View Full Version : Erzsebet

Apr 6th, 2006, 10:33:28 AM
Name: Erzsebet

Species: Vampire

Allegiance: Clan Tzimisce; The Sabbat

Physical Appearance: Small and doll-like, Ezserbet has used Vicissitude to alter her appearance to a specific extreme - her porcelain skin stitched together with black thread, her long black hair done just so, and wearing child-like dresses covered in lace and frills.

History: Erzsebet was a very sickly child during her short life. Her loving parents made a deal with a Tzimisce vampire; a cure for their daughter in exchange for their lives and land. Her Sire used her as an experiment, using his skills in Vicissitude to alter and enhance her body by replacing her crippled limbs (Hence the stitching). After her embrace, Erzsebet turned on her parents, making them her first meal.

She resides on her parents former estate, a gift from her Sire when she left their blood bond. She has vast amounts of human servants at her beck and call, along with a large army of altered ghouls, who all seem to resemble creatures from fairy-tales and storybooks.

Personality: For all her years, Erzsebet is still a 15 year old girl. As polite and diplomatic as she tries to be, she's prone to bouts of pouting, throwing things and having a fit if things don't go her way. She loves her ghouls, as much as a Tzimisce can love anything, and has "hand-crafted" each one.

Additional Information: She must sleep in at least two handfuls of her native soil, or become extremely weak.

Disciplines (ranked best to worst)
1. Vicissitude
2. Animalism
3. Auspex