Jaime Tomahawk
Jan 14th, 2006, 05:22:33 PM
Hey everyone -
I'm going home tomorrow and just a few notes for ya all. The diary IS running behind but that's because I've had a whale of a time in LA. It will stay behind now as I simply wont catch up. I'll however keep writing and post as it's done.
Pictures are beign reordered and put into an easier format at http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery
And finally, while I'll do this job properly in the diary, I've had a bloody marvellous time and I'll remember everyone I visited. This time tomorrow I'll be homeward bound finally and I wont be logging in again for a few days while I travel.
Thanks for the memories and I hope to get back one day
God Bless,
I'm going home tomorrow and just a few notes for ya all. The diary IS running behind but that's because I've had a whale of a time in LA. It will stay behind now as I simply wont catch up. I'll however keep writing and post as it's done.
Pictures are beign reordered and put into an easier format at http://alliancemotorsport.org/gallery
And finally, while I'll do this job properly in the diary, I've had a bloody marvellous time and I'll remember everyone I visited. This time tomorrow I'll be homeward bound finally and I wont be logging in again for a few days while I travel.
Thanks for the memories and I hope to get back one day
God Bless,