View Full Version : The Hapan Princess
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 3rd, 2006, 02:10:55 PM
Location: Coruscant
The Hapan Princess was extremely busy tonight. A shock boxing tournament had just ended in the sports arena down the street and people were pouring into the tavern like there was no tomorrow, and at this rate there wouldn’t be. The Hapan Princess was a large building, for a tavern, but it couldn’t hold the amount of people who were pouring in. As a result the owner; Jacob R’zere, had ordered Jaassuuvi to stand at the door and only let people in if there was space for them. Jaassuuvi was grateful to get away from the pile of dishes he had been washing. He had been working at the Hapan Princess for years now, ever since it had started up. He didn’t have a fixed position in the establishment, he just did whatever was needed at the moment and at the moment a bouncer was needed--not for the first time. So, he hung up his apron and slipped into the large nerf-hide leather jacket the boss had him wear to look tougher and meaner. The jacket really wasn’t needed. Jaassuuvi was already formidable to look upon. Anyone who sees a big cizerack standing in front of a door is going to take his money elsewhere, or at least try and sneak in through the back door or a window. He also carried a stun baton, although he had never used it. He preferred to pick people up and throw them into the street if they didn’t listen.
So, there he was; standing outside the tavern in his black jacket thrown over his grubby shirt and his long messy brown hair nearly blocking his vision. Every now and then he bar his teeth, growl, and watch the crowd jump back. “No one goesss jin,” He hissed to a persistent little bugger who kept trying to walk in when he thought the cizerack wasn’t looking.
Ivan Fortinbras III
Feb 22nd, 2006, 06:15:56 PM
One hour before
Once again, Darius found himself on Coruscant. As the transport landed, Darius gathered his things, a small backpack that was under his seat, and proceeded out the exit. It was night time. The mirrors that reflected the suns rays had just turned and the sun was setting off in the distance. That was just one of thousand amazing architectural feats that gave Coruscant it’s uniqueness; don’t forget the self-contained eco-system in the massive buildings set all over the planet, the complex series of huge pipes through which polar ice is pumped through to the cities, and the fact that almost everything is recyclable: from cloths all the way to the machinery that make this planet work. The planet was truly a work of art to say the least.
Admiring the skyline as it buzzed with life, sky cars going to and fro, Darius took a moment to inhale the cool, crisp night air. Coruscant is truly a planet of wonders, Darius thought to himself as he started walking down the crowded side walks that he missed so much. For Darius, he had spent the last 3 years of his life planet hopping to figure things out for himself because, when he lived with the Clergy here on Coruscant, many things were withheld from Darius due to his gift; the ability to foretell certain events. Some members of the Clergy saw it as a gift from God, others, a curse. Darius on the other hand, saw it a nuisance. It had caused so many problems for Darius it wasn’t even funny, but the worse part of it all, it made him lose his connection with God.
For the three years after he was forced to leave the Church, Darius not only explored the Galaxy to suit his own ambitions and self knowledge, he also spent the time trying to find his old self. Mainly staying within the Core Planets, Darius saw many different types of religion, many different gods, and the many different ways to worship them, but he knew that there was only one God; it was just a matter of rekindling the fire within himself which he finally did shortly before returning to Coruscant. Of course, it his strength in his Faith was no where near to that of what it use to be, but he was working on it. He had also learned that his gift, if you could call it that, was not from God, but from a lesser deity called the Force. This did not concern him though. He had no wishes to further his knowledge of the Force nor did he want to entertain the thought. It had brought him nothing but bad luck as far back as he could remember. Always “prophesizing” the bad things, never the good things; it’s what got him kicked out of the Church in the first place.
Rounding a corner, Darius could only smile as he looked up to see all the lights of the entertainment district flashing. It was another, one of the many, things he missed about this place. The complacency that filled the area, the fear of not knowing what awaited you in the bar down the street or the dark ally across the street; the fact that “ignorance is bliss” in not knowing what will happen. Darius had lost that privilege along time ago. Smiling again, Darius continued down the street up until he came across a tavern that was practically overflowing with people. Stopping for a moment to let a few Twi’leks who run by, Darius began to make his way through the crowd. Suddenly Darius felt himself growing nauseated and dizzy and it was then that he knew a vision was coming on. Closing his eyes, the only thing that seemed to help the nausea and dizziness fade away, Darius waited for the vision to pass.
