View Full Version : Criminal Minds - Elders and Lady Vader
Nayala Palain
Jan 17th, 2006, 03:10:00 PM
Moving down the halls of TSO's main establishment, the Lady commonly known as Athena moving in perfect silence. Making no motions to others or anything as she moved. Pushing past a few other obsticals she stopped moving. Dressed as she normally did when not in a fight. The Sith Mistress stood in the middle of a large area. Drapped in pitch black silk. Her cloak covering her small frame of a body.
Saying nothing as she knew they all could feel her including the one she wished to speak with this night. The Mistress Vader.
Jan 19th, 2006, 07:48:04 PM
Accompanying closely behind Nayala was another figure. He stood tall, 6'7" to be exact. His frame was well built but not bulging with muscles, almost perfectly sculpted. All this was hidden though under a flowing white cloth that made up his robes. Waist length white hair flowed down over his shoulders and chest, resting against his body. Deep sea colored eyes scanned the familiar room as he gazed around.
Malice too knew he could be sensed by them and so said nothing. It had been far too long since he was last here, yet he could still feel familiar auras roaming about the halls.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 19th, 2006, 08:29:50 PM
The heavy, and richly engraved, stone doors opened wide to allow the two passage into the council room, or what some referred to as the "Elder's Vision". Once they were inside, the great doors closed on their own accord, just as they had opened. The council room was dark, despite the flickering orange light the candles that lined the walls gave off. In the center of the room was a circle of chairs, some empty while others were occupied. In the darkness it was almost impossible to tell who sat in the chairs, but there were signs that gave them away. From one of the chairs a set of glowing red eyes watched the two as they entered and walked into the center of room, as was traditional. Zereth said nothing, for the meeting was for Nayala to speak with Mistress Vader, but since the council was already gathered to discuss recent events, the pair had been issued in at once.
Nayala Palain
Jan 19th, 2006, 11:39:43 PM
Making her way into the middle her eyes noticed that of Zeraths. Looking behind her at the prize she had returned with back home to TSO. It was true she was here and there, but thats what made Athena, Athena....
Waiting for the voice of Lady Vader or that of an Elder before she spoke, she did how erver speak to Malice.
She would not keeping us waiting this long unless they were speaking. The elders as you remember are that way.
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 20th, 2006, 02:13:14 PM
Jorshal stepped into the flickering light from one of the many side rooms that revolved around the Elder's Vision. He placed his hand on the chair he usually took at the table and sized the two before him with his eyes.
"Athena, Malice." He greeted and nodded his head. The arrival was not entirely expected, but welcome none the less. "What is itthat brings you to us today?"
Jan 20th, 2006, 06:40:38 PM
She would not keeping us waiting this long unless they were speaking. The elders as you remember are that way.
Malice heard Athenas words and peered into the darkness. He too stared at the eyes of Zereth, taking note of the beings force aura for later recognition. As he stood there wrapped in silence, a voice spoke out to them. Another had appeared, apparently there to greet them.
"Athena, Malice."
There names were called and Malices attention instantly fell upon the fellow sith.
"What is it that brings you to us today?"
Malice stepped forwards, his gaze never leaving that of the sith infront of him.
*I.....that is we have been away for quite sometime. When travelling the many galaxies this universe possesses one tends to get lost in the sea of time. But regardless, we have returned to The Sith Order. We have returned home*
The master then went silent, opting to let Athena speak her mind as well before saying anything else.
Nayala Palain
Jan 21st, 2006, 11:07:51 AM
Looking at the one whom had spoken her name and then Malice's. Her Marcasite eyes gleamed as her counter part for the moment spoke his words. It was true they had been gone for the time apart. Although not fully Lost the former Elder and Mistress of the Order said nothing for a moment.
" Home, Sith do not have home's, but this is as close to it. " Her soft but yet very confidant voice broke the erie silence.
" Mistress Vader and I have been speaking the best we can while I am out and about in my travels. What is the issue on the Elders table this day? "
Pushing her cloak back slightly, the Sith Mistress moved forth. In the elders vision no conflict broke out no fighting unless it was with words on how to better then Order in which they all served.
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 22nd, 2006, 06:32:07 PM
"It's actually been remarkably quiet." He said thinking back on the past events and looked towards Zereth for his input, yet quickly adding. "A few members have been incapacitated lately, nothing too serious though.
