View Full Version : Budding Ties (Baralai)
Feb 18th, 2006, 01:37:34 AM
The last week had been spent exploring their new 'home", watching out for his "children" and adjusting. His sister was to be taken back their homeworld within the next few days, her body locked away in stasis untill they could get off-world.
Kyashi Hatake, Darth Sudoku, sat in his small room in the Siths' liar, eyes shut tightly and senses roaming. This place was full of energy, delightful dark energies that brought a smile to his face. This feeling faded quickly as he sensed someone else entering his space.
An eye opened. "Yes?"
Baralai Lotus
Feb 18th, 2006, 01:52:42 AM
Baralai smirked at Ky, having remembered their first run in. A sort of, devilish grin as he sent out a message through the Force to him.
"I'm afraid I didn't get to introduce myself in our last run in. Baralai Lotus, Sith Knight. It is a pleasure to see you enjoying our. . .facilities."
He took a seat next to Ky, letting his body rest in the chair comfortably and crossing one leg over the other. Baralai could feel the boys energy, and it was indeed strong. Impressive. . .to say the least.
Feb 18th, 2006, 02:02:53 AM
His other eye opened as the voice drifted into his mind. His senses were still stretched to their limit as he regarded the other man who now sat in front of him.
"Hmmph, it's hard not to take advantage of so much power when it's all around you."
Baralai Lotus
Feb 18th, 2006, 02:08:32 AM
Baralai chuckled in the back of his mind softly and looked over at Ky. The boy had ambition, and he planned to use the power offered him. . .how remarkable.
"Indeed. It is difficult to not use such power. The power of God one might say, or maybe even stronger." He leaned in closely to Ky and looked at him with his one eye, the other one covered by the patch bearing the silver Ouroboros.
"Tell me, what is it that runs your ambition? What is your desire?"
He was truly interested in what Ky had to say. It was incredible that someone so young had such ambition. Baralai was reminded of himself at such a young age, and yet, he couldn't help but see this boy in the most interesting light. Something. . .new to Baralai.
Feb 18th, 2006, 01:04:25 PM
"Tell me, what is it that runs your ambition? What is your desire?"
The smile crept back, becoming more sly as the boy shifted his weight on the bed where he sat. He stretched back, letting the tips of his toes brush against Baralais' knees. His smile became a grin.
"Now now, you know I can't tell you that. A little mystery is neccessary in our..line of work, isn't it? I suppose I want what every other young man wants."
Baralai Lotus
Feb 18th, 2006, 06:48:26 PM
Baralai smirked as the boy leaned back. It was odd, but he was quite. . .beautiful. It was interesting how Baralai was looking at him. He pulled himself up closer to Kyashi, sliding his legs across his lap.
"Indeed we do. Mystery is needed in our lives. Otherwise, what becomes the fun of living."
He placed his hand on Ky's knee, letting it rest there. Baralai saw this boys ambition, could feel his power and in some odd way, Baralai was rather stunned by his looks.
His soft face, his black hair, his eyes. There was so very much about him Baralai hadn't recognized before.
"So then, if your looking what every other young man is looking for, then wouldn't that be a place to belong? A home for yourself? A purpose? Or perhaps love. Tell me, what is it Ky?"
Baralai found himself slightly attracted to Kyashi, and he couldn't quite tell why. Although Baralai was still the same person he had always been, something about being around Ky and his youth reminded him of his younger days. Of youth, and in this youth, his sanity came. His insanity was only budding. Maybe it was this rememberance of youth that kept him sane at this time.
His hand ran up to Ky's thigh and squeezed it gently, "Tell me, which of those is it?"
Feb 18th, 2006, 09:15:19 PM
"I've never really had a home, and we both know how our ilk is regarded in society," his smile stayed on his face as Baralai slid a hand onto his thigh. He stretched out lazily, touching Baralais' mind briefly with the force, causing a slight trickling feeling down the mans' spine.
"As for my purpose, the force will guide me to where I need to be. And as for love, well, what kind of person could love a boy like me?"
Baralai Lotus
Feb 18th, 2006, 11:33:03 PM
Baralai watched him as he stretched out, being amazed by this boy. He was. . .stunning. He couldn't believe the glory of the boy he was looking at.
He smirked as a slight trickle traveled down his body, his emotions firing up. He gave his thigh another soft squeeze, it took no power of the Force for Baralai to show his emotions.
"Who could love a boy like you?" Baralai smirked at him, letting off a slight romantic tone. His eye fired up and he spoke again, in a soft, almost whisper in the back of Ky's mind.
"You would be suprised." His hand gave another soft squeeze as Baralai looked Ky over. He was impressed with the boy, and Baralai was. . .falling for him. What an interesting feeling, something he had never quite been through before.
Baralai was almost 21 and he had never really had a feeling like this course through his body. It was very powerful, and Baralai only wanted to pursue it more. He looked down at Kyashi and his smirk turned to a soft grin. Baralai felt like he was 16 again, and for a moment, he was sane. It was. . .crazy and something he had never felt.
He ran a hand over Ky's thigh again and looked at him, touching his cheek with the other hand, lightly running it over his cheek.
"As for home, you're always welcome here Ky. Our ilk. . .as you call it. . .are always welcome here." Baralai let a soft chuckle flow through his mind as the back of his hand grazed Ky's cheek softly.
Feb 19th, 2006, 12:51:06 AM
The hand caressed his cheek softly, and Ky returned Baralais' smirk with one of his own. He wasn't using any manipulation on him...and yet this man was drawn to him. It was strange; he usually was wary of older people - male or female. Bad experiences in the past had caused him not to trust many people...
