View Full Version : Dinner Conversation. [Baralai]

Michael Cline
Feb 24th, 2006, 07:53:09 PM
Gnawing hunger was the only thing that led him from the quiet space of his room - and he was careful. Careful to go when he thought he would run into no one else. Careful to avoid any who were around. The last thing he wanted was to have anything to do with the members of this order.

Maybe he'd get lucky, run into Wil or one of the others. Probably not though, a quick bite to eat then slink back into the shadows and silence.

Yes, that would be perfect. He found his way to the garden and proceeded to 'make himself at home' so to speak.

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 06:37:25 PM
Baralai stepped into the garden, coming to enjoy the scenery after his night with Ky. Stepping into the garden, the whole area seemed to darken, just by his presence. Baralai was back to his insanity.

He looked to the side and saw the orange haired boy from before. Jorshal had said his name was Michael. . .Cline, if Baralai remembered correctly. He smirked and stepped up to the young boy, his gloved hands curling as he did so, and his lab coat dangling behind him.

"Little children shouldn't be in here." Baralai wanted to test this boys limits, if his display before was the most he could do, then Baralai wanted to push him. He wanted to make him stronger, and show him how to utilize the anger he had.

Michael Cline
Feb 25th, 2006, 06:50:54 PM
He felt him even before he heard the voice tear through his mind. Pure, raw evil - nothing but the worst of intentions. A presense he immediately recognized, and immediately hated. He turned his head only enough to verify he was right, much to his disgust he was.

The freak. The psychopath who wanted to experiment on Leiko - he hated them all, every last one. This one, though, this one he LOATHED. He turned around again, his appetite quickly diminishing, as his anger grew.

"Freakish monsters shouldn't be allowed to live." He snarled under his breath with a slight growl. This was going to go a bad direction, he knew it. He was alone and unarmed. STUPID! You never should have left your blaster in the room!

"I just want to eat real quick. Alright?"

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:00:48 PM
Baralai laughed loudly in his mind, sending the voice into Michael's mind. He couldn't help it, this boy was mocking him.

"Monster. . .I am no monster. I. . .am a God. And you and all your siblings here, are my little playthings." Baralai stepped up closer to the boy and touched his shoulder, running his hand along Michaels back and to the other shoulder. Baralai was tempting him, asking him to strike out. Let him do it, and Baralai would show him how weak he really was.

He reached into the pocket of his labcoat and pulled a syringe out from it. He smirked as it twirled secretly between his fingers. Let him strike, all Baralai wanted was a little blood. He stepped back, taking his hand off Michael.

"You know. . .that little girl you were holding would have made an excellent specimen. It's a shame she had to be buried. What can one do though? I guess. . ." Baralai stopped and glared at Michael, "there will always be more subjects."

He reached out with his free hand to the tree in the corner, pulling a ripe apple from it and bringing it to his hand. It floated effortlessly in his palm before he pushed it out to Michael, bringing it before his face.

"Have a bite child. . .enjoy the little food you can muster."

Michael Cline
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:11:06 PM
Specimen. The word echoed against his mind like a gunshot. That's all they were, all he cared about. Strike out, lash out. Hurt him. The thoughts were so pure, so simple. Hurt him a lot.

Action however, was blocked by reason. The members of this order are powerful. He will kill you before you raise your hand. The scowl grew larger and he backed away from the floating fruit.

"SHUT UP! Just go away! I don't want anything you have to offer!"
Stop talking, and leave. Get up and walk away from him. He winced slightly, he was still hungry. If he left now he'd have to wait to come back - and if he did, this man may be here again, waiting for him.

With a slight growl, he grabbed the apple from the air, and turned his back to him. Chewing on it hungrily.

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:19:25 PM
Baralai laughed and scoffed at Michael, he stepped forward, walking around the boy slowly, making small circles, still twirling the syringe between his fingers.

"You see boy, you are nothing without us. Without us, you have nothing. Without us, you would still be starving on the streets. . ." Baralai stopped and faced him, "dead like that girl!"

He ran a hand through his hair and gave the boy a look of stone.

"I can feel your anger boy. Use it, lash out at me. . .let me show you how little you know. Just as I did Ky the evening before. How sweet the young and innocent taste, how lovely their scent. It's amazing what he can do with his tongue though. . ."

Baralai laughed again, waiting for the boy to strike. He wanted him too. Baralai wanted to teach him, and he knew the only way he would get through to him was by his anger. He had to get him mad enough to strike, then the lessons would begin.

Michael Cline
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:39:36 PM
And that was it. He no longer cared if he died here and now, he was going to shut him up. Baralai wanted him to strike him - but it didn't matter, the Sith would get what he wanted right now. And Michael would get at least in part what he wanted.

