View Full Version : It's good to return (Jorshal)

Jens Hollern
Jan 27th, 2006, 07:07:30 PM
His boots made a soft thud on the stone floor as he walked down the passage connecting the docking bay on Korriban to the rest of the Sith Palace. He had recieved some strange looks from many passer-bys, as he was not a common Sith in those halls and yet he did not where a uniform of anyone who serviced the palace. He was indeed a Sith, but not one who occupied the palace.

He was a child with Jorshal Vuntana, he did live at the palace once. He was trained by the Sith Knights and Masters that had trained nearly everyone else who called the palace home. The palace flooded his mind with memories. The antics and training he and Jorshal had shared; he was glad to be one of the few Jorshal called friend. His promotion to knight came before Jorshal's, but it came with a stipulation: he was to take care of the Sith Order's business outside of Korriban.

He'd kept up contacts with Jorshal over time. He had been particularily disturbed with news of the death of several Elders, but duties kept him from making a return until now. He pushed through the door that lead to the vast citadel. His friend and ally stood at the opposite end, a smile on his face.

Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 27th, 2006, 07:19:00 PM
His face was wiped clean of his traditional face paint, his smile shown more than he would have liked. But he had to admit, it was good to see a familiar face from the times before things went downhill. "It's been a while." He met the man at the center of the citadel and grabbed his hand firmly and shook.