View Full Version : MLB 2006 Season
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 16th, 2006, 09:58:41 PM
With Spring Training upon us I figure I start this thread, but I wanted to discuss the Sosa retirment or what ever it is first. Here is a good article about it
He is finished, IMO, maybe because he can't take steroids anymore or what ever but he would be hitting near the mendoza line if he plays again. Also I think he will not be a first ballot HOF. I don't think he belongs in at all, but he might get in eventually.
Feb 17th, 2006, 08:45:46 AM
If you want an indication if he'll make it all you have to do is look at how McGuire does when he comes up this year. I can't see how they would put one in without the other and vice versa.
Feb 17th, 2006, 09:05:58 AM
Yep, McGwire will be the big indicator. If he gets in first ballot, then the other cheaters will have a good chance as well. If he doesn't get in, it won't look good for them.
As for Sosa himself, he is done. He had his best chance to produce with the Orioles last year and he was a total bust. Once they started a steroid crackdown look what happened to him.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 17th, 2006, 09:28:28 AM
Well Sosa didn't make it to 600 so that hurts him, right there. Also this ballot will be tough as Clemens will be on it and he is a lock. And who knows what left overs there will be. Sosa is murky, IMO he might not make it for a while because of the way his career finished, plus his place with the media isn't very well liked. And what about Palmerio? I personally think he has no chance, he killed any chance of ever getting in with what he did this past year.
Feb 17th, 2006, 01:44:14 PM
I think Palmeiro will eventually get in. His numbers are more impressive than Sosa's, but he won't get in on his first, or even his second attempt. Personally I wouldn't be sad if NONE of those guys got in. Ever.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 17th, 2006, 01:49:44 PM
I think Palmerio will never get in, the way he conducted himself the media will remember that. The only chance he would have is by the Veteren's committee.
Darth McBain
Feb 17th, 2006, 02:08:18 PM
I don't harbor high hopes for either Palmeiro or Sosa. They'll probably vote them both in at some point, though I highly doubt they'll make first ballot. Personally I hope Sosa doesn't make it - I just think he's an idiot.
Feb 17th, 2006, 02:47:07 PM
Both will make it in. Neither will do so until about 10 years after they're eligible.
Feb 17th, 2006, 05:12:57 PM
Palmero is really going to have trouble making it in, he burned a lot of bridges.
Don't forget though right now the whole steriods scandle is huge, in 5 years it won't be as big of a focus and it could really change how Sosa is viewed.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 17th, 2006, 08:55:04 PM
Maybe in 10 years but they might not make it in until the Veteren's committee. They would have probably better luck getting votes from their former teammates.
Feb 18th, 2006, 12:06:35 AM
I don't think Raffy has any chance in getting in by his former teammates, not after he threw Miguel Tejada under the bus.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 18th, 2006, 11:34:40 AM
I hadn't thought about that, Sosa I think is liked by his teammates so if the writers never vote him he will get in that way. Palmerio's numbers are borderline anyway, he barely has 500 HR's he doesn't have 3000 hits so he could be kept out for those reasons along with the steriod issues.
Feb 18th, 2006, 12:11:29 PM
Raffy has 520 career HR's and 3020 hits. He's among 3 players in history with 500 ding dongs and 3000 hits - Mays and Aaron. That alone would be enough to get him in, but I think the way he implicated Tejada will really hurt him.
Sosa, I'm not sure how he was perceived by his mates. Sammy used to have the happy-go-lucky air about him, but in the past couple years he's been made out to be (mostly by his own stupidity) to be a cheat, liar and generally mean guy.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 18th, 2006, 10:14:37 PM
I forgot Palmerio has 3000 hits, still he could be the first in that club to not get in.