It starts with a human and a cizerack. The human is with two others; a female and another male, both humans.
“Hey, you gonna let me in or not fur ball?”
“No one goesss jin…”
The Cizerack hisses.
“Look, I’ll make it worth your wild. You let me and my two friends in and I’ll give you 50 credits.”
“No one goesss jin…”
The Cizerack says again as he slaps the man’s hand away.
“Not enough huh? Fine! 200 creds, but that’s my last offer.”
The Cizerack repeats itself more sternly as it’s obvious he’s losing his patience.
“Fine! I’ll let me’self in!”
The human tries to push his way through one more time and finds himself lying on the ground as the Cizerack straightens its nerf-hide jacket and cracks its knuckles.
“No one goesss jin!”
Jumping up and royally ticked off, the human who realizes everyone is laughing at him, pulls out his blaster pistol and unloads a few bolts into the chest of the Cizerack.
Darius opened his eyes and low and behold, the human and his two buddies were already there and the conversation was already taking place. Usually Darius had anywhere from an hour to weeks before the visions would take place, but he wasn’t as fortunate this time. Sliding his hand into his coat pocket, Darius pulled out two pair of dura-steel knuckles and starts to push his way through the crowd. His visions usually turned out for the worse, but he had to try. He would not let innocent blood be spilled, but if it was to happen, he could at least say he tried.
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 23rd, 2006, 04:24:57 PM
So awhile it looked like it might be a pleasant evening, until a small group walked up to the front of the growing crowd and started demanding things.
“Hey, you gonna let me in or not fur ball?”
“No one goesss jin…" Jaas hissed back at the man, who took a step back at the sight of the savage set of chompers in the feliniod just flashed at him.
“Look, I’ll make it worth your wild. You let me and my two friends in and I’ll give you 50 credits.”
“No one goesss jin…” He replied once more as he slapped the man's hand away.
“Not enough huh? Fine! 200 creds, but that’s my last offer.”
Jaas repeated himself again, already growing tired of the pesty hyu-mann and growing quite angry.
“Fine! I’ll let me’self in!”
Jaas grabbed the man as he tried to weasel past him. He effortlessly picked him up and tossed him down on the ground, much to the amusement of the crowd. Jaas folded his arms across his chest and looked away, paying the man no more attention. A click and a few gasps caused him to look back, right into the barrel of a loaded blaster. He didn't even get a chance to swear before he saw the man's finger closing around the trigger...
Ivan Fortinbras III
Feb 23rd, 2006, 05:01:08 PM
Darius had broken into a run as he watched the events unfold. Time seemed to slow down, as it always did, and the closer he got, the slower he seemed to go as well. It was all so surreal. Watching things unfold just as he had seen them in his vision, the thought of failure, and concern for the innocence around him, all pumping a fresh supply of adrenalin fiercely throughout his system only added to it all. What would he do if he didn’t make it in time?
He was close now. Close enough to at least through off the attacks aim anyways. Grabbing hold of the blaster’s handle, Darius quickly pointed it upwards, towards the sign of the Hapen Princess. With a few flashes of red the fading neon sign of the Princess faded out. Part one, saving this man was over and done with. Part two, taking out the threat now remained. Making sure his grip on the blaster was good Darius raised his fist up, muttered a silent prayer to himself, and brought his dura-steel knuckles down across the surprised mans face. Yanking the blaster out of the unconscious mans hand as he fell, Darius quickly tossed it the back to the bouncer and then returned his gaze back onto the two remaining friends. “Just pick him up and leave.” Was all Darius said as he stood waiting for them to make a move.
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 27th, 2006, 12:05:05 AM
It all happened in slow motion. The blaster was pointed at him and the man's finger was closing around the trigger. It seemed like the end, but fate suddenly thrusted its finger into the mixing bowl. Another man ran up and raised the blaster, which went off... into the Hapan Princess' neon sign; the entire crowd was showered with sparks. People screamed, ran, or both. The two men wrestled for the gun. Jaas started to move forward to assist his savior when the man finished off the gun man with a blow to the face.
