View Full Version : Exquisitus is in the Hizouse! (open)

Wil Mienstrire
Jan 22nd, 2006, 10:57:04 PM
Wil walked through the musty area with a scrunched up expression on his face. This place was so old it was out of style. Wil had just arrived a little time ago with Dani as per Sudoku's instructions. They had moved their belongings into a remote area, as to give them their own privacy. Dani, his bodaciously beautiful babe of Corellia was down for some sweet sleep, nappy time so Wil figured he would take a look at the sights.

Some parts were cool. Some of the statues were like, whoa, Sith had a habit for compensation. Others gave Wil the shivers. But past just about everything that made the place completely suck, Wil could feel something that said that everything was fizine. He placed his hand on a stone column and his eyes closed almost of their own accord. He could feel it, beneath the stonework and foundation. Something extremely righteous lay there. It wasn't passive by any means, but it was hungry, ravenous, it licked at Wil's insides even. A noise like rushing water slowly filled his ears before it suddenly became like the crash of a large wave.

His eyes snapped open and he stumbled back from the column. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The Doomside could pull some kooky stuff out of its pockets sometimes and Wil was still getting used to it. He looked around to make sure no one else was around to have seen him and then gave a nearby statue a dirty gesture. The statue had the most heinous expression, if the dude was alive to throw that around, Wil'd have to kick him something fierce between the eyes. In fact... he moved over to the statue, slowly, as if the stonework would react or maybe a passerby might notice Wil in his attempt of supreme stealth. But he lunged and flew into the air, his boot coming around in a wide circle. His heel connected with the shin of the statue and rebounded away just as quickly.


Wil was now sitting by the statue, leaning against the stone block upon which it stood, and nursing his aching heel. So he thought it would've been cool to make like a crack or something in it, simply for the point of some crazy cool vandalism that he would never have 'fessed up to. And yet, he was pretty sure the statue had instead cracked his heel.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 23rd, 2006, 07:06:32 PM
"Perhaps, next time, you should use your head." Came a voice from behind Wil.

Zereth had been watching the intruders ever since he they landed on Korriban, but only now did he allow himself to be seen. As a master of stealth and illusion, Zereth had practically walked next to Wil and Dani as they trekked through the planet's wasteland of tombs and deserts. He also witnessed the white haired youth cracking his ankle on an ancient statue of Naga Sadow.

As Wil turned around he came face to face with a pair of crimson red eyes set in a worn face. "You treat on sacred ground, boy. And you openly defile the face of an ancient with your foul touch. Such actions are punishable by death; a death that I, as high guardian, can distribute." Zereth said in his typical cold demeanor and then pulled his blade out of its sheath and waved it in front of Wil's face, "Now, before I kill you, tell me why you are here," He leveled the tip of the Katana under Wil's nose, "And do not waste my time with excuses, or I will remove your head before you get to your third syllable."

Lucianus Adair
Jan 24th, 2006, 01:19:11 AM
Mars chuckled. Not out of mirth. Not out of reaction to a joke. But out of sick amusement. The large sith predator stepped out of the deep darkness of the place. All seven-feet-plus of him, bound in muscle and grace. "Oh, do not toy with him, colleague mine. There are fates worse than immediate death that you know well I am capable of delivering. If he is to die, make him first desire that he had never lived. Then deny it and let him die of deprivation."

Phoenix Mars Whyte crouched down, and grabbed hold of the boy's face with one massive hand for a brief second, wanting to break his little skull, but only taking a deep breath of his essence. Then licked his fingers as he stood. "You stink of childlike foolishness and your ego is so unnecessarily thick I can taste it from the dead castoffs of your skin." Mars glanced at Lancer. "I apologize for my interruption of your bold threats."

Perhaps bleed him a little regardless of any answers he gives. Otherwise...such mercy is weakness. Mars' voice spoke in the mind of Zereth.

Jan 24th, 2006, 10:27:11 AM
"Enough posing, ladies. Or have you forgotten that we're welcomed guests in your home?"

Sudoku stood, arms folded across his chest a few feet from the group. He had been exploring on his own as well, and caught most of the Siths' threats. His family had behaving themselves, in spite of all the Sith posturing. The way they were...it left a bad taste in his mouth. If he disliked the Sith and their ways before, his feelings had been completely justified by most, if not all of the Order.

"Is this how the mighty Sith operate? Empty threats of death to your own kind? No wonder the Jedi wiped you lot out all those years ago."

He stepped between Zereth and Wil, using a finger to push the blade of the sword away from him, a look of distaste clear on his face. "Tsk, another Sith with a sword, how...cute. Isn't it childish, Wil, to see men take playing "Knights" so seriously? If you wield the Force, there's no need for such things."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 24th, 2006, 02:47:25 PM
"Shut up, Sudoku," Zereth growled, pulling his blade away from Wil and pointing it at Kyashi instead, "I never supported the movement to bring you and your rabble here, so don't expect welcome or kindness on my part. I know half the order would rather you leave then not, so keep your comments to yourself, boy," He said, his voice calm, but his eyes burned bright red with his rage, "You are no warrior or a leader, Sudoku. Just simple coward who let his followers be scattered and nearly destroyed," He pulled his blade away, spun it around and offered the handle to Kyashi, "In the days of the ancients when a man lost his honor he would fall on his own blade, do you have the courage to do this?" He held the blade out for a moment and then pulled it back and returned it to its sheath, "If you even a speck of honor you would watch you tongue and show a little respect for those whom shelter you… and your children." With that he turned and walked over to Mars and stood beside him.