"SHUT UP!" He screamed, turning again to face him quickly, but he didn't strike him. Instead he lunged for him, if he brought him to the ground, maybe he'd at least have a slightly better chance.

"I'LL SHUT YOU UP!" He screamed as his hand reached Baralai's chest, "KY WOULD NEVER TOUCH A MONSTER LIKE YOU!"

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:55:15 PM
Baralai smirked as the boy moved and pushed the force through his arm, speeding it up and grabbing the boy's hand, pushing it backwards, and bring Michael to his knees. He shot the syringe into his arm and drew the blood from it, quickly pulling it back and placing it into his lab coat.

"Thank you for providing me with some materials Michael."

He pushed his hand back a little further, hearing the tendons in his wrist stress out. His arm was locked out, and Baralai looked down at him.

"Touch me? We slept together boy. . .so reconsider who you call a monster." Baralai let go of his hand and stepped back.

"Strike at me boy, let your anger take over. Kill me if you can. Give me everything you've got. Use every last ounce of your energy." Baralai smirked at him, looking Michael over. He was testing him, and so far, he was passing.

Michael Cline
Feb 25th, 2006, 07:59:02 PM
"If I had my blaster..." he growled lowly, against his own chest, clenching his arm. "No, I won't even need it. I'll tear your throat out with my hands." Go high? No. He tried that. GO LOW.

With a sweeping motion he swung his arm at Baralai's legs, as he pushed himself forward. He'd bring this so called 'God' down to his level yet.

"You're lying. After what you and yours did to Lei... Ky would never do that... he... he couldn't."

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2006, 08:05:50 PM
Baralai laughed at the boy, as he stepped back, the edge of Michaels punch catching him in the shins. Baralai gave out a quick hiss of pain and then lifted his left foot to Michaels face, trying to get him away from him.

"Yours? Your the same as us Michael. And the sooner your realize that. . ." Baralai stopped, glaring at Michael, "the sooner you can learn from us." Baralai stepped forward slowly, with a soft limp. That score to his shin was enough to leave a good sized bruise. He directed the Force to his shin in an attempt to block out the pain.

Stepping forward slowly, Baralai rushed the Force into his legs, slowly picking up speed, waiting for Michael to strike.

Michael Cline
Feb 25th, 2006, 08:14:33 PM
He brought his arm to his face, recoiling slightly. He still hadn't brought him down yet, and he wouldn't be satisfied until he did.

"Yours? Your the same as us Michael. And the sooner your realize that. . ."

"I'm nothing like you. I don't use people." He hissed angrily, with a snarl. "And I don't lie to people just to try to get them to fall in line." He took a step back, letting him come a few steps closer, half crouched - timing. Watch your timing.

He jumped, headfirst, aiming at Baralai's chest, he'd picked up speed as he approached, with any luck he wouldn't be able to stop himself before they connected.

Baralai Lotus
Mar 14th, 2006, 06:25:01 PM
Baralai saw Michael approaching him, and as he did he stepped to the side slightly, due to his increased speed in the Force, and lifted his knee into Michaels gut, before bringing his elbow down on his back.

Baralai looked at Michael, with a bloodthirsty look on his face.

"Yes boy! That's it! Show me how angry you are! Show me every extent of your power!"

Michael Cline
Mar 16th, 2006, 03:33:23 AM
The blows had been hard and heavy, and he was starting to feel it. Baralai was quicker. He was trained. He was brutal. Michael growled angrily - he was going to... no, wait a second. This is what the freak wanted - wanted him to keep attacking, wanted to keep prodding him, keep poking him til he finally just snapped.

It was all a ploy. Michael's eyes narrowed and he stood up. The temptation to charge him again was strong, but he had realized another way to hurt him.

"No." He growled and spit at the ground in front of him before turning away from him and starting to walk away. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction he wanted so badly.

Baralai Lotus
Mar 17th, 2006, 11:49:26 AM
Baralai watched as the boy walked away. So he had figured out Baralai's little game. No matter.

Baralai reached in his coat and threw out his chain whip, wrapping it tightly around Michaels body. Holding him there in place, letting him know that he couldn't run from Baralai.

"Don't you see Michael? I'm trying to teach you. Teach you how to utilize that anger against your enemies, like me. How would you like that power, the power to kill whomever stood in your way? Destroy any and everything that blocked your path."

He stopped and stepped closer, keeping a safe distance from Michael, and keeping his grasp on the whip.

"Become my student, and I will give you that power. Do this, and I will show you how to take revenge on anyone you ever wanted."

