View Full Version : Sick of being unfit and overweight?

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Wyl Staedtler
Jul 29th, 2007, 12:04:31 AM
Goal: Run the Honolulu Marathon in December.

Cat X
Jul 29th, 2007, 01:18:47 AM
Blaxland to Wollongong, by December has just become mine. 150 km


Mu Satach
Jul 31st, 2007, 02:50:06 PM
Goal: Run the Honolulu Marathon in December.

That's quite a goal. Good Luck! :)

Sanis Prent
Jul 31st, 2007, 09:46:41 PM
Broke 350 tonight on squats. Not just broke. Blew it away. I was putting them up and down with enough force to have the bar bow and dip with my movements. I am going to try 370 next week and see if I can get it. If my progress continues, I should be squatting 400 pounds by this fall.

My other lifts were good too ;)

Sanis Prent
Aug 6th, 2007, 11:50:10 PM
Back above 200 pounds on bench again :)

Bad news is that I do two weeks worth of dumbbell bench following this, so I may drop again :( Maybe not though.

Also I blew past 375 on squats. I'm starting to develop a bit of tendonitis at my left knee, so I may take it easy next week, or at least invest in a good knee brace.

Wei Wu Wei
Aug 7th, 2007, 04:19:48 PM
I'm going to get in on this too. I plan to increase the amount of water I drink. I also want to at least walk two miles after meals. Once or twice a week I'll go for a jog or something. I'm also going to find places for things like chinup and such.

I'm big into parkour, but I live in a place with little urban material. I want to stay sharp.

I also want to find a martial arts class that I can actually attend. My schedule is so crazy I'm having trouble pinning it down.

Ryan Pode
Aug 7th, 2007, 11:50:49 PM
I haven't worked out in like three weeks. I bring shame to my family name. :(

Cat X
Aug 8th, 2007, 04:37:57 AM
In a blaze of fury lead on by a bank stuff up that cost me a lot of money, the bike absolutly got hammered today - or I did, havent worked it out yet.

And unfortunatly (Or fortunatly from a certain point of view) my right knee / ankle have proven to be too damaged or just too suseptible to re-injury to contemplate serious running, they can not take the jolting.
So.... 10 km walk tomorrow with backpack and what I do instead is stretch my legs right out and walk at about 7-8 kph.

And on the note of fitness.... how on earth do you exercise a cat? And put him on a diet? Stig has broken the 10 kg mark. Yes that's right, Stig has become the size of a small house -_-

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2007, 08:06:38 AM
Mark, is it a ligament/joint issue, or tendonitis? I'm getting tendonitis a bit in my left knee, but I'm using a lot of icy hot, stretching extra, and applying ice post workout to keep it at bay. Maybe try a brace/sleeve as well?

As for cat exercise, get an airsoft gun :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Aug 8th, 2007, 10:33:48 PM
Joints in the knee, ligaments in the ankle. Frankly I probably will need to go with a form of steroids (for healing) and bracing (support), plus some sort of flexibility training. Running however really does put a lot more load on the knees and occasionally its not the steadier and less sudden shock loading of cycling and if I cant include a run, I'm not too bothered. Cycling is a longer cardio workout anyway.

Sanis Prent
Aug 9th, 2007, 10:53:49 PM
Ugh, I have got to start medicating my knee more. I felt my leg extensions a little more than I wanted to today. Still, did 300 pounds on them easily. I could probably rack 325 and put that up without a fight.

Zem-El Vymes
Aug 16th, 2007, 09:01:02 PM
I'm one week away from eclipsing 400 pounds on squats.
This week, I maxed out the leg extension machine at 305 pounds with little effort.
I broke through on bench press to 215, and won't be there for long.

I am ten pounds away on bench press from my all-time single repetition maximum.

I am the strongest I have ever been in my entire life.

Jaime Tomahawk
Aug 17th, 2007, 06:48:17 AM
1.5 hours on the bike - first time for that long in 5 months! 3 kg gone and the muscle tone like it was a year ago beginning to return.

More to the point I'm fitting my pants better and the better shape is.... well....

Sexy butt cheeks is coming back :evil:

80 Kg, I want another 5 gone.

Mu Satach
Aug 17th, 2007, 05:10:19 PM
[Forest Gump]I want sexy buttocks.[/Forest Gump]

I start weights next week and I seriously need a belt for my current comfy jeans, my other jeans I couldn't wear for ages are now a part of my weekly wardrobe.

Jaime Tomahawk
Aug 20th, 2007, 07:20:06 AM
Pity I managed to do in the other knee doing something completely normal and not stressful again.

I cant believe how bad this run of injury is and how it's NOT when I'm out riding / walking / swimming something happens. In fact since the accident hitting a car when riding last year, I have been rarely free of some damn problem.

1) Concussion due to hit by car
2) Broken foot when swimming (Someone managed to elbow it hard)
3) Left knee (twisted on cracked sidewalk)
4) Right ankle ( Twisted / torn when ground gave way while mowing)
5) Right knee (Got tripped by a dog and fell awkwardly)
6) Left knee (Tendon strain while getting from under a car)

This really isnt fair :(

Cat X
Sep 1st, 2007, 08:30:09 PM
No (onr minor injury) means -

Wednesday was a heavy weight gym session (70Kg leg squats!) + 30 min cardio
Friday - 2.5 hours walk (15km)
Sunday 42 Km on the bike.

Hell yeah, getting back to where I was a year ago

Parsideon Denix
Sep 2nd, 2007, 12:30:40 AM
I've been sidelined by tendonitis in my left knee for a week and a half. My quest for 400 on squats is stalling, and I need to seriously reconsider where I imagine myself coming to a stop. Previously I thought 500 pounds. Now, I may reduce it.

Cat X
Sep 2nd, 2007, 02:42:53 AM
Think you might be overdoing it mate - Your balance between strength and aerobic is out. I'd be levelling out somewhat lower and using the stregth to build better cardio workouts.

My scales are stuck on 80 Kg :(

Parsideon Denix
Sep 2nd, 2007, 03:15:27 AM
I'm interested in increasing strength as much as I can without causing myself injury. If I can squat 500 and my knees, glutes, and back feel fine, I will squat 500. If I can only get to 400, then that's what I do. If I feel safe doing it, I will lift heavy.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 2nd, 2007, 04:28:59 AM
Charley, how much/many weight/inches have you lost doing this?

Cat X
Sep 2nd, 2007, 06:31:44 AM
I'm interested in increasing strength as much as I can without causing myself injury. If I can squat 500 and my knees, glutes, and back feel fine, I will squat 500. If I can only get to 400, then that's what I do. If I feel safe doing it, I will lift heavy.

But why concentrate on strength? It seems to be not the best way to really real fitness / weight loss and creates a misbalance that could lead to issues like I now have with knee problems that are persistent, caused by ignoring strength / stretching work.

What I'm trying to do in the end is to develop a regeme that I can stick with as my body gets older so striking the right balance seems more important, especially considering to how close to 40 I'm getting. I want to be fit and continuing to be able to ride for 50 km a day when I'm 70 :)

Parsideon Denix
Sep 2nd, 2007, 11:17:55 AM
Charley, how much/many weight/inches have you lost doing this?

about 45 pounds since December, and one pants size.

Parsideon Denix
Sep 2nd, 2007, 11:21:20 AM
But why concentrate on strength? It seems to be not the best way to really real fitness / weight loss and creates a misbalance that could lead to issues like I now have with knee problems that are persistent, caused by ignoring strength / stretching work.

I want to be as strong as I can be. Weight loss will come eventually, but I'm mostly interested in changing body composition, increasing muscle mass, and incidentally decreasing fat mass while doing so. My efforts have made me stronger than I have ever been, even in the peak of my football years. Considering that I hadn't set foot in a weight room since I actually was in High School, that accounts for a lot.

What I'm trying to do in the end is to develop a regeme that I can stick with as my body gets older so striking the right balance seems more important, especially considering to how close to 40 I'm getting. I want to be fit and continuing to be able to ride for 50 km a day when I'm 70 :)

And I imagine that as I get older and find a level of body strength that I'm comfortable in maintaining, I will make an effort to maintain that, and concentrate on greener pastures.

Cat X
Sep 4th, 2007, 04:53:16 AM
79.8 KG!

I sooooooo loved seeing THAT, it says I'm really pointing in the right direction.

Cat X
Sep 10th, 2007, 07:18:30 AM
I would not like to be on the cardio cycle after I was on it tonight. I think I would have been drier if I had gone for a swim.

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 10th, 2007, 11:34:07 PM
I need to eat better than I am right now. I've sorta gotten careless these past few days ^_^;

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 11th, 2007, 09:37:02 PM
Yep that confirms it. I gained five pounds.

Oh well, at least I am bench pressing very well. Broke 215 today!

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 11th, 2007, 09:48:07 PM
I just got my first microwave today, and it's incredible.

Veggies, freshly steamed, in three minutes! Now after my run I don't have to drag my heels to cook dinner!

Mmmm sweet corn steamers. God bless the Jolly Green Giant.

(also, I'm four pounds lighter than I was last week!!)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 11th, 2007, 10:33:40 PM
I think I've lost weight too. :x

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 11th, 2007, 10:38:38 PM
Awww, poor sick momma-to-be. :(


Wyl Staedtler
Sep 15th, 2007, 01:09:25 AM
Today I joined a bunch of friends, who run track for U of H, at Aloha Stadium to attempt a tour de stade. I managed only eighteen sections before I admitted to sweaty, panting defeat.

Boy, those guys are in incredible shape.

Jaime Tomahawk
Sep 24th, 2007, 04:37:28 AM
10.5 K on the rower (about 1hr 3 min). Makes me wonder how I used to kyack 50 km....

