View Full Version : Khendon's Coup

Karl Valten
Feb 16th, 2006, 11:08:06 AM
Alrighty INQ member's. I need al y'all's opinion on this event. What side of the coup do you think the Inquisitoriate should take. From previous RPs, the INQ and Office of the Executor have not gotten along at all, so the rivalry will play a big part of the faction issue.

On a personal level I know Karl Valten IC will side with Khendon. While Palpatine was Emperor, he always thought that the INQ was underutilized and restricted in too many ways by the government. Under Khendon he's sees the INQ as having more freedom to do it's job.

On the other hand, he is very Loyal to the Grand Inqusitor (as is the rest of the Inquisitoriate for the most part) so the direction Tear goes shoud, IC, heavily influence the direction we take.

So what are your opinions about this, both for the INQ as a whole and your characters.

Victor Crestmere
Feb 16th, 2006, 04:22:24 PM
Hmm, well we could go either way. If Khendon promises us more power to do our duty for the Empire, then I say we side with him, but I also agree with what you said about Tear. Which ever way Tear goes will have a large pull on our direction as well and I know IC, Crestmere would never abandon his CO, Valten or Tear.

Crestmere is loyal to the Empire, even though they destroyed his home world; he is still loyal because it's all he's known. I know that IC, Crestmere likes what Tear has done with the group so far, so he sees no point in possibly changing leaders or anything of that nature.

To be honest, I don’t know what Khendon's big plan is because, well, I haven’t read about it >_< I don’t want to say anything else until I read his big plan, but this is where Crestmere stands on this whole thing as of right now.

Victor Crestmere
Feb 16th, 2006, 04:38:50 PM
Ok, I just read his like plan-o-evil and I must say, I like the way this sounds. Although I am still unsure what Crestmere would do IC as far as taking sides with Valten/Khendon or Tear. If we go through with what we were talking about in the other thread and Crestmere gets promoted, then I would probably have him side with Khendon simply because Crestmere would see PN as a great asset to his cause, but once it was all over and if Khendon gets the throne, then Crestmere would want more power granted to the INQ and even more to PN.

Now mind you, this is all still up in the air and depends on a few things that would need to happen first, but as of right now, this is how it’s going to go down for Crestmere. Once more people reply and more opinions are given, then we’ll see what’s what.

Danni Reyok
Feb 16th, 2006, 07:18:21 PM
As for Danni (IC) would side with Khendon and Valten. Danni isn't willing to abandon the Empire especially after being taken in and given a 'job' where she could kill and not get in trouble (hehehe) and plus more power always appeals to Danni:D

Victor Crestmere
Feb 18th, 2006, 05:04:53 PM
Well, do we think that Tear would abondoned PN and the Empire? I don't but it's a question that might need an answer for some of us >_<

Karl Valten
Feb 18th, 2006, 07:40:20 PM
Ja, like I said, Valten would side with Khendon, but he wouldn't throw his loyalties out the window.

Victor Crestmere
Feb 28th, 2006, 01:50:03 AM
Do we know where Tear is? Just wondering :rolleyes

My reasoning behind this question is because to get things moving, if he's not around anymore or something to that affect, then I'll just have Crestmere side with Khendon.