, 2006, 01:03:16 PM
Nara McKenna - Garou - Homid - Black Fury, The Moon-Daughters Camp - Galliard
Location - unknown at this point
Penelope Lloyd-Fraser
Apr 3rd, 2006, 03:30:05 AM
Penelope Lloyd-Fraser - Garou (Children of Gaia) lupus philodox - n/a - North America
Jade Doment
Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:05:36 AM
Selmena Maus - Vampire (Lasombra Elder) - Sabbat - Regent of the Sabbat in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Thomas Vez
Apr 3rd, 2006, 10:31:48 PM
Thomas Vez - Garou (Glasswalker) - metis ragabash - n/a - North America
Apr 4th, 2006, 08:13:21 PM
Finally, other Garou......though I was the first.....or at least, the official first who didn't change to vamp! WHOOOOOOOO!
Jonas Bellinger
Apr 6th, 2006, 07:12:50 PM
And for Mr. Zev, I do believe that the horns only show up in your birth (Crinos) form. Otherwise, they would not show. Now if it were a missing limb, it would be missing in all forms: ie, an arm is a missing forepaw is a missing claw.....
Of course, if there is something that can discredit my thoughts, then I will be quiet.......
Of course, the horns in Homid form would be quite comical, though........
Mandy with an I
Apr 7th, 2006, 09:38:45 AM
Originally posted by Jonas Bellinger
Of course, if there is something that can discredit my thoughts, then I will be quiet.......
From the Revised Quickstart Guide:
"Weakness: Deformity. All metis are born with debilitating deformities, whether twsted limbs, useless body parts like gnarled horns or hooves, or a complete lack of hair in any form. These deformities appear in all their forms..."
From the Revised Players Guide Jenny sent me:
"Horns or Hooves: You have hooves when in Crinos form, something like a satyr; that, or you have a horn or horns sticking out of your head in all your forms..."
Jonas Bellinger
Apr 7th, 2006, 07:35:43 PM
Ok. So it's either or. I was right only on a technicality.....I'll take that......
Only problem is that he is most definetly going to have some attention brought upon him. Like witch-hunters and a hat or a hood is a must in his fashion statement..... :p
Hello, Mr. Satan.....
Mandy with an I
Apr 7th, 2006, 09:19:41 PM
No, you were not right. It's not "either or" - if you have horns, they show up in ALL forms; hooves show up only in Crinos form.
I do believe that the horns only show up in your birth (Crinos) form. Otherwise, they would not show.
If you take two seconds to read the bio I wrote for him, he explains his horns away as "Body Modification" - if people can make themselves look like cats and lizards, why not stick horns on their head too?
Miranda Tarkin
Apr 7th, 2006, 09:30:17 PM
Dae is right. If you're a metis your deformity whether physical or not will always be with you. The weirder the deformity, the more creative you have to be in order for that character to interact with the rest of society.
In my time, I've seen alot of people pick mental flaws so they can at least be in society without something so obvious. Dae just went the extra mile IMO ^^
Mandy with an I
Apr 7th, 2006, 09:39:34 PM
The camp he's in, the Urban Primitives, are all scarred, pierced and tattooed. It's not like they're NOT going to stand out if say, they all went to some college party or socialites ball.
Horns > Albino or having Fits or scaley itchy skin. They're a little less nasty, anyway.
Jonas Bellinger
Apr 9th, 2006, 01:22:53 PM
Well, when you look at it that way......yeah, it does require a more creative touch......horny bastard...... Actually, I was just under the impression that the horns weren't present in Homid form.....Maybe Glabro, and Crinos, but not Homid.... and when you first explained it, it didn't seem clear to me.....But thank you for breaking it down..... I figured that Frenzy/Rage and bane transformations were enough for flaws. Or the more common flaws, like drinking, or talking too much, or being too much of a smart-butt...... And albino is not that bad. Albino wolves are some of the most beautiful animals in God's kingdom. But the psoriasis-like scales? Gross.....
Mandy with an I
Apr 10th, 2006, 11:38:58 PM
Here is <a href=>Metis Info</a> - anyone who wants to disagree with this can, but back it up with proof from a real source, please.
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