He rose into a kneel on the bed, and leaned closer to the other man. Soft lips brushed against Baralais', over his cheek before a quiet sigh was breathed into the mans' ear.
"How do I know I can trust you, Baralai?" Now his hand rested on the Siths' leg, teasingly as the boy brought his other hand up to the back of the chair. His breath was hot against his neck. "You'll have my affections, somehow."
Baralai Lotus
Feb 19th, 2006, 03:40:16 PM
Baralai let out a soft chuckle and tilted his head back, turning his head and letting his lips brush Ky's. He smirked at the boy and placed his hand on top of Ky's, letting it rest there softly.
"Trust me. . .I could make you do so much more than that Ky." Baralai paused for a second and placed his other hand on Ky's cheek, pulling his head forward softly and lightly kissing Ky. His lips brushed against Ky's, and he held his face there for a moment, lightly touching his face.
He pulled away from the soft kiss, his hand still resting on top of Ky's. Baralai let a soft chuckle emanate out of his mind, as he looked at Ky, a sly grin crossing over his face.
"I could make you follow me into the depths of Hell itself."
Baralai ran his hand over Ky's and onto his waist, letting it rest there, gently cupping his hip.
"However, the same question could be asked of you. How can I trust you?" He squeezed Ky's side gently, letting his fingertips run gently over his hip.
"After all, I believe it was I who invited you into my home." He gave another soft grin at Ky, his eye lighting up with a certain fire. As if he was telling Ky to show him just what it was that he was thinking.
Feb 20th, 2006, 12:29:36 AM
He returned the kiss just as lightly, keeping his mouth close to the Siths'.
"If I were you...I wouldn't trust me." His lips pressed a bit harder against Baralais before he leaned back, biting the mans' lower lip gently. "I manipulate everyone around me for my own sick perverse pleasure, Baralai. There are no exceptions to that rule."
Baralai Lotus
Feb 20th, 2006, 12:37:11 AM
Baralai sighed softly as he felt Ky bite his bottom lip. He kissed back softly, running his hands up Ky's back.
"Good, then we're in agreeance on more than one thing."
He squeezed Ky's shoulder, and forced his mouth onto his, pulling Ky on top of him as he pulled his body down onto the bed. He bit Ky's lip this time and then returned the kiss again, not letting Ky go, pulling his body closer to his.
"Manipulate me Ky, let me be your plaything." Baralai let the thought drift into Ky's mind as he kissed him hard, squeezing Ky's shoulders hard and pulling him down to his body.
Feb 20th, 2006, 01:02:40 AM
A rough tug took care of the white tank-top Baralai had been wearing. It along with most of their other clothing was carelessly tossed on the floor as the night wore on...
The next afternoon came quickly, and Baralai was awoken by the shifting of the mattress as Kyashi quietly climbed out of bed. He leaned down, pulling on his pants before scanning the room for his shirt.
Baralai Lotus
Feb 20th, 2006, 01:07:26 AM
Baralai opened his eyes slightly and remembered the night before. Passion had enveloped them the night before. He stood himself, instead of pulling up his pants, letting his nakedness be embraced.
He strolled through the room and over to the window, looking out of it and through to the ground. He turned his head back to Ky and grinned at him. Baralai's shoulders were thin, like the rest of his body, but it was cut, he was cut.
He reached his hand behind him for Ky to come and join him. He kept his eye focused on the outside view.
"Last night. . .was an adventure. Wouldn't you say so Ky?"
Feb 20th, 2006, 09:24:34 PM
Ky hung back from the window, muttering to himself as he pulled on his shirt and slipped his feet into his shoes without socks.
"Mmmhmm. I'm hungry. Let's get some food."
Any passion or romance from the night before had slowly faded, leaving Baralai with a bed-headed young man who's stomach was growling loudly.
Baralai Lotus
Feb 20th, 2006, 10:19:00 PM
Baralai threw on his clothes and walked out the doorway.
"Food doesn't sound too bad." Baralai looked Ky over, he still was quite attractive, despite the temper. That was okay though, Baralai liked the feistiness.
Feb 22nd, 2006, 12:24:25 AM
He followed, hands shoved into his pants pockets and stomach still rumbling.
Baralai Lotus
Mar 14th, 2006, 06:26:37 PM
Baralai pulled two apples from a nearby tree with the force and extended one out to Kyashi, slowly taking a bite himself. He looked at Kyashi and smirked, slyly, sexily. . .almost as though he was asking Kyashi to come at him again.
"So tell me Ky, what was it last night that caused such a fit of passion in a young man such as yourself?"
Mar 15th, 2006, 12:39:40 AM
"I was horny as all frell."
The boy tore a bite from the apple Baralai handed him. He smirked back; it was almost a sneer.
"You said you wanted to be my plaything. so I played. I told you not to trust me, Baralai. You should heed my advice."
Baralai Lotus
Mar 15th, 2006, 05:18:57 PM
Baralai smiled at Ky for a moment, letting himself take in what he had just said.
"Who said anything about trust? I was simply asking a question Ky. You get so defensive to be so young and never truly having experienced anything."
He smirked for a moment and took a bite from his apple, his gloved hand wrung around it.
"So . . . tell me about your encounter with the Inquisitoriate. I seem to remember you mentioning them in our first encounter."
Maybe there was something besides sex that Ky and Baralai shared, and Baralai was hell bent on finding out.
Mar 16th, 2006, 04:18:44 PM
"I had a run-in with Tear, they wanted me to bring them some fellow Adepts, and erased me from existence."
He took another bite from his apple, and shrugged. "As you can see, I took those orders to heart. I've been laying relatively low since then."
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