Wil Mienstrire
Jan 24th, 2006, 03:06:58 PM
OOC: whoa whoa whoa posting order please ^_^;;;

IC: Wil had honestly been scared for like two seconds there. Honestly, when two guys showed up and practically threatened to gang bang you, who wouldn't be? The one who had taken a smell of whatever was obviously queerer than nerf who couldn't find the right end of another bull in mating season. Wil gave him a disgusted look as he licked his fingers. This guy was tall and gay, that's about all Wil bothered to sum up.

The other guy was a total titlar. The red contacts were rockin' though, Wil might invest in a pair of those. The sword was a bit daunting up close but Wil's was way cooler, no doubt. Wil stood slowly, favoring his hurt ankle as he supported himself on the statue. Wil let the shivers of a premature death slowly slide off his spine as his blazing confidence of glory returned.

Sudoku's appearance had suddenly meant everything was going to be just dandy. Frell, Wil'll even come out on top with these odds. And these guys spoke of Wil having ego problems? He was pretty sure the guy with red eyes had problems getting it up. Wil made one easy step infront of Sudoku as if somewhat protective and spoke up finally, one gloved hand pointing at the two obvious bunkmates.

"And in some of the days of those geezers, women like you were kept chained to the kitchen and beaten with a paper roll when you bloody messed yourself! Like the boss said, pull the sand out of your nethers and keep your hands to heinously queer selves! We're the future of the Doomside and you're merely a stepping stone lacking severely in the righteous factor! Now step off, neither of you even stand a chance against the heinously awesome likes of Death dealing Darth Sudoku and rockin' Darth Exquisitus to the sixty ninth power!"

Lucianus Adair
Jan 24th, 2006, 05:16:30 PM
Mars showed no sign of emotion on any level, but he had it well in mind to gut these two and feed their entrails to the nearest hungry tuk'ata. That, and he recognized the are-you-queer once over from seeing how one Imperial Minister had been viewed by his staff before disposing of the self-righteous bastard. This boy was treading on grounds of that which he did not understand, much less flaunting his own apparent self-righteousness in front of something he did not fully know of...That something species, that someone member of it, would just as soon have him dismembered for overt insolence and disrespect.

He remained there in silence taking full inventory of these two boarders, keeping his hands folded behind his back. Zereth would have a fairly good idea of the meaning of the extreme all-around silence of the only Kpaur he knew. The meaning of such a standing coming from Mars was more than enough to make anyone who knew well enough uneasy.

Jan 25th, 2006, 12:03:16 PM
He smirked, vainly trying to surpress a laugh after Wils' speech.

"How many times do I have to say it? We're not like you, and that..is such a good thing. I've never claimed to be a warrior, or a leader. I am a pawn of the Force, and I do what it wills."

Sure, he sort of believed the BS spewing from his mouth. The Force had guided him, but he was starting to think this whole Korriban thing was a mistake...He shrugged, and shot Wil a glance letting him know what he said next was also directed at him.

"I guess we Doomsiders don't roll like you oldie Sith do. You have to keep in mind our similarities, and not our differences. I think we all have to. I apologise for my friend here, but you people need to chillax."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 25th, 2006, 02:58:31 PM
"Humph," Was all Zereth said before he folded his hands behind his back and took a similar stance to the one worn by Phoenix, "We will see..." He said after a few moments and then looked sidelong at Phoenix, "How long do you think they'll last?" came his blank voice in his fellow sith's head.

He turned away from Mars and looked back down on the 'Doomsiders', "On behalf of the Elders, I bid you, Wil Mienstrire, welcome to Korriban and the Sith Order," He said, pushing his ego down and returning to his role as an Elder, "The council wishes me to ask if you require anything?"

Wil Mienstrire
Jan 25th, 2006, 08:01:44 PM
Obviously, Wil had gotten something across, as the large queermiester shut his trap and the red eyed dude of many long faces 'bid' Wil his due welcome.

He lost some of his flare after hearing the boss apologize. Wil's image of invincibility was worn down slightly but he crossed his arms over his chest and smiled wide nonetheless. It'd been a while since someone had talked to him as such, it reminded him of his days in the Night Court when he had traveled with his mother. Cute, real cute. And Wil had heard the undertone in Kyashi's remarks, his next steps really depended on whether or not he cared. This was like being scolded at a big dinner or something. How lame.

Wil kept his smile though. This was like, majorly retarded. His mom had gone over this though, court rules and what not. Play along at the end and everything is smoothed over. Again, how lame. Wil bowed, his arms out by his side in a general symbol of respect, returning to his former stance as he spoke with an accent that usually never made it to his lips.

"As grateful as I am for your hospitality, such a notion humbles one such as myself and I must decline the offer for the time being, as I am managing well. Again, your welcome is accepted with thanks, dude."

The last part was a revert to the norm, Wil's general scorn accompanying it. Wil did as much for no one, not even the guys that had paid his mom so much. But Kyashi had started it. Once Wil had stood back up, the look of disgust and disdain returned and he lightly shoved Kyashi on the shoulder.

"Yo, boss, let's get out of here. I need some narley fresh air while the heinous skies are still clear, ya know? I've smelled enough cryptic paint chips as is."

Lucianus Adair
Jan 25th, 2006, 10:05:16 PM
"I am not into predictions, but I do not see these two, much less the rest of their brigade having an slither of knowlege of how the 'cards are played' around this place, so to speak. I have a greater urge to tear them apart than the likes of which I had with that insufferable furball." He shot back to his colleague, bringing his hands forth and cracking his knuckles.

"I, however, cannot guarantee your safety from the hungry tuk'ata that roam about, boy."