Jaas caught the blaster as it was thrown at him. He looked at it for a moment and then slipped it into his coat pocket, "jYou hearrrd hjim," He growled at the two remaining humans, "Get hjim out of herrre beforrre jI thrrrown hjim jin the gutterrr!" The two humans moved with terrified speed as they picked up their unconscious friend and took off done the street.
The Cizerack turned from the three and looked back at his savior, "Thank jyou, sssjirrr," He said, bowing his head a little and smiling a big toothy smile. Jaas racked his unintelligent mind for something to say, but found nothing. He had nothing to over the man for saving his life, except one thing, "Pleassse come jinsssjide," Jaas said, pushing the door open with one of his massive paws, "Hey, we first here!" A Rodian shouted from the crowd. Jaas only growled at the alien and then followed his savior inside, closing the door behind him.
"jYourrr on dutjy now, Vjin," Jaas said, handed off his coat to one of the human servers and passing the blaster over as well, "Tough crrrowd, jyou mjight need thjisss."
Jaas escorted his mysterious savior to an empty booth, "Whjy djid jyou sssave me?" He asked, true puzzlemest plasted all over his face, "Most people don't gjive a carrre to what happensss to otherrrsss."
Ivan Fortinbras III
Feb 28th, 2006, 11:02:58 PM
"Why did I save you? Why not?" Darius said as he sat down at the bar. "You seem like a nice person, besides, it wasn't your time to go. The “Lord givith and the Lord takeith”, so only he can decide when it's your time to go. I just do his work." Darius had got use to saying that when people asked him why he saved them. Jas wasn't the first. There were plenty before him and there will be plenty more after him. “But you are right, more people don’t care about what happens to others, but I'm not most people." Darius said with a short smile. "But anyways, thanks for letting me in. You didn't have to. I really wasn't planning on it, but I guess it all works out. What's your name by the way? Mines Darius, Darius Templar."
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 2nd, 2006, 03:07:38 PM
"Jaassssssuuvji Ageerrrrrrodarrrrrr," The cizerack said, stretched out a massive clawed hand across the table, "Pleasssurrre to meet jyou, Darrrjiusss," He smiled a big toothy grin that showed his many sharp teeth. He shook Darius' hand and then pulled his arm back to sit on his lap, "Arrre jyou a churrrch man?" He asked with cat-like curiosity spread across his face.
Ivan Fortinbras III
Mar 3rd, 2006, 11:56:44 PM
"Well, I wouldn't call myself a church man but I have been once or twice." He said with a smile. "I was raised with the Clergy, here on Coruscant actually, so I know my fair share about religion and the Lord. What about you Jaass...Jas? Are you a church going man?" Darius was rather curious about the Cizerack. He had never met one before on any of his travels, so he didn't know much about their race. This would be a fascinating treat to say in the least.
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 18th, 2006, 09:24:36 PM
"No, ji've neverrr been to a churrrch jin mjy ljife, but ji've had ssseverrral 'mjinjisssterrrsss' apprrroach me jin the ssstrrreetsss telljing me about thejirrr all powerrrful god that wjipesss away all sssjin, but then jyou have the otherrr gujysss frrrom anotherrr god that doesss the sssame thjingsss asss the one beforrre. Ssso, jI leave the godsss alone and they leave me alone, kjind of thjing."
Ivan Fortinbras III
Apr 2nd, 2006, 09:13:10 PM
OOC: Sorry, been busy.
IC: "Ah, I see." Darius said as he caught the bar tenders attention. "Well, I'm not as radical as they are. I've had my own run in's with God before, some were worked out rather fast, but others, they still linger around." He finished with a smile.
"What'll ya have?"
The Zabrack bar tender shouted as he leaned in towards Darius to hear him better. "I'll have a Neon Shooter and you..." Darius said as he looked at Jin. "Want anything?"
Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Apr 8th, 2006, 07:52:50 PM
"Tatoojine Twjiljight, and a few Mandrrrasss" He said said and handed a cred chit to the Zabrack, "jI'm pajyjing tonjight," He added with a toothy smile as the waiter walked away to fetch their drinks, "ssso, what got jisss jit jyou ssserrrve?"
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