Ryan Pode
Feb 19th, 2006, 02:15:57 AM
Raffy was my hero growing up. Him, Cal Ripken, Ray Lewis, Brady Anderson, Mike Mussina, Matt Stover. All good guys. All my heros ya know. Raffy really pissed a lot of Baltimoreans and baseball fans off the way he handled himself. I remember driving to Ravens training camp, the day the news was broken and on the radio the DJ said "How do you not realize you are taking the steroid when you have to take the pill 12 times a day for it to show up on a test?" That right there ended it for me, I knew it used it. I spent weeks trying to reason with it but couldn't find it. As much as I'd love to see him make the HOF, I don't think he ever deserves it. Not after what he did to the game and more importantly what he did to the fans.
Mar 7th, 2006, 01:45:46 PM
Check out the frontpage...nuff said!
Mar 7th, 2006, 03:49:57 PM
I've been listening to this all day on the just sounds like more of the same old same old. Barry will deny the whole thing, some will believe it, some will call them journalists looking to make them make a few bucks, some will question the timing of this (how convenient that it's ready just as the WBC is starting and spring training is upon us).
There's nothing there that I already didn't believe. I already believed that Bonds was a heavy steroid user. I didn't need those guys to write a book about it. Barry admitted in his testimony that he took the cream and the clear. That's everything I need to indict this guy in my mind.
Mar 7th, 2006, 10:45:25 PM
Bonds bashers rejoice!
Today there were 3 stories in the MLB universe:
Kirby Puckett
The World Baseball Classic
Barry Bonds and Game of Shadows
Two weeks from now only one of those stories will still be around; Bonds. This is it, this is the end for the FRAUD that is Barry Bonds. I've been reading the excepts on Bonds is done. This book isn't some cheap fluff piece like Canseco's assualt on trees. These two San Francisco reporters have totally destroyed Bonds. They've got him COLD. We're talking, LITERALLY, mountains of evidence. They've got his drug cycles, grand jury testimony, wiretaps, tape recorded messages to his mistress where he bullies, berates, and even threatens her life. Any doubt that once remainded about Bonds and steroids is now gone FOREVER. If the man had any dignity or sense of shame he'd retire and never play another inning. If Selig really does have cajones he'll never allow Bonds to play another inning.
Say goodbye to your first ballot entrance to the HOF Barry. If even half of what's in this book is true, no one but you will cry about it.
Mar 8th, 2006, 08:20:35 AM
I have the sinking feeling that this book won't mean a thing. Until Bonds acknowledges the truth of it, other writers will continue with the same thought that most have today: Drugging up wasn't against baseball rules.
The only recourse that MLB has is to invoke the 'best interests of baseball' clause and strike Bonds from the record book. But if you start with him, you've got to take down everyone. And we know how spineless Selig is. That is never going to happen.
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 8th, 2006, 05:40:54 PM
Well I was listening to ESPN most sportswriters are saying they will never vote for him and this will keep him out of the HOF. I hope that stays that way.
Mar 8th, 2006, 08:37:54 PM
I've been listening as well, and I'm sure a lot of the guys will change their mind. Everyone is all pissed right now, but when the dust settles, people will notice that most of the sources in the book are 'anonymous'. That's not exactly impirical data.
And can someone explain to me why Canseco's book was ridiculed and these guys are being praised?
Both were people with axes to grind, and wanted to make some cash. These writers have it in for Bonds, and Canseco had it in for MLB in general.
Mar 9th, 2006, 06:12:28 AM
Mar 9th, 2006, 10:32:01 AM
Nice to see all those Yankee's are in post-season form ;)
Those Canadians played well! Mostly minor leaguers too. If the Sox flub their last game they may not make it out of their own group which would be awefull for both the team and the WBC. As one Analyst said if the US is out of the race then a lot of people will stop watching and it will hurt the WBC overall.
Mar 9th, 2006, 01:44:11 PM
It would be awful for the WBC if the U.S. was eliminated before the finals. MLB/U.S.A. Baseball created the WBC to make up for the embarassment of not even qualifying for the '04 Olympics.
Mar 9th, 2006, 06:29:37 PM
It won't hurt the WBC in most Latin countries, although everyone wants a shot at the US squad. Teams like the Domincans and Cuba would love to see the US. I believe the US will know later today if it's out. If the Canadians lose by a certain score the US is gone even before its game tomorrow.
