View Full Version : Finding out about Sith (RP?)

Ira Yahff
Jan 29th, 2006, 08:56:46 PM
Well, I was hoping that this character would have some discovery of the Sith through accidental interaction. He isn't exactly a Jedi of sorts, more of a branch off of the organization. The basic background of it is that his character's legacy derives from the Echani Handmadien of KoTor II.

However, throughout the problems that have derived over the many years he does manage to maintain Force Sensitivity but his family ended up at some point unaligned with the Jedi. So basically he is knowledagable about his Force Sensitivity, but instead of going down the road of a Jedi or Sith he is attempting to study both.

He wants to get a general understanding of the two archetypes, learning through reading and attaining archives of the two forgotten religions.

So, he is just a archeologist and student of the Force..

Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 29th, 2006, 11:30:36 PM
I'm sorry but I'm confused. Are you asking for the oppertunity to study at the Sith Order/ use our boards and interact? Or are you asking for someone to do a thread with?

If its the first, fill out an application in the customs outpost.

For the second, PM me with some details and I'd gladly do a thread with you.

Kyle Krogen
Jan 29th, 2006, 11:34:56 PM
Well, I think I understand what your getting at, but I don't think you could participate within the sith order without being a member, and one commited to their cause. Because if you join the sith, learn a few things, and then take off to learn about the jedi, then you will be mercilessly hunted down as a traitor.

But, I do think there may be ways for your character to learn about the sith sources other then by joining the sith, I Just can't think of any at the moment.

Jan 30th, 2006, 12:29:07 AM
You could always join the Krew - we're totally better then the Sith AND Jedi ;)

Ira Yahff
Jan 30th, 2006, 12:47:49 AM
Basically my character has an understanding that the Sith exist, but beyond the normal idea that they were "evil" there isn't much more to his knowledge. So he is just trying to uncover artifacts and stuff.

This also stands true for the Jedi.

And what is the "Krew"?

Jan 30th, 2006, 06:32:50 PM
The Krew is a group of Darkside adepts who are currently loosely affliated with TSO. They don't follow a strict Sith path, but they have similarities. I guess you could say we're like Dark Jedi, but then I'd have to kick your butt. :)

Ira Yahff
Jan 31st, 2006, 04:46:27 AM
I'll think about that one. I'm not quite sure if my character would smoothly into the ideals of a "seemingly" Dark Jedi group...but it does sound appealing.
