View Full Version : Naalol or Bust. (Mikey, Tarsis, Hara)

Mar 5th, 2006, 12:11:13 PM
The arrangements had all been made; Leiko had been sent ahead to be prepared for burial. Commercial flights from Corellia to Naalol had been booked for the sake of normalacy. That, he decided, was one of the few good things about the Sith - they could make him "exist", if only briefly enough to board a small ship with maybe 20 other passengers.

Kyashi Hatake, known to the world at large as Darth Sudoku, sat in his seat quietly. He wore street-clothes (jeans, trainers, a t-shirt and a hooded-sweatshirt) for comfort and conformity. He'd instructed the others to do the same. No need to rile up the natives. Michael Cline sat in the seat beside him, the Sith Tarsis across from him and some chatterbox of a girl - Hara? he hadn't bothered to learn her name before now - sat across from him.

He sighed, then leaned over to whisper in Michaels' ear. Ky jerked his thumb towards Hara, and smirked.

"I see they sent the "official" Sith Babysitter with us."

Michael Cline
Mar 6th, 2006, 01:52:31 AM
He couldn't help but snicker at Ky's comment. He leaned back in his seat with a sigh - it was very nice to be off that planet and involved with civilization, he already felt much more comfortable.

He glanced over at the mountain of a man, Tarsis. He was thankful it had been him to come along - of the Sith he had encountered, he was least bothersome, almost kind in some instances.

Leiko would finally get her proper burial - he smiled gently to himself, satisfied with that fact.

Mar 7th, 2006, 12:31:03 AM
Tarsis had come along on this trip only because he had made a promise to Michael and he was going to make sure it was known that he was a man of his word. Now why Hara had come along was completely unknown to Tarsis and to be honest, he didn’t feel like finding out; he was sure he'd find out through one of her random ramblings anyways. Other then that, the trip was rather boring. No one to talk to or no one he felt like talking to, nothing to do, and with only God knows how much longer to go until they arrived, Tarsis went to sleep.

Hara Kiri
Mar 8th, 2006, 10:47:49 PM
Ship rides were not her deal. She'd go as far to say she hated them. For Hara Kiri, the ground was the best place to be ofr a variety of reasons, but for this trip she had found some entertainment that might redeem the whole trip to Naalol.

"I swear you're cheating!" She said with a grin to the boy that sat next to her.

"Hey, you're the one with all the victories under your belt, I've only one three times!" He said and returned the grin.

She studied her cards for a moment, looked at the deck then stared into the young man's eyes. They were gorgeous. She pulled her fanned out cards so that the cards took up half of her vision, the rest was the-boy-who-sat-next-to-her's face, grinning and staring. "This is so you can't see my cards." She teased.

"Well this is so you can't see mine." He stuck his hand under the folding table, the cards face up against its underside.

She removed one hand from the fanned out cards in front of her face and reached under the table. That was the underside of the table.

That was his knee.

His thigh.

Got ya.

Mission accomplished.

She swiped one of his cards which now hung a little looser in his hand and held it up for him to see. "Or I could just steal 'em." She gave him a sultry look and stood up. "But now, I think I need to go to the bathroom.

She offered the card to him and he grabbed it but she didn't let go. She pulled as she began walking to the bathroom forcing him to stand up, get the idea and follow. Bathroom 3 was now occupied.

Mar 8th, 2006, 11:01:09 PM
Kyashi merely rolled his eyes at the girl as she dragged the poor boy into the ships' lavy. Yeah, he'd hit it...if he liked getting STDs, that is. He sighed and leaned back in his seat - this would be one long frelling ride, no-one else seemed like talking. Or doing anything for that matter.


He was right. The trip had taken longer than expected. Tarsis and Mikey slept most of the way, and Hara had occupied herself with what seemed like the entire male population of the ship.

He meanwhile, practiced. Find a target, and bend them to your will - it was a game he frequently played out of boredom. His target, the stewardess. A smile here, some small talk there. A subtle use of the Force, and he'd gotten free drinks the entire flight. Not to mention the ..special treat he'd gotten in the staff area of the plane.

Sudoku returned to his seat, straightening his fly as the captain came on the speaker to announce their arrival on Naalol.

Mar 9th, 2006, 11:11:21 PM
With the captain’s announcement echoing throughout the cabin, Tarsis opened his eyes and sat up in his chair. Looking around, wondering where Hara Kiri had gone off to, Tarsis just shook his head. He wasn’t going to be playing baby sitter today. He'd rather kill her and bury her here along with Lekio then do that. Instead, he grabbed her stuff and threw it on her seat. She'd get the picture when she got back and saw that no one was here. Grabbing his own bag, Tarsis threw it over his shoulder and made his way off the ship.