But I'm noticing the stomach getting better and that balancing act of weight v fat still has me at 79.5 kg.

Target for this weekend - 70 km on the bike.

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 24th, 2007, 07:32:35 AM
What has two thumbs and is bench pressing 225?

THIS GUY :cool

Ryan Pode
Sep 24th, 2007, 04:35:07 PM
I weighed in a 167 pounds. So in the past year, I've lost 28 pounds.

Sep 24th, 2007, 04:52:04 PM
Hi! I don't know if you guys are interested since you have this thread here, but Sparkpeople.com is an awesome site to keep track of food, weightloss, fitness, etc. You could even make an SWFans Team and post anything concerning health (or whatever) you'd not want to put in these forums. I belong and am apart of a lot of different "SparkTeams". We do a lot of challenges - such as Biggest Loser influenced - that really help get people motivated.

Just thought I'd share and see if anyone was interested :) Great job on all the weightloss so far peeps! Lookin' good Charlie :D

Knight Staedtler
Sep 24th, 2007, 05:02:45 PM
Awesome link, Callista, thanks!

Jaime Tomahawk
Sep 25th, 2007, 04:43:09 AM
A good workout is one where you stop and you can wring your t-shirt out to be drier.

Jaime Tomahawk
Sep 26th, 2007, 03:28:51 AM
From 200 meters above sea level up to 800 over 30 km then back down means I am one bloody sore person. BUT I'm within striking distance of going Blaxland to Katoomba, which on a bike is very hard. The real challenge is Wenthworth Falls, where there is a very long and steep hill at 800 meters altitude that just is not for the unfit. Hwowever I think I am getting close to beign ready for an attempt.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 26th, 2007, 09:38:26 PM
Question: how bad are drinks like Go Girl and Rock Star for you?

I ask because on my long training days (today is one) when I go for two-hour runs, I always down one of the huge Rock Stars (usually sugarfree or zero carb because they taste good.) I find if I don't, it's murder to get through the whole run and I have to take a lot more breaks.

But it feels like cheating, somehow. :(

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 26th, 2007, 09:41:20 PM
Natural sugars before activity are fine, because it ramps up your metabolic activity. I used to drink Rockstar Juiced before each lifting session because I really needed the extra power. I have a hard time with the energy drinks sometimes due to heartburn, so these days I usually just drink juice and eat a payday bar before I lift. Same diff.

I wouldn't do regular Rockstar though. It's HFCS, and you should try to stay clear of that. Juiced is natural sugars though!

EDIT: Do you have palpatations, mitral valve prolapse, or any other cardiac issue? I doubt it with how much you run, but you might also give pause to some of the stimulants in the energy drinks if that is the case. I take Stackers and the sort on days I don't lift because it keeps my energy at a higher pitch for inactivity, but I avoid them like the plague on days that I'm lifting. It's also the reason I decided in the end not to start taking Clenbuterol. Mind you, those are way stronger than the stuff in a Rockstar and its not quite the same thing, but still. Stimulants of that nature are scary if you combine intense activity, and I'd use a lot of caution, or at least evaluate it carefully.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 26th, 2007, 09:44:10 PM
Ahhhhhgood. ^_^;

Can I download you or something, because you're much clearer and prompt than Google. iCharley?

EDIT: Wh00t, only ten pounds to go until back at pre-baby weight!! :crack

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 26th, 2007, 09:55:14 PM
What I have in wisdom I lack in initiative. I haven't been to the gym this week :(


Ugh, I want to get over this tendonitis so I can return to running and doing squats / dead lifts. At least my upper body is getting very strong.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 26th, 2007, 09:57:26 PM
You sound like you're making steady progress though, which is wonderful. 225 BP is awesome.

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 26th, 2007, 10:04:26 PM
Its considerably more than I've ever done, that's for sure. Not even in high school was I pressing this much.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 26th, 2007, 10:15:17 PM
That's awesome. I've yet to surpass my high school athletic prowess, but hopefully by December I'll be able to pull off a marathon.

What are you squatting now?

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 26th, 2007, 10:31:10 PM
I was squatting 375, pushing 400.

Last time I did a routine was 315 and that was just to stay fresh. I'm staying off it entirely now, for a while.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 27th, 2007, 01:05:13 AM
I just got back from my run and I'm a little discouraged. I'm at the point now where I can manage to do fifteen-sixteen miles during the (approximate) two hours (I take about three ten minute powerwalking breaks).

Tonight though I only managed about ten before completely tapping out. I was sweating significantly more and sort of feel like throwing up now. :(

Also, for the last couple weeks or so I've noticed a sharp pain in the front of my right shoulder that starts up at about the forty-five minute mark. Someone said that it could be a stitch (can you get them there? I thought those were restricted to your sides??). Tonight it was noticably more intense, despite extra stretching beforehand and stopping frequently to stretch during the run.

Any runners here that are familiar with this/have an idea of what it could be? Suggestions on what to do about it?

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 27th, 2007, 01:07:58 AM
Running causes various tension in your back, and of course there's repetitive motion at work, so even if it isn't a stitch, there's a whole host of other annoying but harmless reasons behind a thing like that.

I've had a moving stitch before, that was strange. I almost always get them on one side, and recently started on the other.

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 27th, 2007, 01:15:26 AM
It is weird, and really annoying because it hurts and if it happens in December it's really going to throw off my rhythm for the marathon.

Maybe massage or acupuncture will help kick it.

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 27th, 2007, 01:54:44 AM
Could be bursitis, inflammation of the joint, etc. I think you're past having to worry about growth plates. I had some major growth plate pains when I was a young lad, right about there, actually.

Is your range of flexibility affected?

Wyl Staedtler
Sep 27th, 2007, 02:04:10 AM
While it's hurting, yes, but it loosens up after I stop running as long as I stretch out. I've noticed a slight clicking (best way I can describe it) when I do stop to rotate it.

Zem-El Vymes
Sep 27th, 2007, 09:03:48 PM
What do me and Ice Cube have in common?

Now 235's what I'm benchin!

Parsideon Denix
Oct 4th, 2007, 11:41:46 PM
Bad news: I've gained seven pounds.

Good news: I'm resuming my running and keeping an eye on my knee to make sure I have an easy transition. If it goes well, I will resume lower body lifts. That should reverse my weight gains.

Liridon Daeron
Oct 5th, 2007, 04:37:24 AM
Murdered myself on the bike today. Seriously hot but still got up that damn Glenbrook hill.

Edit - but also approaching the fitness level I had before I got hit by that car last year. That's rather good!

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 10th, 2007, 01:34:54 AM
Back on track with the running, and am upping the intensity starting tomorrow by adding morning workouts along with the evening. Well, hopefully--we'll see what Rhys allows me to do. ^_^

The diet is a whole other issue. The last couple of weeks it's taken a lot of effort to eat because the whole idea of food just seems off-putting. But then tonight I'm absolutely voracious and want to devour everything in the cupboards. Suppose it's related to the ammount of running I've been doing -- I know a lot of runners follow a really specific diet -- so I guess there's some experimenting in order.

Zem-El Vymes
Oct 10th, 2007, 01:49:02 AM
I got to the gym and to my locker only to find that I didn't pack my gym clothes in my bag :cry

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 10th, 2007, 01:53:46 AM
:lol Aw, that sucks.

Cat X
Oct 10th, 2007, 05:03:42 AM
I got to the gym and to my locker only to find that I didn't pack my gym clothes in my bag :cry

Then you should work out nude

Zem-El Vymes
Oct 10th, 2007, 07:29:51 AM
I will be doing this when I own my own weights. Mark my words!

Zem-El Vymes
Oct 10th, 2007, 09:10:36 PM
First lower body lift day since my recovery. Dead lifts and hamstring curls.

Suffice to say, I am wiped out.

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 11th, 2007, 02:22:24 AM
Everyone is doing so well! Thanks for posting guys, it's really a motivator to keep on going if y'all are.

Tonight a girlfriend I met through a single mum's book club and I went to this adorable class at 24 Hour Fitness. It's an hour long, and the first half-hour is exercising with your baby! :D You basically use them as weights while you do light aerobics, swinging them between your knees (carefully!) and across your torso, etc. It was so fun (and only one mommy got puked on, hee).

The second half of the class is martial dance and plyometrics, which is super fun. Lots of kicking and jumping, all set to fun, girly music. By the end I admit I was strugglin' to keep up with those sidekicks, but gosh it was thrilling. Definitely going to try to go again next week.

I ate breakfast today (scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast) but that was it. Not intentionally, there was just a million things to do and then I went running and to class. I don't have an appetite after working out, and now it's 10:30 and too late to eat. Bad, bad, bad. ^_^;

Oct 11th, 2007, 11:10:18 AM
Everyone is doing so well! Thanks for posting guys, it's really a motivator to keep on going if y'all are.

Tonight a girlfriend I met through a single mum's book club and I went to this adorable class at 24 Hour Fitness. It's an hour long, and the first half-hour is exercising with your baby! :D You basically use them as weights while you do light aerobics, swinging them between your knees (carefully!) and across your torso, etc. It was so fun (and only one mommy got puked on, hee).

Damn, I wish I'd known about that class when my kids were infants. I would have loved it, especially if they had 'Baby Shotput.' :evil

July and August were train wrecks for me. Luckily I was still able to play tennis. I've got a couple of friends that I play every Saturday morning with. I lost a tough 3 set match last Saturday because I basically ran out of gas so I'm pretty ticked off. I'm trying to get back in the gym in the mornings but I'm only getting in once or twice during the work week. If I can get back to 3-4 I'll be back in a decent rythm.

