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View Full Version : Non-Sw Rp: Patchwork Girl.

Mandy with an I
Feb 4th, 2006, 11:30:17 PM
This idea was originally started on Meras, with Saveer and Wil playing major roles. Saveer isn't rping anymore, and Wil is going away at the end of the month :cry Looking for serious rpers to get this off the ground, and then when Wil gets back, he can join in :)

Originally posted by Mandi Matronic

One hundred years ago, the ruling family of the land lost their only child, Erzsebet, to a degenerative disease. Filled with grief, they resorted to the black arts to bring their daughter back to life.

Children from the village began to disappear, being taken away to the manor in the woods, never to be seen again. Bits and pieces of these children were used in a strange ceremony, one that "cured" Erzsebet' illness and brought her back to her parents.

Years passed, and her parents grew weaker, aging rapidly. Erzsebet remained young and vibrant, the spell cast upon her draining the life from those around her.

After her parents passed, the spell spread, sapping energy from the servants of the manor and eventually moving on to sap small amounts of energy from the villagers.

More time passed. The villagers blamed their lethargy on more normal phenomeon and the story of the Patchwork Girl faded into myth...

Setting: A sleepy mountain village

The Manor in the Woods - A large graying stone building set back into the woods. An outer wall surrounds the entire property, including large gardens and an old well.

My characters:
Patchwork Girl
107 years old.
- was a very sickly child, being taken care of by loving and devoted parents. When she passed, her parents turned to the Demon With No Name to return her to life. The spell cast upon her sapped her parents energy, and eventually lead to their death
- Lives alone in the manor in the woods, taken care of by servants

- very fragile in appearance; childlike in spite of her age.
- knows about her "powers", doesn't appear evil but is
- Syphens the life force from people around her, and it's strength is based on how close they are to her
- affected people appear/feel sluggish and tired, but those who are farther away aren't affected enough to become suspicious.

- looks like a broken china doll that's been glued back together. (hidden under her clothes)

Shade Children
-Spirits of the children who were killed to revive the Patchwork Girl
- Lots of children were taken, but only a few worked as "parts"
- the rest were dumped in and around the old well

- the shade children play with PWG in the gardens, but never enter the manor
- appear as misty shadows and speak with many voices.

Demon Without a Name
-responsible for all the mess and creator of the PWG