He paused and smiled slyly, he knew just how to get into Michaels head, and make him obey anything he said. He knew just how to make him his obedient student.

"I can show you. . ." His tone became darker, more serious, "How to reanimate the dead. How to bring back your sister."

Michael Cline
Mar 17th, 2006, 06:38:22 PM
The words processed slowly - each line at a time.

First his offer of revenge upon any he wanted to have revenge on, Michael parsing his lips in frustration at being held as he was forced to listen to this spiel. Kyashi would teach him to get revenge, he didn't need this freak. Besides he wanted revenge on Baralai for Leikos.... and the the rest of the words registered.

"You." He shook his head slightly, his heart rate a bit faster - and a nagging voice telling him Baralai was simply saying that to get his way - his intentions were not good, he knew that. Still.

"You're lying." He finally manished to finish saying, with a slight hush to his only moments ago angry voice. "Just saying that, you just want me to be your puppet."

He swallowed hard the edge of his vision had grown fuzzy, warm tears trying to find their way out. The thought of bringing back Leiko almost overwhelming, he couldn't have that kind of power, it wasn't possible.

Baralai Lotus
Mar 17th, 2006, 09:03:23 PM
Baralai scoffed at Michael.

"I tell no lies Michael. With the power of the Force. . .and something unique, it can be done."

He smirked and pulled the boy closer to him, spinning the chain so that Michael now faced him. So he could hear his words, and look into his eye.

"With the power of Alchemy, of Sith Alchemy, we can make it happen. And just as it so happens to be, I am the only Sith Alchemist here."

He ran a hand over Michaels cheek and brought it back to his side.

"Swear allegiance to me, and I'll give you the power you so desire. I'll help you bring back Leiko. But you must swear yourself to me and my studies. Your sisters life for yours Michael. Can't you see it? Her smiling face looking back into your eyes? Kyashi's happiness at the rejuvenation of his own beloved family? Can't you see it boy? You will be the hero, and everyone will love you. Just follow my lead, and I'll give you every last bit of power you desire."

He smiled slyly and looked into Michaels eyes. Baralai was telling the truth, anything was possible through Alchemy. Including the reanimation and recreation, of the dead.

Michael Cline
Mar 17th, 2006, 10:42:04 PM
He had to admit - at least this man, if he could in fact be called that - was honest. He made no joke about what he wanted. Michael - as an obediant, loyal servant and student.

"Your sisters life for yours." It was so tempting.

It wasn't his decision though, and he knew that. Kyashi had made plans for Leiko's burial on Naalol - and as much as he thought of Leiko as a sister, Kyashi was her flesh and blood.

He shook his head slowly. "No." He pulled against his chain trying to free himself - though the attempt was only half-hearted at best. Baralai had accomplished at least one thing, he'd broken the Michael's spirit - at least for the moment.

"My strings belong to someone else." He said, pulling at the chains again.

Baralai Lotus
Mar 18th, 2006, 04:37:02 PM
Baralai laughed heartily in Michaels mind, letting the waves of amusment flow over his body.

"I see. If you live in the shadows of others for your entire life Michael, then know this. You will never amount to what it is you want to be. You have to reach up and grab power. My offer still stands, if you wish to accept it, then you'll know where to find me."

He smiled and pulled the chains back. He turned his back and began walking away.

"But ask yourself Michael. . .why do you follow Kyashi? Why do you let him pull your strings? He's holding you back. Making you less of what you could be. He toys with people and he uses them, believe me. . .I know."

Baralai continued forward and out of the garden, he would let his words and his offer sit with Michael. Every piece in Baralai's puzzle was slowly falling into place. It wouldn't be long and this entire Order would be under his control. How wonderful it was to be a God.

Michael Cline
Mar 18th, 2006, 07:44:14 PM
He watched him walk away, and shook his head slowly. is own thoughts a blur. Baralai didn't understand, he probably couldn't.

"He toys with people and he uses them, believe me. . . I know." So do I. Kyashi was a manipulator of all sorts of people, Michael had come to realize that very early on. He watched as he used different techniques to lure people into their family one at a time.

He'd come to realize he had fallen 'prey' to the same thing. He smiled slightly with chuckle, what Baralai didn't seem to understand was a simple fact. Michael didn't care, he only wanted as much power as he needed, enough to take revenge on those who had crossed him. He wanted that, and to stick by the only family he had left. Kyashi himself, who Michael thought of now, and always would, as an adopted brother.

"He's all I have left." He murmered to himself and looked back at the grove of trees. The confrontation had left him without an appetite - and so he left the garden to return to his room.