Parsideon Denix
Oct 11th, 2007, 07:32:17 PM
Dead lifts have such a great way of reminding me how out of shape I am in. If you don't stay on top of them constantly, you will feel like an old man the day after you start back. I'm heel-toeing it everywhere, and everything from my neck to my calves seems to hurt. I love it.

Karl Valten
Oct 15th, 2007, 04:57:38 PM
Wow, I started lifting again the second week of college, I feel so much better after working 6 day weeks at freaking Culver's. I'm definitely more in shape than I've been all year(except for running, haven't measured my 20 minute run yet. Need to beat 4600 meters)

I'm still having trouble getting on with bench press (I absolutely HATE that exercise), any suggestions on an alternate workout or good way to tackle it? Also hate squats I can safely do maybe 320, but I prefer Leg press in conjunction with leg curls/extensions. I absolutely love Cleans, though, only full-body exercise I really enjoy.

My roommates and I have a pool going. At the end of the semester we're going to see who can get the 300 workout done in the shortest amount of time (we have a physical trainer judging to make sure we keep good form).

300 workout(IE pain, searing pain):

a) Pullups - 25 reps

b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps

c) Pushups - 50 reps

d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps

e) Floor wipers - 50 reps

f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps

g) Pullups - 25 reps

Zem-El Vymes
Oct 15th, 2007, 10:35:04 PM
Karl, what do you not like about bench? Do you have trouble controlling the weight? Try to cut down on your weight and do a few weeks of dumbbell bench. Flip it up and do inclines and declines too. Half the battle is to develop your stabilizing muscles to complement your pecs and triceps, so you can get a stable lift, and use your maximum effort for heavier weight.

I was stuck at 205, did this for a month, and then it was another month to gain to 235 on flat bench. You should definitely get comfortable with bench variants, and stop doing pushups immediately.

Don't hate on squats. They are tough and they can suck, but it's a core lift and you get maximum benefit on those for the time you invest. You should be doing as many core lifts as you can. I say this because you will arrive to a point where you simply beat the machine when it comes to extensions and curls. It becomes useless after that. Keep on squats!

Be careful on boxes. I assume you're using the ergonomic and friendly rubberized ones? We had horrible medieval contraptions in high school that would fillet meat from bone if you screwed the pooch. I still get a little gun-shy thinking about that.

I know the 300 workout is "in" and everything, but I'd take some of that with a grain of salt. Lift for mass, and no matter what, eat properly.

Wyl Staedtler
Oct 18th, 2007, 01:05:59 AM
Well, I ate horribly today and my damn shoulder is getting worse.

On the plus side, shoulder notwithstanding, I enjoyed my run tonight more than I ever have before. Got my very first "runners high". :)

Zem-El Vymes
Oct 18th, 2007, 01:10:20 AM
Awesome, squats still hate me!

I'm gonna delay them AGAIN. Time to slather the icy hot and consider getting a brace.

Guess its back to 3 days of dead lifts, seeing as they're one of the few lower lifts I can do without a flare-up.

Cat X
Oct 20th, 2007, 03:46:19 AM
4 HOURS on the bike. My body hates me so much right now - That's about 67 - 68 Km. Average when not facing some of these *^&%* hills is getting better too - 25Km. The hills are total murder tho.

Edit : and also saw my weight drop AFTER the ride by a kg. That was bizarre, it happened in the space of about 3 hours. Actually now a touch under 78 kg

Cat X
Oct 26th, 2007, 10:36:05 PM
84 KM!!!! Blaxland to Katoomba and back! Katoomba is over 1km in altitude too so that was pretty damn good if I say so myself.

And Lord it did it rain coming back home.....

Liam Jinn
Oct 26th, 2007, 10:39:42 PM
How long did it take to do the 84 km?

Cat X
Oct 27th, 2007, 05:39:22 AM
About 5 hours, given how vicious some of the mountain roads are. 3.5 hours going uphill, then you swing back down and it's 1:20min. Plus at about 700m altitude you can feel how harder it is to push forward, with the thinner air meaning less oxygen to work with.

Could have come back faster, but the rain made vision difficult.

Next weeks aim is to attempt a 100km ride. I'll do something vastly easier than the mountains tho and probably on a lighter and faster bike.

Cat X
Oct 31st, 2007, 06:20:03 AM
Discovered a good way to go faster - switch to better tyres! imprved tha average speed just by a reatr tyre change by 3kph. Now for the front tyre and then clipless pedals, lighter front forks and more aerodynamic wheels.

Cat X
Nov 17th, 2007, 06:36:21 AM
A racign frame bike with aero enhancements, carbon fibre in places with high speed ring gears is one quick bike. Saw 60kph downhill and 45 cruising on flat. Difficult bastard to ride however, the cadence rate is high so with the cleated pedals it's exhausting to ride. Still, 60 kms done over an hour faster than the heavy flatbar mountain bike.

But my LORd is it also punishing on the body with absolutly no compliance so you feel every bump. Sore is an understatement.

Doesnt help I'm also recovering from one hell of a flu. Still lingerign two weeks after I first caught it.

General Dan
Nov 17th, 2007, 09:08:49 PM
I had a week off and did nothing at all. I'm redoubling my efforts effective monday!

Cat X
Nov 23rd, 2007, 09:51:27 PM
76.8 kg.

Oh hell yes

Zem-El Vymes
Nov 26th, 2007, 10:09:17 PM
Today was the most brutal workout I've had in a month, maybe two months. Heavy dead lift reps (tanked on a set of four at 310) and finally got back into squats for once. I only did 250 pounds on 3 sets of 8, but enough to wind me and really get my rhythm back. I did some weight-assisted abdominal stuff too, shouldered 150 pounds for a 25/14/10 escalation. That hurt a lot, and I'm going to add it to my routine.

I did 215 pounds on incline press like it was a toy. I can add weight to this one at will, it seems. Weight-assisted dips were also easy, where I'm now doing about 240 pounds of bodyweight on my final four reps and not having any trouble at all.

Isolated bicep curls were okay. I'm trying to find my groove there. Finished up with 45 pounders on it, but my form was shaky on the final set.

Cat X
Nov 26th, 2007, 10:39:36 PM

Cant compare to my upper body, because it's okay for my weight but no more but the lower half would give you a huge run. I squat closer to 140 kg and everything I do below the abs is over 100 kgs. I'm at 77 kg's so I can really hit a long way above what the average for my weight could be. That's the effect of rding so much with heavy bikes over a long time, my leg strengh is right up there.

Zem-El Vymes
Nov 26th, 2007, 11:49:06 PM
I don't doubt you've got me beat on leg strength. My legs have atrophied a bit. I haven't seriously been on squats in a long time, due to this crappy tendonitis. Further, I have seriously cut back my running, and mainly do elliptical work these days. I'd say back around August I was squatting on the order of 395 pounds. Hopefully if the knee feels tip top I can creep back to doing 300 pound squats comfortably. Mostly these days I just want to run a lot. To be realistic, I don't need to be much more stronger in my legs, and I'll probably not venture past 400 if I ever creep up that high again. I need to spend my time maintaining strength and putting enough miles down to burn more energy.

I did find a really nice hamstring curl machine that stretches you out prone and isolates that muscle group better than anything. I like that a lot better than the traditional ones that have you sitting upright.

Cat X
Nov 27th, 2007, 05:29:59 AM
I'm stoked tonight - I managed to run for more than a few hundred meters - in fact quite a few km. I dont run at all so this was a bloody good guage just how fit I've gotten. Only really had to stop now and then not for breath but because my body just simply isnt used to running. And also not used to the jiggly bits NOT being my stomach.

Cool :)

Cat X
Dec 1st, 2007, 03:59:40 AM
I hurt in all sorts of places - shoulders, legs, neck.... cramped, hot, sweaty, so that must mean I was on the bike.

For 106.6 km. How the blazes am I still upright?

(76.8 kg - tho if past form is to go by, my body will burn about a kg off in the next few hours trying to right itself again. )

Byl Laprovik
Dec 1st, 2007, 09:54:00 AM
I am trying to improve my bench technique and make sure I'm staying safe. Things are getting sufficiently heavy to worry that poor form may end up hurting me. Not that it was bad before, but I'm taking extra precautions. That's why this week I benched 225 instead of 235 just to be careful.

Cat X
Dec 8th, 2007, 11:03:09 PM
Ahhh, today was supposed to be the 150 km ride. Got 52 km and then the storms that have been getting Sydney for the last month really let down a rain and hail barrage. That I think was a hint to GO HOME.

Next weekend then if the weather holds, which by the looks of things it wont.

General Dan
Dec 8th, 2007, 11:12:47 PM
Rain in Sydney? To hell with that, thats a good sign.

We got a misting here. Blah.

Guess who I indoctrinated into our fraternity of iron? Our good buddy Akrabbim!

Cat X
Dec 9th, 2007, 12:40:14 AM
Yes it is a great sign. Hopefully the drought is breaking.

76.6 kg but more importantly I have to wear a belt. None of my clothes are tight anymore.

Cat X
Dec 16th, 2007, 12:26:56 AM
Weather got me again - another load of rain coming down.
Surely this drought is over....?

Did 56 km Friday, 15-20 km Saturday, 36 km today before the rain cut into the fun. I want to do another 30km tonight if the rain lets up.

Eluna Thals
Dec 16th, 2007, 01:35:21 AM
Tomorrow is moving day for my sister, so that is it's own workout.

I'll be in the gym more this week and the next :)

Cat X
Dec 29th, 2007, 01:53:32 AM
61 + 41 + 70 + 30 + 92 = my biking week (294 km all up...?!?!?!). And today did the distance for Blaxland to Breakers in the frikking heat and head wind. Okay, I declare myself fit and highly exhausted, with a whole load of pain in places I dont want to talk about

75.8 kg tho. Now that's about the lightest I've been in 4 years.