Once outside, Tarsis gave his arms and legs a good stretch. It had been awhile since he wore his old cloths, a pair of black jeans, an old white T-shirt, and a pair of old boots, but he was coping. Cracking his neck as he tied his hair back into a pony tail, Tarsis stood and waited patiently for the others.

Michael Cline
Mar 12th, 2006, 12:43:18 AM
He wandered off the shuttle with little trouble - a bag slung over his shoulder and held his hand to his eyes - he hadn't been out of that stupid castle in what seemed like a lifetime. He pulled a pair of shades from his pocket and slipped them on.

"Well, where to now?"

Hara Kiri
Mar 12th, 2006, 09:29:28 PM
"Oops, jeez." She said as she hurried down the stairs from the ship. Once she realized they had landed on the planet she had hurried out of the bathroom, stopping only to grab her single bag. She scanned the crowd for her people and Tarsis, being the giant he was, gave them away in a second.

"So yeah," She said as she came up from behind. "I hope I wasn't holding you all up. Wait. Where's Sudookoo?"

Mar 12th, 2006, 11:46:30 PM

He was already out of the crowd, his back to the group as he headed towards the small spacesport.

"We have a long way to go to get to home, so getta move on."

They left the spaceport, wandering slowly into the small city of Rigton. Well, the largest city on the frellin' planet, but still smaller than most of the cities elsewhere in the galaxy. It had been carved into the side of a mountain, with streets above and below ground.

Kyashi lead the group down deep into the mountside, easily making his way through the crowded street.

Michael Cline
Mar 17th, 2006, 07:07:08 PM
Mikey looked left and right, observing the city as they went. Not huge by any standards, but busy for it's size. He smiled and relaxed a bit more - even with their 'escorts' it was still just wonderously nice to be out in the open.

He put his hands behind his head and simply wandered with the group.

Mar 24th, 2006, 11:53:25 AM
Just like everywhere else the big man went, Tarsis was bumping into people as he walked along the sidewalks. He had fallen a ways back from the others but could still clearly see them. Naalol was an interesting planet and from what he could tell, it consisted mainly of humans and Twi-leks.

"So, Kyashi...where exactly is it that we're going?" Tarsis said as he pushed over some guy passing by him who made the mistake of bumping into him. Reaching out with the Force, Tarsis projected his thoughts towards Ky. I like site seeing as much as the next person..." Ky could cut the sarcasm of that last statement with a knife if he felt like it. " but I'm sure there are more important things to do besides walking around on an Imperial controlled planet."

Hara Kiri
Apr 1st, 2006, 07:47:05 PM
"...and look at this!" She said as she oogled at a red and black beaded necklace with red jewels reflecting the light of the scene.

"For just 150 credits you could have this." A man said though a contorted mouth, stubby lumps rising out of two spots in his head. "Or just 100 credits for this pretty necklace for a pretty girl." He pulled a white and blue jeweled necklace from behind the counter of the street vendor. "Made here on Naalol, from the mines outside the city. You won't find it anywhere else in the galaxy."

She wanted to at least try it on, both of them. Even more she wanted to convinve the vendor to give them to her for free, a neat little trick she was picking up on slowly at the Sith Order. "Oh but I can't!" She looked ahead into the crowd, Tarsis mountainous shoulders and head rising above and giving her a clear idea of how far her party was. "My friends are leaving, sorry."

The ugly man grumbled and placed the necklace to where he had pulled it from.

Apr 5th, 2006, 10:43:36 PM
"We're not sight-seeing, we have to walk to the burial site."

He kept walking - man, Wil would love this place, so many fine young twi'leks on every corner. He'd have to remember to drag that kid here someday. He cocked his head to side, smirking at the big man behind him.

"And the Imperial Bastion is only 20 or 30 guys, no need to worry about them. I lived here most of my life, remember? Do you really think they care if we're Force-users or not? As long as we don't cause a huge ruckus, we're cool."

Michael Cline
Apr 9th, 2006, 02:52:43 AM
He lagged behind Kyashi, hands still tight against the back of his head. This trip would be so much nicer without any... chaperones - as the case may be. He glanced over at Tarsis, and let out a short sigh.

They'd bury Leiko, and then.... hmmm - better to not think about that now. Later.

"So Ky - how much further?"

Apr 13th, 2006, 11:47:06 AM
OOC:Sorry its so short. Just trying to get things moving along.

Tarsis just let out a sigh and kept walking. "They may be only 20 or 30 guys but all it takes if a push of a button for back up to arrive." He said mainly to himself. Tarsis wasn’t trying to scare anyone, he was just being cautious. It didn’t matter if you had lived here your whole life or not. Things change. Some things take years, some take days. Tarsis was sure things had changed in this case and was just keeping his guard up.