Mar 9th, 2006, 08:06:43 PM
Canada is getting whipped by Mexico right now.
If the U.S. beats South Africa tomorrow then they're in and Canada is out aren't they?
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 9th, 2006, 09:36:58 PM
Yep just heard on ESPN watching the Big East Tournament that is all that USA needs to do.
Mar 9th, 2006, 10:09:22 PM
I don't want to sound like a homer because I don't care a great amount about this tournament, but that rule makes less than zero sense. Canada, Mexico and U.S.A. will each have 2-1 records. Canada has a better head to head vs U.S., but we get booted?
Only MLB could make up such convoluted and WRONG tie breaking rules.
Mar 29th, 2006, 10:10:20 AM
Cubs place BOTH Wood and Prior on the 15 day DL.
These guys are about as durable as wet toilet paper. They both have hall of fame potential, but neither can keep their arms healthy long enough to prove it. The Cubs really need to let these 2 go. I've had this opinion a year or 2 ago because year after year they just can't stay healthy. It's ridiculous. Every year the hopes of all Cubs fans rides on these guys and they're never around long enough to help.
Mar 29th, 2006, 02:09:30 PM
I wish Bonds would show some respect for the game and some of its great players and do whats right, and that retire before you trample their truly great records. He got his 700 and a HOF place most likely now leave true greats like Ruth and Aaron alone. Of all the steroid popping cheaters in modern day baseball Bonds is the one I hate the most. He has no respect for the game. its fans or for those who truly were great. Be a man own up to what you did and retire and leave the Babe alone.
Mar 29th, 2006, 02:36:17 PM
Keep dreaming. The only way he stops is if someone suspends him or if his knee craps out on him. I hate Bonds, and I now hate all the others who juiced up and lied about it but these guys do not care about tradition, fans, the game, or anything else other than their own bank account and their own fame. Period.
Mar 30th, 2006, 07:55:24 AM
I wish the pitchers would just walk him every time he comes to the plate, regardless of the situation.
And MLB saying they will celebrate him passing Ruth/Aaron when/if it happens is a joke. They want to start an investigation but they are planning on glorifying stats inflated by the steriods.
Mar 30th, 2006, 11:56:28 AM
Originally posted by sirdizzy
I wish Bonds would show some respect for the game and some of its great players and do whats right, and that retire before you trample their truly great records. He got his 700 and a HOF place most likely now leave true greats like Ruth and Aaron alone. Of all the steroid popping cheaters in modern day baseball Bonds is the one I hate the most. He has no respect for the game. its fans or for those who truly were great. Be a man own up to what you did and retire and leave the Babe alone.
Ditto, couldn't have written it any better.
And MLB saying they will celebrate him passing Ruth/Aaron when/if it happens is a joke. They want to start an investigation but they are planning on glorifying stats inflated by the steriods.
Two major sponsors have already pulled their advertising and you can bet more will follow. This is going to be a PR disaster. Selig has finally started an investigation. It's probably inevitable that he's going to pass Ruth, I just hope that he either gets suspended or retires before he passes Aaron.
One thing is for sure, kiss his first ballot HOF away. Oh, he'll get in eventually, but these latest books have nailed him so thoroughly that plenty of HOF voters will punish him by witholding their votes the first year he's eligible.
Mar 30th, 2006, 02:09:34 PM
You're 100% that this is going to be a PR disaster. It's going to get very ugly before it gets worse.
Mar 30th, 2006, 04:00:58 PM
To change the subject real quick, I'm in need of a couple guys, probably 3 max to join a Fantasy Baseball league and figured I would see if any of you guys would want in.
I'm doing it with some guys at work and we're not sure if we'll have enough to make it worthwhile. We have 4 right now with 2 more very possible and would like anywhere from 8-12
Its on Yahoo and I personally have never done a fantasy baseball and a few of the other guys haven't either so it won't exactly be stiff competition, just fun and lots of trash talk. PM me if your interested.
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 30th, 2006, 06:22:28 PM
Sure, I will join and try it give me the link and I will sign up.
