View Full Version : No place like home...(open)

Yurza Magus
Mar 4th, 2006, 10:12:16 PM
The mighty doors to the Castle swung open as if by a mighty gust of wind, but the air lay still as death as a lone figure walked through the doors. His clothes were tattered and worn and his face smeared with blood. Many would think this a chance to look tough or rugged, but to those that knew the Sith Knight, this was a necessity. He had taken little else besides himself and a few rations and his lightsaber out into the wild for a six month training session to get in tune with his wilder side. It seemed to work out in his favor, though his taste for comfortable living had not seemed to decrease.

His physical being however had definitely improved. He was leaned and his muscles more defined. Yurza took a few more steps in before turning to the side just slightly and nodded towards the doors, shutting them with a loud thud.

"Home sweet home..."

Naira Cross
Mar 4th, 2006, 11:05:44 PM
Home sweet home...

"Only if you enjoy where you live. Welcome back."

Naira had be passing, when she saw her former teacher enter. His clothing was ripped and his face bloody. He looked as thought he had just gotten back form Hell, victorious but bruised.

"Judging by the look of you, I trust your trip went well?"

Yurza Magus
Mar 5th, 2006, 11:23:22 AM
Yurza smiled as he brought his fist up to the light and flexed his arm. They were still in great shape. More than he could ask for, though he didn't know how long he'd be standing. "Perfect..."

He dropped his arm and turned his eyes towards Naria. "But it is nice to be home. I trust not to much has changed in my abscence."

Naira Cross
Mar 5th, 2006, 11:02:47 PM
“You know us, training, training and more training. There is a new group here calling themselves the Krew, I think. I personally haven’t met any of them, only seen them around. My guess is that they’re learning from us, but like I said, I don’t know the full story.”

Yurza Magus
Mar 6th, 2006, 02:23:19 PM
"Yes I recall hearing something about them before leaving...I just hope they aren't causing too much trouble," he said. "But anyways, how fares your training?"

As he spoke he started walking towards the living areas, motioning for Naria to follow.

Naira Cross
Mar 6th, 2006, 10:52:43 PM
Following Yurza, she started explaining her recent training. Sarcastically she said, “Well since you left in the middle of our training, I have been training with Zereth. We started on basic Force teachings and now are working on telekinetics. Not as much combat, as was your training, but just as fun. I think I’m doing pretty well, but if you want to know the honest truth, you’d have to ask Zereth.”

She looked at his torn clothes again and wondered where he had been and if it was by his own design, or someone else, that he looked like this. “And what about yourself. I mean if you look this bad, I’d hate to see what the other guy looks like.”

Yurza Magus
Mar 6th, 2006, 11:11:08 PM
He smirked and shook his head. "There was no other. Just me, the Force and the wild. A blessed union if there ever was one."

Naira Cross
Mar 8th, 2006, 04:54:33 PM
"Sounds like a blast if you ask me." Naira stopped for a moment, then asked "So what are you plans now that you're back? Are you going to take a break, start training again?"

Yurza Magus
Mar 10th, 2006, 10:57:26 AM
"Actually I thought I'd pass on a few of the things that I learned...if the student could survive of course.

Naira Cross
Mar 14th, 2006, 12:08:47 AM
"Really? Interesting. I might be interested. It all depends on what you would teach. What kind of things did you learn?" Judging from the way he looked and the way that he entered, she was sure that what ever he had learned would be worth it, but it was still a good thing to know.

Yurza Magus
Mar 19th, 2006, 07:50:14 AM
OOC/ sorry about not replying earlier, but I'm in the process of an unexpected move and for some reason I couldn't see any of the roleplaying forums.

"In ways I learned nothing new, but in others I learned levels of power that a Sith could only dream of before. I made it into reality," he said with a slight chuckle. "Forgive me if I don't share all secrets with you, but one could never be to careful with new found powers in the midst of power hungry folk. You may learn them still, but at a price..."