"So Ky - how much further?"

He heard Michael say as he walked up behind him. "Yes, I’m kind of curious myself as well. How much further do we have to go?"

Hara Kiri
Apr 15th, 2006, 11:23:24 AM
She ran through the crowd, bumping people out of the way as she followed Tarsis' head move through it. This whole trip was proving to be ridiculous, she had no money to buy anything and she was sick of walking. Finally she could see the group walking together. She didn't stop running as she drew closer until she leapt off one foot and collided with Tarsis' back. She reached around his neck with one arm, pulling herself up and wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I'm sick of walking." She with a smile. "Could you carry me?"

Apr 22nd, 2006, 10:34:09 PM
"Could you carry me?"

"Wha..." but before Tarsis could even finish his question he was bombarded by Hara and almost toppled over as he lost his balance. “What are you doing!?" He shouted as he bumped into a waiter as they passed by a small restaurant. Other then the shouts from the unhappy customers who were yelling about having their drinks spilled on them, the only thing Tarsis could hear was Hara's annoying laughter. Twisting and turning as he tried his best to get his hands on whatever part of her body he could, Tarsis finally gave up and just let it go. Letting out a deep sigh, he just kept walking. As soon as they got to wherever it was they were going, he’d give her a piece of his mind and probably, a piece of his fist too…

Victor Crestmere
Apr 24th, 2006, 10:29:40 AM
“Scothis, report.”

With a small adjustment of his scope, Scothis had the group back in his sight and watched them as they continued their way through the streets.

Sir, the target(s) just passed checkpoint two. They're in route and should be crossing over checkpoint three within the hour."

“Good. Maintain radio silence until further notice. Crestmere, out.”

And with a click, the connection was lost and the radio was off. Other then to make his reports, Scothis was given strict orders to maintain radio silence and even then, he was to make sure his reports were as far apart as he possible unless told otherwise.

Crestmere wanted things to go rather smoothly, this being his first assignment as leader of Project Nightmare, and that meant keeping anyone who was on a “need to know basis” out. The Imperial battalion on Naalol, while they did manage to keep things in order here, are a joke. A force of no more then fifty soldiers, they wouldn’t know what to do with a Force Adept, let alone a full Force User, if it jumped up and bit them on their rears.

“Sir”, came a female voice from the front of the vehicle. “Should we go ahead of the Target(s) and set up the perimeter?”

“Negative Lang. Let them bury their dead. That’s the least we can do for them. We’ll move into position while the ceremony is taking place.”

“Yes sir.”

Crestmere was no Helghast, he knew that and so did everyone else. But that didn’t mean Crestmere didn’t have limits to his “kindness”. He would at least let Kyashi lay his sister to bed one last time before he threw him, and whoever else, into the pits of hell. But, if there was some problems with Kyashi for whatever reason after he was brought in, it would be very easy for Crestmere to slip into the Major’s shoes for an hour or two and handle the situation accordingly.

Apr 25th, 2006, 11:45:51 PM
"Not that much farther. Jeez, it's only walking."

He rolled his eyes at the two Sith, and kept his pace in spite of the crowd. The burial ground was only a few more moments away.

Victor Crestmere
Apr 30th, 2006, 09:20:52 PM

Crestmere said as their vehicle came to a stop outside the cemetery.

"Pack up and move to location: Echo-2. The Target(s) are close. I want your eye's covering myself and Naomi's every move. Understood?"

”Yes sir. Packing up and moving to Echo-2. Scothis out."

Straitening his suit coat as he stepped out of the vehicle, Crestmere looked around and surveyed the area. After a few minutes of contemplation, he lifted his black cane into the air and pointed. “I want two men set up there and there. Them, along with Scothis, will be our only means of cover should things make a turn for the worst, so if that happens, fall back towards one of them. I take it you have your Disruptor on you, correct?”

Naomi, who had just exited the vehicle herself, was walking around its front end just as Crestmere had asked his question. With the wind blowing back her hair back as well as her long black coat, she made her way over to stand next to Crestmere. Reaching behind her back, she removed her Disruptor pistol and cocked it, making sure it was loaded with a fresh clip. “Never leave home without it.” She said as she placed it back behind her shirt.

Crestmere smiled and gave a soft chuckle. “Alright then. Let them come in and bury his sister. Once it’s over, have the men move in and surround them. Then we’ll make our move. Until then, we wait…”

Crestmere was anxious. This was his first assignment as leader of Project Nightmare and he could only hope that it went as planned and if it didn’t, oh well. He would adapt to the situation and make due with what he’s got. It’s what he was trained to do after all.

Mandy with an I
May 11th, 2006, 07:12:44 AM
Thread = dunzo due to lack of posting by all!