Mar 30th, 2006, 09:48:33 PM
I like the idea of walking him for every at bat. I mean at 41 and with bum knees its not like he is going to torch you on the bases. You may give up the inconsquential run or two by doing so but the fans would celebrate you for doing so.
If I was a MLB pitcher i would be so tempted to play bean ball with him every time he came to the plate.
Mar 31st, 2006, 08:13:05 AM
Yeah, but then you may be putting your own guys at risk.
The easiest thing to do is to throw him junk and/or walk him. Eventually his knee will break down from so much running on the base paths and he'll have to give up.
Mar 31st, 2006, 08:23:26 AM
Jedi Master Carr, heres the league info. Its not Star Wars themed or anything, just some of my friends and guys I went to school with and played hoops with but they are all great guys.
ID: 311001
password: bigpapi
Right now we have 5 people with possibly 2 more coming in local so 2 or 3 from here would be perfect.
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 31st, 2006, 12:21:14 PM
Originally posted by jjwr
Jedi Master Carr, heres the league info. Its not Star Wars themed or anything, just some of my friends and guys I went to school with and played hoops with but they are all great guys.
ID: 311001
password: bigpapi
Right now we have 5 people with possibly 2 more coming in local so 2 or 3 from here would be perfect.
It doesn't seem to work here on this page
or is it a public league? Although it doesn't look like I can pick one of them to join.
Edit never mind heh clicked the long link. I was on the pay one. Looking at not sure how to mess with the draft rankings. I think I might keep the prestuff and just keep off players that are hurt like Wood and Prior.
Mar 31st, 2006, 02:38:10 PM
I'm probably going to push the start of this back till mid next week so we have time to get a few more players and then have time for the draft and dealing with our rosters.
Jedi Master Carr
Mar 31st, 2006, 05:46:44 PM
Thats okay, probably better that way.
Mar 31st, 2006, 09:12:06 PM
i'd join but I don't even really follow baseball tell september, the season is way too long and most of my interest was lost in 1993 when the b&*^ards striked out the world series
Mar 31st, 2006, 10:49:34 PM
1994. Believe me, it hurt me worse than anyone!
Apr 1st, 2006, 03:45:55 AM
see i don't even care to remember the year anymore
Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 1st, 2006, 04:46:34 PM
..Would I be able to join? :)
Apr 1st, 2006, 05:11:42 PM
Yup if you want, we're still 2 people shy of where I would like to be. We're pushing the start of the season back a few days so we can get the players we want and then run the draft from there.
Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 1st, 2006, 05:35:53 PM
Snack's Critters ready for the season. :smokin
Apr 3rd, 2006, 09:15:10 PM
The crowd at Petco Park booed Bonds every chance it got -- during pregame introductions, when he went to left field in the first inning, when he caught Dave Roberts' slicing liner for the Padres' first out, when he came to bat leading off the second, when he scored and even when he chased down Adrian Gonzalez's double in the second. After his last at-bat, a fan threw a syringe onto the field in Bonds' direction; he picked it up as he walked back to the dugout.
never liked him, glad the love affair is over, classic thinking of throwing a syringe, I think he picked it up hoping there was some steroids in it so he could steal some more records
Apr 4th, 2006, 06:42:18 AM
Was there ever a love affair with Bonds? If and when they start booing him in San Francisco, then you know any love for him is gone. Having a syringe thrown at him is very funny...he's going to have a lot more of those come his way this year.
Apr 4th, 2006, 03:26:46 PM
Is it too late to join? I just tried to join and Yahoo said the league wasn't in predraft mode.
BTW, first place biatches!!!!!!!!! :evil
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 4th, 2006, 03:41:46 PM
Hey Boston is tied ;) Schilling looked great yesterday. Now Faulke is another matter. As for the fantasy league I have no idea how that works.
Apr 5th, 2006, 12:44:00 PM
So we have our first childish controversy of the year.
Billy Wagner's entrance song is Metallica's 'Enter Sandman'.
Yankee fans are crying foul because their guy, Mariano Rivera's nickname is, the Sandman.
