View Full Version : Hostel

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2006, 02:48:07 AM
If you were thinking of going to see Hostel, don't bother. Let me sum it up for you: "tits, weed lol, tits, naked girls, OMG YOU CHOPPED MY FINGERS OFF- but now i have chopped yours off, and we are even." I don't know why Tarantino is endorsing this tripe.

It was laughable, at times, in the same way that Creep amused me with its shambling gimp - but not to the same extent. The fact that the first half of the film is basically a poorly-acted softcore porn movie means that you feel no sympathy, in any way, for the characters when they finally do become embroiled in some sinister eastern European flesh trade.

The most you're likely to get out of it is a couple of laughs, which aren't even worth the price of a cheap student ticket. Just rent Pulp Fiction instead.

Apr 4th, 2006, 02:54:42 AM
That's pretty much exactly what I've heard about it. Still wouldn't mind seeing it when it shows up on one of the movie channels. I love TiVo'ing stuff like this. :D

Apr 4th, 2006, 03:07:36 AM
Finally, someone who has also experienced the horror that is Creep. That film has become legend amongst me and my mates, it was such a bad cinema experience to the point of it being fondly remembered. We went to seeThe Hills Have Eyes last week. Same story as the review posted here except without the tits and the porn thus leaving it completely worthless. That said it had garishly cheesey music to the point of hilarity at the end. Think Kill Bill but not cool.

I was originally planning on going to see Hostel just for a memorable stupid gore fest but after The Hills Have Eyes, I can only take so much rubbish in such a small space of time.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2006, 03:18:17 AM
I found Creep absolutely hilarious! Particularly the latter half of the film, when it's revealed exacty what is lurking about in the Underground. It's become a running joke between my friends and I, and the bar by which all other terrible horror movies are judged.

You know, I heard a lot about the gore in Hostel being really extreme, but I wouldn't say it's anything special. You become desensitized to it after the first couple of instance, though it did have me cringing once or twice (but I was laughing at the same time).

There is one very amusing moment, when this guy has taken a blow-torch to a girls face and her eye is all dangling out of its socket. One of the main characters cuts the eye out with a pair of scissors, and what looks like custard comes gushing out of her face.

:lol Oh god, I just remembered one of the trailers before the movie. There is this girl babysitting for a family living out in the middle of nowhere, and someone keeps calling her, all creepy like. I leant over to my friend and said "the killer is calling from inside of the house!" and lo and behold, 40 seconds later the police tell poor Nancy McBabysitter that (shock horror) the killer is calling from inside of the house!

All of the other trailers were equally cliched. :rolleyes

Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 4th, 2006, 04:54:36 AM
Originally posted by Vega Van-Derveld
I don't know why Tarantino is endorsing this tripe.

Tarantino bats less than .500 on movies he puts his name on but doesn't make outright. Look at True Romance, From Dusk Till Dawn, etc. Those movies are terrible.

Mandy with an I
Apr 4th, 2006, 11:27:10 AM
Oh god, I just remembered one of the trailers before the movie. There is this girl babysitting for a family living out in the middle of nowhere, and someone keeps calling her, all creepy like. I leant over to my friend and said "the killer is calling from inside of the house!" and lo and behold, 40 seconds later the police tell poor Nancy McBabysitter that (shock horror) the killer is calling from inside of the house!

That movie apparently made loads of money at the box-office...and has faded away into nothingness like all slocky horror movies should.

I just watched "House of Wax" last night, and it was decent, in spite of Paris Hilton (She was barely in the film, and she dies in a hilariously awful way :D). I've had a few good surprises lately with horror movies - you know, the ones you think will be awful but turn out to be alright once you finally see them.

Samantha Koortyn
Apr 5th, 2006, 06:57:27 AM
I had been sort of morbidly curious about Hostel. I guess I'll wait for satellite.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 5th, 2006, 08:19:48 AM
I liked True Romance - such an awesomely different movie. And the theme song was just out there.

Also, didn't Creep get MST3K'ed? Or am I confusing it with some other flick?

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 6th, 2006, 03:46:22 AM
I loved True Romance ^_^;

I don't know if Creep got the MST3K treatment, but it would probably be a good choice for it. I'm not even sure it went on international release.