View Full Version : Asztrik

Apr 6th, 2006, 10:52:55 AM
Name: Asztrik (aka Lil Red)

Species: Garou (homid ragabash)

Allegiance: Urban Primitive camp; Glasswalker Tribe

Physical Appearance: Short, blonde haired and green eyed. Never seen without her red-hooded wool jacket and boots. Usually carries a backpack full of her worldly possessions.

History: An orphan at birth, Asztrik was shuffled through the Canadian foster system for much of her life. By the age of twelve, she'd run away so often, she was placed into a group home. During a fight at the home, she went through her first change, killing the girl she was arguing with. She ran, and kept running untill she was found by an Urban Primitive camp while squatting in the city. She's been one of their number ever since, traveling to different camps across North America, usually accompanied by her fellow Canuck glasswalker, Thomas Vez.

Personality: Asztrik is mouthy, a bit bossy and kind of a flake. She thinks Glasswalkers "own" the city (whatever city she happens to be in), and feels it's her duty as one to let every other Garou know it. She's very affectionate to the other members of her camp, seeing them as her real "family" since she never had one growing up.

Additional Information: Being born a Homid and a Glasswalker, Asztrik is less than comfortable with life in the wild, prefering to remain within the city limits unless traveling.


* Tongues
* Alter Scent
* Obscure the Truth
* Data Flow (v. limited in it's use)