For shame!
The thing is, Rivera doesn't like who cares?
Apr 5th, 2006, 08:31:05 PM
Sorry Jedieb, I had to start the league as the other players were getting antsy. We have some very accomplished Yankee haters in the league so you would have fit right in :)
Apr 6th, 2006, 07:01:15 AM
Damn, my team name was going to be "Damonisoursnow" . Oh well, your loss. :evil
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 8th, 2006, 12:08:29 PM
The Sox are at 3-1 right now. Their pitching staff looks good early. Schilling pitched great and Beckett was awesome his first start. Clement looked solid last night. Of course, it is very early and there are questions with health with most of these guys.
Apr 9th, 2006, 06:40:16 AM
Schilling looked great again yesterday. Its still very early though, if these guys can hold up they will be ok.
Uh oh Yankees :)
Again I know its early but its still fun to see. We all know they'll come back so we want to enjoy it while we can.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 9th, 2006, 10:41:34 AM
Well at least Schilling looks like his old self. Of course can he stay healthy? The same goes for Beckett really.
Apr 9th, 2006, 11:04:37 PM
I am loving the bonds sucks without his steroids trend we have seen the first week. 2-12 no dingers, didn't Michael Jordan have a better line that.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 11th, 2006, 04:54:50 PM
Originally posted by sirdizzy
I am loving the bonds sucks without his steroids trend we have seen the first week. 2-12 no dingers, didn't Michael Jordan have a better line that.
I hope it continues.
Apr 12th, 2006, 05:56:57 AM
Yanks win their 9th straight home opener! Eat that Empire haters! :shootin
Apr 12th, 2006, 07:31:16 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
I hope it continues.
While it's been fun so far, Bonds started his 73 dinger season 1 for 19 with no homers. It's too soon to write him off yet.
Eb, the Yankees had to mount a huge comeback vs the mighty Royals. Settle down. >D
Darth McBain
Apr 12th, 2006, 08:52:59 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
I hope it continues.
I'm right with ya
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 12th, 2006, 04:22:52 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Yanks win their 9th straight home opener! Eat that Empire haters! :shootin
The Royals are terrible so I wouldn't brag too much. The Yankees pitching looks a mess to me. All they have is Johnson and Mussiana, they will not win a WS with that staff.
Apr 13th, 2006, 12:06:48 PM
Bad Back Wells got lit up last night and we're pounding the Royals early. Ah, KC, thanks the cheap wins. :evil
Apr 13th, 2006, 05:02:01 PM
Originally posted by JMK
While it's been fun so far, Bonds started his 73 dinger season 1 for 19 with no homers. It's too soon to write him off yet.
true, but back then he had magical little steroid pills and injections to help him. Now he is a beat down 41 year old hitter with bad knees and no steroids, I doubt even that will stop him from passing ruth but maybe it can keep him from passing aaron.
and he is 3-16 for the season now, no dingers
the longer it takes him to get going the better, because eventually somewhere in the season his knees are going to break down again, and hes going to miss some games so every game hes healthy and comes away empty handed is a game for the fans and baseball itself
Apr 13th, 2006, 07:29:11 PM
Looks like the Feds are looking into nailing Bonds for committing perjury. Ah, more tears for poor Barry... :cryin
And the Sox got lit up again tonight. Just one game back. :evil
Apr 15th, 2006, 08:52:27 PM
Great story....:);_ylt=AmZi5NTmkQbsJlTBcBo3PhIRvLYF?slug=jp-rbi041506&prov=yhoo&type=lgns
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 15th, 2006, 10:39:23 PM
That is a great story :)
Apr 17th, 2006, 11:38:51 AM
the bonds saga continues
11 games, 4 for 23 with an amazing .179 batting average no dingers. Only 151 games to go, hmmm wonder if the lack of steroids is hurting his lack of production, still a little early to tell but all signs look hopeful
back when sosa and mcquire were chasing the record, I did the same thing. I'd go on ESPN everyday to see if either had hit a home run now I gone on make sure bonds hasn't.