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2006, 11:35:16 PM
The newly returned Sith Mistress had been walking down the halls once she heard the voice of a person she knew long ago. Following the voice of the male she picked up on the voice of a female... Unknown to her the person or their voice.

" Yurza .... I can hear you but I can not seem to locate you or your guest..." She called out softly via the force into the well hidden mind of Yurza... well, it was hidden just not to a Master.


Yurza Magus
Mar 21st, 2006, 04:20:10 PM
"Though not to high of a price. I'd prefer not to loose any of the students here so quickly after my return." Yurza looked around as he continued talking with Naria. To her he spoke as nothing had happened, but in his mind a thought was formed and sent out without the slightest strain on him.

Prehaps you aren't looking with all your senses then?

Naira Cross
Mar 22nd, 2006, 05:37:27 PM
"And exactly just what price are you asking for?"

Yurza Magus
Mar 22nd, 2006, 11:53:45 PM
"Loyalty. Loyalty to the teachings, the dark side, and to me."

Naira Cross
Mar 29th, 2006, 09:32:58 PM
OOC: sorry, i've been kinda sick, and school.

IC: "Well, If you're looking for a lap dog, then you're looking in the wrong place. I belong to no one. If you're looking for a reliable student, then that might be different."

Yurza Magus
Mar 30th, 2006, 11:23:28 AM
ooc/ no prob

"A lap dog never, but something like a reliable student. Though someone that wouldn't use the knowledge against me would be nice as well."

Naira Cross
Apr 1st, 2006, 02:08:36 PM
In a sarcastic tone, Naira replied, "Now who in their right mind would do that? Use the lessons again their teacher? That would just be unethical." Pausing for a moment, Naira felt just the slightest presence of someone else near by, but wasn't sure if it was true or her imagination. "So, tell me, what is this grave secret that you've learned."

Yurza Magus
Apr 7th, 2006, 11:08:15 AM
ooc/ sorry about taking this long.

Yurza smiled and shook his head. "Control over the elements. Unfortunately I don't have the power to use this technique properly, due to my studies of the mind, but imagine someone that devoted all time and effort to this? The ability to control fire? Wind? Water?"

Naira Cross
Apr 11th, 2006, 06:22:06 PM
ooc: no worries, I've also had a few rl things to handle

ic: Naira's eyes widen. Controlling the elements. Someone who had a power like that would be a force to be reckoned with. The possibilities that could happen (on a massive scale) major destruction, or (on a smaller one) taking an enemy out of their element.

“Really? The elements? That sounds like something that would take some time to learn, but would definitely be worth it. Think of all the things that could be done.”

Yurza Magus
Apr 11th, 2006, 11:25:24 PM
"I have. Which is why I am willing to teach it to someone who thinks they can master the arts. They are lost to Sith nowadays, but I know there were those that could wield them."

Nayala Palain
Apr 16th, 2006, 03:06:40 PM
As she was getting closer Athena could tell the second person was trying to find her as if she could feel Athena.

I would not go as far as That now Yurza.. She said just before turning down the last hall to find the duos, last path.

(OOC- Sorry took me so long)

Yurza Magus
Apr 16th, 2006, 08:33:12 PM
Yurza flashed a set of pearly white teeth that could either be charming or threatening, depending on his mood. "Athena. How nice of you to join us."

Naira Cross
Apr 17th, 2006, 10:10:18 PM
ooc: Again, sorry. Finals, they're a beast.

ic: "Athena?" Naira said looking around, then it clicked, that was the presence she had felt a moment ago. Not knowing who this person was she turned back to Yurza.

"Who's she? I haven't met her yet."

Yurza Magus
Apr 17th, 2006, 10:31:10 PM
"Once she was a great Sith warrior, though now that time has passed, who's to say?" He said in an almost taunting way towards Athena.

Naira Cross
May 10th, 2006, 04:33:49 PM
"Perhaps she's one of the few things that only get better with time." She had said this thinking 'Never underestimate your opponent'.

"And as for being able to master the elements, I think I might be up for a challenge."