294 km this week?????

Edit : And reading the beginnings of this thread, I REALLY come one hell of a long way. At the beginning I was only doing 10 km on the bike if I was lucky. Now within striking distance of 100 km per ride. That's just amazing to see the real changes going and improvements over what is now close to two years. One thing I did note from reading this thread was a mini debate about the benefits of weight trainign in exercise - I can 100% say that if you do exercise, do some weights. The performance increases are worth it alone.

Parsideon Denix
Dec 29th, 2007, 11:24:52 AM
Okay, I am going to need some extra pushing to make sure I do more cardio. I'm to the point where I'm rather strong and I should change my priorities a bit. Still going to take supplements & protein and still going to lift, but I need to downgrade my diet and to increase my running.

Kraehe Branwen
Dec 29th, 2007, 12:03:39 PM
I gotta get back to exercising. I stopped over the holidays cuz my parents were here and that made it hard to get it done. Though I really wanted that new Dance Dance Revolution game to get me back into the groove of exercising daily. But I guess I can go back to doing Tae Bo(Amplified series) for now. I want to lose about twenty more pounds.

Mu Satach
Dec 31st, 2007, 04:45:34 PM
Trying to be more on the ball with this this year. So mini goal of hitting the track 3 times this week.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 1st, 2008, 08:19:47 PM
Found weight loss tickers and thought they were really cool.


Ryan Pode
Jan 1st, 2008, 08:43:39 PM
Chillin' at 163.Down 32 pounds. :)

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 2nd, 2008, 04:33:52 AM

Intra-articular injections virtually halting my running. Five more days to go, then hopefully can get back into it.

Maintaining weight-loss however, and eating very healthy despite the holiday season! :D

Park Kraken
Jan 3rd, 2008, 01:35:28 AM
Blah. I don't know how much I weight now, but I've gained so much and feel so out of shape right now that I wouldn't be suprised if I was at the 600 lb mark. But over the past two days I have started my new year resolution of losing weight by eating and drinking right and getting some exercise.

Mu Satach
Jan 3rd, 2008, 06:35:27 PM
My running tracker @ Nike.
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="198" height="145" id="Nike+ Runs" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/v1/swf/scrapablewidget/rundetail.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="FlashVars" value="type=last5Runs&userDefaultUnit=mi&screenName=Nzat&dateFormat=MM/DD/YY&id=1689894429&region=us&language=en&locale=en_us"/><embed src="http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/v1/swf/scrapablewidget/rundetail.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="198" height="145" name="Nike+ Runs" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" FlashVars="type=last5Runs&userDefaultUnit=mi&screenName=Nzat&dateFormat=MM/DD/YY&id=1689894429&region=us&language=en&locale=en_us" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object>
Finally made it to the gym today. Nice slow start - 1 mile in 17:30 min. And since I fell off the hovercart, only have gained 3 lbs. So, didn't slide too far down the mountain. :)
Felt nice to stretch the old legs a abit.

Jan 4th, 2008, 12:49:26 AM
You are all courageous to share this part of yourselves, you really are. in a world that can be so superficial, where glancing surface details mean more than what you believe within, Where we are afraid to show ourselves because of fear of judgment. Where your zip code marks where on the social index you sit. I always want somehow to feel, that the true heroes often come up from the bottom. The ones others have no confidence in, that somehow rise up to overcome their own inner demons and punch through with their own inner light.

Gosh, that sounds so nice..wish I could actually get myself to believe it most of the time.

I'm not someone who particularily likes themself. I've always felt like an outsider going through the motions, without really understanding their meanings at times.

If I didn't have friends constantly prodding me to get out of the house and put myself out there, often in a more social and public way than I might normally be inclined, I could see myself vegitating and lapsing into a lot more self-pity than i do now.. and I have on many occassions.

I did a bit of that in college, when I had some fairly down times, because there where just things in my life I had been avoiding like the plague, mainly family issues and some moments of profound loss I refused to tell anyone about. And dealing with just being me...

Instead of dealing with them, I tried to drown them in the way a fairly nonagressive person like myself knows how, through comfort foods. Oooh the cafeteria food at UC Berkely.. international cuisine baby. (UC Davis is the crown of the UC system, though, I understand,,,just in case you need to decide) Sigh. I got distinctivly pudgers. Which didn't help my self-image. You know, the whole circular entropy weighing you down thingaboo.

You have to keep your head about you though, tell yourself that you are worth it, even if you doubt it. Tell yourself anyways. Tell yourself you are worth it. You are worth it. Fight a little each day. If you feel you are too far gone, seem to have a mountain to move, too ashamed to let someone help you, do it anyways. Pick up the phone, find an online group (this one is pretty nice) , find someone who knows what you are going through. Do it.

...and the little platitudes follow on from there..

Do it. Do it!

Do it!

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 4th, 2008, 01:29:33 AM
I just ate enough to feed a small country and it's threatening to come back out. >_<

Double time in the pool tonight, that's for sure.

Ryan Pode
Jan 5th, 2008, 09:42:04 AM
I've eaten junk since 2008 began than I did in the holiday season. ugh. I am going to balloon up. :cry

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 5th, 2008, 11:21:57 AM
I still allow myself some candy every once in a while and I still lose weight. Its just that you need to be careful on the portions. Depending on the junkfood, you can still work it into your diet to reward yourself. Just check the nutrition label. I always say to myself "If its more than 250 calories and more than 10 grams of fat, then no go." I managed to find some rice crispie treats by little debbie that work. :D YAY!

Cat X
Jan 5th, 2008, 05:39:52 PM
I still allow myself some candy every once in a while and I still lose weight. Its just that you need to be careful on the portions. Depending on the junkfood, you can still work it into your diet to reward yourself. Just check the nutrition label. I always say to myself "If its more than 250 calories and more than 10 grams of fat, then no go." I managed to find some rice crispie treats by little debbie that work. :D YAY!

"Reward food" is a fallacy and you should not do it. Stick to the proper diet and forget junk entirely. If you do need to snack, popcorn is probably the best you can select (no fats, no sugar) followed by rice based products with no added sugers, preservatives etc.

I've even stopped so called "diet" soft drink like Coke Zero, that just keeps you jonesing for sugar. Actually I've found out just how bad those so called diet drinks truly are, my adivce is to stop drinking them entirely.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 5th, 2008, 05:41:17 PM
This is going to sound gross but I NEED my chocolate around that time of the month. Or I must kill someone. >.>

Mu Satach
Jan 5th, 2008, 06:25:21 PM
Dark chocolate is yummy... in small doses... and only when needed to avoid a thrashing of someone. ;)

I've found the moment I tell myself I "can't" have something I want it. So, these days I just try and remind myself what will happen if I choose to eat what's not good for me.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 5th, 2008, 06:42:03 PM
Dark chocolate actually has some good qualities to it healthwise doesn't it? I think it helps with the heart I've heard... I'm going to have to look it up on google later when I find the time. I'm supervising a two year old eating spaghetti while posting(I can see straight into the dining room from here).

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 5th, 2008, 11:14:35 PM
Yup - there's flavonoids in cocoa. the higher concentration of cocoa in chocolate, the higher the content of antioxidant flavonoids. Yay!

Cat X
Jan 6th, 2008, 03:46:29 AM
This is going to sound gross but I NEED my chocolate around that time of the month. Or I must kill someone. >.>

Chocolate isnt a junk food as per say, it is a fuel food. It is probably the most concentrated energy that the body can rapidly convert to fuel in a short time possible and if I'm riding a long way I'll always carry some for a quick recharge with water to dilute and to help the body burn it. But because it is a fuel, it's easily converted to the fat stores and eaten inappropiatly is bad news.

I use it to rebalance my blood suger levels after a workout and to stop joneing for crap food as a result.

Today was outright hell on the bike. The temperature was 30C with humidity levels of 85% - but worse, the heat off the tarmac was quite a bit higher so I bonked badly about 70 km. Even with three litres of fluids, a lunch stop and a protein bar my body just said screw you with a bad case of overheating. Had to slow down, cool down and managed to still go 103 km. But I feel rotten and drinking like a fish to try to rehydrate.

76.0 Kg after a litre of water says my weight was down to about 75.4

Zem-El Vymes
Jan 6th, 2008, 04:16:38 AM
Sugar isn't the hellspawn that some people make it to be. You just have to plan it well.

You want to take sugar prior to doing any hard work like lifting or such. It gives you a nice energy boost and allows you to exert yourself a little harder.

I've always had a soft spot for Pay Day candy bars, because they're pretty unprocessed anyway, and its a great source of sugar and protein.

Cat X
Jan 6th, 2008, 07:19:09 AM
Post report - I've rehydrated thanks to 2 damn litres of milk + water. Good lord, today was bad!


That's my forward route today. And I have to make a mental note to have better sunscreen, I have first degree burns on one of my legs -_-

Oh man, I really got caught out badly on this one. I really didnt think today would turn out anywhere near this bad - when I left it was actually quite cool and overcast. An hour in, the sun just let rip. The up journey actualyl wasnt too bad, it was when I got back to Windsor that the reflected tarmac heat really got me.

Usually I ride late afternoon except if the weather is cool. Misread badly twice in a row now. And for the rest of the week and next weekend, I'm staying inside for fitness stuff.

Cat X
Jan 10th, 2008, 06:13:27 AM
I lied about staying inside, it turns out. Yes, some fairly brutal cardio / weights nights at the gym (Bugger, picked up weight) of no less than 2 hours every time and then decided to use the new lit bike tracks along the M7 tonight.

Top speed of 57 kph, average close to 26 kph, did a full 10 km where speed never went below 35 kph. Even with a refuel stop for 15 minutes that included putting my lights on, still got back to the car in touch over 3 hours. Distance of 72km.

