View Full Version : Katarina Gordislava

Katarina Gordislava
Apr 6th, 2006, 01:26:05 PM
<center><img src=http://swf-agglomeration.net/sigs/katarina.jpg></center>

Name: Katarina Gordislava

Species: Vampire, 9th generation

Allegiance: Clan Lasombra; The Sabbat

Physical Appearance: 5’9”, thin, shoulder length brownish blonde hair. She is very pale, but not deathly so.

History: Much of Katarina's history is unknown. She was embraced in 1917 by an unknown sire, who was subsequently removed from the picture. For a few years she lived a confused half existance with her mortal family (although keeping her secret was very hard) until they were all killed, and she along with them. After scrabbling out of the pit they were buried in, Katarina was found by another Lasombra vampire, one who was looking for her sire. She took a new name and a new life, and although she perhaps clings a bit too much to her humanity, she has never looked back.

Personality: Nicknamed “the Spider," Katarina is not someone to trifle with. She has a regal bearing, and drive enough to accomplish almost any goal. Katarina is cunning enough to make her a formiddable opponent for Kindred of any generation.

Perception: Katarina Gordislava is a boon to the Sabbat, and a nuisance. The fact that she has a Tremere traitor in her inner pack does little to endear her to the Kindred of Eastern Europe (or anywhere for that matter), but she commands respect wherever she goes because of her position in Sabbat politics, and because she has managed to stay in that position for quite some time despite having enemies.

Additional Information: Katarina had four children of her own at the time of her Embrace, and refuses to feed upon mortal children.

Gifts: in order of strength, greatest to least
+ Obtenebration
+ Dominate
+ Potence

Katarina Gordislava
Apr 21st, 2006, 05:05:37 PM

+ Katarina Gordislava (ductus)
+ Sergei Vishnyakov
+ Alexi Pishenko
- vain, good with numbers, oversees the financial ghouls
+ Fyodor Karpushka
- pack priest, oversees blood rituals
+ Ivan Galusha
- served with the KGB for many years; only real talent is Potence, followed by Dominate
+ Shelia Ortega
- connected closely with a Cartel in South America
+ Greta Shaparov
- final Death 01/01/2006
+ Uri Vlachko

overseeing 2-3 packs each
+ _______
+ _______
+ _______
+ _______
+ _______

NPC Biographies

Name: Alexi Pishenko

Species: Vampire, 12th generation

Allegiance: Katarina Gordislava; Clan Lasombra; the Sabbat


Personality: Tremendously vain, Alexi spends entirely too much time on his appearance, even in the opinions of other Lasombra.

Perception: Somewhat of a dolt, he's kept around because of his head for numbers and is useful when dealing with the financial ghouls that run the Archbishop's Moscow empire.

+ Dominate
+ Obtenebration
+ Potence


Name: Fyodor Karpushka

Species: Vampire, 10th generation

Allegiance: Katarina Gordislava; Clan Lasombra; the Sabbat


Personality: With his mind still a century or so behind everyone else, Fyodor is pleasant enough company. If you enjoy talking about his beloved books, or care for a religious debate about the Antediluvians, Fyodor is your Cainite.


+ Dominate
+ Potence
+ Obtenebration


Name: Ivan Galusha

Species: Vampire, 10th generation

Allegiance: Katarina Gordislava; Clan Lasombra; the Sabbat

History: Ivan spent quite a bit of time in the KGB during the height of the Soviet Union.

Personality: Ivan is the muscle of Katarina's pack, and though he's not slow, he is very quiet and mainly keeps his opinions to himself. Quick to anger and slow to cool down, Ivan lacks a sense of humor, especially when it comes to the saftey of the Archbishop.


+ Potence (very great)
+ Dominate
+ Obtenebration (almost nil)


Name: Sheila Ortega

Species: Vampire, 9th generation

Allegiance: Katarina Gordislava; Clan Lasombra; the Sabbat


Personality: Businesslike and brisk, Sheila puts up with no nonsense and gives none.


+ Potence
+ Obtenebration
+ Dominate


Name: Uri Vlachko

Species: Vampire, 11th generation

Allegiance: Katarina Gordislava; Clan Lasombra; the Sabbat


Personality: Quiet, though not as brooding as Ivan, Uri has an air of tragedy about him.


+ Obtenebration
+ Dominate
+ Potence