Jan 27th, 2006, 02:07:21 AM
*Interesting. So, where are the rest of the elders?*
Malice had remembered a few of the faces of elders that once resided here. He wasn't sure if they were still around though since he could not sense them anywhere within TSOs compound. These new batches of sith were practically strangers to him, yet he would respect them simply because they are fellow TSO sith.
Zereth Lancer
Jan 27th, 2006, 02:42:44 PM
Zereth let out a loud sigh, "Most of the Elders you knew have left; disappeared right out the door. Abandoning their posts and fleeing the planet, not to be heard of since," The anger was clear in his voice as he spoke. His hand thumped the arm of his chair, "Traitors the lot of them," He turned to Jorshal, "I still say we should have hunted them down."
"Anyways," He said, turning back to Malice and Athena, "It is good that you have returned. The ranks of the order have been declining and we grow weak without numbers. Will you two be willing to train any of our numerous acolytes?" He asked and rather hoped that they would, Zereth alone had at least a dozen apprentices and had little time for his own practices.
Jorshal Vuntana
Jan 27th, 2006, 04:13:32 PM
Before either of the Sith could respond to Zereth's questions he reminded him sharply. "Je'gan and Southstar a both dead. Let's not forget the elders who served and died for this Order. Just like we don't forget out knights who have died as well." An obvious referance to the deceased Jezreal, of whom Zereth was especially close with.
"We've rebounded from that tragedy since then. Three major deaths in the time span of two weeks was quite... devestating. Matters have improved." He assured them optimistically. "But there's always room for improvement."
"Getting back to Zereth's question: can you jump right in and help with our trainer shortage? We're both overwhelmed the way it is."
Nayala Palain
Jan 28th, 2006, 03:06:57 PM
Looking at Malice then back to the two other Elders. The once Elder of TSO and current Sith Mistress smiled, yes a sick and twisted smile.
" With to Masters returning to the fold of time within the Order. I am sure our numbers will improve. I will be more then willing to once more train the younge. I will take no more then 15 students. I will start with knights and from there down. The harder the better, hand me the ones who dont listen.... and I will break them into what we need. "
Pausing for mere seconds.
" Master Malice may choose not to teach or take any he wishes under his wings of glory, we are both willing to fill the void of lose for the Order. "
(He was a Master here long ago, and vanished.... I think LV was going to tell me if he was going to keep his Rank and I could talk to Ogies.)
Jan 31st, 2006, 12:47:19 AM
OOC:Yep disappeared a while back...a longwhile back. But due to some convincing i have decided to return. For good this time.
IC: Malice waited till Nayala was done speaking before he too answered Zereths question.
*I too will be more then willing to fill the students with the power of the darkside. Numbers are no option to me....not man in the past have survived my training to begin with. Tis a shame the loss TSO has suffered. But as in the past we will recover, and become all the stronger for it*
Zereth Lancer
Feb 2nd, 2006, 04:20:29 PM
Zereth's eye brow rose as Malice's comment about no apprentice having finished his training. He must he a iron handed trainer, indeed Zereth thought and then turned back to Athena, "I will see about getting you the apprentices you described. Normally Jorshal, or myself, handle the difficult ones, but we are more then willing to let you help shoulder the burden they present. We will also have some assigned to you, Lord Malice." Zereth said.
"But," He continued, "With that matter out of the way; is there anything else you require?"
Feb 3rd, 2006, 04:21:08 PM
Malice did not need to think on Zereths question.
*No. I remember where my room used to be....assuming its still there of course. Other then that, i believe i shall be busy with getting myself aquainted once again with the members of the order i do not know. Afterall, i have always considered TSO more of a family then an order or empire*
The demon sith simply grinned and awaited to see if any other business was to become of this meeting. If not then he would go in search of his room, which could take awhile if his room was still there. Malice still remembered quite well about the magicks placed upon the very walls of the order. Sith magick which caused the halls to shift and change directions, as well as stairs suddenly leading to nowhere. Only members of the order were ever safe from being led astray.
This, if he remembered correctly, was an idea placed upon the order by Lady Vader herself many years ago.
Nayala Palain
Feb 6th, 2006, 03:58:27 PM
No I shall be fine in retiring to my own room. The Mistress thought to herself. A smile danced her lips as she moved away off to the first of three hidden halls to find her room once more.
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