Okay so my weight's gone backwards, but when I am treating a 5 km stretch as a flat out sprint at the end of a long ride, that's good.

EDIT : WTF is all these things reappearing on my back? I dont think I have seen muscle definition there since I stopped martial arts 18 years ago

Byl Laprovik
Jan 10th, 2008, 08:36:17 AM
I need to make a sick of being sick thread. Just get it over with, ugh :x

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 10th, 2008, 11:17:10 AM
:( I haven't been able to lose a single pound in a while. I'm stuck at 173 and I've stopped all vices, including chocolate even if its in small doses. Been killing myself exercising and nothing! Its like my body wants to stay at this size!!! I'm so depressed and need encouragement and hope that I'll get past this hump.

Darth Binky
Jan 10th, 2008, 01:02:25 PM
I'm overweight, but not fat, if that makes much sense. I'm 6'1 and I weigh 240 pounds, though most of its muscle. I do have a very small gut, but thats about it. People don't believe me when I tell them I weigh 240 pounds.

The trick to this is loose clothing.:D

Seriously, I work out everyday, be it actual excercise or real hard work (I work at a lumber yard every now and then for extra money and free building materials) I eat healthy. I'll eat what people will call unhealthy food (such as pasta, red meat, bacon) but its really all about burning the calories you take in and not stuffing your face. I also don't eat any candy ever, aside from the odd chocolate bar every few weeks, and I don't eat junk food. I do enjoy a bottle of coke when I eat, or a beer.

I also don't own a television, so you won't catch me sitting on my **** unless I'm on my laptop when I have insomnia.

Mu Satach
Jan 10th, 2008, 01:33:40 PM
:( I haven't been able to lose a single pound in a while. I'm stuck at 173 and I've stopped all vices, including chocolate even if its in small doses. Been killing myself exercising and nothing! Its like my body wants to stay at this size!!! I'm so depressed and need encouragement and hope that I'll get past this hump.

Maybe you need to shake up your workout routine. Do something else for a while to burn the calories that your body isn't use to? Maybe?

Darth Binky
Jan 10th, 2008, 02:15:25 PM
:( I haven't been able to lose a single pound in a while. I'm stuck at 173 and I've stopped all vices, including chocolate even if its in small doses. Been killing myself exercising and nothing! Its like my body wants to stay at this size!!! I'm so depressed and need encouragement and hope that I'll get past this hump.

Its not a matter of excercising or not eating sugars. Change your diet and do a lot of cardio, such as running or swimming, to burn fat fast.

Of course, also take lots of laxatives.:angel:D

Mu Satach
Jan 10th, 2008, 02:41:36 PM
:( I haven't been able to lose a single pound in a while. I'm stuck at 173 and I've stopped all vices, including chocolate even if its in small doses. Been killing myself exercising and nothing! Its like my body wants to stay at this size!!! I'm so depressed and need encouragement and hope that I'll get past this hump.

Its not a matter of excercising or not eating sugars. Change your diet and do a lot of cardio, such as running or swimming, to burn fat fast.

Of course, also take lots of laxatives.:angel:D

Ummm... that's exactly what she's been doing and has hit a plateau. She said she HAS changed her diet AND has been doing the cardio.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 10th, 2008, 03:11:12 PM
Plus I do take laxatives cuz the meds I am on stop me up. >.< Sorry if that grosses anyone out. I hit a plateua last time I was on a diet before I was pregnant when I was around this weight range. Though it was probably 165 rather than 173. :(

Cat X
Jan 10th, 2008, 03:57:05 PM
:( I haven't been able to lose a single pound in a while. I'm stuck at 173 and I've stopped all vices, including chocolate even if its in small doses. Been killing myself exercising and nothing! Its like my body wants to stay at this size!!! I'm so depressed and need encouragement and hope that I'll get past this hump.

Your getting to the point where fat is being swapped for muscle. That's actually good - you may not go down in weight fast BUT your size drops as the fat is converted.

I just look in the mirror at this point and note my face gettign more angular and then give the scales the up yours treatment. It also helps to switch your goals from not weight but to time / distance / effort

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 10th, 2008, 04:37:42 PM
LOL Oh great I read that as I get depressed and eat my comfort food. Oh well, I didn't eat that much today and I can work it off. *looks sheepish* I am guilty of eating when I get depressed. I'm stressed from being a stay at home mom and I'm alone a lot cuz my husband works two jobs so when I look at the scale and don't see any improvement it upsets me and sends me over the deepend. Guess I'm going to do a lot of DDR tonight and some weight lifting before bed. *Puts down the chocolate covered cashews*

Mu Satach
Jan 11th, 2008, 12:21:00 AM
Yeah, I would stop stressing over the scales and swap your goals to performance like Marcus said, or maybe switch to a tape measure.

I only weigh myself once a month, and instead chart my mileage, average pace and distance. Which is down a minute from last week. Tonights, run I averaged 16:30, ran 1.3 miles in 20 min. :)

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 11th, 2008, 12:36:57 PM
Despite my indulgence in chocolate covered cashews last night, I ended up losing a pound. :D YAY!!!!

Cat X
Jan 12th, 2008, 08:35:03 AM
86km tonight - 26.15kph average over the entire distance, which aint easy in the slightest. The average resonably fit person would be doign about 20 kph average over a much shorter distance (say about 15-20 km) so I'm really doing okay now. I'm now able to get a full 30 kph over an entire hour, my goal is 34 kph over an hour.

Doing 60 kph on a bike is quite an interesting experience, especially sustained and not on a big downhill. It also seems to catch peopel out when your moving that quick, no one expects a bike to be doing those speeds.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 12th, 2008, 11:15:52 AM
YAY! Another lb off(yeah I'm guilty of weighing myself everyday, can't help it, it mocks me) I think complaining must have been the ticket. LMAO That or my new way o exercise. I've been doing this weird jumping thing with my son for 20 minutes straight. It involves a little twisting.

Llewelyn Voss
Jan 12th, 2008, 06:09:49 PM
Whoo! Good job!

Finally at pre-pregnancy weight (:dance) but would like to drop another fifteen and get down to high school weight, 120.

However I'm much more concerned with toning up, particulary in the abdominal area. 2008 is The Year Of The Washboard. No more drinking, siiiigh.

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 13th, 2008, 10:21:55 PM
Ha! 7.5 miles in a little over 60 minutes.

I would be happier but I only ate a handful of peanuts early this morning, and am trying not to pass out from the effort. Wheeee.

Jan 14th, 2008, 06:33:03 AM
20 years ago I used to do a lot of martial arts. I was very good at it too and had the most radical six pack.

I saw the first hints of it's return tonight!

I do a lot of gym work as well as bike time these days and this is my routine :-

a) 30-40 minutes on the rower at 5000 m per 30 minutes pace, 4 minute finish as hard as I can.

b) 30-45 minutes spin cycle, manual setting, Level 8 to warm, graduating to level 12 at minimum 80 rpm cadence to reflect real road conditions.

c) Weighted crunches, 75 kg 30 reps in 12-10-8 pattern

d) Inclined leg press, 85 to 115 kg in a 12-10-8 pattern with a 165 kg superset and extended hold.

e) vary the upper body but always doing shoulders somewhere.

f) 4 leg machines, varying between 40-60 kg of weights or 115 kg for toe lift, 12-10-8 pattern.

g) Inclined ab work. 40 reps side to side

h) Lower back crunch, 30 reps.

i) If I can still walk, go back to spin cycle for 15 minutes on level 6.

j) Stretch altho I dont do this well at all.

Total time taken tonight was 2.5 hours.

And unfortunantly I had to grab KFC for lunch because it was 3:30 pm. To my surprise it's a damn good workout fuel. But I do NOT recommend at all, it still tastes awful. I hate late lunch :(\

Edit : Amusingly, as the fat goes my stomach is becoming more obvious becuae the fat is leaving the sides first. So I have this weird lum, not a overall padding

Jan 20th, 2008, 04:59:32 AM
76 kg, under 2 hours on the bike, 55 km. First thirty at the now mandatory 30+ kph average, back off for the final 25 but go into a sprint at the end for 3 km to really burn off fat. I think I might make this my regular routine, it doesnt murder too badly and is doable all the time.

This week will be interesting - using a personal trainer for the week. Cardio is of coruse no problem, we're targeting specifics and it could be 1 hour from hell witht he speed sets he wants me to do. Deliberatly going to fuel with carbs on Tuesday so I have lots to burn.

also changing my routine to 2 hours per day, cardio alternating with weights day to day.

Now a couple of tips -

1) ANY alcohol is bad bad BAD for weight loss and fitness. Ethanol is highly energy dense and will add loads of kilojoules that you will have to burn off - the body will burn these first so you have to blow thru them FIRST before getting to the fat stores. Oh and alcohol makes porcessing those fat stores harder. If you are serious, get off alcohol NOW. It is seriously damaging your fitness and ability to lose weight. And chemically it screws with your other body processes making any good you are doing with diet and exercise negated. Get off the suace and you will notice a hefty difference very quickly.

2) Diet sodas ARE bad. Off. NOW

3) Fruit juices are energy dense. So be careful, they are good for you but they mean you have more to burn.

4) Water is always the best thing to drink, bar none.

5) Women - you will not bulk up on the weights. Your genetics wont really let you unless you are takign suppliments.

6) Weights DOES burn fat. When you lift, you are using energy. Guess what your body uses for energy?

7) Weight loss / gain is directly attributed to what you put in. If you want to lose weight, you put in less than you are burning. Gain, you put in more than you burn. Weight trainign and cardio will shape HOW your body builds itself, so just stuffing food is bad. Weights tells the body what to build and where to build. (You want muscle, not fat). Weights will NOT make you gain weight. It is only what you eat that will do that. If you dont give your body the fuel, how can it possibly add mass?

