View Full Version : A Sith Teacher (Baralai)

Skye Connan
Feb 25th, 2006, 08:09:33 PM
Skye dragged herself absentmindedly through the dimly lit hallways of the Sith establishment. She was a mess, emotionally wise, after confessing her past to Apollus…she needed to get away from it all. Time passed, she didn’t care though, her journey was a complete daze to her.

Glancing around, she knew she was lost. This place was huge and her mindless walking had gotten her somewhere she didn’t recognize. Around her hung two scrolls, at a closer look there seemed to be ancient symbols written inscribed along the rigid paper.

Skye took a careful stride passed the two encased scrolls into a whole new room. The room was lit much like the hall she just left. Old relics of different sizes and shaped scattered the room. The places the relics weren’t mosaics of what appeared to be old Sith Lords hung freely.

Letting her curiosity take over, Skye explored the large room. A small shrine like structure caught her eye. As she approached the mural, and eerie feel bit her skin. Something didn’t feel exactly right…she stopped in front of the shrine.

Crouching down, she reached out and gently touched the figurine that was molded in the center of the golden object.

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 08:32:41 PM
Baralai stepped forward from the shadows as the girl walked through the room. She had no idea where she was, not many people came to the Relics Room. He stepped up to her, his boots clacking on the stone floor.

He pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it up, the strike of the flint echoing through the room.

"Careful what you touch in here. Some of these things. . .they have minds of there owns." He stepped forward to the girl, trying to look her over and try to read her.

"Baralai Lotus, Sith Alchemist and Knight of this order. And you would be?" He knocked the ashes off his cigarette. He was intrigued by the presence of this girl. What was she doing here?

Skye Connan
Feb 25th, 2006, 08:54:52 PM
She had frozen in place when the sound of a lighter came from behind her. Her surprise was only mild, it didn’t take a person long to expect the unexpected in this place. She retracted her fingers from the shrine when she heard a voice in her head.

"Careful what you touch in here. Some of these things. . .they have minds of there owns."

Reluctantly, she stood up slowly and turned around…and to her ‘surprise’ there stood another Sith. She scrunched her nose as the sick scent of his cigarette reached her nose. She had to incline her head in order to see his face; of course she was shorter than mostly everyone standing at only five feet six 'n a half inches. She was about to give him a not so nice comment about his smoking when his words filled her mind.

"Baralai Lotus, Sith Alchemist and Knight of this order. And you would be?"

Skye regarded this so called Baralai coolly. She brushed a few strands of hair from her face as felt and saw his eyes take in her appearance.

“Skye Connan.” She stated simply. “And I appear to be lost.”

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 10:08:20 PM
Baralai chuckled at her and took another drag from his cigarette.

"I figured as much. Not many people come to this room these days, which is a shame, because this room is filled with the relics and words of the Ancient Sith. Quite a good bit of knowledge in these rooms."

Baralai took the last drag from his cigarette and stomped it out on the ground. He stepped up to Skye, his steps slow and steady, boots lightly hitting the stone.

His black lab coat shook as he walked toward her, and his leather gloved hands rested softly at his sides. He flipped his hair to one side, revealing the silver Ouroboros on his eyepatch and the many scars on the right side of his face.

"Care to see exactly what it is that's kept in here?"

Skye Connan
Feb 26th, 2006, 11:07:40 AM
Any other person would have found Baralai’s scarred face frightening maybe even hideous to look at, but, Skye didn’t. She knew what is like to be beaten and torture, she had similar scars on her torso and back; her experiences were probably much different than his though. Still, Skye didn’t find him frightening or ugly at all, except for the fact that he was a Sith.

"Care to see exactly what it is that's kept in here?"

When the words entered her head, her mind immediately screamed at her. No! He’s a Sith. He can not be trusted! She studied his face, keeping her own features neutral. For some reason Skye got the feeling that this Sith didn’t want to hurt her. There was no reason for him to. She took his question to heart before answering…

“Yes, but, it depends on what you are going to show me.”

Baralai Lotus
Mar 14th, 2006, 06:22:42 PM
Baralai smirked at the young girl and ran a hand softly through his hair, throwing it back and stepping in closely to the girl, extending his hand for hers.

"Take my hand Skye, and I will show you exactly what runs this world." He smirked at her softly and let his coat dangle there, his leather gloved hand extended for hers and his eye staring deeply into her. His Ouroboros on his eye patch seemed to slither across the leather patch because of the moonlight, and whether this girl knew it or not, she was going to be shown the truth whether she wanted it or not.

Skye Connan
Mar 16th, 2006, 07:17:15 AM
Lier! Betrayer! Murderer! He cannot be trusted, he’s a Sith! A thief! Baralai Lotus is a Killer……killer…murderer! Her search in his eye said all of this. Her mind told her to leave, turn around before it was too late; but her gut led her in a different direction. It told her to go with him, let him show her what this place was…what this place held within.

Skye took a slow questioning glance at his outstretched hand, while her mind and will fought against each other. She hesitantly lifted her smaller hand and slowly placed in Baralai’s. She brought her troubled hazel eye’s back to his.

She managed to smile slightly. “All right Mr. Lotus…show me.”

Baralai Lotus
Apr 10th, 2006, 04:38:14 PM
Baralai took the girls hand calmly and walked her down the room. The footsteps echoed across the room. All around them were artifacts from many ages. Mostly they were scrolls, Sith prophecies. Stories of some of the greatest Sith in existence. A few holocrons of minor Sith, nothing too major. Ancient lightsabers were laying around, but Baralai wanted to show her the tombs.

He brought her to the entrance of one of the Sith tombs. Some ancient Sith Lord that had ruled thousands of years ago. He turned back to her, his hair covering his face.

"You see Skye, this place is a tomb dedicated to a once great Sith leader. Inside of it lie traps that even the bravest dare not venture."

He gave her a look up and down and stepped in closer to her, his voice resonating in her mind.

"Imagine, at one point, the Sith were the most powerful force in the Universe. Everything was under our control, and then. . .we died out. There are hardly any of us left. Just as there are few Jedi left. We're all in balance Skye, but. . .if tipped correctly, one side can gain more power. I believe the time of the Sith is returning. It is my belief, nay, my vision that the Sith will rule again. These monuments. . .soon we will erect them as towers to our power. It's within our grasp. The Universe is within grasp."

A slight smile came over his face and he looked at her again.

"What is it you would like to see?"

Skye Connan
Apr 18th, 2006, 06:12:18 PM
A shiver crawled noticeably up her spine; the aura from the tomb was intoxicating. It felt like it was mentally choking her, never in her life had she felt something so powerful, the darkness was, dare she say, exciting. This feeling was so random; it was almost scary how thrilling it was to be in the mist of something so great within the Force.

Invisible hands seemed to pull her closer; that and curiosity. It didn’t even bother her anymore that she was occupied by a Sith. At most Baralai had been informative so far, it was interesting to learn of this tomb, although not much had been said about it.

Baralai had warned her that no one had ever had the courage or the nerve to go inside. That fact made it all the more suspenseful.

A small step forward made her smile, the feel of tombs’ aura was so unbelievably alluring to her. Nothing had ever interested her more than the power coming from the blackened tomb. Skye could feel Baralai watching her, though there wasn't more than a few inches between them. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply..

“I feel strange. This place has an appealing sense to it." Skye swayed gently, basking in the odd sensation. "I can't explain it, but what I feel makes me want to understand you."

She opened her eye's but just barely, to look up into man's face next to her. "Will you show me your vision, Baralai?"