View Full Version : Falling away

Zereth Lancer
Mar 10th, 2006, 09:45:05 PM
Yeah, I havn't been around much in the last month or so. I just havn't had the inspiration to do a lot of posting. I apologize to those I have threads with, expecially my apprentices. I will try and get to our threads but I'm just so bogged down with school and stuff that I don't feel like spending my free time here when I could be using to catch up on my sleep or other similar things. I hope to get back into a consistent posting routine, but I have no idea how long it was take before it can form. So, I ask that you all please be patient with me.

Lurking, but seldom posting,
Zereth Lancer-

EDIT: Also, My brothers are visiting so I will be on even less for the next week or so. Sorry about the further inconvenience.

Jorshal Vuntana
Mar 13th, 2006, 11:27:32 PM
Hmm... no that's definitely not allowed.

Kidding, if you need some time take it... but you're missed.