8) Cardio is very good for you, but it's the intensity that really says how much you burn.

9) Cross train.

10) and last - Even if what you want to do is running / walking/ cycling, weights will make a big difference. And also make your bones and joints stronger.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 22nd, 2008, 06:52:33 PM
I'm down to 170 lbs even now. ^_^ And I think I've lost a lot in inches because I actually FEEL thin. Before I felt like a blob but now when I put my hands on my hips I don't feel a bunch of flab. I actually feel muscle and my hip bones there. I'm about 5 to 6 lbs away from where I was before the stress of the custody battle made me gain weight before my second pregnancy, then I plan on losing another 15 to 16 more lbs after that. But all in all I'm so happy to be close to where I started from.

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 23rd, 2008, 07:03:08 PM
Sorry to double post. *bump* But... o.O I post on the Biggest Loser site and they have a Before and After thread... I wanted to post this here cuz this is a serious WOAH. This is me for the record, I'm just quoting it cuz it's my post from there.

I finally did find a before picture. Didn't know I had it. It's from when my husband and I started dating so it's about the same weight I was when I started dieting when I had my daughter, but it isn't my heaviest.

Before 215 lbs, I'm the brunette with the long haired guy's arm around me all the way to the right.


And after at 170 lbs.


Ilias Nytrau
Jan 24th, 2008, 02:19:27 AM
You look fabulous, sweetie. I couldn't tell ya how much I weigh, even. Last time I went anywhere near a scale was at my last OB appointment when my lil' girl was cookin'. :lol

I'm pretty sure it's probably 150 or something. Maybe. I just don't gain weight easily no matter the circumstance, and yet, I am so horribly out of shape. Well, I am IN snape, technically. Dunno what that shape is, though. Maybe a peanut? A pear? :rolleyes

Kraehe Branwen
Jan 24th, 2008, 10:49:30 AM
Thanks. I'm still a work in progress. My healthy weight range should be somewhere below 155 I think. I can't wait to see the results for that because I already haven't seen myself this thin. I've been overweight almost all of my life, since the third grade when I was put on meds for migraine headaches that made me gain excessive amounts of weight. When I get there I'm seriously going to Victoria Secret. :evil

Ilias Nytrau
Jan 24th, 2008, 11:21:31 AM
Rawr. That's hot. lol

Jan 29th, 2008, 06:37:14 AM
Oh just great. One of my knee's have what feels like torn ligaments. Knee brace, a cane......

Damn it. So I'll just switch my training schedule and what I do to work around it and get off the bike for a few weeks. Back to the pool!

Jan 29th, 2008, 06:55:14 AM
I finally made it to a gym. Did 2 miles on the treadmill, benched 70 lbs 6 times in 3 sets (shut up, that's really good for me), and did some other exercises with the dumbbell which I don't remember the names of.

It hurts goooood. Gonna repeat the experience with some variations on Wednesday.

Jan 29th, 2008, 06:59:44 AM
I finally made it to a gym. Did 2 miles on the treadmill, benched 70 lbs 6 times in 3 sets (shut up, that's really good for me), and did some other exercises with the dumbbell which I don't remember the names of.

It hurts goooood. Gonna repeat the experience with some variations on Wednesday.

Keep that up and I'll definitely have to see you on my vacation. :mischief

I have done no exercising, but apparently have lost 2 lbs somewhere. I think it's from stress and the associated acid reflux. I haven't lost more weight, but I haven't gained it all back, which = good, IMO.

Byl Laprovik
Jan 29th, 2008, 08:32:00 PM
Welp its time to stop slacking I am officially disgusted with my laziness. Packing gym bag for tomorrow.

Feb 1st, 2008, 07:10:03 PM
So I got the idea on Wednesday that my buddies who go to the gym are just doing whatever they can think of without any real goal in mind. They just do what comes to mind, which means I'll be doing a TON of bench press and squats unless something happens to change it.

I figure since you guys are hitting this thing hard, you could recommend something to help me get my stomach back to what it was my senior year of high school; i.e., flat. Weights, no weights, don't really care. I just need something to do.

Ryan Pode
Feb 1st, 2008, 07:43:45 PM
So I got the idea on Wednesday that my buddies who go to the gym are just doing whatever they can think of without any real goal in mind. They just do what comes to mind, which means I'll be doing a TON of bench press and squats unless something happens to change it.

I figure since you guys are hitting this thing hard, you could recommend something to help me get my stomach back to what it was my senior year of high school; i.e., flat. Weights, no weights, don't really care. I just need something to do.

Situps and ab work. I'm sure the gym you go to has an inclined situp bench. Grab a 12 pound medicine ball and do situps. To get it real effective, when you lean back twist to the left then right (or vice-versa) then back up. After you do enough of those to be tired, get a mat and do more abs. If you youtube 8 minute abs, watch that, get some ideas of what to do and it should work. Running also helps.

Eluna Thals
Feb 1st, 2008, 08:35:11 PM
4.75 miles run in about an hour. Not a bad start. Also, owch.

Eluna Thals
Feb 1st, 2008, 08:38:09 PM
Situps and ab work. I'm sure the gym you go to has an inclined situp bench. Grab a 12 pound medicine ball and do situps. To get it real effective, when you lean back twist to the left then right (or vice-versa) then back up. After you do enough of those to be tired, get a mat and do more abs. If you youtube 8 minute abs, watch that, get some ideas of what to do and it should work. Running also helps.

Yes yes yes.

Declined bench + weight resistance is an excellent way to make your abs strong. You have to remember two things. (1) spot reducing is a fantasy and (2) abs are like any other muscles, and you need to lift small & heavy reps. People who do 200 crunches are deluding themselves when you can do 25 really hard ones with weight resistance and leverage.

Feb 1st, 2008, 09:06:50 PM
Situps and ab work. I'm sure the gym you go to has an inclined situp bench. Grab a 12 pound medicine ball and do situps. To get it real effective, when you lean back twist to the left then right (or vice-versa) then back up. After you do enough of those to be tired, get a mat and do more abs. If you youtube 8 minute abs, watch that, get some ideas of what to do and it should work. Running also helps.

Yes yes yes.

Declined bench + weight resistance is an excellent way to make your abs strong. You have to remember two things. (1) spot reducing is a fantasy and (2) abs are like any other muscles, and you need to lift small & heavy reps. People who do 200 crunches are deluding themselves when you can do 25 really hard ones with weight resistance and leverage.Can either you or Pode elaborate on "ab work"? Like, more stuff to do aside from the bench/resistance?

Eluna Thals
Feb 1st, 2008, 09:11:17 PM
No thats pretty much it. I mean honestly you should be working on core lifts and doing isolations only as an afterthought, so you'd probably want to spend a few weeks getting your feet under you with some dead lifts before adding a specific routine for abs.

Core lifts make more meat do more work. You burn more calories, gain more mass, save more time. Until they make a Prince Xizor machine that stimulates all muscles at once with electricity (that isn't a taser), this is the best way to maximize your effort. Do your cores, and if you aren't falling out at the end, slap on some iso work.

Feb 2nd, 2008, 01:24:19 AM
Situps and ab work. I'm sure the gym you go to has an inclined situp bench. Grab a 12 pound medicine ball and do situps. To get it real effective, when you lean back twist to the left then right (or vice-versa) then back up. After you do enough of those to be tired, get a mat and do more abs. If you youtube 8 minute abs, watch that, get some ideas of what to do and it should work. Running also helps.

Yes yes yes.

Declined bench + weight resistance is an excellent way to make your abs strong. You have to remember two things. (1) spot reducing is a fantasy and (2) abs are like any other muscles, and you need to lift small & heavy reps. People who do 200 crunches are deluding themselves when you can do 25 really hard ones with weight resistance and leverage.Can either you or Pode elaborate on "ab work"? Like, more stuff to do aside from the bench/resistance?

Seconding the earlier suggestion of 8 minute abs vid. That's surprisingly hard but effective.

Second in addition to that there are a set of reps you can do with a medicine ball or roman ball that really give your core a big going over. You do flys and presses with your shoulders on the ball and abs / bum in the air - this brings your core into the exercise a lot more.

Third - there is no shortcuts. Bringing back a six pack is damn hard work and as well as the core work, you are goign to have to get rid of the fat over the stomach. It also happens to be the last flab that goes in guys, so there's a lot of hard work to get there. You will have to pick up your cardio and really burn.

This is an example of what I did today -

5 min warm up rower

20 minutes "Commando Challenge" - 30 * assisted chinups, 30 * presses, 30 * rows, 30 * jumps, 30 * bar lift, 30 * somethign else I cant recall the name of, 5 minutes on the rower with at LEAST a 2:30 min 500m pace, stationary bike 1 km at at least 100 rpm on level ten, 400 meter sprint.

30 minutes core

3 min break

20 minutes stationary bike @ 80-85 rpm, Level 8

30 minutes treadmill with at least 6 km pace, average 6.6 km pace with running intervals with 2min final sprint

10 minutes rower

Finish core work

Leg press (85-105 kg)

Arm press (40 kg)


Weighed dips.

Crawl into shower and die.

Feb 2nd, 2008, 10:19:38 AM
I don't want a shortcut. I wanna work for it and feel like I accomplished something, like I did back in high school when it finally hit me that "Holy crap, I'm in the best shape of my life and I feel AMAZING."

Thanks for the example workout too. :D

Mu Satach
Feb 3rd, 2008, 02:05:48 PM
Have shed 3 lbs. and about 2 inches from my waist.