Apr 17th, 2006, 11:48:29 AM
It's hard to say what exactly is causing Bonds' production to stall like this. Is it because he's not on the same juice as he usually took? He's probably been using HGH not that long ago because there's no way to test for it. It can only be detected by blood test and the MLBPA does not allow blood tests on its members.
Could it be the pressure is finally getting to him and he just can't get it done? Or is it the fact that he's 42 now and just can't do it forever?
Apr 17th, 2006, 01:29:51 PM
Probably a combination of all of the above.
Darth McBain
Apr 17th, 2006, 04:27:08 PM
Originally posted by sirdizzy
now I gone on make sure bonds hasn't.
I find myself doing the exact same thing...
Apr 21st, 2006, 08:38:07 AM
When will it ever end for the Cubbies?
Lee's out for possibly 3 months. Unbelievable.
Ryan Pode
Apr 21st, 2006, 10:16:25 AM
O's v. Yanks this weekend. O's take 2.
Apr 21st, 2006, 02:12:57 PM
2 or 3 losses for the O's, comin' right up. :cool
Wait a minute, Baltimore actually has a major league team? I thought that was a farm team that played at Camden Yards.
Apr 21st, 2006, 02:14:50 PM
No, it's just a playground for juicers.
That's a little harsh though. The whole league is a juicer's playground.
Ryan Pode
Apr 21st, 2006, 09:22:45 PM
Hmm. 6-5 Orioles. I guess they lost... if you go by golf scoring.
Apr 22nd, 2006, 08:51:54 PM
6-1 beat down today, tomorrow's the rubber game. Sox are on a 3 game slide so the entire division is bunched up. It won't stay that way for long. By the Allstar break it'll probably be a 3 team race with the Yanks, Sox, and Blue Jays.
Apr 22nd, 2006, 09:38:57 PM
Barry hit 709 today. :x
Apr 22nd, 2006, 09:43:35 PM
Yep, Barry goes yard for the first time. Unfortunate and inevitable. Here's hoping he doesn't get on a roll now.
Apr 23rd, 2006, 08:07:06 PM
My sister could hit a ball out of Coors Field. He's going to catch Ruth, only an injury can stop that. But I think that Aaron is safe, at least we get that.
Nice weekend beat down on the O's brings us another game closer to first. It should have been a sweep if not for a lucky DP that Anna Benson's husband got in the first and a tired ump that didn't want extra innings. I just got the Sports package on DirecTV so I'm finally going to be able to see about 3-4 Yankees games a week. I'll sleep through half the innings, but I'll still get to see a ton of baseball. I'm basically turning into my father. :zzz
Ryan Pode
Apr 23rd, 2006, 10:04:10 PM
The Yanks got the slumping pitchers. If they had to have faced Bedard, they'da been toast.
Apr 24th, 2006, 08:24:06 PM
Yeah, the O's scored 2 combined runs over the weekend. I'm sure the vaunted O's pitching staff could have come up with a couple of shut outs against A-Rod, Jeter, Shef, Matsui... holy crap, do I even need to go on? You guys will be out of the race in a matter of weeks. Leave the division to the big boys. :evil
Watch for the Clemens sweepstakes to begin after May 1st. The Yanks and Red Sox are going to offer dumptrucks full of cash to bring the Rocket out of retirement. With the Yankees or Red Sox lineup Clemens would have won over 20 games and another Cy Young last year. I think the personal connection Clemens had with Houston turned to a purely business one when they refused to offer him arbitration last year. I think Clemens will either go to NY or Boston for one big fat $20M-$25M paycheck and a farewell tour. He's also someone that big payroll teams like the Sox and Yanks can go after without touching their farm system. If you're one of the two AL East powerhouses, you desperately don't want to see Clemens pitching for your rival. He'd shore up the Yankees rotation and he'd give Boston a wicked playoff rotation. Whatever team gets him will probably win the division.