Feb 5th, 2008, 11:54:55 AM

So my buddies agreed to do ab workouts with me along with some basic core lifts and brief runs. My stomach hurts when I sit up, my legs ache when I walke, and my arms and shoulders don't like to carry things. This is good. I likes. Though my friends' names are now curse words until the soreness wears off.

Byl Laprovik
Feb 7th, 2008, 12:57:56 AM
My weights work sucks lately. 205 pound bench press on final set. That is lame.

I'm wanting to build back up to 225 and park it around that point. I'll be ok with keeping consistency if I can lose weight.

Feb 7th, 2008, 06:38:41 AM
My knee problem has been identified as a ACL strain and muscle imbalance. Adjusting the leg work out to suit and avoiding 185kg leg presses until the problem is addressed.

The issue is rapidly becoming a lot of my muscles can and do lift a hell of a lot but certain areas like the knees are unbalanced strengthwise, so while I can push a 100 kg squat, the knees do not cope. Yet.

I also got hit on at the gym.

By a guy.

Umm.... no thanks. Females only.

Feb 7th, 2008, 09:08:51 AM
Question: A popular idea around here seems to be that less weight + more reps = better tone, but I could've sworn I heard that more weight + fewer reps is just as good, if not better. Which is true?

Byl Laprovik
Feb 7th, 2008, 11:19:42 PM
Toning is a myth. There are two actions that effect how you look. Burning calories, and building muscle. "Toning" lifts burn calories, but less efficiently than heavy lifts do. The difference is always in how you eat. If you lift hard and eat a reasonable diet, you'll burn a lot of calories and either maintain muscle mass or post slight gains. If you lift hard and eat like a power lifter (ie, 3000+ a day), you're going to still burn calories, and make huge gains of muscle mass.

Feb 8th, 2008, 02:16:50 AM
Question: A popular idea around here seems to be that less weight + more reps = better tone, but I could've sworn I heard that more weight + fewer reps is just as good, if not better. Which is true?

To add to what Byl said, firstly he is 100% right. Toning is a myth. Now to actually add, cardio also affects your body shape - if you burn kj via runnign /rowing / cycling there is less to increase muscle mass and also how the muscles build will be different.

Always remeber, adding or removing weight is primarily governed by what you eat in the first place. If you dont eat enough (ie your not injesting enough fuel to support your workouts), then your body wont increase in size.

Byl Laprovik
Feb 8th, 2008, 02:46:09 AM
Aerobic & high cardio has benefits beyond caloric burn, which is why its important to add to a weight regimen. Cardiovascular endurance allows you to hit those high calorie burning activities for a longer time. Mind you, doing dead lifts with great cardiovascular endurance burns the same calories lift by lift as somebody with crap endurance, all other things being equal. The endurance factor just means you expand what you're able to do without falling out. Don't overlook that, it pays dividends.

Mark is a much better endurance guy than I myself, even if I'm able to lift harder. It's still the same equation, just different variables and different multipliers.

Feb 8th, 2008, 10:42:38 AM
Awesome. I am, in my own small way, right. Thanks guys.

Mu Satach
Feb 15th, 2008, 08:38:20 PM
tonight I finally ran a kilometer non-stop. Not a fast one... but a full 1055 meters without stopping and without wanting to fall over dead.

I've lost another 1.5 lbs.

And I just double checked my calendar - this makes the 7th week I have consistently made it to the gym.

A little here, a little there... it's nice to see a little bit of progress.

Kraehe Branwen
Feb 15th, 2008, 09:57:21 PM
I got off track on my diet due to stress and being overly depressed. I'd get back on track now that I'm over that but I kinda hurt myself bowling with my hubby for our Valentines celebration LOL So I'm hoping over the weekend my back stops screaming and I can start back up with the exercising. Overall though I haven't gained that much back and I've been reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal bad. Eating junkfood like mad. I guess all the exercising I've done has given me a pretty good metabolism I didn't have before. All I gained back was like 2 or 3 pounds which isn't all that bad considering I've been in this slump for over a month, almost two now.

Mu Satach
Feb 15th, 2008, 10:16:10 PM
I fell off my wagon back in Nov. & Dec. and what I gained fell off right after I jumped back on, so *cracks whip* get back on thar girl!

Kraehe Branwen
Feb 15th, 2008, 11:19:54 PM
I will! I gotta give my back a chance to recover before I get back to exercising! I'm eating healthy again though. Nothing happening yet. I really screwed my back up cuz I suck at bowling.... lmao

Feb 16th, 2008, 06:33:25 AM
I will! I gotta give my back a chance to recover before I get back to exercising! I'm eating healthy again though. Nothing happening yet. I really screwed my back up cuz I suck at bowling.... lmao

You can continue to exercise while injured. In fact done right it speeds the healing process. Like with my ACL problems, I just simply changed what I was doing and continued on, which has helped strengthen the support muscles in the process.

tonight I finally ran a kilometer non-stop. Not a fast one... but a full 1055 meters without stopping and without wanting to fall over dead.

I actually managed 2 km in 15 minutes today, which was a WHOO HOO moment, considering how bad running is for me. It's probably surprising for people that know how much riding I do to think I cant really run.

3 hours of assasination attept at the gym, 25 minutes rower, 10 minutes spin cycle, 15 rower, then 1 hour beating myself up on weights (Concentrating on arms and back), then back to the spin cycle for 30 minutes, rowing 10 min flat out, cycle for 10 flat out, run 15.

Is someone training for a triathlon....?

General Dan
Feb 16th, 2008, 01:58:04 PM
See, I can run forever, I just can't bike. Funny that!

Feb 26th, 2008, 05:12:41 AM
See, I can run forever, I just can't bike. Funny that!

In my cas the knees are a problem, altho they are getting better. But really, I can just do 40km of urban commando style MTB riding now without feeling any real effects.

The new routine is working a treat. My knees can now support a 50 kg squat, which is fantastic.

Feb 28th, 2008, 10:23:23 PM
I was doing squats today and my knees were like "No, this sucks" the whole time. :\ Any idea what's wrong?

Cat X
Feb 28th, 2008, 10:55:59 PM
I was doing squats today and my knees were like "No, this sucks" the whole time. :\ Any idea what's wrong?

ACL's, like me. Lighten to load and change your stance to wider so it doesnt load your knees is the first steps to do.

Feb 29th, 2008, 12:17:28 PM
Does it matter how much I reduce the weight by?

Mar 1st, 2008, 03:37:02 AM
Does it matter how much I reduce the weight by?

How much are you attepting now? How deep are you trying to squat?

Mar 1st, 2008, 10:16:15 AM
Does it matter how much I reduce the weight by?

How much are you attepting now? How deep are you trying to squat?

Uh...somewhere around 100 pounds, and I'm going deep enough to get my legs parallel to the floor (or as close as I can to it).

Mar 1st, 2008, 08:44:28 PM
Back fairly straight too?

Back it off to 20-25 kg and go up in reps.

Mar 1st, 2008, 10:02:50 PM
As straight as I can keep it. Thanks Mark.

Mar 10th, 2008, 03:54:48 AM
Still going! 76.4 kg, ramping up weights and startign to get into HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which is proving to be an interesting test.

Also ran 3.6 km last week. Things are definantly coming along nicely.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2008, 08:06:48 AM
I want to start eating more heathily, but I'm on a pretty tight budget right now. Suggestions?

Cat X
Mar 16th, 2008, 08:59:37 PM
I want to start eating more heathily, but I'm on a pretty tight budget right now. Suggestions?

Mainly in avoiding processed foods and junk food. Avoiding all soft drinks also helps out a lot. And excessive alcohol.

Brown rice, some veggies, very lean meat, brown bread, something like Weet Bix for beakfast etc. Drop empty calories like refined sugar and also drink water.

This also depends on how active you are. If you are active, carbs and protein become important for fuel and body repair. And Charley I hope also comments, he's much more knowledgeable on it than I am.

Mar 23rd, 2008, 05:41:45 AM
So how you all going, or are all of you falling off the wagon? And what about you Chuckles?

Saturday workout -

15 min cardio / warmup rower @ 6000 m / 30 min pace
5 min leg warmup bike

And then the fun really begins!

80 kg warmup Leg press * 20 reps
120 kg leg press * 12 reps
140 kg leg press * 10 reps
140 - 120 - 80 - 40 kg leg press drop sets @ 8 reps

Calf constrict 40 kg * 15 reps, leads to 54 kg * 10, 61 kg * 10

Deadlifts 3 sets * 12 reps @ 40 kg (Just workign out a back twinge so no real pushing)

Good Mornings (new to routine so very light until technique sorted) 3 sets, 12 reps @ 20 kgs

Squats 40 kgs, 3 * 10 reps (Max is 55 kgs @ 10 reps, still a loooong way to go there)

Lunges 3 sets 10 reps @ 30 kg

Screw myself over on the bike for 30 minutes High intensity

8 minute Abs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWjTnBmCHTY - REALLY EFFECTIVE!!!


Sunday - 75 km bike, unfortuntly picked the wrong bike and went with the heavy MTB. Fell well short of the Wollongong goal (50 km short) but happy I did manage to get as far as I did on the heavy machine.

75.4 kg at the end of that one. Which is the lightest I think I have posted in this thread. Probably the lightest I have seen in 5 years.

Mar 23rd, 2008, 08:40:27 AM
This week was spring break, so I completely fell off the wagon. >_< I also blew my resolutions about junk food and soda outta the water, so I'm far behind what I wanted. Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the gym and start to get back on track.

Mar 24th, 2008, 01:33:48 AM
Got my road bike retuned and decided it needed a test. New grips, new chain, new rear gear cluster (9 speed), font wheel straightened, gooseneck retensioned, new seat, new bike computer. Bike computers may seem like a gimmck but they are awesome to know exactly how hard your going.