Ryan Pode
Apr 24th, 2006, 08:50:43 PM
Not long ago the AL East was a two-divsion team between Yankees and the Os. It will return soon. Sosa, Palmero, and Ponson are gone. The O's are poised to make their return. You shall see.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 24th, 2006, 08:51:19 PM
Nah Clemens will either stay retired or go back to Houston. The fact his son pitches near Houson is just too important for him, from what I have read.
Apr 25th, 2006, 01:20:05 AM
I am seeing a lot of intentional walks to bonds right now, eventually teams will stop being afraid of him (he got a run on a BB tonight against the mets) and pitch to him thats when I am afraid his slump will end. 1 homerun in 19 games if he keeps that pace ruth just might be safe because i am not sure he can go the whole season. 40-60 games from now he will probably be taking a night off for every night he plays or be on the DL his knees are that bad.
Apr 25th, 2006, 06:15:56 AM
I'm curious what exactly Clemens will make for 1/2 a season of work, considering how much difference his arm could make for the Sox or Yanks the number could be quite huge. If you add him to the Sox rotation then it makes their already potent 1-2 punch darn near invincible and if you add him to the Yankees he would easily stabalize that lineup and give them a shot at the WS(sorry that lineup alone won't do it).
I'm more worried about the Blue Jays in the division than the O's, they have a great lineup and will be stealing some wins from the Sox & Yanks.
Apr 25th, 2006, 07:03:15 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
Nah Clemens will either stay retired or go back to Houston. The fact his son pitches near Houson is just too important for him, from what I have read.
Nothing speaks more than the almighty dollar. If Clemens gets a 20-25 million dollar offer to go and pitch for 6 months, you can bet he will leave his son for that kind of pay.
Bonds will pass Ruth. It's only a matter of time before teams believe that they can beat him & they start pitching to him. At that point he will slowly chip away. He's only 6 away, if he has one decent week he can cut that to 3. Aaron is probably safe, which is far more important in the grand scheme of things.
The Jays will be very dangerous this year. They could be the undoing of either the Sox or Yanks. They got great news yesterday when they learned there was no structural damage to A.J. Burnett's elbow. He's been on the DL twice since the pre-season began...that's 55million dollar offer is looking quite sketchy right now, but at least he should be back soon. And with Molina and Glaus in their every day lineup, they've got plenty of power to compete.
The Rays and O's will be fodder for the 3 other teams. They've got no chance, even though they're in the thick of it right now. By July they'll be out of it and planning for next year when the same cycle will repeat itself.
Apr 26th, 2006, 02:18:05 AM
the ^*(^% hit #710
someone needs to do baseball a favor and run on the field and take a baseball bat to his knee ala nancy kerigan and end his career. One good hit and hes done.
Apr 27th, 2006, 08:17:16 AM
Originally posted by JMK
Bonds will pass Ruth. It's only a matter of time before teams believe that they can beat him & they start pitching to him. At that point he will slowly chip away. He's only 6 away, if he has one decent week he can cut that to 3. Aaron is probably safe, which is far more important in the grand scheme of things.
I hate to say I told you so...but 711 went out last night. Homers on back to back he rounding in to form?
Apr 27th, 2006, 04:29:34 PM
why must you mock my pain?
Apr 27th, 2006, 08:09:36 PM
Hey, I hate him as much as the next guy, but it's inevitable.
He had a similar start last season before taking off.
Apr 28th, 2006, 07:54:18 AM
I did like that Selig said that MLB will not honor the accomplishment, I wish all of hte other news agencies would do the same but you know they won't. ESPN already gives him front page news when he hit the past few, you know they will make a huge deal of this.
Compare MLB's reaction to how things would have been had Ken Griffey Jr stayed healthy and made a run at this, realistically he could be at the same point now if he hadn't lost so much time. MLB and everyone would be making a huge deal of it.
Apr 28th, 2006, 08:25:58 AM
I don't see why Bonds should be celebrated for passing Ruth at all. Even if it was Griffey jr in this position, why the hell should he be celebrated for becoming #2 of all time? Congratulations, you're now second best!! It should only be a big deal when he becomes #1. This is such nonsense. And of course Bonds will probably play the race card.
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