As this is the first time I have been on the road bike for few weeks, interesting to compare. I can accelrrate a lot harder and just plain ride faster for the first two hours but I then seem to bonk. Seems I am a lot more powerful but I've taken the endurance edge off. Okay so two hours at my pace would probably make most people estatic....

75.0 kg. THe lightest I have been this century is 74.9 kg. My goal is 73.5 kg, which is how heavy I was when I married 11 years ago.

Mar 25th, 2008, 06:32:27 AM
Got back to the gym yesterday, didn't do as badly as I thought I would. I managed my usual 2 mile run, weights, and abs with no more or less difficulty than I'm used to getting out of those exercises. Strange. Gonna go back today for a little more running, and whatever miscellaneous I think I can get away with.

Miranda Tarkin
Mar 25th, 2008, 01:27:38 PM
I am working out cardio for 30 minutes a day now! I started this Saturday, and as of that day, drinking only one can a pop a day (if even) and water. I cut out all fast food, it was making me sick anyway so why should I keep torturing myself.

I've cut out junk food too and focusing on portions. Everything is ok within moderation, but the junk food I really was doing bad at. no control at all so byebye!

As for desserts, only on special occasions and a small portion ;)

Mar 26th, 2008, 01:27:56 PM
I'm going to the gym with my friends in half an hour and I feel like I could fall asleep at this computer. >_<

Apr 2nd, 2008, 04:37:18 AM
I'm going to the gym with my friends in half an hour and I feel like I could fall asleep at this computer. >_<

I'll kick your bum if you fall asleep.

Even the personal trainer I use now thinks I'm crazy. For a warm up I did 2.5 km @ about 19 minutes. Then I go do weights (arms and chest today), then he tells me to do 2 km more as hard as I can. Which should drop most people. It dropped me at 700m when I got a bad stitch.

so I just get on the bike for 30 minutes hard and then go do the 2km run. 3 minutes faster than I ever had before.

"So you basically have to stop, so you go push yourself on another cardio machine THEN you do the run again? Idiot"

5.2 km total. Lord its great to be able to run freely again. I havent been able to do that kind of distance in 20 years!

Apr 2nd, 2008, 08:25:57 AM
I didn't, but it was hard working that day.

Apr 16th, 2008, 06:29:59 AM
Where am I up to now...

76.8 kg

60 kg bench
480 crunches
60 kg squat
40 kg dip
75 kg dealift
40 kg Good morning
160 kg leg press
82 kg calf curl
85 kg calf extentions
22.5 kg dumbell press
54 kg flys
3.5 km run
50 pushups
54 kg traps

I'm hitting a new routine based around strength training for a few weeks, I want to hit 100 kg squats and 100 kg deadlifts. I've just hit my bench target, so I step to a 80 kg target. Still doing assited dips and chin ups, I want to stop that do it unassisted.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2008, 08:52:22 PM
Note: Breastfeeding is great for weight loss!

Apr 17th, 2008, 12:40:55 AM
Nice to know I think I will start doing that tomorrow :D

Wyl Staedtler
Apr 17th, 2008, 04:19:45 AM
I've become addicted to waveboarding (aka streetsurfing). My butt looks fantastic.

Apr 17th, 2008, 05:18:03 AM
Squats now up to 65 kg, Calf curls 89 (!) kg. Holy crap that hurt.

But now my waist has dropped to 90(!!!!!!!!!!!) cm (from 115 cm a year ago), it's worth every bloody bit. I'm too small for a size 36 again!

Apr 17th, 2008, 06:45:15 AM
Hit the gym really hard yesterday for the first time in a while. I need to quit having so many breaks. Actually, I need to stop relying on my friends to show up and start going on my own more often. Yeah, I think I'll go again today. Run or bike until I die or just zone out and never stop.

Apr 18th, 2008, 09:52:03 PM
Running 5.1 km sucks.

Yes it's good in that I can do it and still have plenty in the tank but it still sucks.

Apr 23rd, 2008, 05:57:58 AM
One year ago -

Sick of being unfit and overweight?


(and badly dressed?)

You bloody bet I was


So I did something about all three. Now I need to frakking look at the camera next time.

Wyl Staedtler
Jun 8th, 2008, 01:24:20 PM
I haven't gone for a run or had a real workout in weeks. To make matters worse, I've "compensated" by not really eating. I feel like crap.

Time to ease back into something resembling a routine. >_<

Zem Vymes
Jun 8th, 2008, 02:21:12 PM
I remember this thread...


Jun 8th, 2008, 05:44:40 PM
I've started to slide out of my 15 pound "comfort zone" again. I'm a bit petite, so 15 pounds looks like 40+ on an average-framed person. :/

Been thinking of giving in and getting one of those BodyBugg (http://www.bodybugg.com/) devices, cause i'm a bit lazy, sometimes.

The device visually displays how many calories you've burned versus what you say you have taken in for you (with your input of what you've eaten on the website, of course, though the big claim is it can tell how many calories you've been supposedly eating by the changes it detects. hmmmm. ). From there you decide what you need to do to maintain, lose (more exercise, less eats)- some guilt comes into play. ;)

Cat X
Jun 8th, 2008, 09:00:53 PM
Been thinking of giving in and getting one of those BodyBugg (http://www.bodybugg.com/) devices, cause i'm a bit lazy, sometimes.

The device visually displays how many calories you've burned versus what you say you have taken in for you (with your input of what you've eaten on the website, of course, though the big claim is it can tell how many calories you've been supposedly eating by the changes it detects. hmmmm. ). From there you decide what you need to do to maintain, lose (more exercise, less eats)- some guilt comes into play. ;)

Dont go on a guilt trip. Just get up and do something and don't worry about technology - all you need is just do it :)

If I get lazy, I play this


And I just do it :)

Lazy is the last problem tho - I'm still going. I do something everyday and then some, altho not quite the insane rate I was on, I was damaging myself. Benching 80kg (190lb), Squat up to 1*100kg (220lb), run up to 7 km, been concentrating on core and arms, will need to do more back work. Dropped to an 86cm waist (WTF? I can go that low?) weight's up to 78 kg.

Average 1.25 hours a day doing something. Anything. walk, jog, bike, swim.....

Gimem another month and the sixpack will be back.....

Cat X
Jun 14th, 2008, 07:45:38 PM
Okay, this is nuts. I'm enterign a race.


ACK! 25km run?????? What on earth am I thinking....????

Wyl Staedtler
Jun 15th, 2008, 03:57:55 AM
Awesome Mark! :D

I started waveboarding again, and plan to run a basic sixer tomorrow to ease back into it. Ideally I'll be able to get back to 35m/wk by mid July but things are going to be super crazy, so I'm not going to put too much pressure on the whole situation. As long as I get in a solid workout every other day.

And I need to start eating more than one meal. >_<

Anita Stern
Jun 15th, 2008, 09:25:49 AM
And I need to start eating more than one meal. >_<

YES. YOU. DO. :twak

Come here, beb. I'll FEED you. I won't fatten you up, but I'll FEED you. >D

Cat X
Jun 16th, 2008, 06:12:45 AM
If you only eat one meal, guess what your body will try to do.

(The answer is switch to put on fat mode. You need to eat to keep the fat off. 5 small meals makes sure your body stays out of fat burn. Protein also keeps you feeling full and is never stored as fat)

And thinking of protein - who was the unfunny bastard that decided protein drinks had to taste so damn disgusting? Yeah okay protein suppliments are damn good when your as hellishly active as I've gotten and need to do muscle repair but.... egggghhhhhhhhh DISGUSTING.

I know it's doing good but still.

And I want to know how it is my cat has a g/f and I dont.

Wyl Staedtler
Jun 26th, 2008, 05:13:48 PM
I've been sick this week but managed to make my ballet class this morning. I started taking lessons last month and boy, what a workout! I've noticed a great improvement in my posture.

Still working on drinking less coffee and eating regularly; lots of stress in the family right now which means I'm more apt to go until six or seven in the evening before I realize I haven't had anything yet. It's probably contributed to the getting sick. What I need to do is just make a bunch of easy meals and stick them in the fridge so that there's always something nutritious on hand. Five small meals a day is what I'm aiming for, Mark, just like you said.

Drinking lots of water though. So at least I'm hydrated! :)

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 28th, 2008, 06:08:19 AM
See, I can run forever, I just can't bike. Funny that!

I'll swap right now.

Tomorrow is going to be hell. This is going to hurt. A LOT

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 28th, 2008, 11:26:16 PM
Yes that hurt a lot.

My poor feet :(

So I didnt QUITE run the full 25km. Dont care, I ran enough to be very happy. And I can still claim I just finished a half marathon - and I'm by no means any kind of good runner. In fact I suck. But I finished!

It was a even that allowed walkers, runner and cyclists. I do this track a few times and it's not really a challenge on a bike. So that's why I ran it. Even if it is in the mountains on a rough dirt trail.


And yes, this guy rode it

With 10 kg of banana's


Fat? Me? Hell no! I even got a chest!


8 km in and this is the view. Pretty :)

Still sore and I doubt I'm going to be able to walk much tomorrow. My socks were glued to my shoes, a few blisters (nothing major) but looks like I wrecked the shoes. Certainly must get a better set, they were agony by the time I finished.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jul 14th, 2008, 05:17:51 AM

My current "Get me in the mood" warmup music. Gotta have something to get you going!

And for a further note about how actually getting fit and healthy can work -

I know a girl who weighed 119.5 kgs 6 years ago. She decided to put the hard yards in and lost 55 kgs over three years and kept it off. Diet, hard exercise as I've found it to be bloody hard work but worth every second of it.

Also going from fatty to hot bod has it's advatages.